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50484391 No.50484391 [Reply] [Original]

I’m 24 and if I don’t make it by 30 I’m going to kill myself

>> No.50484425

Why wait? It is mathematically certain that it will only get worse for you so if you think about it isnt the proper and efficient play here to do an hero to spare yourself the unavoidable future (and current) pain and suffering?

>> No.50484484
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The only certainty is death which will come once I have no will left

>> No.50484595

Do you have a passion? I was heavily influenced by the first 3 Metal Gear games as a child, I've wanted to make games ever since. When you're on a clear path that's in line with your soul you won't worry about making it by a certain time. I'm on the way, that's all that matters.
Develop skills and pick up friends along the way when you can.

>> No.50484630

I said that myself at your age. I just turned 33. You'll change the goalposts to 40 like I did too.

>> No.50484787
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if you do it you'll be a faggot forever for doing it. maybe do it now and accept that you are a faggot anyway for thinking about it

>> No.50484817

listen to this anon, you are young as fuck OP

>> No.50484865

Same, but 34 and 40

>> No.50485033

Sneed none of the people who say they'll kill themselves at 30 or 40 ever do because petty age-related reasons are a bad and unfulfilling reason for suicide, you have to actually hit rock bottom and have no real reason to live. Simply "not being rich and fucking a different hot girl every day" isn't a reason to kill yourself.

>> No.50485077

>Why wait? It is mathematically certain that it will only get worse for you
wrong. That's only true for people that don't invest. I almost retired a few times in the past.
Same. I'm 27. Was going to be a millionaire last year if btc had a blowoff top. Was deep into 6 figs

>> No.50485095

this is cope.
Career = for normies. No, op isn't young. That's bullshit.

>> No.50485100

you wont do it pussy, go suck on some dick.

>> No.50485219
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23 is the last “young” age after that the youth excuse is insidious cope

>> No.50485269

If you are a 70 year old boomer and totally broke then you're not young. If you're 34 or 24 or whatever and saying your back aches because you're old or that your brain is inelastic and you can't learn new skills, that's actual cope. You aren't a fucking teenager but you're not a geezer and pretending otherwise is basically giving up on life like that guy that worked at walmart for 20 years and always posts on 4chan.

>> No.50485326
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I'm 27 and even though life is awful for me I'm happy that I'm still kicking. You have a front row seat to clown world. Just kick back and enjoy it and keep striving to get to a point where you can fuck off and enjoy it. Bang a prostitute once or twice a month.

>> No.50485371

Giving a shit about age is a big signal that someone is a perpetual poorfag/pleb
physical aging won't even exist in twenty years

>> No.50485387

>age doesn't matter!
What a load of fucking cope

>> No.50485405

>itt people who cope

>> No.50485481

Cognitive decline is a slide, not a lightswitch

>> No.50485492

Who are you even replying to?

>> No.50485521

Getting old is pathetic is my point. Saying otherwise is cope.

>> No.50486170

>this is cope
It's the truth.
Saying "I need to make it by X date is a certain path to misery because you'll never be good enough. I'm not saying lower your expectations, just that it's about the road not the destination.

>> No.50486333

Nope. You simply have low expectations for life.

>> No.50486375


>> No.50486466

Im 27 as well and i do exactly that
Just enjoying the ride where I can at this point

>> No.50487017

Same, except I'm 29.5

>> No.50487162

same my mans except i got 5 years to go and will be hoping to just enjoy till then and hopefully forget to kms as i play some cringe stuff like overwatch or time raiders

>> No.50487315

I have a suggestion. If you still haven't made it by 30, then you should set the new suicide bar at 40. If by 40 you still haven't made it, then set it to 50. If by 50, then 60, and so on and so forth. Who knows, by the time you're 110 you might make it.
Seriously, do not kill yourself.

>> No.50487330

fucking loser just do it now

>> No.50487351

This is such a 24 yo thing to write

>> No.50488473

Just do it now and stop being a pussy

>> No.50488483

I'm 21 and same

>> No.50488876

same but I'm 34

>> No.50488880

Don't do it anon. You make your own happiness.

>> No.50489757
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happiness is a myth you either make it or you don’t. Emotions aren’t a destination for you to arrive at just a pipe dream fantasy ending.

