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50488772 No.50488772 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50488804

>seething manlet
I'm poor, had many relationships and fuck toys.
All I want is to be mildly successful without any clingons.
This kid never knew the pain of being in a relationship or unrequited love.
Spoiler alert women are incapable of feeling/loving without a monetary gain out of it so all love is unrequited.

>> No.50488817

Your car.

>> No.50489870


>> No.50489893

try mogadishu

>> No.50489938

If this dude was patient, he would of make it

>> No.50490193

European populated cities in South America

>> No.50490217
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Bump finally got 1500$ of VA gibs.
I want to live in costa Rica and do security for boomers who are afraid of brown people. Will live on a sail boat. Please advise senpai’s!!

>> No.50490268
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False. I am a poorfag and my GF literally loves me.

That said she is bananas and all women are mentally ill or whores.

>> No.50492066

in the US? not without roommates

>> No.50493152

you will suck king elliots cock and you will like it

>> No.50493261

>my GF literally loves me.
She probably cheats on you, Mr beta bux.

>> No.50493314

thailand would be comfortable, but you wouldn't be living like a king

>> No.50493410

You might be able to live ok but you will never be a king on 500$/month. Not even in Africa, especially because then you'd be surrounded by niggers.

>> No.50494112

in pattaya for 1,000$ yeah
for 500$ no

>> No.50494154


>> No.50494296

“Dolphins 3Oclock! Hit em with the .50!!!”

>> No.50494473

$20,000 a year post-tax is about the lowest you can live acceptably if you are only responsible for your own personal expenses. No gf, no children, no charity, no luxury. You can probably get away with a little less than that, but not much. $20,000 is about as low as you can get while still having some personal human dignity. You can live cheaper, but you rapidly approach having to do shit like hitting up soup kitchens, digging in garbage cans for leftovers, showering at YMCAs, doing all your shopping at Goodwill, and crap like that. You're a subhuman at that point. Shoot for $20,000 bare minimum.

>> No.50494485

small town Iowa maybe?

>> No.50494513

I'm 33, how much longer do I have to be patient yet ?

>> No.50494560
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Eastern Europe easily there are many areas just avoid tourist traps and scams. Average salary is like 10k a year, so you can expect their citizens still need to exist
If you want to live like a king for that much and just WFH consider SEA
Personally, I wouldn't want to be surrounded by insectoids and niggers or niggers jr (spics)

>> No.50494578

Share a house or room with other people would be only way. Idk why everyone wants to live alone

>> No.50494587

Easily doable if you're young and single and in the EU
go to a small Bulgarian town where rent is $50 for a single-room thing with kitchen & bathroom
pay $100 for food, $15 for health insurance (just don't hope for more than basic care when you get old), $100 for utilities
leaves you with $200-$250 to amortize clothes/PC/appliances

you can even do it in Germany but probably for twice as much. Health insurance there is like $250, food is like 20-30% more, utilities would probably be more too

it probably impinges on the "comfortable" condition, but I want to mention it. There are many old people with no living relatives. It's possible to arrange to live with some grandma, rent-free, just as someone who is nearby and will call the ambulance if she falls. You can even get paid but then they'll probably expect chores. There are also many abandoned rural houses so you could just move in or even buy an old house for $5-10k (obviously not gonna last you a century, but at that price, even 10 years is good..)

>> No.50494695
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You have to keep up with yearly VA appointments or they can stop paying. And there might be issues with the VA payments going to foreign bank accounts. Just do PMC work while you're still in shape. Put your money in index funds and retire within 5 to 10 years. Or go back to school with GI bill gibs and get a decent paying job to stack on top of disability.
t. 90% fag

>> No.50494751

Bulgaria is a shitehole though, everyday you will fear for you life as with the rest of the Balkans Serbia and Albania total warzones
Germany could be interesting but you'll need minimum $1k/month and you also have to find the non-kiked areas that isn't full of lgbt faggots and holocaust advocators

anyone have any experience with Greece or Hungary ? Could be a reasonable middle-ground

>> No.50494898

>everyday you will fear for you life
if this is an issue, rural is always an option. Not much to fear if you live in a village of 100 people, all of them geriatrics
have to avoid the ones with gypsies though

but yeah romania/portugal/greece/hungary/spain/italy are all options, dont know the specific finances though, point is to go to an area that is short on people

$1k/mo for Germany is an overestimate imo, I lived there on less and it was in a student town ($250 warm rent in a WG, <$150 food, $250 health insurance and the rest was PC parts/steam games etc - depends on your habits and lifestyle)

>> No.50495008
File: 615 KB, 2500x1666, tbilisi-night-GettyRF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Georgia, Tbilisi, is a based option - so fucking cheap, safe, 1 year visa on arrival, good food, nice people, english is well spoken by anyone under 30, no tax, some of the best clubs in Europe, could live better than 99% of western people on $700-1000 a month

>> No.50495029

also forgot to mention, no muslims and gays if that is important to you...

