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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50492171 No.50492171 [Reply] [Original]

So I wanted to start by saying, thank you /biz/.

I made a post here 3 years ago, asking about how I wanted to get a job with computers that required excell knowledge and asked things I should do for my interview, ect.

I was a 31 year old jobless virgin who never worked, and, well, I got the job on a 10 dollars an hour salary, which lead to me getting a wife, which lead to me getting a house(my father helps with half that though), and getting a son. You guys in one thread changed my life around, and I am deeply greatful.

I have need of your help again

I am now working at 13 dollars an hour, haven't gotten a raise in about a year(I feel like if I ask for one I'd be declined, this small business I work for did provide my family with a lot of help with baby stuff like a stroller and diapers) but with the current economy, and, well, the stagnation of what I'm doing, I have higher sights than being an office clerk.

I have no college, but I did graduate high school. I have no criminal record, 3 years of office clerk assistant with computers. I don't think I'm at an IT level(no formal training) but I regularly fix our employee's computers on a monthly basis.

I want to make more money, at least double what I make now, I want to live comfortably with 3 kids(we want 2 more) without being too dependent on the government.

I also want to grow, I want to continue to improve myself, I want to continue to learn new things, and I feel like I have this wasted potential because what I'm doing feels very menial.

What should I do? I'm 34, would college even be worth looking into? Can I bypass college? I feel like it's a scam.

My employer does like me a lot and I'm very independent and self motivated, and reliable and honest. Their words not mine.

Next posts is what I've considered:

>> No.50492294

I considered working for the post office, but I heard that's really hard physical larbor and theres no real growth there. A big reason why I didn't have a job before is because I am physically weak due to a muscle disease.

My second consideration was being a civilian working for the military? I have a friend in the marines who suggested something like a "GS workforce"?

I also saw an ad for "mycomputercareer" that said if I attend class 3 times a week for 7 months, no degree/IT experience needed, is that worth looking into?

7 months seems fine, I just dont want to be in college for 4 some years before I see a buck.

>> No.50492425

depends entirely on where you live. if you're in or near a large city you'll have a lot more opportunities for advancement. but it sounds like you live in an incredibly rural area seeing as $13/hour is poverty tier wages in 99% of the country (including my 3000 population hometown.)

honestly you need to look at your local job market and see what kind of requirements they want for higher paying work. it's hard to give a one size fits all answer because labor markets are local and variable.

>> No.50492632

We have a technical college near here, they offer free enrollments.

If I go there, would I be able to discuss on a career path?

Also is there a place I can go to to learn about this irl? Using glassdoors is kind of sucky.

>> No.50492795
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you dumb broke nigger i am being paid more to shitpost

>> No.50493021
File: 1.07 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20220721-140832_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally get paid more to watch faggot hypno so... Maybe reconsider your options?

>> No.50493139

Anon i’ll give you some help, you should do some online certificates you can find them for free, Excel, Phyton etc etc.

If you want to get into coding i’ll post the links in the next reply.

but yes you should try downloading telegram getting into chats
discord . gg m3tablox the 3 is a e the dev there is giving free eth like $50 worth if u do some tasks takes about 16 mins to do so

you can become a shiller an all that on the side to make extra money well your at home please do not fade this it is how i made a lot of money than bought other coins and made more money.

So on try the free college classes an online certificate would be more helpful

I don’t know how you are living on 13$/hr an got a house where do u live must be comfy asf keep growing bro. yur gmi

>> No.50493166

How does watching gay hypnosis get you paid?

>> No.50493177
File: 99 KB, 783x766, 1658259639615136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you get paid to watch gay porn. uhh not that I'm interested but um... explain?

>> No.50493181

Coding links to learn



>> No.50493204

op is clearly some retard being kept afloat by mommy and daddy's need for grandkids. not everyone's parents enable mediocrity, don't be like op.

>> No.50493298

Ignore the shills on here, it's gotten really bad as of the last year or two. My recommendation would be to enroll in night classes or online courses at your local tech school for a 2yr degree in IT etc
I know you want to see immediate results, but the problem is that it genuinely takes some time to learn, especially at our age.
Invest the time into learning and securing a better future for yourself and your family anon, you can do it
I went into a 2 year tech program and just from putting that on my resume I got hired after only 1 semester of school

>> No.50493320
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>wife and kid
>on $10bux/hr

i make $4k-6k/month and i cant afford any of that.

>> No.50493342

How can I get paid to do this?

>> No.50493436

This isn’t the same biz as 3 years ago

>> No.50493458

Wow brother, huge congratulations to you, and God bless. I highly recommend you get a LinkedIn account. Set it to "open to recruiter contact." With your experience, and assuming you present OK, you should be able to get a raise doing some type of IT or office work, possible even remote. You can also list any skills and certs on there as well.

>> No.50493464

hes a rural bumfuck coasting on daddys wallet