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50481352 No.50481352 [Reply] [Original]

The world government has now decided to regulate crypto, what do you think will be the impact on the market? will BTC drop to $10? will all the innovation stop? what can we do? I don't want any of this.

>> No.50481370
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great news for Algo

>> No.50481377

How will they regulate my 400,000 dollars of Elonigger PumpuskCoin?
The whole original point of crypto was that governments couldn't regulate it. If such a thing happened all the non-private coins would go to 0.

>> No.50481399

Why is it great news?

>> No.50481417

checked. because algorand is centralised and partnered with governments and public institutions. its basically a solana but for public use, while solana is mainly for private

>> No.50481421

So is Elonigger a private coin? That's quite bold to spend that much on possibly a microcap.

>> No.50481451
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If it is centralized what's the whole point of being a cryptocurrency, that's why SOL keeps shutting down, I feel one of the workers was fucked up and he just shut down the server switch every time they have outages.

>> No.50481469

I think regulation is very bad for the crypto space, it may shut down the whole thing.

>> No.50481576

You don't want it doesn't mean you won't get it. I don't want bills but I get a lot of them.

>> No.50481593

Maybe the partnership with FIFA

>> No.50481595

You put 400K in this shit?

>> No.50481601

It is for the government best interest

>> No.50481602

What does this have to do with regulation?

>> No.50481641

they're actually going to make crypto legit which means more governments will implement it one way or the other. Idiots who think regulation is bad should just kys and stay poor.

>> No.50481709
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You are dreaming right? India is charging 30% tax for crypto transactions.

>> No.50481716

For me, it's a double-edged sword, the regulation will also prevent rug pulls and the like of LUNA cases but at an expense.

>> No.50481721

pick a country that actually matters

>> No.50481724

Sol should work on its downtime problems and become more decentralized.

>> No.50481733

I'm giving an example of what regulation can do because the government will be hell-bent on phasing out crypto you racist fucker.

>> No.50481743

>regulate crypto
just like they banned torrents, amirite
kys op

>> No.50481768

India government is trash and stupid (obviously pajeets have no clue). Here in my coutry all crypto gains are tax free if you hold for one year

>> No.50481878

SOL has always been centralized and that's the reason I never liked it. We are moving into decentralization fully and not a partial one.

>> No.50481897

You should get your ass off the crypto space if all you want is regulation.

>> No.50481918

All I see is a retard sharing his opinion. Go ahead anon.

>> No.50481935
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I love my transactions to be private and don't want anything to do with the government. There's just going to be a way out.

>> No.50482003
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More reasons for more innovation, don't you think anon? And I don't mean just blockchain privacy here. That shit is oversaturated. More of decentralised payment solutions needs to be adopted.

>> No.50482024

Till then. Now, payment gateways are gaining traction. CryptoXpress is hot on that trail. There might be others.

>> No.50482077

What country? is that a form of regulation?

>> No.50482082

SOL is not a decentralize chain, it's a bunch of shits

>> No.50482087

Even private coins are under the heat, they are the ones at risk of being eliminated because they are impossible to control.

>> No.50482106

Blockchain privacy is a very delicate part, no one knows how hard regulation will be on it.

>> No.50482114
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>> No.50482130

regulation wont affect btc directly
it will affect centralised exchanges and shitcoins

>> No.50482180

It will affect anon
Only with regulations can investors be safe from the fucking government regulations

>> No.50482209

Paying tax won't affect those who trade BTC? Go think again anon.

>> No.50482309

If privacy is the only thing they offer, then I see no difference. The space needs products that work in the real world.

>> No.50482322

You have a point there. Best to make use of the available opportunities. Stake the likes of cake, ada and xpress while you sit on the sidelines.

>> No.50482327

Projects tend to have multiple utilities and that's what makes them strive.

>> No.50482335
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You already know what to do.
But you probably are too much of a pussy

>> No.50482338

That's right, I've seen some interesting applications from privacy blockchains, last week I was at the minting of the first movie NFT by legendaoNFTs.

>> No.50482364

Sure, it will increase MC because bigger institutional investors will come in, but we are not all institutional investors.

>> No.50482367

I'm not a fan of movies but this sounds like a welcome development in the NFT space. That's going mainstream and gaining wide adoption.

