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50481481 No.50481481 [Reply] [Original]

No difference between web2 and web3, what's the way forward, will web3 ever improve?
What can we do to improve web3?

>> No.50481528

Web3 is still new, and needs more development

>> No.50481564

With time, I believe web3 will become better, but more work needs to be done to better the system

>> No.50481572

Which projects are supporting web3 development?

>> No.50481647
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Have you heard about web5?

>> No.50481668


>> No.50481687
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These guys are trolling, we are yet to even scratch the surface of web3 and people are talking of web5.

>> No.50481695

The tech is quite cumbersome and inefficient, no good solutions yet.

>> No.50481745

What role is DOT playing in web3 development?

>> No.50481748

>web2 takes 20 somthing years to develop
>web3 barely in its first few years
>"why is web3 still lagging behind"

shut the fuck up zoomer

>> No.50481758

He's a motherfucker

>> No.50481843

Probably cuz its stolen patented tech just like BTC and Metaverse.

>> No.50481930 [DELETED] 

Polkadot improved the security and interoperability of the existing blockchain technology with their relay chain and web3 foundation is working with them for this.

>> No.50481942 [DELETED] 

>Polkadot improved the security and interoperability of the existing blockchain technology with their relay chain and web3 foundation is working with them for this

>> No.50481951

Polkadot improved the security and interoperability of the existing blockchain technology with their relay chain and web3 foundation is working with them for this

>> No.50481954

The development is there, what we need is mass adoption (deso, arw, etc.)

>> No.50481957

It's already getting better with the web3-based projects launching some awesome products and services.

>> No.50481963
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>> No.50481968

Shows that you know nothing about web3 and decentralization. Kindly continue to be a web2 advocate.

>> No.50481977

How is BTC and metaverse stolen tech?

>> No.50481993

I've seen a few around Polkadot.

>> No.50482031

And their scalability is topnotch as compare to other chain

>> No.50482037

what are these shitcoins?

>> No.50482045

Yes, they are one of the chain with some amazing projects with web3 solutions

>> No.50482052

Make products that can't be done in web2 systems but do not require much infrastructure changes
Prime example is trust minimized insurance products + open banking triggered by smart contracts
But nobody is building those things yet, we need a good bear to wash away the pajeet shit ponzis

>> No.50482220

The tech in Polkadot is just so complex else I would have called it the best ecosystem to look out for.

>> No.50482223

The bear I've seen is good enough for me.

>> No.50482232

I attended their just concluded Polkadot decoded event and there are a lot of exciting things going on there, it seems their substrate chains is now easier to use.

>> No.50482246

Housing a few web3-based projects as the majority wants to get in through their parachain. The Polkadot infrastructure is unique and only for standard projects.

>> No.50482293

I think their interoperability and decentralization can only be challenged by cosmos.

>> No.50482304

web5 is basically a more decentralized web3, it's all the same thing.

>> No.50482306

That was one of the best events of the year. Dmitry Zhelezov and other web3 CEOs shared a lot of great insight. I still go back to the recap sometimes.

>> No.50482316

I don't know much about cosmos. Maybe Polygon.

>> No.50482457

So, do you have any other alternative?
For me, I see Polkadot to be the best when it comes to scalability and speed, seems their devs are from the 3rd planet.

>> No.50482499

There's a lot of competition out there. It's good they stay at their best.

>> No.50482522

If only you knew how early we still are

>> No.50482536

Accept the fact that you are late or probably in the middle here. Don't die of hopium.

>> No.50482546
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Web5 looks like Web3 with less anonymity and more Jack Dorsey.

>> No.50482551

Yes, we are early anon, same as web3 is still early, that's why it needs more development

>> No.50482574

Polkadot is a major player in web 3 developments and there is Ore Network a protocol that will help web 2 users migrate to web 3 seamlessly

>> No.50482581

Yea, in cases like this, a healthy competition is necessary to avoid monopoly

>> No.50482594

security and interoperability are 2 important features in the crypto space and any project with these 2 will actually be a big deal

>> No.50482602

That's why it's a decentralized world. People will use all products but only the strong will survive.

>> No.50482607

I guess Jack would really love to see how web 3 plays before going into 5

>> No.50482620

Yea, ORE are good at that, but subsquid will help in indexing web3 for speed and efficiency

>> No.50482654
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These guys presented their new tool at the Polkadot decoded event and it was on hopium.

