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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50489096 No.50489096 [Reply] [Original]

Are rich people the biggest faggots in the world? Ronaldo actually paid a woman a flat salary to have his kid instead of marrying him like a good man should, what the fuck is wrong with these fags?

>> No.50489116

europe died with catholicism. judeo-babylon now

>> No.50489143
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>paid a woman a flat salary to have his kid
>not paying multiple women flat salaries to have your kids
I agree, what a fag.

>> No.50489145

Smart as fuck in today's world. marriage is a suicide pact.

>> No.50489167

>Celebrity worship
You're in the wrong board faggot.

>> No.50489186

Better than her taking half of your salary.
Only war, famine and economic collapse can bring back a church lead patriarchy.

>> No.50489190


if you're dealing with White women expect only treachery

>> No.50489209

>like a good man should
Golddigger wahmen detected

>> No.50489217

someone sounds poor

>> No.50489288

This is a laughing at tradcucks thread now

>> No.50489315

we really don't need any more brown children, though.

>> No.50489343

Based. Setting a fixed rate stops her from trying to claim everything later.

>> No.50489342

sounds smart as fuck to me. marriage is a three way contract that can be levered by the state to favor women through ambiguities in expectations about spousal relationships. if the purpose is to have children and provide for them, why not make it as clear cut as possible?

>> No.50489389

lol, you must be a woman or a faggot that was raised by a single mother.

>> No.50489521

Did he at least get to fuck the woman or was it something gay like artificial insemination?

>> No.50489860

>instead of marrying him
How Ronaldo make baby with man??
Is this the power of Euro faggotry?

>> No.50489877


>> No.50489943

>Automatic -50%
>Some shitty ad $$ pays it, literally means nothing to him

>> No.50489958

even the woman who he is with right now and had a bunch of his younger kids is not married to him. marriage would bring too many liabilities and FUCK giving her 50% of his wealth if she decides to become a old ass thot and divorce him in the future. cr7 is actually red pilled when it comes to these hoes

>> No.50489997

why do dudes always kill their wives? Why not kill divorce lawyers and judges if you are so ruined.

>> No.50490075

Because they're getting rich of idiots who thought marriage is a good idea. Doesn't get more based than this.

>> No.50490145

If I was rich I'd marry a polite and quiet Asian woman and pay a pure German to carry my kid

>> No.50490417

that's exactly what i would do too: paying the mother of my chldren to take care of the kids as a full time job

>> No.50490493

The whole sports business is molesting the young players. Places like brazil the elites probably fuck the whole team jn the ass. Its just another hierarchical judeo masonic racket to get close to kids.

>> No.50490613

maybe he fucked her but not to impregnate her. i'm sure he did artificial insemination so he can choose the best possible sperm out of the bunch, and maximize his kid's chances of becoming a footballer.

>> No.50490693
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I can't figure out of this is a smart thing to do or if God would punish us for procreating this way

>> No.50490808

obviously it's bad, a child needs his father
cowardly, childish and irresponsible
degenerate, in short

>> No.50490993

>God would punish
stop being a religious cuck who think his religion out of thousands is the truth. there is no sky daddy that will judge your for your actions

>> No.50491040

we've come full circle

>> No.50491307

lmao you’re in /biz/, retard.

>> No.50491822

>that physique
that's literally what the average gmt user (or at least the ones who actually commit to it) look like no matter how hard it makes chuds cope and seethe about it lmfao.

Also, Messi is better than him due to being more white than Ronaldo. Don't @ me.

>> No.50491915

Convert to Islam it unironically has the answers. Rules for marriage with multiple women, property and inheritance laws are well fleshed out.

>> No.50492721

It's been 15 years i've heard this trad bullshit. I'm tired with it.

>> No.50492728

Meatheads are the same regardless of money.
Money just enables them.