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50498083 No.50498083 [Reply] [Original]

how do i cope with average looking girls on onlyfans making 25k/mo after turning 19

it's really unfair men have to grind 10 years in college to even make half as much

when did men became enslaved to women

>> No.50498113

Who cares what this man is attracted to? I don't want men attracted to me...

>> No.50498115
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Just start a crypto and you can be a billionaire and have fun like pic related.

>> No.50498137

>when did men became enslaved to women
When we first realised we can stick our dicks in them

>> No.50498141

That’s a man.

>> No.50498165

>have dad bod

Nows our time.

>> No.50498216

That's 100% a man.

>> No.50498222
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>> No.50498227

nah, men could easily overpower women and stick their dicks in them without being enslaved to them
the issue is really we live in a feminized society, everything is for women, can't overpower women because men raised in the society will stop you and lock you up.
that was a reasonable tradeoff when we had a society where men benefited from it by having a family, but nowadays that's declining even more, so we'll see more violence from the more anti-social people as they do not accept the social contract they were born into and decide the alternative is a better option, at least at first, over time we will see more instability as more normal men recognize the issues and decide to let it fall apart.

>> No.50498257


Gynocentrism uis a modern phenomenon. Western "men" fell for the equality meme and gave women rights. Gender equality is a zero sum game, so it meant women gained rights at the expense of men.

Now that women are legally protected from having sex with sub 8 men (rape laws are misandrist), men are utterly powerless in demanding sex from women. So men just cuck out to women out of fear.

>> No.50498275

Based and legalize rape pilled

>> No.50498279

I only get laid because women flirt with me. Thank god for that because I don't give enough of a shit to chase women.

>> No.50498292

u need to be the upper elite of men to even be considered to be on the same level as average women. Average men are on par with a 2/10 women.

>> No.50498355

Congrats, women find you hot and like using you as a living dildo.

90 percent of guys are going to be fucked, and not in the literal sense. Women are realizing they don't have to deal with non-hot guys anymore.

>> No.50498365

reminder that pic related is what women call the dad bod

>> No.50498376

Is this just woman cope when they can’t get ripped guys?

>> No.50498384
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>> No.50498393

kek, true

>> No.50498407

Being "ripped" means you're a cringe gymcel 9/10 times unless you're genetically gifted. Hi yes my hobbies include gym and I like to gym and eat chicken breast plus protein powder. Also I'm a personal trainer at the gym after work I work out more lol

>> No.50498421

Most women are making like $40 a month, if you're jealous of famous onlyfans thots you should also be jealous of famous authors, actors, athletes, etc

>> No.50498427

decriminalizing rape would end feminism in one day

>> No.50498487
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i remember once hearing a girl in work say she loved daniels craigs dad bod in the bond films.
if you have love handles, no biceps, shoulders, chest etc you dont have what they call a dad bod

>> No.50498519

After 25 those girls lives will be destroyed unless they save & invest. No man wants a porn star for a wife

>> No.50498652

it's just fit, but not roided out and shaved like a gay porn twink

>> No.50498738

anon, don't worry. It's all natural, and everything will be okay in the end.
This is just what the end of civilization looks like from the inside. Enjoy the ride while it lasts, you'll be in the history books with the rest of us.

>> No.50498928

>you will never have this type of body
why isn't gmt about lifting instead of gay cardio FUCK.

I need some financial incentive to fucking move my ass or else I'll end up doing nothing but that means I won't ever look ripped asf in my lifetime. Fuck my life so much.

>> No.50498939


>> No.50498942

But doing cardio is better than doing liftings. Much better and you know what's the best thing about cardio? That it can grow YOUR PENIS!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

>> No.50498953

Can I still get /fit/ without being cringe? I'm not looking for women, I just wanna feel healthier, that's all.

>> No.50498958
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dude, you know what's worse? that this fucking retard is saying the truth

>> No.50498961

This, not even joking

>> No.50498966

>why isn't gmt about lifting instead of gay cardio FUCK.
cardio is not gay, it is much better than the gym in many ways. it gives you endurance.

>> No.50498972
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>That it can grow YOUR PENIS!!!
Now that's a really stupid LARP, even for the standards of this shithole board but at least you've made me chuckle, I'll give you that much.

>> No.50498974

Cardio and Calisthenics > Liftings


>> No.50498980

i'd rather earn money for running than work in a fucking mcdonalds, i know it's not enough to live on. but it's good money.