>> No.50482662

Who cares about the tech anymore? Everyone just wants to make a shit-load of money.

>> No.50482665

web5 is a myth. Web3 has not even been explored yet, not enough tools yet.

>> No.50482672

Why would anyone buy into this since it is web2-focused?

>> No.50482682
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If you don't look for the right tech, you will lose the money. Most of us are lowkey looking for the money, but the tech will lead you right to it

>> No.50482740

do you think any project will grow or survive this bear if it doesn't have a working product? when the project grows and gains adoption then its value grows as well

>> No.50482751

Give me the money and take the tech anon.

>> No.50482760

migrating users from existing web doesn't mean it is web 2 focused, it also provides top-notch identity management and wallet security

>> No.50482779

the tech will definitely give rise to the funds, we all are here for the money you know

>> No.50482785

You will have neither

>> No.50482804

What tf are you talking about?

I don't want to improve anything, I just want my ultimate champ shit to work out so I can relax once in my life and stop being a wagie

>> No.50482817
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Web3 is somewhere like web2 was just after the dotcom crash except maybe a little behind.

The dotcom bubble had pets.com and all kinds of shit with VC money pumping it to heaven based on nothing more than potential but no idea how to recognise it.

Shop services were possible around then but it was basically you email the site owner and tell them what you want, he emails back an invoice and you can post him the cash or bank transfer it. He updated site to reflect stock in HTML.
This is equivalent of some dapps now barely functioning without some off chain input or non decentralised services with defeats the purpose, but didnt stop it now or then from pumping by vc money on hype.

Going forward we’ll start to see the first early models working. The Paypal moment will come soon, and then some progress on Oracles when services like Chainlink release complete packages, along with some layer 2s that are not all marketing complete their products.

That is the point from which it grows to actually provide utilities and VC hype is gone, or at least the only reason anything pumps wont be just due to VC shilling anymore. Thats web2 around 2005+

Most retards cant see this happening and aren’t able to position for it. Back in those early web2 times a “webmaster” was paid ungodly amounts for the time to just write HTML and CSS and set up an email list with a server host for it all. By today’s standards that’s something anyone can learn in a month. However it was in short supply at the time and high demand.

This time around we have traditional software developers of all disciplines SEETHING and foaming at the mouth at crypto even as far back as 2015. I remember it well and they all called it scam etc. it was mostly jealousy. Now they have hissy fits of rage over it due to environmental fud and NFTs(which imo are bullshit in current form) interactions with gaming.

>> No.50482824

no one will spoon feed you, the bear market is here and this is the only time solid projects need to build on their tech and fundamentals, if they don't they might fade off into thin air

>> No.50482828
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This will and has created a fucking gargantuan shortage if people who are not only capable and experienced with web3, but “crypto native”. This is going to result in 300k salaries for any old joe who knows how soon and it will take time for the current cohort if developers to gain needed experience.

>> No.50482838


>> No.50482843

solutions are real since 2021, not before that. Ethereum+Skale (gasless UX), Algorand PyTeal, Alchemy, Filecoin/IPFS decentralized pinning. These are all that Web3 needs and these techs are barely in production in 2022.
> t. engineer, worked in the space since 2019.

>> No.50482869

One of the fast scalers I must say. There's just a lot of competition in the space.

>> No.50482918

I don’t know shit about web3,coding, or most crypto projects, but I have nothing more than a gut feeling subsquid is going to be big

>> No.50482934

by experience, I would give this ranking:
Skale l2 + eth (multichain, gasless, secure) = IMO best around today, best user onboarding
Subsquid = great but not so usable
Algorand = actually good
Cosmos = barely respectable, UX sucks IMO
Fantom = same than above
Rest is not web3 compatible

>> No.50482951

where is web3 can you show me some examples of it, except in your filthy minds

>> No.50482972

development takes time, fucking stop wanking around , you will get your cut of web3 soon.

>> No.50482983
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Wait for web5

>> No.50482998

when web3 is fully developed, you will come out with your own sticky asses and poke your nose in it and then will will love the shit of web3

>> No.50483003

I know someone building a decentralized wiki. That's a good thing because germany not only sued wikipedia to hide some information, they also forced them to remove the revision history in the software meaning it wasn't just removed from the article, it was removed from the history entirely never to be seen again based on germany's demands.

