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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 170 KB, 1125x1395, take my MATIC cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50483182 No.50483182 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50483258

why though? the market was down this entire month

>> No.50483341

indians are buying ser

>> No.50483356

>he didn't sell the news

>> No.50483379

i tear up a little sometimes knowing the hopes and dreams of an entire people hold up this coin, their coin, against all the evils of the world

>> No.50483407

its because theyve been developing shit non stop
/biz loves to hate on MATIC but the reality is that during this month alone, Polygon did the forth:
>announced Polygon ID
>announced Polygon Avail
>announced the development of the first open source zkEVM
>collaborated with Facebook
>collaborated with Disney
>collaborated with HTC
>collaborated with Nothing Phone
>collaborated with Reddit
>collaborated with Bentley

and this isnt even a comprehensive list.
these motherfuckers havent been sleeping

>> No.50483486

based polygon matic news holder that keeps up with news

>> No.50483494
File: 281 KB, 1124x1108, god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he will not let us down

>> No.50483504

Sandeep muderchod

>> No.50483548

zkEVM will fucking melt faces

>> No.50483672

zkSync already did that and their testnet is out

>> No.50483731
File: 28 KB, 780x438, mmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so basically its still not a working product
we all know how shit zkSync is with their development. arguably even worse than Cardano

Polygon on the other hand have proven to be one of the fastest and most consistent chains when it comes to delivering a product after announcement

Also their zkEVM is fucking closed source so might as well not even have it

>> No.50483816

starknet will prevail pajeets

>> No.50483874
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1299826398969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. For those not in the know (newfags), Polygon (Ticker: MATIC) is a jeet scam-coin straight from the shit-stained streets of New Delhi. If you bought this coin, sell now or enjoy getting gang-raped by Rankesh and Vikram while your life savings are drained through the Aravali range of Eastern Rajasthan.

You should never, and I repeat, NEVER trust ANYTHING these disgusting poo-skins create. They're dirty, smell terrible, have no hygiene, are black, have feminine voices and always act like faggots. Like, you can tell they're dirty fucks with probably some extremely disgusting fetishes and depraved minds, that has to be true considering their disgusting appearance and behaviour. They live in terrible conditions, shit in beaches and streets, eat unsanitary food that looks like sewer water from the same streets they shit on. Let's also not forget how many Indians live by stealing money from the elderly of rich, white countries, and flex their shit stained rupees attached to their brown, horrid skin. I hate them.

>> No.50483923
File: 34 KB, 1050x583, starkware token allocation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey. have fun getting you funds raped by Eli and his fellow kikes
more than 70% of circulating tokens will be awarded for the team TOPKEK

>> No.50483982

you literally post this on every polygon thread
how many dinars are they paying you slave?

>> No.50484157
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>> No.50484433



>> No.50485822

I love polygon, and hold over 10k, but the fact that a small group of people in India controll the keys for billions of dollars worries me. Particularly because there is an entire industry in India for faked death certificates and new identities. I feel much safer actually doing DeFi stuff on Candle Chain and Fantom.

>> No.50487210
File: 67 KB, 1400x784, zksync-zkevm-compiler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so basically its still not a working product
Despite holding (and staking) MATIC, I have to point out that Polygon doesn't even have a testnet yet, much less mainnet:
"Today we are open-sourcing the code for Polygon zkEVM. Soon we’ll have a public testnet, which will be an opportunity to test our work, and to find areas where it needs to be improved."
-- https://blog.polygon.technology/the-future-is-now-for-ethereum-scaling-introducing-polygon-zkevm/
And if this is purely about the announcement, then the Matter Labs were first, by more than a year: https://blog.matter-labs.io/zksync-2-0-hello-ethereum-ca48588de179

> Also their zkEVM is fucking closed source so might as well not even have it
For now, that will most likely change once it's released on mainnet:
"Owned by the community
zkSync is 100% open source"
-- https://zksync.io/

> starknet will prevail pajeets
Yeah, StarkWare is arguably furthest ahead since StarkNet is on mainnet and Warp lets developers transpile Solidity to Cairo: https://github.com/NethermindEth/warp
Sure, it's not bytecode compatibility, but it's good enough for most use cases.

>> No.50488220
File: 7 KB, 300x168, gjkhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made me buy more. I wish Freeway would list this as a superchager product that can be used on their platform to generate passive income. I won't be surprised to see matic at the top.

>> No.50488265

are you trying to fud in anyway?
No one can dispute the fact that matic is the best L2 scalable solution.

>> No.50488292


>> No.50488688

We will moon and make big cums money bros

>> No.50488731

will we ever see 50 cent polygon again? i couldnt buy fast enough.

im sorry india

>> No.50488750

token not needed.

>> No.50489529

>t. Indian

>> No.50490708

Wouldn't polygon become obsolete after eth PoS?

>> No.50490965
File: 218 KB, 779x558, 1644084951637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I totally missed it because I thought it was an indian scam and now it's too late to buy in

>> No.50491214

hellpo sirs please stop redeeming i am asking you now shit fucker

>> No.50491268

I bought at $1 a month ago its fine, anything below 1.50 is a steal imo, especially under $1

>> No.50491801

i missed the 30 cent polygon

>> No.50491909
File: 144 KB, 412x377, 1637029504292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's never going above $1. As soon as it even gets close everyone sells to try and cover their losses. It's literally just going to crab between 90 cents and $1 until something replaces it.

>> No.50492078

what's a matic make it stack?

>> No.50493602

It's going to be 8$-10$ by 2024, make the maths yourself

>> No.50495129
File: 94 KB, 1024x1024, maticgainzzzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also a daily reminder that Matic has delivered what zksync and starknet couldn't, a fully-featured and open source zkEVM in one year

>> No.50498095


>> No.50498986

price prediction