>> No.50498993

Hello Dante from Devil May Cry 3

>> No.50498997

Maybe if you are counting literal subhumans making tshirts in Bangladesh

>> No.50499000

kek checked.
this bitch is lying to validate simps

>> No.50499009
File: 204 KB, 951x867, 34C19194-9625-4DFD-A8A5-96A909808421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I pass as sexy dad bod? Besides the excess beer belly?

>> No.50499018

you may be fucking with that dude, but calisthenics is better than liftings, why? because you're not getting only stronger, you become skillful too, that's why many footballers do it

>> No.50499024

i like her hair

>> No.50499141

Lol why do normalfags have such retarded views on bodies? You can do a small cycle and still not look massive.
You can also do natty for years and look meh. Almost everyone is on something.

>> No.50499386

Close enough to make some desirable pussy wet

>> No.50499405

Of course, being fit is one of life's greatest pleasures. Being actually ripped is not worth it.

>> No.50499432

Actually our society of cucks is new, it is because of the Jewish subversion why men are cucks to women now

>> No.50499453

So bulky but still some fat, that’s what I have but I’d rather be ripped, don’t give a shit what women think

>> No.50499463


Damn bro, someone screenshot this shit, this is the wisdom of /fit/ distilled like a sage.

>> No.50499472

what causes women to go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.50499473

Just cut your carb/sugar in take to close as 0 as possible and the weight will melt off. AKA stop eating bread.

>> No.50499475

25K a month is not sustainable in the least, I run a graphic design studio and gained a stripper clientele from the local strip club to make flyers and set up onlyfans and physical webcam and lighting equipment after I helped a few with their setup, if you look younger than 19 you will get a flash of 300 customers that will give you a 1 month chance if youre particularly slutty, not just a closeup of your puss and tits, thats considered free content, you need to wear youthful outfits or dance or dildo yourself with face tits puss asshole and feet in frame, but after that your content gets stolen and sub is cancelled. these 300 subscribers post your shit and the rest of the world watches your reposts on xnxx. from there maybe 10-20 will become obsessed if you create alluring content, but it takes a lot of content and personality and investment in outfits and response farms(a service to respond to fans) to retain anything.

if you look older than 19 you have no choice but to do niche shit in the hopes of gaining 100 subscribers, but then you need to be consistant over time to maintain an audience, and your shit will get stolen. Theres only so many things you can pour on your feet.

Thanks to the pandemic, theres too much to look at, and its all shit quality, so the 300 subbers only give money to the ones that have "a story" because thats seen as more valuable to steal, like if you also have an Instagram or Facebook with normal pictures they can package with your onlyfans to have that "I know this normal seeming person is actually a slut" feeling. You need to have an interesting onlyfans AND interesting normal social media presence, but if you dont have a normal job your counting on 20 autists to give you $5 a month to lead an interesting life, and if the internet finds your name and normal job, you get doxxedz, and if your a stripper you get bug shamed(rumor of std)

its not a career at all, most girls give up and get call center jobs.

>> No.50499482 [DELETED] 

Why are you obsessing over this?

>> No.50499490

tranny cope

>> No.50499491

I feel like women are just so much more powerful in the digital age.

>> No.50499527

only the really young and attractive ones
women have less power now overall

>> No.50499551

you know no women

>> No.50499554

Holy fuck lmao.
Tell me you're a loser without telling me you're a loser.


>> No.50499579
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this is pretty funny.
now that tik thots are a thing becuase alot of "trad" morality implicitly condones you getting a boner when some chick is talking in a sweet voice and putting on them cat eyes.
so our repressed sexuality has been commodified and chicks just need to throw on some make up put on a filter and smile at you for donos.
and all the little christian kids and kids of high moral virtue end up donating to them becuase they said hi to you.
excatly what happened to me in middle school. bough some one a nacklace from the mall becuase she wanted it.
me ;totally clueless.
now the only way for men to get the upper hand is to force these modest whores to do some reall heard sex work and just straight up legalize sex work.

>> No.50499630
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>I’d rather be ripped, don’t give a shit what women think
no surprise there

>> No.50499651

don't worry, nobody is attracted to you

>> No.50499789

Im in my 30s, big as fuck, but I dress and act like a Daddy, suddenly Im fucking 20-25 year olds one after the other after the pandemic, so many chicks have been brainwashed by step familyporn and their own daddy issues its created a subset of people wanting to be in ddlg relationships, but most guys dont have the older look, maturity or their life together, really you need a car and confidence and you can fuck anyone in the woods if you need too, if you actually have a place no excuse, buy a vest, treat all girls like children, learn to talk yet flirt, wink and bathe

>> No.50499833

>when did men became enslaved to women
If you're a simp you should just be barred from making more than 30k a year. You're not gonna reproduce, so why let simps ruin the dating market for everyone else?

