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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50479871 No.50479871 [Reply] [Original]

all that the ppl in my life try to do since they know i have a heap of money from crypto is just take advantage of me. its been like this for me since the 2018 runup, and got even worse when i made a killing in the meme coin market of 2020. then i get guilt tripped into giving ppl money (which ive since put an entire stop to doing and now im a bad guy who "doesnt care") and then with liberal women ive made the mistake of talking to made to "feel bad" because i have "too much money and should be giving most of it away to charities for xyz^9001 reasons. im comfy af but socially im wildly unhappy. i can only really connect on a real level with other /biz/ bros i mostly talk to on discord social circles but when it comes to ppl locally im so disconnect i often feel like an alien. the wealth gap is huge even in america, 80% of the ppl u meet are going to be just as financially illiterate as a blind Bill Cosby and beholden (most of the time) to an employer so they're never really "free to do anything bc i gotta wage" mentality. its miserable and im not even socially autistic to an antisocial level, i could flip the switch and be as normie as it gets despite being on 4chan for over a decade. and relocating to another country isnt really an option either, ie Malta has such a high cost of living (while it may be full of richfag types) its just a financial booby trap to drain ones wealth. lots of places like that. ive found that if i just lie about my work (which is just running my own fund) and say im like a freelance writer on Fiverr or something, the vanity women now have equate that to loser status like McDonalds waging. and im fucked if i actually disclose my financial power level bc then on a long enough timeline (from what ive experienced) is that ppl will just try to take advantage of me money wise. damned if i do, and damned if i dont.

>> No.50479889

and i heard this Jack Johnson song on XM radio driving around at night a few months ago that really made a lot of sense to me. name of the song is Good People. and the chorus is "an all i really wanna know is where'd all the good people go?" - thats where im at in life.

how are u guys dealing with newfound wealth?

also, thx for reading my blogpost.

>> No.50479915

no one cares. didnt read

>> No.50479922

>how are u guys dealing with newfound wealth?
Didn't read but I spent it all in a casino playing slots. Pretty fun.

>> No.50479939

Well obviously don't listen to the libshit women who try to tell you what you should do.

>> No.50479953

my bank account is negative and I am waiting on the VA to hopefully give me the STEM extension so I can get the GI Bill housing allowance until December when I should be done with my degree. I dont leave my house though and I dont talk to anyone in real life other than my mom on the phone once every 6 weeks or so

>> No.50479980

You should kill yourself

>> No.50479990

and ive found out i just do not (absolutely do not) fit in with old money types either. made the mistake of buying country club membership and then a cigar lounge membership to try to make some friends with ppl who have higher net worths. well they're all just wage cucks but on a higher level who still think 401k's are valid long term investment vehicles as opposed to the scams they really are (despite knowing that more than half of them went to zero in the 2008 crisis). i think being on 4chan for so long as given me partial social brain damage but its also given me sharper abilities to see thru a lot of marketing scams in general. ergo the /biz/ meme of this board being the only board that turns boys into real men. i was born into a lower middle class family so i can relate to ppl in that money psychology zone but the problem is persistent and remains the same, lower class ppl net worth wise are always lookin to take advantage of me in some way. its just unreal how shitty ppl are these days and the attitude of "making being nice and having fun" normalized again seems to be too foreign a concept for most to believe in.

found the illiterate nigger

roulette is the only logical game to play in a casino if u actually intend on not losing it all

i concur and im not even that bad looking its just in my area they are all cookie cutter msm tier liberal trash.

nothing you could ever post you seething poorfag could ever make me any less richer than (You)

