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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50482798 No.50482798 [Reply] [Original]

I have gone for a total of 122 interviews and only 4 have ever called me back telling me I was not selected. Why are they like this? Why did I get a degree in Chemistry? Fuck stem. I could have been some accountant. Fucking scammed. Why is it that every single HR fuck that interviewed me is some woman too? Fucking hell I have 0 chance.

>> No.50482807

You in the US? In Bongland you usually get at least an application unsuccessful email after interview.

>> No.50482837

>You in the US?
Singapore. I wish I were in bongland then at least HR treats people like me like human beings and not just a name with some credentials.

>> No.50482854


Lack of humanity probably relates to the Chinese influence. I'm sorry anon. Try and leave if you have the means.

>> No.50482859

Fuck you if u fail 100 interviews u need to do 100 more meanwhile study like a dog. This is what u wanted to do right? Never give up never ever give in these are the times we live in. You will make it. You will lead the life u want. After 10,000 interviews you will be type of interview god, u will get the job u will do high level theoretical chemistry exploration u will create a wonderdrug that nets you millions of dollars u will worship chemistry and take pride and enjoyment in it you will get the dream job you will NOT give up you will NOT give in to the gatekeeper jew you will BRUTE FORCE your way in through pure grit and determination that nobody could ignore after your 2,300th interview through rigerous study and clandestine cooking you became a chemistry god in this time you are going to make it nigger

>> No.50482873

Women have taken over HR in the USA and, not surprisingly, they hire based on emotions rather than reason. Your only hope is to work on your presentation. Consulting an acting coach.

>> No.50482875

You mean you didn't do STEM + a business major? What are you retarded?

>> No.50482906

im hiring for web3 in Singapore. what can you do?

>> No.50482916

Thats what I thought too after the first 10 interviews. Not anymore.
I guess I am retarded. Got chemistry and pharmaceutical science as a minor.

>> No.50482927

I can fail your interview.

>> No.50482937

Half of university is just learning to deal with the socially adjusted. I can play an interviewer like a fiddle. Literally never been rejected for a job because i took all the public speaking and group classes for my business degree.

>> No.50483004
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>No dyor
>Lack of foresight
>On /biz/
Checks out. Did you not check the jobs boards for chemists? Maybe a $60k doing some boring work in an industrial chemical plant. You need a PhD and work in pharma to make any real money. The other play is clandestine drug manufacturing. Now that has potential.

>> No.50483139

Say you're lgbtq so you can fill a quota. Say you're bi, or male presenting asexual

>> No.50483187

That could work actually. I should try that.

>> No.50483200

>why don’t they call me back to let me know I didn’t get the job?
Liability. Because so many lawsuits have been brought against companies alleging discriminatory hiring practices. All it takes is one small comment from a recruiter or hiring manager saying something like “oh sorry, we didn’t think you were a good culture fit.” This could be interpreted as discrimination and open the company up to lawsuits. So they ghost you, and say nothing, so you have nothing to use to allege that they discriminated against you. I’ve heard this directly from HR people. If you haven’t heard from a company in a week after your interview, assume you didn’t get it and move on. They aren’t going to tell you.

>> No.50483217

The deck is stacked against you if you're a man, especially straight, especially especially if you're white. Just need to play the game by the jews rules.

>> No.50483240

When they say there are jobs in STEM the only science they are referencing is physics. The jobs are really in tech engineering and math (if you go into data or actuarial science). Honestly with chem degree your best bet is getting a teaching certificate.

>> No.50483256

>u u u
I would reject this faggot's advice right out of hand fucking kek illiterate retarded twitterfag.

>> No.50483263

lgbt quota in singapore? Delusional, deck is stacked against lgbt there, better to be "normal" in singapore.
Americans I swear to god.

Status Illegal for men, legal for women.[1][2]
Penalty Up to 2 years jail, caning and fines (unenforced, except in cases involving minors, or for public indecency reported to police)[2]

>> No.50483285

No, university is not that. That's not the point at all, the point is getting a degree so you can go into a particular field or at least do braindead office work decently. All this other shit like "you're supposed to network" "connections bro" "you had to actmaxx to socialize better" is cope by dipshits trying to avoid saying the truth which is that modern hiring systems are broken and they don't really know how it works or why.

>> No.50483317

Obviously not talking about normal countries run by sane individuals.

>> No.50483409

Supposedly, HR doesn’t have access to that “optional” demographic information. So even if you say you’re a three-spirit transfluid genderqueerlet, the recruiter won’t see it. Supposedly it goes directly to the government in some kind of report.

>> No.50483450

How much does a web3 dev make in Singapore?

>> No.50483476

This is the problem not all STEM is created equal. Math, Physics, Chem, Biology, etc are pretty worthless with just a B.S.

Engineering and CS = easy money with a B.S.

>> No.50483497

web3 dev is really broad.

>> No.50483726

So wear a pin. Or mention it in your resume near the beginning.

>> No.50483745

There's your problem

>> No.50483841

No worries OP. I was in the same position you're in and had over a 1000 interviews. Got hired for a completely unrelated job - happened to be the best thing could've happened. Open your mind for other things than what you are qualified for. Also ... get better friends desi

Been over 4 years now.