>> No.50482379

Although most projects offer only privacy, but they are some that offer a vast number of services, secret is just one of such.

Do a google search and find out

>> No.50482399

Safe you say. The people in crypto love decentralization and that's why the crypto space sounds special. It all going to be fucked when regulation comes in.

>> No.50482401

Yes, sole investors also need privacy, not only institutions

>> No.50482419

Not for everyone, for me, I already have a safe haven

>> No.50482521

No one is safe when regulations come in. It won't stop hacks from happening. What's your safe haven?

>> No.50482625

you are asking people who possibly think that nfts are the future by putting money even in games like champ, scammers and also meta fags, I don't think you are looking for the real answers here.

>> No.50482661

shithead, musk has already sold his bag too, just fucking wait and brace for an impact.

>> No.50482668

C'mon, what are privacy blockchains for?
Although, not all are effective, but some are very authentic when it comes to anonymity

>> No.50482679

>bitcoin innovation
lol coiners are retarded

>> No.50482680

I would have used monero but it is banned in my country.

>> No.50482696

another scam and shit coin in the making

>> No.50482724 [DELETED] 

Most privacy projects are now getting bad in different countries but they can't get banned worldwide.

>> No.50482728

name 1 reason why its a scam/shitcoin. just 1 ticker=ONE reason

>> No.50482752

Nothing is going to save you, fucking government will come into your home or send the FBI, but they will fuck you around for taxes.

>> No.50482792

I believe there will be a balance when regulation comes in but privacy projects are here to stay.

>> No.50482816

I know they are the only one that is offering customizable privacy, planning to mint killroy on it while the price is cheaper.

>> No.50482840

This is why you never ever sell your bags of BTC and eth, you dickhead.

>> No.50482841

Decentralization and privacy go together. Don't you think so? It is much better for everything to be decentralized.

>> No.50482848

I have seen some projects parading as privacy protocols without doing shits. We need more good projects in this space.

>> No.50482857

I would just fucking would like to mint a private nft of a model if I get a chance to mint.

>> No.50482866
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Sell everything and go home retard.

>> No.50482886

monero was used to be good and now you can only buy drugs and girls with it, even the stash owners are not using it anymore.

>> No.50482894

>word Government regulates crypto
>giggle because short of seizing computers they can only do so on paper.

If they seize or render computers untrustworthy their cashless fantasy will be ruined as well.

>> No.50482910

They are not the only ones doing this. They offer more flexible programmable privacy features but they are the only privacy project in this space retard.

>> No.50482931

They are two different things entirely

>> No.50482941

Monero is now an old fag. The developers are innovative and this will cause the project to die off soon. I have moved to other good privacy projects with more advanced features like NFT access control.

>> No.50482942

You are posting an example as to why exchanges for crypto are a terrible idea and defeat the entire purpose of crypto.

>Government thinks crypto is a bank for spoiled rich kids
>they regulate the shit out of it by saying 30% of it needs to be taxed.
>acquiring crypto through a corporation (buying on an exchange) means that the corporation reports taxes to their government.
Depending on what country the corp or you are in this might be tax free, but it might not be. These companies are regulation companies that deal in crypto not the crypto itself.

>> No.50482986

I play secret hero and other games in one of the privacy blockchain, and all my players are anonymous, also all my defi activities are carried out there

>> No.50483133

Playing a privacy game sounds like something nice.

>> No.50483295

can you even code, just get a life before you speak, I am still making money on them
never seen a country so keen to fuck up crypto currency

>> No.50483334

If they develop private gaming, I could play games and earn money and avoid taxes simultaneously.

>> No.50483362

privacy-based projects will grow big in the metaverse, This is the next big thing.

>> No.50483390

The government official and corrupt ministers are stacking up on the dip, get ready the pump will come soon.

>> No.50483405

I believe most regulated CEDEFI projects, such as freeway, Cryptocom, and others, will be unaffected.

>> No.50483424

I really do not like the privacy system because many bad actors leverage on it for their illicit acts.

>> No.50483430
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I prefer to go for low caps like SCRT, VRA, GMT, and APE. They have the potential of giving me an early retirement.

>> No.50483452
File: 249 KB, 1150x2048, Dubai Metaverse Strategy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The world government has now decided to regulate crypto

>> No.50483459

They are different things annon. But On-chain privacy should be advocated for. These retarded FEDs are after our bags.

