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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 99 KB, 916x826, ChinaCantRedeem8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50474266 No.50474266 [Reply] [Original]

We got too cocky chink bros...

>> No.50474287

How is the entire civilized world crashing at the same time?

>> No.50474301

we use you money to buy bank tank now we owe nothing

>> No.50474306


>> No.50474320

unironically its the chinks crashing everything. their shit culture escaping china in nu-globalism will be all our downfall.

>> No.50474325


>> No.50474346

why wouldn't it?

>> No.50474351


>> No.50474356

That would be Jews

>> No.50474359

>invest your money in a gang controlled bank
>get mad when the gov seizes it
do gookbugs really?

>> No.50474361

crypto is just a ponzi,
there is no value in individual sovereignty
now pay your taxes goy

>> No.50474366

people are getting rugpulled left and right, it's chaos out there

>> No.50474375

fake news, its footage from a military parade

jealous americucks forever butthurt at being surpassed by china

>> No.50474395

Because it's all built on the same fake economy.

>> No.50474399
File: 57 KB, 1078x1015, 26E13AC8-C2FB-44AF-B726-21024C329274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. Civil war incoming. They also used to run over citizens with tanks. It's going to happen again. Also this is pretty bullish for crypto. Shit like this will make people want to avoid this shit with defi regardless of illegality.

>> No.50474400

>fake news, its footage from a military parade
>jealous americucks forever butthurt at being surpassed by china
Is it a parade like Russia's military practise near the Ukraine border tho?

>> No.50474412

Good evening Rabbi

>> No.50474434
File: 99 KB, 794x668, 9536A34E-8244-4A9C-B7F6-43AD20AA99C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the oligarch jews pulling the strings. Shadow government that rules the world.

>> No.50474440

Chinese are not civilized. They are terrible people. The whole Asian world despises them. I hope the coming fall hurt them and they never rise again.

>> No.50474474


>> No.50474485

they're not protecting the banks, they're protecting the citizens by safekeeping their money so that they don't cause a bank run amd lose everything

>> No.50474552

>Hyper integrate everything to the point where pears are grown in South America, sliced and packed in Asia, shipped to the west coast of the US for boxing in pretty cardboard, and finally sent to the east US for consumption, and that's a SIMPLE supply chain
>Make and sell derivates for literally fucking everything on apps normalfags can use
>Put sociopathic AI in charge of deciding which companies succeed and fail on a microsecond scale
>Give a completely corrupt socialist country who has proven themselves incapable of managing their growth rate 70% of global manufacturing
>Shut down the whole world for two years to accelerate the inevitable crash of it all
Oh I fucking wonder how this is happening. This shit was obvious to anyone with an IQ over 100 back in 2009 when everyone decided to can kick our troubles away rather than seriously handle them.

>> No.50474563

A cardhouse built since 50 years. Crisis like covid shakes up the cardhouse. Cardhouse starts to fall down.

>> No.50474567

not your keys not your bank vault

>> No.50474587

globalization and everything being interconnected, senpai

>> No.50474588



>> No.50474632

very antisemitic post

>> No.50474669

I don't get it. Surely someone must win in this situation. How does EVERY COUNTRY lose money? Does it just get burned or something? Do we owe a debt to the ayys?

>> No.50474689

because globalism made everything correlated
thanks liberals

>> No.50474693
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>> No.50474724

dont be so dramatic, we're dealing pretty good with all things going on
it's not even so bad that we need to shout cope like "we shall overcome"
we already know that we'll be okay

>> No.50474754

Woah, cool it with the antisemitism.

>> No.50474763


Probably the best take on the state of the world I've seen in my time here.

They keep pushing us closer to the edge in the hope that we never fall.

Welllllllllll rate rises are going to say differently.

>> No.50474784

Your mistake is thinking this is country vs. country, whereas in actuality global elite families and groups seek to be the ones who gain at the expense of everyone.

>> No.50474834

Schwab and his butt-buddies win

>> No.50474915

I don't get it, what do they win?
A healthy populace = productivity, creativity, new ideas.
What do they get from a world of feral niggers, broken societies, and dumbed down cattle that can't even perform basic function?

>> No.50474952
File: 915 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2022-06-27 21-36-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Euro is below parity with USD? Is anyone else dancing?

Euro shouldn't even be at parity with the fucking CAD. It's an insult to America for the EUR to be parity with the mighty USD.

I pray daily that the situation in Ukraine will get even worse and, somehow, the Eurozone will collapse even further.

>> No.50475009


>> No.50475074
File: 617 KB, 1796x1531, 1624316434432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so many /pol/ bot replies
It's over

>> No.50475075


Those tanks are for PLA day parade which is happening in August 1st.

Also there is no bank run happening in China. There are 4 private banks in Henan (a very very small and rural province in china) which were participating in a banking ponzi scheme. But the idea that this reflect the entirety of China is false

Watch in 2 more weeks where nothing happens. Quote me on it

>> No.50475115

Look up stakeholder capitalism. Basically, in their eyes, they're the good guys, because they're saving the planet from the pollution caused by all these humans.

They think they have to create circumstances in which at least 50% of the human population dies ASAP or the entire planet and the entire human race is done for.

They think they're doing the human race a favor. They think history will remember them as heroes.

>> No.50475234

K but why? Population is going down on its own naturally in all civilized countries. Its pretty much only the most shitty people that contribute to pop rise.

>> No.50475296

Not fast enough. Needs to be 5 billion by 2030 and 1 billion by 2040 for the world to have any chance at a recovery by 2150

>> No.50475513

the euro is growing by a country this year. dont get fooled

>> No.50475672

>European cope

Is there anything more sweet than the slowly decaying, European super-state? Maybe China shitting the bed…

>> No.50475770

my mother was always against globalism. she always talked about how globalists and globalism was a bad thing. well, here we go. Now you know why globalism isn't a great thing. Absolutely gone bonkers.

