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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50493861 No.50493861 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't bathed or left the house in almost 2 months and have no hope. should I just off myself?

>> No.50494096

are u poor? if u are then yes.

>> No.50494236


>> No.50494252

Bro bathing/showering is pleasurable as fuck. I never understood this element of neetdom. It's not like being covered in hot water is a chore, it feels good. What's the deal?

>> No.50494367

I use to do this also and I didn't brush my teeth for 2 years but now I'm rich and run my own company so keep Goin brother I still don't know how it happened lol

>> No.50494395

what do you eat? do you have a feeder mom? do you somehow have $500 a month to order delivery everyday?

>> No.50494411

It doesn't disgust myself, but I find it retarded when people say "they love a shower!".

At the very least it's a waste of time; say you just had a shower; would you want to go again?

If not then: maybe you are a dirty bastard too often.

>> No.50494438

Say you just ate dinner; would you want to eat the same dinner again?

When you've been outside getting sweaty it feels super good to wash the dirt off, if you've been more than a day or two laying around the house and get crusty it also feels good

That doesn't mean you're going to shower everyday, but being physically active to work up a sweat is a natural part of everyday life, hiding in a climate controlled room for weeks on end is not a natural or healthy way of living...

>> No.50494439
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What are the best and worst parts of your day?

>> No.50494453

i don't understand the despair of the other side either, being stinky is awesome

>> No.50494457

Take a shower
Hit the weights
Get a clue

>> No.50494550

"sweat = dirt" is a meme produced by unhealthy eating
you're not supposed to stink of you sweat
you're not even supposed to sweat much

>> No.50494568

Okay; you are the one who assumed that sweat = dirt

It feels good to wash the sweat off, maybe if you actually went outside, touched grass, and got some physical activity on occasion, you would know what I'm talking about, instead of trying to compare it to your natural condition of being soaked in a weak of grease from your pores

>> No.50494800

> went outside, touched grass, and got some physical activity
still that doesn't necessarily mean stench
it's usually bad eating that accelerates it

>> No.50494906

imagine the smell

>> No.50494924



>> No.50494994

i work outside all day, fuck you you coddled fuck.

>> No.50495049

if it's a hard labor meme, I get it.
I don't get people sitting on a desk all day and pretending they always stink unless they have a shower every 12 hours.

>> No.50495085

once again missing the point that showering after getting good and sweaty is an enjoyable experience in itself regardless of how much you smell

>> No.50495128

I'm not a woman.

>> No.50495169

itt: smelly neets who have no self awareness arguing with Chad about practicing basic hygiene

You guys disgust me, wash your ass for fucks sake

>> No.50495170 [DELETED] 

The only platform I'm using now is Yopi Network. cause:

>90 days lock for 66% APY
>Play & Earn RPG Games
>There are many tools to earn money within the yopi.network
>Few big partnerships coming up

>> No.50495236

youre a stinky fat man, we know

>> No.50495264

Jesus is my hope. I was hopeless. Had a gun in my mouth the only thing that stopped me was not hurting my mother by doing that. Jesus restored my hope. I'm a completely new man. Don't quit. Endure and your life can change

>> No.50495300

It's one think to not leave the house, it's another to not keep up with your health. Doctor suggests a single dose of rope and cope

>> No.50495306

True but there has been moment when I had so little will to live that I stayed in bed for 3 days without eating or showering.

>> No.50495358

still not a woman tho

>> No.50497530

Read the Bible, what do you have to lose? There are websites that will send you one for free if you google it, or you can just download an epub or read it online. It's a book full of hope

>> No.50497841

when I worked in office I had no time to shower I was in for 6 min and out. neeting was 60min showers

>> No.50498256


How specifically did Jesus give you hope? What happened?

>> No.50498304

>Hit the weights
This. Also doing some cardio wouldn't hurt either. Might even use it as an opportunity to earn some GMT while you're at it.

>> No.50498428

that's completely based considering the fact that you're being a fucking healthy man and are earning at least a buck just for being something healthy lmao

>> No.50498442

cardio + money? the dream of /fit/fags

>> No.50498448

well... not bad, market is shit and this is a good solution

>> No.50498449
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Unironically based. Seek Jesus and find salvation, frens!

>> No.50498453

lmaooo... I prefer to invest in coin, it always brings money.

>> No.50498454

nobody here in /biz/ does exercises

>> No.50498465

Masturbating counts as a cardio?

>> No.50498476 [DELETED] 

>abrahamic religion shill
fuck off

>> No.50498478

Nope, but doing sex yes ;^)

>> No.50498516
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>tfw you live in a country where you can get robbed even if you walk in the middle of the day

>> No.50498524
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Turn to Jesus Christ with all your heart.
You will not regret it.

>> No.50498535

you sound cool