>> No.50480118

You sound like you have BPD

>> No.50480128

and then sometimes i'll just sit awake real late into the AM and wonder is some ppl in my life are only talking to me bc of how much im worth financially. never would do this before in my poorfag days but now i just question every relationship i had with ppl. i wonder how genuine things really are of if theres always some financial angle they are working. im not mentally ill in any medical capacity but people fucking me over (and me just letting them do it just to see if they really will) all for the sake of just a few grand here and there is like a normal thing. or was until i fully stopped being generous at all. its now that i really see why that old meme of "never ask a man how much money he has" came from. like men should "never ask a woman her age" and its all because when people know you have a lot, they become disingenuous with plastic smiles. warm up to you, to get in your good graces and then some big financial emergency happens to them and all of a sudden you need to save them from their own financial mistakes bc thru some kind of friend magic your bank account is now an extension of their all based on the fact that you respond to their messages. its just sickening and im beginning to see more and more the stereotype of how the rich "hate the poor" .. im sure some of u can relate. if so drop some wisdom ITT.

im as fit as a fiddle.

>> No.50480264

you don't need to be a millionaire to realize the vast majority of people are evil garbage pieces of shit. I dont get the point of this thread

>> No.50480297

why dont you just pretend to have less money than you do, while not being a mcwagie tier poorfag? this shit is not rocket science

>> No.50480319

Stop telling people, you stupid shit.

I nearly got killed by a coworker who suddenly decided he was my "friend" during the 2017 bull run and he nearly killed me by drugging my drink. Apparently he thought it would be easy to rob me of my untraceable irreversible Bitcoin.

>> No.50480327

You need to start over somewhere else, and purge your social media. You have "poisoned the well" socially speaking.

>> No.50480396

>its just unreal how shitty ppl are these days
>found the illiterate nigger
And you are no better. Now stop being a crybaby bitch.

>> No.50480413

1) Try to find friends amongst tech nerds? Or try to meet /biz/ bros IRL.

2) Say you're a consultant. It explains both your wealth (wealthy enough to finance a bougie lifestyle but not multimillionaire rich) and why you apparently have so much free time

>> No.50480427

You sound boring OP. All my friends are smart and interesting so their networth doesn't matter. It's only annoying when people are obsessive about it. You can text or call people during wagie hours to shoot the shit and make plans to do stuff when they are free but you rather blame your net worth that nobody even knows about so it doesn't matter.

I agree that lower middle class people who made something of themselves rather than turn into wigger meth heads are probably the most interesting but unless you want to talk about work or finances all day who cares what you all have.

>> No.50480433

I'm not even rich and I think understand what your saying. I was homeless after graduating high school in 2008. My mom and only brother are junkies. I spent 4 years living off loans trying to work manual labor jobs while going to engineering school and I gave them a lot of those loans. Ended up in 80k debt. Always was interested in computers and eventually ended up getting an IT job for minimum wage. Cut them all out of my life and dropped out of school to focus soley on this stupid 10 dollar an hour 15 hours a week student job (you had to be a student to even work but I knew this was my chance to get a career). Worked 60 hours weeks without pay and sometimes all night doing shit and it paid off. after that semester got a job local IT firm and 7 years later i'm making 170k plus and consult on the side for around 50k a year. Debt free and own 4.5 bitcoin now around 80k in cash that i'm going to buy a condo with. I never tell anyone how much i make and the rare time I even go to the bar or talk with coworkers i can tell how much they hate it when I say i'm debt free or that i finally paid off all my debt etc or if it slips how much i'm making. For example I was talking with a friend and former coworker at a bar and he brought a friend. Turns out that friend also wanted me to do some smal contracting work for him and said my rate 120 an hour and his jaw dropped. Like I could see his hate for all the sudden cause he's about 20 years older then me and works for the gov probably not had a raise in 10 years. My mom tried to scam me out of my life saving in an "investment" property that i found out didn't even exists. It always bullshit with these people and I swear 90% of people are in so much debt or have never gained skills/worked to improve themsevels, or even learned what money/investing is.

>> No.50480455

ive actually thought about doing this a handful of times and i really appreciate you bringing it up.

>> No.50480479

I moved to SEA after I got my first work from homejob to pay off debt faster and build my business. No regrets except during covid which turned into martial law hell. Your rich so why not japan/singapore or something like that?