>> No.50483005

They have a good team and it has lot of projects building on it.

>> No.50483025

There is Polkadot Paris happening too, I think the main theme of development is web3, This is why i love dot and projects, pretty much under rated as of now.

>> No.50483033

I believe Cosmos is leading when it comes to interoperability. But in terms of events, Polkadot is doing well on this regard.

>> No.50483036
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a lot of them would have sought for the seamless migrating you know

>> No.50483039

I think moonbeam and Kusama are using their services too

>> No.50483053

This must have happened today, I was present on the first day.

>> No.50483057

Yea, it was an amazing event, the ongoing ParisDotComm event in Paris might birth another product

>> No.50483059
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Manta Network and that of Dmitry piqued my interest. On-chain privacy and Data indexing need more traction to get more web3 adoption.

>> No.50483087

I would prefer to use dot over cosmos any day kek
Thye just fucking reached a TPS of 1500

>> No.50483106

Ore network needs more partnerships if they want to achieve this with ease. They should take notice of Subsquid and InvArch partnerships, web3 needs faster means of archiving IPs.

>> No.50483111

This is shitty as fuck, web 3 is real, just lost in the hands if greedy VCs

>> No.50483159

I learned they will be launching their Squidsquad NFT soon, the NFT supply is mind-blowing

>> No.50483160

Red pill me your reason for this khunt.

>> No.50483186

What's the supply?

>> No.50483212


They are shitting up this thread like crazy.

>> No.50483223

It has quite a number of partnerships, Liquiid, Redfox, Aikon, Exotopia and recently partnered with Polygon

>> No.50483229

Short the hell up pajeet
You rookie
If web3 is not developed, how then will they be improvement and difference with web3?

>> No.50483296

The team said it will be around 500 NFTs only, that will cause more scarcity

>> No.50483327

Every new invention needs development for improvement

>> No.50483419

I think they have teamed up with rmrk and will be powering up NFt marketplaces too.

>> No.50483447

manta still needs to develop a little more, could ape in some bags, Dmitry looks dedicated to me

>> No.50483478

Hopium is what gets us going, development is happening but it needs funding anon.

>> No.50483512

I think their fire squid engine is now running too. never seen an engine this quick

>> No.50483562

Which nft marketplace will it be listed?

>> No.50483574
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I'm yet to see detailed information regarding this. I love the limited supply but more details regarding the utilities are needed

>> No.50483601

LINK is all you need don't overthink it

>> No.50483604

Yes, the fire squid is mega fast with ability to synch over 50k blocks per second

>> No.50483616


Yes. Fellow 4chan user. I too am interested in this project detail.
>generic pep thumbnail from downloaded pepe photos package

>> No.50483637

Just buy more icp dawg. That's all you need.

>> No.50483686

Too bad I'm not attending but I trust the Squid team to put in an outstanding performance.

>> No.50483701

>Have you heard about web5?

Pleb ALERT Number 1.

>> No.50483723

What >>50481528 said. In order for web3 to reach mass adoption, it needs to be as easy as possible for the technologically retarded to understand. We're nowhere near that point. Hell, I'm involved in a project that's just trying to bridge the web2-web3 divide and ever we're nowhere near completion. This is just gonna take time.

>> No.50483732

Have you attended the Paris Dot Com event? The Squid Squad team has nailed it there by explaining how they index WASM smart contracts

>> No.50483747
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What's the reason for this. This is quite a small number considering the growth of the community.

>> No.50483768

The 3speak guys are building a decentralized YouTube, complete with a web3 CDN.

>> No.50483790

Maybe MATIC if you eat curry, thats it.

>> No.50483830

He just said he is not attending moron.

>> No.50483915

Extending their indexing services to WASM smart contract is a good one.

>> No.50483935

Thanks for this, anons, I currently hold 100 ICP and 1.5k ALGO. Is that enough for those bags or should I add more?

>> No.50483997

it's retarded snake oil and almost certainly promoted by some kind of commie conspiracy

>> No.50484080

I think the team wants the NFT to be scarce, I don't know any other reason kek

>> No.50484325

500 unique squid squad NFTs makes it scarse and unique for me. It'll be a big asset to own.

>> No.50484376

I've tried developing on web3 several times, it's a huge pain in the ass and is quite expensive to do basic shit. To do basic shit without paying up your ass, you need to then build parallel web2 infrastructure. So now your stupid fucking social app or whatever has 2 backend infrastructures supporting it, doubling the development and maintenance cost.