>> No.50489776

I remember saying that when I was your age. Now I'm 31 and I keep moving the goal post. Currently it's 35.

>> No.50489777

This guy is a beta male.
This guy is a up and coming alpha male.
One would rather give up, one sets a goal for himself with consequences.

>> No.50489792

All of those are masculine behavior, you're just a low T beta male.

>> No.50489842

based and prostitute pilled. I spend $400-$800/month on high-end escorts and it makes me not want to die.

>> No.50489905

Being able to consume large quantities of a poison is what tough and strong men do and its why heavy drinking is considered manly.
Literally domination against other athletic males.
>Sexual conquest.
The key and the lock analogy.
Look, I like the image and I'm saving it but the top three are just cave man masculinity.

>> No.50490015

Do it now and skip the painful waiting period

>> No.50491615
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Faggots all of you. Keep coping I’ll either be rich or dead but at least I won’t be a waste of space.

>> No.50492638
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those are all pointless pursuits for the common man. Sportsball just gives you brain damage. Drinking just gives you brain damage. And casual sex is just temporary pleasure seeking with no real benefits

>> No.50492688

I used to tell myself that
Now I'm nearing 30 lol

>> No.50492727

That's literally the deal I made with myself. I'm 27 now, only 3 years left for me.

>> No.50493153

Cringe and ngmi

>> No.50495344

Don't talk about Walmart anon that way.

>> No.50495486

Can you still fuck teenage girls at 34 without going to prison? Or is that only illegal in America? Because when people say you're a pedo is the time to accept that you're an old person. I'm 36 and had sex with a 16 yo girl but nobody told me I'm a pedo. I don't live in the US tho so it's not my problem.

>> No.50497832

then why aren't you taking advantage of the alphas on the hbar foundation??? if you wanna make it then you have to invest as early as possible in new projects with 100x potential, similar to the projects supported and funded by the foundation

>> No.50498164

i used to think like you, im turning 32 next month and still months away from launching my first own business.
so im saying you have to be patient, anon, things might still suck for a long time. keep a long term mindset, move fast when you can but dont feel rushed, dont give yourself anxiety about it if you can.

>> No.50498179
File: 212 KB, 750x1334, FF84EB05-6F5B-4E52-8298-B2027822B794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this image make you feel?

>> No.50498228

I’m 23 and I feel like it’s 27

>> No.50498329

Guy’s just pretend the last two years didn’t happen

>> No.50498338

Nigga I'm 34 next month and I've made it far more since then than I ever was in my 20s. Chill dude you'll be young for a long time and be able to enjoy it.

>> No.50498356

Who hurt you?

>> No.50500165
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24, you should be doing extra jobs, making some plans on building your brands, investing in physical assets and in btc, eth, matic, and good low caps cryptos like vra and sylo.
you've got time but if you don't act on it, then get ready to get roped retard, because manner doesn't fall from heaven anymore.

>> No.50500809
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>physical aging won't even exist in twenty years
If you're a zoomie you're going to live long enough for life extension technologies to explode unless we enter a world changing scenario.

>> No.50503159

>heavy drinking is considered manly.
How can you honestly say this when women drink a shit ton as well? Whereas sports is obviously male dominated and sex is lock and key as you said, drinking is something both women and men partake in pretty much equally and always have.

>> No.50503178

Why do zoomers and late millenials think life ends at 30?

>> No.50503183

Because that's when they start balding.

>> No.50503195

Banks is the white mans choice of black woman

>> No.50503223
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Take out as many politicians, journalists and actors as you can when you do. Thanks, anon.

>> No.50503249

women get leggless after 2 gay cocktails and embarrass themselves. Men will stoicly drink their weight in beer and quietly pass out and piss themselves in their chair with dignity.

>> No.50503278

It is the end of your youth. Youth is when you have peak energy, libido, quickness, wit, creative ability, IQ, reaction speed, health, the list goes on. Basically if you couldn't make it at your peak physical potential, how the hell are you going to make it now that it is all sharply declining and opportunities are dissolving?

>> No.50504322

Based /sci/chad
Low IQ response. He used facts to encourage OP to kill himself now instead of of wasting humanity's copium reserves.