>> No.50480505

So what coins made you rich out of curiosity?

>> No.50480515

Just move to another town and don't tell people how much money you have. Tell women you work in something vague like metals securities and you've been working from home since covid, bore the shit out of them with a word salad if they ask you about it.

>> No.50480541

Fuck that move to Asia. Women love money there and really respect. No jap/korea/flip women is going to ask you to give the poor (although i buy beggars and the homeless kids food all the time especially if I have a good month in SEA)

>> No.50480553
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This is what I would considering your position;
Assuming you live in Canada or the USA, I would get out. Meet people online in other countries and start fresh. Check out a site called interpals and just speak to people that look interesting. You can also maybe meet people you've met on steam or some other online place you frequent. Make sure to do this over time and make genuine connections. Don't ever give anyone any money for any reason. You're looking for friends not leeches.
After a few months, maybe plan to visit these people and make an itinerary. You don't have to be locked down anymore and are free to roam around as you wish.
Always remember whenever you are, even if you stay at home (I wouldn't) NEVER show off your wealth. Never buy stupid shit like niggers do or that HEX faggot. Don't buy a flashy car. Hide your power level, it will save you a lot of headaches trust me.
Finally try to also get in touch with other people within your financial level. This is very important because you know they won't leech from you and can actually benefit you in terms of contacts.
Hopefully this helps you a little bit or at least gives you some ideas.
Good luck anon

>> No.50480564

not a bad strategy but it would prevent me from building a real relationship with a foundation built on the truth rather than little lies we tell. i cant find a solution that mitigates the problem in general without misbalancing some other metric resulting in less than desirable conditions. this would be one of those things. while on paper it appears to be a great idea in actual practice it'd add negativity later on to a relationship.

i just cant understand the appeal of sticking my dick into women who come from cultures where eating bugs has been a normal part of their lifestyles. ie asian women.

>> No.50480582

Its because you're new money and you have no connections with rich people.

Rich people will sniff you out a mile away though so you might have trouble getting into their circle of friends.

Your best bet is to learn how to think like someone rich and to start meeting up with them at events poor fags can't afford.

Some rich people like rags to riches stories and might want to talk to you but most of them obsess over staying connected with their already affluent friends.

>> No.50480604

The main benefit is they actually respect money there. If you go to japan, korea, or singapore for example you are not going to be looked down upon as some type of greedy asshole because your rich. The down side is many of them are very materialistic. If you ever fly out of taoyuan airport in taiwan or tokyo you'll change your mind real quick about the women. They are some of the most beatiful women in the world working at those airports and on the airlines. It's not like flying in the USA/Canada where some fat boomer woman or man is serving your drinks or some washed up old hag is checking you into the flight. They all look like models.

>> No.50480617

>Its because you're new money and you have no connections with rich people.
basically this. the only other rich guys ik are all from biz. and i appreciate the post. that does seem like good advice desu but what kind of events are these even? like art whore things at galleries? im still pretty frugal and find it hard to justify spending wild amounts of cash.

>> No.50480638

Give me all your money nigger

>> No.50480687

if you're a frugal cheap fuck that means you're not as rich as you state yourself to be; and if it hurts for you to give.
i wage and my newfag 2017 portfolio is only low 6 figs. i know the west is expensive - i take a girl out and that's already minimum $100 for dinner for the two of us at a mid-level place.
E. Asia/SE. Asia is not for me either. I've never been there but I found a girl somewhere else (twice, my first wife is from overseas too) but you move like the other anons tell you and suddenly you CAN live like a king. I can take a date out to a nice place every night for $20. I can pay her rent and feel good about it.
make your fortune in the west and live like a king elsewhere.

