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5049221 No.5049221 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5049248

dumping my eth and ltc in bch for january moon mission

>> No.5049254

Do it, fuck it
It's going to get added to coinbase on January.mit can only go up from where it is now

>> No.5049255
File: 517 KB, 651x1024, DQywPtSUEAA7TKP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's 3


>> No.5049263

Diversify, put 50% in both.

>> No.5049266

i really don't like that richard heart guy, roger is a chad compared to this chubby doofus.

>> No.5049309

the only thing is the low hashpower reducing the security of the network but it's probably more secure than every other coin besides btc

the amount of real world adoption coming in 2018 its terrifying to think what the price could be

>> No.5049340

Im putting $500 a day in Bitcoin Cash for the last few days.

It might be a good idea to put half my Bitcoin in Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.5049344

Xrp fees are definitely higher than 0.0004 cents

>> No.5049398

>shit hashpower

But at the same time the DAA is in 3-4 days so it would be a good idea to accumulate right now. I sold a bunch of alts for BCH at 0.09

>> No.5049435

Why are the Bitcoin devs making their currency so unusable?

What do they get from it?

>> No.5049447

Holy shit that charts so wrong.

>> No.5049470

i don think difficulty matters much anymore

>> No.5049494


>> No.5049558

They're working on the lightning network for a durable scaling. It takes time but they make sure it's secure, unlike bcash and 2X fags

>> No.5049598
File: 1.85 MB, 2334x2321, roger ver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go anon

>> No.5049600

They get paid by Blockstream (who are backed by the Rothschilds) to make bitcoin centralized with LN so ppl can get taxed on it. It's all a jew scheme to avoid killing banks.
The next difficulty should be at +20%. If I were Jihan I'd be stupid to not do another attack to attempt to kill bitcoin again. Speciially from the flood from normiebase which filled the mempool for the first time (they are kicking out the transactions that have the least fees), this attack would be much bigger than the one from last month.

>> No.5049614

But why not increase the block sizes?

>> No.5049644
File: 238 KB, 1267x568, DNA5sDQW0AAEg3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's your "Lightning Network"
Pic related.

>> No.5049658

he's a shill or a delusional bag holder there is no justification for a 1mb block, in any criteria

>> No.5049675

>no programming knowledge
>smart person who understands basic economic concepts

>> No.5049713
File: 2.38 MB, 2918x2901, 1510531599562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>understands basic economic concepts
>tries to bring down the entire world

>> No.5049720

Jesus that’s bad. Might take the plunge.

What’s the best wallet?

>> No.5049904

> He still think devs control BTC

> Why is blockstream neutering BTC to make money on the sidechain? FTFY

Because banks nigga.

>> No.5050014

> successful millionaire ebay seller
> goes in prison because he sold illegal firecrackers
> learns Japanese in prison and moves to Japan after because he likes asian qt3.14s just like the rest of us
> makes bitcoin cash because he wants a fast and useable coin unlike CoreStream who just want to make more money

>> No.5050026

How do we stop him

>> No.5050139

Are any of you actually making btc transactions on segwit? It is literally 4x cheaper.

>> No.5050143

No. BCash is for actual retards

>> No.5050167

1 post by this id

>> No.5050241

Give me one reason why to spend 17k on 1 Bitcoin...

>> No.5050295

yea, retards who like to make money lmao

>> No.5050341


Seriously, give me one reason why btc would be better than bch

>> No.5050361

One reason btw:

At any point in time, LukeJR could dump all BCH (he has been working on bitcoin since 2011, was operating a big mining pool). So can all other core devs.

Another reason:

BCH roadmap is planning hardforks every 6 months. They are planning to change the block rate to every 2 mins instead of 10, which if not executed perfectly will change the 21mil BCH limit. This will be a contentious change and may result in split chain.

>> No.5050381

hey you should fomo in now, its your cue

>> No.5050419

We are definitely not changing the blocktime. Very few people want that.

>> No.5050457

They’re insulting Satoshi left and right who have us Cryptocurrency.


“I think Satoshi’s a sellout”
“And I think that he could burn his private keys now and not risk the future economy of the world , with an unknown party holding 10% of it”
“Who may have given those keys to his kid, and his kid might be the next HITLER”
“Or he may have gotten a mental illness and gotten whacky himself”
“Or he has some other socially dangerous beliefs”
“This guy’s accruing a lot of money and he’s a variable that we’re unaware of”
“He could be renouncing his control of his keys and he’s not.”
“Which means he’s either a bitch or he’s dead”
“Those are the only two options I’m aware of”

- Bitcoin core dev

>> No.5050475

Okay, LukeJr. No one likes you. Please dump us your Bitcoin Cash so that you will not be associated with the future of money.

>> No.5050562


It's not really up to you.

>> No.5050626

Fake Satoshi has clearly said that 2mins blocks aren't going to happen. Also, Luke probably owns jackshit BCH compared to the amount Xapo dumped since the hardfork(650k) and Grayscale Investments (175k last month). The only dump left to fear is Coinbase but at this rate I doubt that a dump would even happen.

>> No.5050685

Yeah it really is. This isn't kikestream, someone would have to make a really good argument to change peoples opinions.

>> No.5050699

Cuz when Coinbase releases all its Bcash to its clients they will sell it and the price will crash.

>> No.5050724

cRipple shills never change. Why not paypal if you're willing to Ripple?

Centralized crypto. Bank controlled. Puhlease.

>> No.5050746


Seems like pretty soon you won't be able to run a node so...

>> No.5050753

Is paypal going to get added to coinbase? Didn't think so.

>> No.5050774

so... I alongside the majority don't follow that hardfork. Wow insane that people can vote with their holdings.

>> No.5050794

To use LN, you need to pay a tx fee to open a channel, lock up your funds, and then pay another fee to close the channel. While your funds are in the channel, they can only be xfered to the peer you are connected with. You're locked to 1 person with those funds until you close the channel. Literally the stupidest system in existence for using a currency. No one will use it. People need to realize Blockstream has no incentive to increase usability, they literally want Bitcoin to die.

>> No.5050798

Node argument is also complete fucking shit because users aren't the ones running them in the first place.