The ecosystem is a failure.

>> No.50484412

You can easily build and deploy your app on subsquid at a low cost.

>> No.50484457

Only correct answer in this thread. People cant even scale web 2 properly, web3 is a clusterfuck of dependencies that nobody will ever bother to build

>> No.50484479
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A very good one indeed. These Squids are doing an incredible job by launching so many products that has to do with data indexing

>> No.50484480

I'm a web3 dev. Wants to suggest something?

>> No.50484530

Focus on decentralized data indexing services and coding if you want to make it

>> No.50484638
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Is Manta on the Dotsama ecosystem? I can see the chances of making it like the FireSquid

>> No.50484661

And if it's scarce, it means it'll be valuable

>> No.50484699
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>> No.50484792

That FireSquid is really a hot software. Indexing Kusama in 15 minutes is unbelievable

>> No.50485014

The NFT will have some extra items which can be traded

>> No.50485628

Web3 is block chain based. Gamestop is at the forefront in this space. Buy GME, DRS GME, HODL GME. GME is a long term value play. Imagine if you'd got in on the ground floor of FAANG. That is where GME is going!

>> No.50486293

Definitely, people will buy what is valuable, being that the project's services is a topnotch, I expect the best from the NFT

>> No.50486985
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We've been over this Jack there has to be a web 3 and 4 first

>> No.50487024

We're improving it bitch fucking wait. shit takes time. Polygon is coming out with the first zkEVM EOY. Going to take us to web10 effectively skipping webs 3 till 9

>> No.50487099

p much because of the bearish market a lot of projects have slowed down
except for NFT gaming stuff which is still going strong so far as launching some genre based games like time raiders being a web3 equivalent of class-based shooters

>> No.50487241

The sports metaverse is the future of sports in web3 and the crypto space anon.

>> No.50487864

I'm not disputing that, but can you stand loosing your phone with all the files and wallets on it?
That's why using NFT to create a global IMEI blacklist is paramount.

>> No.50488180

Be smart and invest in web6

>> No.50488495

You have a good point chad. Security should be considered too. One of the reasons why I'm looking forward to Railgun's NFT support which would allow anonymous interaction with NFTs and private auctions.

>> No.50488565

web3 is community owned and controlled applications controlled by a dao. anything else is jeet vaporware trying to ride the wave.
daos right now, however, are very primitive, very restricted (token only used for governance but only founders get all the revenue), prone to government action. The closest thing we have to a standardized application tokenization process that is SEC proof (can't be taken down) is ICP when the sns update comes out. thousands of millionaires (and maybe even billionaires) will be minted when the doors open to invest in the next version of youtube, facebook, twitter, etc.. once devs realize that they can build with no risk of hacks and no risk of being deplatformed, dapps with a real utility that non crypto bros use daily will be made. exciting times.
or maybe the idea just doesn't catch on, who knows

>> No.50489360

This sounds more similar to what Geeq does, but it has real-life applications that can be utilized by enterprises and organizations.

>> No.50489384

icp bitch nigga

>> No.50489420

This is a complete list of real gem. Having a miss of low cap will be superb.

>> No.50489467

The project will definitely send you to the trench.There are many good ones out there.

>> No.50489650

>exciting times.
>or maybe the idea just doesn't catch on, who knows
yeah this is the crux of the issue.
ICP should technically be the next evolution of crypto, but it could also fall into irrelevance. i think it will be the latter because the big boys don’t want competition

>> No.50489700

>The project will definitely send you to the trench
how come? the tech is so far ahead of any other web3 project. i will throw money at any other project that you can show that is equal to or above icp

>> No.50490140

What made you think I could trust a team that is believed to be behind the rug pull? There are better projects to bet on with good real-life applications.

>> No.50490315

>There are better projects to bet on with good real-life applications.
like what? from all of my research, and i still hate ICP for its brutal activity, it still seems like it’s a completely revolutionary product. like there isn’t any other project that has achieved what it already has

>> No.50490428

I guess NFTs are going mainstream and bringing major adoption to crypto. The most interesting I've come across is the lion club NFTs on sports metaverse which connects holders to top world-class athletes.

>> No.50490944

>like what?

>like there isn’t any other project that has achieved what it already has

what have they achieve?