>> No.50480734

Have you thought about having a social circle of biz bros you hang out IRL?
If you have that much wealth, you can just travel and hang out with people you talk to on discord or here.
You can fly around the planet hanging out with biz bros. You could also try to meet new people, and straight out refuse to talk about your wealth or job for "personal reasons"

>> No.50480763
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America was a mistake.

>> No.50480782
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Kentucky Derby comes to mind. They don't call it millionaire's row for nothing. They might rename it millionaire's row one of these days.

>> No.50480825

not really. I coudn't of done that in many other countries. Just because my family members are pieces of shit doesn't mean the country sucks. Do you think I could of went from homeless to 170k in 7ish years in SEA, south america, middle east etc? Nope. America makes me tons of money I just choose to maximize the money i make by living in SEA.

>> No.50480846

I mean sure you got that money and that's great. But the state of peoples' minds over there is terrible. Most people are low quality in some way, shape, or form. It's quite disgusting and is why I left North America myself.
But good on you anon.

>> No.50481767

>don’t tell people how much I have
>if I have to tell friends/parent/gf I just tell them I made 1-5% of the actual figure
>cash out small amount monthly pretend it’s from running a blog
It’s pretty easy if you aren’t so devoid of value as a human that you have to vomit your network on everyone. As simple as “I run this blog and make $5k/mo” “it’s a new car but I’m paying monthly and always wanted one” “I’m managing this mansion for a fiend it’s not mine”

>> No.50481816

>he told random people about his cryptos
>wonder why they ask him for money

rule n1: never say you have crypto and never say how much

>> No.50482054

>they know i have a heap of money from crypto
This is your problem. You're going around telling everyone about it like they would care. It's like a lottery winner going around telling poor people how rich he is. I'd be surprised if you ever got positive reactions from anyone other than golddigger women

>> No.50482587

U need to become a warrior and die in battle my son. You must train with the gun and make your body strong and become part of the new warrior class. Then u won't have these problems u will just be a rich warrior guy

>> No.50482630

Not your blog space reddit fag.
You have to go back.

>> No.50482671

Is that Kristin Smart?

>> No.50482769

Step 1 sell everything (physical) you've got now.
Step 2 move far away, change your numbers and emails
Step 3 live comfy but don't ever let anyone know
Step 4 optional also change your name/identity

http://web.archive.org/web/20141102185553/http://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/2kg4c5/someone_please_help_make_sense_of_my_exboyfriends/ learn from this super intelligent gigachad

>> No.50482949

Get decent at Golf, don't waste time talking to plebs as you found out that the majority are retards who hate those with money.

Golf will get you in the door.

Move to a 2nd world country and live like a king

>> No.50483420

look fren (im not as loaded as you but...) i grew up around people with more money than you will ever have
what you are running into is finding out that you are simply "better" than people
if you are a healthy person (as in can be around kids without temptations, I say this because I know people who cant)
then I would reccomend teaching
try to make the future generations better because the current ones are hopeless
problem is that your coworkers (other teachers) are even worse than the average person besides the minor exceptions.
otherwise get a job as a beach lifeguard down in florida (they are moslty year round and will offer you the opportunity to chill with people who dont care about money)
these are the only two enlightened paths i know
besides finding a career that you are very into
however the problem is say you are into medicine
that field is globalhomo'ed out the ass
so it may be hard to enjoy that regardless.

>> No.50483551

shut up, faggot. america is where people like him succeed and losers like his parents can at least be wagies so they don't starve

>> No.50484360

find better friends. i know multiple people with bear cash i dont ask them for a penny. ill be your friend op what do you want to talk about and also can you lend me a fiver?

>> No.50484398
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thanks for the navy seals pasta

>> No.50485750

Can't access the URL, says that it hasn't been archived. What's the story behind that gold farmer?