>> No.50483495

Look for smaller caps.
Buy GMX and GNS, stake and also earn.
Buying 150 bucks a month of big cap tokens is cringe.

>> No.50483516

How are they going to achieve this? Lots of data are exposed in the metaverse. It's the next trend but I'm not much of a fan yet.

>> No.50483529

yeah bro exactly that, sell everything before it’s too late

>> No.50483532

>Look for smaller caps
based advice. once the bull comes there is no point holding large caps. every small cap gets a 50x or more even if its the shittiest shit coin ever shitted

>> No.50483563

I have massive respect for on-chain privacy. Projects that are pushing for programmable privacy are underrated

>> No.50483602
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Let's talk about the power of Orbem Wars and Bushi. These are powerful NFT-Metaverse related projects that are equipped with privacy

>> No.50483673

Yea, they have amazing games in their chain, but I'm more fascinated about the DeFi.

All my transactions are hidden from the publick

>> No.50483718

You can't be serious, kek
Who told you they don't have private games?
Just visit and confirm, you pleb

>> No.50483872
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>I prefer to go for low caps like SCRT, VRA, GMT, and APE

The last time I checked, SCRT, APE and GMT aren't low caps anymore. Be careful, faggot

>> No.50483972
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What if it doesn't survive?
This is another point to consider. Mind you, it's not all projects that will survive the tension.

>> No.50483994

Who still invests in GMT?

>> No.50484009

Low cap make the most money
When low cap will do 10x, medium and high cap will be struggling with 3x

>> No.50484068

>earn money and avoid taxes simultaneously.

If that's what you think privacy projects are all about, then you're pajeet.

>> No.50484365

I prefer the order of mystic skulls instead. All the gaming projects built on secret enjoy privacy by default.

>> No.50485288
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Good luck in discovering low caps then, fag.

>> No.50485317

AnonsNFT v2 is going to be powerful. Can't afford to miss minting at 150 sscrt

>> No.50485335
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Only plebs. Plebs only

>> No.50485368

that’s gay as fuck. go back to plebbit

>> No.50485381

Then you've to play it cool. Go for something powerful that can last for long

>> No.50485758

I doubt the regulations would win in a fight against crypto. A lot of people would just switch to using privacy protocols to maintain their financial freedom.

>> No.50486199

Thank you for being a faggot who like to bank on shitcoin

>> No.50486220
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>I don't want any of this.
I decide here what is good for you.

>> No.50486313
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Based. I'm also of the opinion of investing for the long-term and I see the sports metaverse standing the test of time as it's a place to be for all lovers of sports in the crypto space.

>> No.50486855

kek. Ice cold

Anons who want quick cash

Do you think crypto.com would ever get insolvent?

>> No.50486966

they may be low iq but you cannot ignore the numbers, huge population. They're one of the major reasons shitcoins were popping off. Just think about how many users the average pajeet scam can get just because their home country is absolutely filled.

>> No.50487720

The metaverse tech is growing at a fucking speed of light. Web3 gaming is no where left behind, honeyland is now right at the top of this degens

>> No.50488013

You're right anon. The metaverse is taking over and even web3 is gaining more adoption as sports legend Ronaldo is set to build his own web3 community with Binance.

>> No.50488987
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Literally use rocks for money. Like money is fake, why you gotta let abstract institutions abstractly regulate abstract representations of abstract value. Literally since crypto has been pozzed we switch to another medium of value. It literally used to be salt, then seashells, tulips, now it's just encryption keys. Nigga literally use rocks, or dirt, or sand.

>> No.50489707

Well, one thing is for sure anon: they won't be able to take advantage of users as there are always privacy solutions to give us financial freedom.

>> No.50492051

This gaming ecosystem will be ruled by NFTs and tokens with open APIs for developers to build on their platform

>> No.50493950

Regulations would definitely try but they won't win against privacy solutions. The future of crypto is decentralized and each user would have financial freedom.

>> No.50493999
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sitting pretty. everest $id

>> No.50494115

Jurisdictional arbitrage assures no one country can ever totally fuck Bitcoin.

>> No.50494514

Its good to see privacy solutions integrating with the gaming sector. I'm also anticipating other innovations like the NFT support on Railgun which would allow anonymous interactions with NFTs and private auctions.