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50497981 No.50497981 [Reply] [Original]

Turns out taking melatonin pills every day might fuck with my nervous system becuase I’ll fuck with my own natural ability to produce it or some shit but if I don’t take it I can’t sleep.
I trade, guys. I’m not some faggot developer on Warsaw getting paid $999k a month or some shit. I need something else to help me sleep.

>> No.50497996

>I trade, guys

>> No.50498011

Get tired. How? That's not my problem. Exercise or have sex until you fall asleep, DYOR

>> No.50498022

>I can't sleep
nigga just close your eyes, ain't that hard

>> No.50498025


>> No.50498037
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>Exercise or have sex until you fall asleep, DYOR

>> No.50498078

did you try some tea? it can relax you and help you a bit

>> No.50498096

try grabbing hard onto your cock for 3 hours and you'll eventually fall asleep

ancient chinese ritual

>> No.50498108

oh dude, imagine the cum

>> No.50498116

grabbing my own dick has made me fall asleep a lot of times

>> No.50498129

I started taking magnesium supplements recently. It's a fucking game changer. Makes me sleep and poop good.

>> No.50498139
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Do you what is even better? Grab a fucking boob. Goddamn, sleep with a boob in my hand is the only reason to not hate women that much

>> No.50498190

you can use stepn to profit your exercise and get tired, that's the best solution IMO

>> No.50498213

you can do some changes in your room, sometimes reorganize your space can help

>> No.50498243

shit's too hard

>> No.50498265

no fucking way, a shiller in an offtopic thread

>> No.50498271

>I’m not some faggot developer
You fucked up. Now it's time to kys and start over

>> No.50498281

>Do you what is even better?

>> No.50498286

It's called masturbation

>> No.50498297
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>> No.50498302

Cope. no other choice left

>> No.50498306

Ser, we don't tolerate faggots in here

>> No.50498326


>> No.50498371

go fucking exercise and go outside

>> No.50498399

Racist wypipo be harvesting my fellow kangz for this pills

>> No.50499770

>set alarm for 4am
>stay awake all day

>let yourself fall asleep in the early evening
>wake up the following morning when your alarm, which is now set at a reasonable time, like 7 or 8am goes off

>> No.50499836

Weed helps. If you can get it or grow it. Melatonin tolerance builds quickly and can even make you depressed.

>> No.50499888

Take 300 mcg extended release melatonin. Its a low enough dose that it wont fuck with your natural ability to produce melatonin and its extended release so it'll keep you staying sleepy for at least 4-6 hours.

Also maybe try just not going to sleep one day and go to bed early the next? There's also white noise (I like bird sounds) and just idk imagine being the softest thing in the universe and being at peace with whatever happens.

My rule is that I should feel like I'm sleeping when I'm lying in bed even if im awake. If not I just work on something until I can think that way

>> No.50500054

Put on blue light blocking glasses at 9:00 pm and wake up each day and put on blue light emitting glasses for an hour

Problem Solved

That'll be 10k in monero

>> No.50500078

chubbyemu made a video about vitamin b deficiency. and only found out about it after drinking energy drinks with b vitamins and passing out.

maybe thats whats wrong with you, you dont have enough of the stuff in your body.

>> No.50500117

uh, literally just go outside. Sunlight makes you produce melatonin. Also helps with other biology stuff.

>> No.50500125

I just drank my urine. Makes me sleepy pretty fast

>> No.50500135

Dude weed lmao

>> No.50500163

You'll grow bitch tits
It interferes with your hormones

>> No.50500176

>I’ll fuck with my own natural ability to produce it or some shit but if I don’t take it I can’t sleep
That's a myth.

>> No.50500216

glass of milk