>> No.50485922


>> No.50485996

here are your options:
>start a local business in something you like
>join a club that is prone to already wealthy people
try competitive shooting, or golf or something. if you're a burger theres definitely a local USPSA/IDPA/IPSC club around

pursue a hobby a meet womens that way, if you're on tinder or some dating app you;re only gonna find zogged up women who want you for your money. if you find a woman while you're doing a hobby you'll have somebody to do something you want to with who won't have her eye on money in the first place

>> No.50486544

Jack Johnson's first album is basically a what a guitar person writes after reading a /pol/ thread

>> No.50486550

tldr fuck off and kys

>> No.50486612

No shit OP posts like 90x in this shitty larp of a thread claiming he's living with his mom and broke.

All I hear is "I NEED MONEY PLZ /biz/ GIBS ME IT"
Fuck off you massive faggot OP
I'm struggling harder than you'll ever struggle nobody gives a shit, literally nobody cares get used to it.

>> No.50486715

Mayne you're socially retarded. Not saying you are but it never hurts to look into one's self. As far as the woman go, don't date 10s they know they can land a man with money and thats what they want. Never talk about your wealth, but you already figured that out.

>> No.50486796

ooff big cope op

>> No.50486898

>Don't buy a flashy car.
What is every Youtuber once they hit big for 400 alex

>> No.50487157

>all that the ppl in my life try to do since they know i have a heap of money from crypto is just take advantage of me.
Cut them out of your life like cancer
>then i get guilt tripped into giving ppl money (which ive since put an entire stop to doing and now im a bad guy who "doesnt care") and then with liberal women ive made the mistake of talking to made to "feel bad" because i have "too much money and should be giving most of it away to charities for xyz^9001 reasons.
Just to fuck them say you'll give another 1K to a pro-life charity. (I don't give a fuck if you do or don't) You don't want those people in your life
>im comfy af but socially im wildly unhappy. i can only really connect on a real level with other /biz/ bros i mostly talk to on discord social circles but when it comes to ppl locally im so disconnect i often feel like an alien.
You need to get some hobbies. Go hiking, Get a motorcycle, Find God and join a church. You could try any hobby and get a group of friends around that hobby.
>its miserable and im not even socially autistic to an antisocial level, i could flip the switch and be as normie as it gets despite being on 4chan for over a decade.
Good, you can be saved
>and relocating to another country isnt really an option either,
Well travel around a little fine a place you might like doesn't need to be where the cool kids go. And lots of cool places in the US.
>live found that if i just lie about my work (which is just running my own fund) and say im like a freelance writer on Fiverr or something, the vanity women now have equate that to loser status like McDonalds waging.
This is where getting a hobby comes in. You are not a fund manager or a crypto investor... You are traveling the country on a motorcycle or fishing in the biggest lake in each state.
>ppl will just try to take advantage of me money wise. damned if i do, and damned if i dont.
That is a good problem to have. Just be aware of it... and you are.

>> No.50487205

>Reddit the thread
Seriously I maybe completely broke but If I have your mentality and money I'd just kms immediately what's the point.
If I'm relating life circumstances to a Jack Johnson song it's literally over.

>> No.50487863

if this isn't a larp try Maine. rich people there don't act it and nobody cares. when I met the delloite map guy (sold out to garmen for a couple hundred mill) he was the most chill guy. every multi-millionaire I meet up there could pass as homeless or retired fishing dad. stealth wealth

>> No.50487938

yeah not reading your unstructured wall of text

>> No.50487965

Deep conversation..with a woman? kek

>> No.50488008

>all that the ppl in my life
When you write like this, the solution is to just KYS you fucking RETARD. Reading the rest of that utter SHITE would only give me brain damage.


>> No.50488511

That's false,

The tens don't know what the shit is going on because most men never approach them. They get tired of chad instantly because they think the average guy is chad. It is the 8's and 9's you have to worry about.

>> No.50489780

why do you care so much what people want
people suck, generally
99.999999999999999999999% of people on this globe does not like you for you, but only for what you can provide
and yes you're going to have to round that percentage up because frankly nobody fucking likes you at all

>> No.50489783

Fuck rich people problems. Poor problems are much worse.