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50498494 No.50498494 [Reply] [Original]

The union of states south of Canada and north of Mexico, is a union of states in a place called America, isn't it.

So it's just a collection of states that are united, because they're in a union, isn't it.

So it's "The united states of America", isn't it.

And the "United States" is a completely different thing, it's a corporation and a legal entity, isn't it.

Which means "The United States of America" refers to that corporation and legal entity, doesn't it.

We can profit from this somehow, right.

>> No.50498561

its like england, everyone just calls it 'the uk' beause of the different states in england. i think also some islands around england are also english but called the uk for brevity. it has never made sense to me or anyone that i have met. you also cannot call it 'the the uk', it is just 'the uk'.

>> No.50498585

yea now tell the federal government that who've taken power through departments like Gary Gensler (SEC) and Janet Yellen (Treasury) both of which think they can make up rules that are now laws, which last I checked only congress can do.

>> No.50498713

nearly every crypto besides BTC, according to the howey test, is already an unregistered security. Gensler made this clear back in 2021 if you remember his congressional testimony to the senate finance & banking committee, codeword "I'm a ROMCOM kinda guy".

>> No.50498759

Move to a state that will secede and get nuked, that's how you profit

>> No.50498786

LTC and XMR are not securities either, basically any PoW coin with no pre-mine isn't a security.

>> No.50498791

you really think the libs would go that far?

>> No.50498817

not the ones that excluded the american market like ren

>> No.50498935


>> No.50498959

>uk because different states of England
Kek, anon you really need to learn up. The uk comprises the countries of England, Scotland, and Wales. Its literally 3 different countries and is politically ruled along with Northern Ireland by Westminster in London. Scotland and Wales have devolved governments and largely run their own affairs, in something akin to federal government in Washington overseeing state laws elsewhere.

>> No.50498960

>smokes crack
das it mane

>> No.50500952
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>> No.50501653


The United Corporations of LGBTQ + BLM colorized in the watermelon transgender flag.