>> No.50490998

Definitely, although not all nfts, but basically those with use cases.
NFTs are really contributing to mass crypto adoption

>> No.50491074

We have barelyt scratched the surface imo.

>> No.50491138

I know polkadot is largely supporting wed3, Polygon is currently building relationship and products towards the development, Ore network has a functioning product that connects web2 to web3 using same identity, I think RLC also has a product offering web3 services.

>> No.50491289
File: 90 KB, 1024x682, 20220422_164253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that there's an exciting relationship between sports, metaverse and web3 all together.
AXL is launching an F1 themed NFT in honour of Senna, the F1 legend.

>> No.50491303

Web3 can only improve when we start innovating and stop recycling dogshit just to make money.

Go look at Magpie Protocol. They are one of the few projects trying to build a solid solution in the blockchain space.

I wish more projects would have same ethos

>> No.50491316

The web5 jeets are definitely from another dimension.

>> No.50491401

Kek.. who watches F1?
It's like the worse sport for me.

>> No.50491448

From my perspective i'd say security is the most important since the most prominent usecase in web3 is data monetization which is largely connected to ones identity, it simply means identity theft will be on the rise and identity security protocols will be highly utilized.

>> No.50491492

You have to take the tech to get the money,kek.

>> No.50491614

LINK does not belong to that list, I'd prefer ORE if we are talking about web3 based projects besides how dare anon say MATIC is curry?

>> No.50491770

Yes, DOT ecosystem has been on the front line of contributing towards web3 growth, Subsquid is a major example

>> No.50491833

Such disrespect to F1, Lewis Hamilton is bigger than your favorite sport star.

Senna was an Iconic racer with multiple championship wins to his name, having an NFT collection in his honour would make sense.

>> No.50492166
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LINK deserves to be everywhere and anywhere

>> No.50492239

The metaverse space would grow beyond expectations in the nearest future.
Dubai already rolled out it's metaverse development strategy and it's fucking going to be big.
Good time to be hyped on meta based projects.

>> No.50493309

Well this is partly true but web3 is much more than that.

>> No.50493443

Oh looks it’s the fucking Geeq squad shills again. Post a pic of your hand you smelly faggot

>> No.50493505

>NFTs are really contributing to mass crypto adoption
I will give that to projects that are building products to support creator in one way or the other especially accessing web3 including other services like minting, trading and cross chain transfer.

>> No.50493639

It's a no Brainer, web3 needs some life to make it to the fire front, regulations are indeed needed.
Enough of the anonymous BS, fags are ripping everyone off their hard earn $$$

>> No.50493736

Yeah Anon, very true, DeFi arm of web3 is yet untapped properly, bridging TradeFi with DeFi will bring about massive adoption, having to go into a banking hall and trade crypto will be revolutionary, projects building such kinda infrastructure would do wonders

>> No.50493850

No doubt, just don't be stupid in looking for that money.
Am in for the money then the tech, hence why my eyes are glued to projects building in bear market

>> No.50493876

Most have faded out , building in the bear still seems outstanding. Knew Alliance block started during the last 2018 bear, and here is it , banging the walls with an iron cock

>> No.50494029

After the heartbreaking stunts pulled by those centralized platforms, i'd say yes to regulations and also advise more use of security protocol to protect our wallets against hacks.

>> No.50494346
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Makes sense, more like saying projects with additional security and regulatory infrastructure would take the lead in the next leg ,
More reason why am eyeing Alliance block

>> No.50494420

>projects building in bear market
There are a few

>> No.50494712

Why aren't ALBT on the list?

>> No.50494758
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Wallet and asset security cannot be overemphasized anon. Good thing we have privacy protocols that can give users a shielded wallet balance and encrypt any data that can be exploited by hackers.

>> No.50495393

Privacy protocols are doing amazing lately

>> No.50495425

Bunch of shitcoins aside MATiC

>> No.50495460

Because Google probably bought up a fuckton of GRT, BAT, DOT etc and out sell bots on them until they get their own token running

>> No.50495991

Tf you implying, just know privacy tokens would be banging when the bulls resumes,. So also the likes of KCS APE OP ALBt

>> No.50496017

sounds like ICP nails both of those things

>> No.50496382

I'm not a fan of either, but come to think of it, what were you doing with ICP? baby sitting or shilling?

>> No.50496576

One of the few things @jack wasn't lying about: web3 does not exist.