>> No.50483933

language is a means to an end and to weed out retarded people who can't see past aesthetics i tend to type like this, convaying an idea is more important 2 me, u know where aesthetic worship gets u in life right? u become a piece of shit

>> No.50483956

chemistry is such a niche small job pool, did you even check the BLS before choosing this?

>> No.50484346

kill yourself retard a learn to type like a human being, jesus christ.

>> No.50484359

cope learn to pass as an adult or starve

>> No.50484402

I'm uninterested in this thread, but came in just to say you are a dumb illiterate retard and typing like "thx u 2" is an "aesthetic". Normal english is just normal english. It is by definition not styled. Typing like a faggot is an "aesthetic" that you choose to do. Also if you truly want to "convay" an idea, you should use plain english so more people can understand it. Being able to shit out your dumb idea faster by omitting words and letters doesn't help anybody read it any better. It actually hurts. So none of your points made any sense.

>> No.50484415

>literally called Muhammad
>spend a year and several hundred applications before getting a diversity hire job
>want a better job 2 years later
>change LinkedIn name to Maurice
>immediately get a good job that paid twice as much in my first round of applying

If you have a non-Western sounding name, try changing it to one. You'll literally get a job before you know it.

>> No.50484549

get a teaching certificate and go to teach in an international school in some country like thailand, can actually make quite a lot of money relative to cost of living in a good international school

>> No.50484567

>and to weed out retarded people who can't see past aesthetics

>I deliberately type like an annoying moron because only smart people will see past that.

>> No.50486047

what you doing for work now? and how does it differ from what you studied?

>> No.50488118

Bong here, you gotta be fucking kidding me. Hr people here are far worse than you're describing.
Why do people think this shitty cunt island is good.

>> No.50488628

Imagine them taking turn to spit in your mouth haha

>> No.50489192

>Whatchu rooking at white boi?

>> No.50489266

>Why did I get a degree in Chemistry? Fuck stem.
Go back and get a degree in Chemical Engineering, then you will find a job.

>> No.50489398

Go kys.

I would punch them in the mouth and then ass rape them as punishment. Gotta put women in their proper place.

>> No.50489568

>Science meme
Pick one. Should've listened to your parents on becoming either a doctor, lawyer, accountant, banker or engineer

>> No.50489749

Are you trying to be a chemist or what? You might be able to pivot into something unrelated with that degree, especially if you can get a reference. Idk about Singapore but in America, LinkedIn is actually super useful for job hunting.
I feel your pain though OP
>mechanical engineering degree
>the jobs are boomer hell
>CS newgrads work from home and make more than my manager
I took the learn2code pill. Going to figure out a way into a FAGMAN job even if it kills me

>> No.50489790
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i started college as a chemistry major. job prospects sucked dick so i switched to math, which was also worthless. went back and did an accounting masters. now i wfh and make $95k/year. i have a home chemistry lab where i do dangerous and autistic organic chemistry experiments for my own amusement. take the accounting pill, just be ready to wageslave for the first 1-3 years of your career to get enough street credit for a comfy wfh job.

>> No.50489822

This has happened to me before, I had to move to find a shit entry-level retail job after applying to hundreds of places. In the end, moving was the thing that saved me.

>> No.50489913

have you tried a line of cocaine just before one of those interviews?
serious question
seems like you havent much to lose anyway

>> No.50489950

So you make meth... the red phosphorus gives it away.

>> No.50489964

>either a doctor, lawyer, accountant, banker or engineer
not too late for him to become an engineer, chemical engineer. His position really isn't that bad but he needs to go back to school right away and use credits to get the chemical engineering degree. may only take a couple years more.

>> No.50490010

Chemistry lmao. I have an investment degree and I will tell you right now that HBAR is the key to your success because of the hedera foundation. You're welcome kid. enjoy

>> No.50490014

quick google search says that with that degree in Chemistry you can go to college in the UK for 9 more months and get a Chemical Engineering degree. that's your best bet.

>> No.50490065

i don't make drugs, that's just a photo from erowid rhodium archives (which, despite being about drugs, is a great source of knowledge for amateur chemistry.)

>> No.50492040

>daytrade shitcoins (zhao and lunc for ex)
>dont have to depend on roastie fucks judging me and declining me
>my own boss (unironically)

kek imagine thinking degrees mean shit

>> No.50492801

consider urself midwit filtered brody

>> No.50492877

and what do you do for the 3 years or so every cycle that shitcoins are dead?

>> No.50492929

bixnood mufugga

>> No.50492944
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>> No.50493005

I literally got teethed pulled (impacted wisdom teeth) and had 3 multi panel interviews in the past few days. Got the call at least that I wasn't good enough, and they would like me on their team but only 1 person and we don't know if you're ready for debrief meetings blah blah

Trying to drink myself to death now

>> No.50493071

>degree in Chemistry
Cook meth.

>> No.50493200

Imma just leave America and any place with white women.
Thank you.

>> No.50493211

Nigger it's called a food bank.

>> No.50493361

Chemistrypill me. What do you make