>> No.50499892

not worth it. I'm not a metrosexual fuck off

>> No.50499894

The end of arranged marriages (or anyway the severe decline of them) in the 17th century allowed for several hundred years of increasing feminism.

There was a famous boomer singer named Tom Jones, but he only hit it big when he was 25 because an 18 year old named Sandie Shaw was -already- famous and recommended him to some people who made his career happen. Humphrey Bogart was 41 when he finally 'made it' and his career took off. He was 57 when he died, he spent literally the majority of his life trying to hit that golden point where he had fame, cash and pussy to spare and was middle aged by the time he got there. Meanwhile all his costars were like 20. Women will complain that "no one remembers his starlet costars" because nothing is ever good enough for them, which is why no one should give them anything in the first place.

The commercialization and abstraction of the economy and society away from "young warrior king dabs on his enemies, young laborer builds a house, young soldier fights the war and lives in the house" to "old boomer collects rent money and dividends and turns that into income for some onlyfans whore while his middle aged son just bought a house with no help from his dad" is the reason society is niggered the fuck up. Old men should be married, old men shouldn't be thinking with their dicks, old men shouldn't get free money for existing. Luckily this will sort itself out. Unluckily it will probably be millennials and zoomers who become the old men who eat shit. This is also the reason I will never help a boomer, because I'm going to suffer no matter what I might as well enough being young instead of alleviating the suffering of old fucks.

>> No.50499950

>skinnyfat dudes with a little bicep are now peak male
4chan is gonna make it.

>> No.50499984

Unfortunately thats the bear minimum, Ive witnessed lonely girls literally tell me they would fuck my ugly friend if they just showered and then fuck them in the water at a lake, maybe have first down by the river?

>> No.50500356

Isn't this an inflation signal /biz/bros? So many useless women making money without producing anything usefull and spending that money on superficial stuff will boost inflation,right?

>> No.50500388

Thanks handsome

Learn your body types. I’m south of the order of built fat, the other man is built just not ripped.

Skinny fat means ghoul build with an added beer pouch.

>> No.50500405

I've seen some of these onlyfan whores owning 35 BTC and having them sitting around in wallets instead of moving them around and using them to generate more profit. Can someone explain this to me? Why don't they give them some use like stake them? Imagine 35 k BTC on a 200% APY on loveloot, you would be generating twice as much money in 90 days, regardless of pumps or dumps

>> No.50500422

It is and it makes perfect sense when you think about it.
We have the Fed printing trillions in free money and lending it to private capital at almost zero interest.
Then the private capital funds these billion dollar tech unicorns.
Then a bunch of overpaid nerds get six figures to write some shitty web app.
Said nerds then pay a hot chick on the internet for feet pics because they know they're too pussy to get some irl.
It's all coming to a head with this recession.
Get ready bros.

>> No.50500429
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Zoomers will just cannibalize whatever is going on with gen alpha if things keep getting shittier

>> No.50500437

Cute boy

>> No.50500451

QRD on ghoul build?

>> No.50500462

>tfw no mentally ill lonely chick who will let me fuck them in the pool (lakes are dirty)

>> No.50500484

Then you reach the stage afterwards where you realize, no, society really does suck female dick way too much to the point where 'girls have fun' through their prime while men have to grind endlessly and face constant reputational attacks if they finally make it and date down (younger, prettier) women by seething harpies and that your goal should be to change this gay simp-ciety, not enable it.

>> No.50500497

Because women don't succeed on their own or proactively, the entire premise of onlyfans is that sadfags are sending them btc in hopes of getting some exclusive feet pics or whatever the fuck.

>> No.50500520
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Asmongold is ghoul / skinny fit hybrid leaning a little heavier towards ghoul

>> No.50500521

thank God i am not you

>> No.50500554
File: 55 KB, 680x452, 9A493C90-92F3-438E-93C6-73F66443E041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have beautiful lat/delt/pec genetics even if I’m only at 60% of my true form

Thank you

>> No.50500564
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>and that your goal should be to change this gay simp-ciety, not enable it.
There is simply no way to change wahmen's rights until everything completely collapses. There's just no way that the normalfag overton window would ever go there.
The only way to legally change anything would be to write laws to stop men from getting ripped apart over shit they couldn't have done anything about. Even that would be a hard sell.

>> No.50500579
File: 220 KB, 715x365, F183AD7C-A903-4726-9821-F3578DD99625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgetting the horrendous beer gut just look at those proportions dear god ima coom

>> No.50500631

This is the body of a GME holder lads, bow and submit

>> No.50500815

Who dis?