>> No.50504983

by age 34 girls have lost most of their eggs, sure for guys it's less an issue but it's always a little weird when there's a big age gap between a couple

>> No.50505288

Imagine that reincarnation is real, but instead of 'leveling up' or 'leveling down' according to your actions in each iteration, you merely get a random draw until you finally manage to "successfully complete the objectives the game" (whatever that may be).

Thus, if you a deformed, low-IQ, AIDS-ridden nigger in some shithole African country, sure, you have a high probability of a better re-roll.
But if you are a white male in a western country, you are probably better off riding this one out and making the best of it.

And by "making it", I presume you mean "finding a high-quality mate and fathering many children in a safe, secure, supportive, loving environment so that your genes and values can be passed on for generation after generation".

Good luck anon.
BTW- if you are a faggot or a jew, just do us all a favor and re-roll now.

>> No.50505413

mid-thirties is the prime of a man.
Why do you thing all actors are mid-30s and all actresses are early 20s?

t.50+ oldfag here. I am physically and spiritually richer than 99% of you, but physical strength fades and shit starts to hurt....

>> No.50505442

>How can you honestly say this when women drink a shit ton as well?
Women who are heavy drinkers eventually look like, and act like, (weak) men.

>> No.50505447

Holy cringe I think a 14 year old made that picture
You can't have the good things about masculinity without the bad things.


>> No.50505819

I'm 28 and I moved the goalposts to 39

unironically though, I am quitting my soul crushing shitty job this year and doing some sex tourism/travelling.
I don't care if it'll be a big setback in the career, I just can't cope with the fact that I've wasted my best years anymore
I've squandered too much time wagecucking while living at my parents house and I really regret it.

What even is the point of living if you haven't sampled prime pussy from every continent on earth?

>> No.50505870

Why would you kill yourself just as you're starting to enter your peak? Pulling 18 year old pussy is a lot easier as a fit 30 year old than it ever was in my early to mid 20's. Just stack as many assets as possible and live life how ever you want to, even if it's being a NEET. What you got to lose?

>> No.50506309

27 virgin, didnt work a day in my life
whats the plan?

>> No.50508239

see you back here in 6 years

>> No.50508357


>> No.50508399

either make it with shitcoins or die trying

>> No.50508450

i still feel like its not a big deal and i have plenty of time, but everyone tells me otherwise. am i crazy for this? no money to invest ofc and im gona lose there, not win, i lost some already

>> No.50508719

Hes an actual pedophile too, collects creepy dolls and fucks them.
There is a reason he works in walmart

>> No.50508996

Kek. Or invest in long term coins. Stake your alts. Stake your stablecoins. Make your assets work for you. Passive income is key.

>> No.50509057
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Not everyone is lucky enough to make it with some fucking pump and dump, faggot.
Don't invest more than you can afford to lose.
This anon gets it. Also, diversification is important and DCAing is the way to go.

>> No.50509084
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DeFi middleware is a good way to diversify. Also, minimizes risk and the likes.

And yes, DCA is the only strategy I use. No lump sums in a go.

>> No.50509102

What's a DeFi middleware though, anon

>> No.50509135

Lmao stop being such a fucking bitch about it anon. Just DCA into ETH and MATIC. By the time you're 30 you should be pretty fucking rich.

>> No.50509144
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Middlewareis basically a software that serves as an intermediary between two applications. So something like Spool Fi. Plugged into yield generators like Aave, Harvest, Idle and helps with diversity.

>> No.50509165

Good choice with MATIC. But I'd say add BTC too. ETH is fine. What do you think about ETH 2.0, pajeet. And are you staking any alts or stables

>> No.50509205

So basically just to stake stablecoins then. Saw someone say they stake USDC here for around 10%. Is that even sustainable

>> No.50509225

You retards still staking stablecoins after what happened to LUNA, brave. kek

>> No.50509253
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Don't rush anon for you can reach your goals in life if you can hold the right coins anon. I personally got Geeq, Dot, Atom, iris, lever and hopefully this will drive me to a cozy life when I reached at 30. Btw, I'm 26 years old. 4 years to go kek.

>> No.50509257
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Lol what happened to LUNA just showed how volatile the market is and how you need to make sure your investments are fully backed etc.

Should be. They're fully audited and USDC is completely backed too. DYOR though, anon.