>> No.50495045
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bulgaria is safer than western europe
but fuck off we are full anyway

>> No.50495077 [DELETED] 

nope unless you wanna live with niggers

>> No.50495540

Is that Reviewbrah's grandfather?!

>> No.50495799 [DELETED] 

Because most people are awful

>> No.50496066

>1 year visa on arrival
What happens after 1 year? Can you continue staying there for another year or do you have to go to another country for a few months before returning?

>> No.50496104

live yes, but you used the word comfortable which leads me to believe you are delusional

>> No.50496135

Portland OR, if you don't mind having housemates.

>t. moving there next month

>> No.50496154

plenty of poor towns along Appalachia

>> No.50496163

Not a bad line tbqh

He's too narcissistic to make it. He'd never settle.

>> No.50496475

you can literally leave country for a second and visa will be renewed

>> No.50496789

thanks anon, that's pretty cool, never heard of any country doing that before.

>> No.50497134

You know you can leave the VA deposit into a US bank and transfer and they won’t know, right..?

>> No.50497275

>"I've had many relationships"
You are just as unloved and inexperience as elliot rodgers if you haven't had a great fulfilling relationship with a woman that transcends "monetary gain". God you sound fucking pathetic, you really sound like an emotionally stunted little faggot

>> No.50497366

His father failed him.

>> No.50497401


when i got my first big boy job making 70k i spent 5 years living on about 18k a year, 800 rent, no furniture (just computer desk) no tv, 35 dollar phoner and 70 internet, rarely did anything recreational, and did nothing but pay off my debt and save. food was my biggest cost, i was too lazy to cook so averaged maybe 9-10 usd per meal, usually only eating once or twice per day
i'm doing really really well now, have a condo and a paid off car, and no debt whatsoever, net worth probably around 250k, but i dont think most people could live like i did. I didnt even go to the movies and bought maybe 5-8 games a year. I also have very few friends.

>> No.50497406

Not on $500 a month unless he gets HUD, EBT, and other gibs. Average small towns in that region are going up in costs with no pay raise above minimum wage with dying towns that aren't bringing in new jobs. The population growth along with an aging population is dooming these people to homelessness and hard grinds in the very very near future.

>> No.50497428
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>incapable of pair bonding

>> No.50497466

This. Women can love, it's just not the love of a sane being. So do you really want it that bad?

>> No.50497468

You can pretty much live comfortably anywhere with 500k a month.

>> No.50498076

maybe in ur 3rd world shithole. anywhere in the first world it won't even cover ur electricity bill

>> No.50498976

he was severely autistic

>> No.50499486

The resemblance is uncanny

>> No.50501810

I'm a leaf that moved to southern europe and I live on 500 a month, but I bought a small house in cash first (40k CAD). Live off my trading income

>> No.50501819

Unironically Thailand
my cousin works as a Web3 dev and makes like $3k from staking BitDAO tokens and ETH coins

Ended up moving over to Thailand and is living fucking lavishly for $2k a month

>> No.50501832

What about Egypt? Some Egypt anon here?

>> No.50502235

day trip to Armenia is the common thing here

>> No.50502506

My question is how to make at least $1500-$2000 a month remotely. I’m an American but I have no idea what I would be able to do to make it happen since I’m not from a tech background.

I learn quickly and can grind out a new skill if I decide on what to do. Just not sure what skill would be best to be able to live in eastern Europe and make it happen.

>> No.50502781

You can buy a house for 10k in hungary. Only problem is that those fuckers don't speak english and are incredibly rude.

>> No.50502905


>> No.50503822
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What kinda astronaut wizardry they using to gravity the wall?

>> No.50503837
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Argentina. Hurry up tough.