>> No.50475811

Every countries populations and companies have been racking up enormous amounts of debt. The lockdowns from covid and the shock that it brought upon every countries economy acted as a catalyst

>> No.50475836

Beat me

>> No.50475947

I've always wondered this. Pls explain to this brianlet over here

>> No.50475983

What the fuck do you mean?

>> No.50476016

why do they lie so much about china, bros?

>> No.50476071
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>2 more weeks

>> No.50476077

China Insider is a great channel. They document China as it is, why the fuck isn't any mainstream media reporting this shit? Is it "racist" to talk about how bad it is in China?


>> No.50476087



>> No.50476164
File: 152 KB, 500x398, 25D841E0-3CFD-46F4-B086-E8F69380BB38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your open tabs are like mine after a 2 hour /pol/ binge, fellow chud. Gematria, numerology, tarot, astrology, Bible, and finally a bizarre schizo twitter account.
Always behead all satans.

>> No.50476178


>> No.50476240

money isn't real
modern economy is a pyramid scheme sustained by cheap energy and worker ants
energy no longer cheap because sanctions and green-bullshit
worker ants laid off, businesses forcefully closed, inflation and demoralization cause feedback loop reducing demand

>> No.50476329

nah you're just a nigger cum guzzling FAGGOT

have a NEGATIVE (you) NIGGER

>> No.50476334

Good video

>> No.50476788

>world of billions is ran by a couple of powertripping pedophiles
>"why does everywhere suck?"

>> No.50478337

china never ceases to amaze me it's like a broken game on release that never gets a patch

>> No.50478448

Are you retarded? MSM shit talks China 24/7.

>> No.50478629

The memories of the mongol empire still live on deep in the psyche of the west. When the mongol hordes first arrived in europe, they looked like actual demons to the medieval europeans who had never seen asians before. They are still paranoid about being overrun by asian bvlls once again. Whites hating on asians and calling them the yellow peril has been going on for hundreds of years ever since. This 2 more weeks before china collapses doomer posting is just a modern day version of their ancestors' schizo anxiety

>> No.50478677

>unironically its the chinks crashing everything
oy vey, blame the chinks. don't look over here

>> No.50478724

ah yes because as we all know the mongols are the same people as the chinese, they definitely didnt completely overrun the country and completely subjugate the people so deeply that hundreds of years later they still have a blind deference for authority

>> No.50478776

Chinks are too submissive for there to be a civil war. They will submit to their insectoid overlords

>> No.50478793

Asians all rook the same to non asians anyways. U telling me the average guy on the street can really tell the difference between a mongol, a chink, a jap or a korean, let alone know the details of their history?

>> No.50480366

It's the past that we're in debt to, they're winning

>> No.50480405

Nice science fiction bro. Most rich people don't give a single fuck.
Be productive yourself and forget the conspiracy theories.

>> No.50480424


i think its based how other asians look down on the chinese.

what are your reasons for not liking them? is it purely political like how they're expanding for more influence or is it cultural too?

>> No.50480431

I live in a very asian city and it took me a long time to learn how to tell east asians apart. I can differentiate korean and japanese people now but chinese is always a mystery due to them being racially mutts despite the whole han supremacy thing beijing is pushing.

>> No.50480526

ffs learn to discern low effort propaganda to keep maga boomers on the side of the globalists.

>> No.50480557

Your must burn down the old world to give birth to the new world. The Phoenix rises

>> No.50480633
File: 614 KB, 300x400, 1658265538403812.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every unfortunate truth is a /pol/ Putin bot post, CHUD!

>> No.50480711
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*leave China to me*

>> No.50480771
File: 49 KB, 500x500, 1654417738856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just open your own bank!

>> No.50480856

Credit crunch because of fake money, also all governments owe money to the kikes, not each other

>> No.50480867

The bots are becoming more embarrassing every year but this is pathetic.

>> No.50480879

one's brown the other is yellow, same vile creatures deep inside. with jews you lose, with chinks you stink

>> No.50480882

the last chinese civil war just ended 73 years ago and lasted 22

>> No.50480985

This 100%. Everything is theatre and the enemy is the people. They don't give a fuck about borders. What do you think one world government actually means? Even biz, which prides itself on free thinking is caught up in the flag waving horseshit, exactly as they want you to be while the mission creeps forward inexorably

>> No.50481013

when will people just accept that Hitler was right? When will they just let white people lead the world to prosperity and glory?

>> No.50481030

Why was he dumb enough to start operation Barbarossa ? Looks like Hubris if you ask me.

>> No.50481035
File: 185 KB, 1103x635, F5CD2F76-8498-4459-8A60-97A0F0319962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50481167

Because the Soviets were building up materiel and personnel on the border primarily in the Ukraine and Baltics (as it turned out this was a fruitless endeavor as the Soviet military correctly identified the Pripyat marshes, swamp in Belrussia, as the main avenue of invasion but Stalin got his ego hurt by that). However this no clear evidence if the build up was for defensive reasons or to stage an invasion. Germans on the other hand were mainly told it was a liberation for the territories occupied by the Soviets, in reality however it was just a case of sycophantism and egotism affecting the Nazi leadership, as they launched the invasion before adequate preparations for logistical support. The fact it was successful only made them less critical of the promotion of political officers which ultimately cost them the war.

>> No.50481173

>However despite this no clear evidence

>> No.50481180

Yeah so they were retarded, gotcha.

>> No.50481215

Well kind of, kind of not. If the Soviet plan had been to stage an invasion, which would have been equally pretty probable as a fair few countries in Europe had been Communist republics temporarily after WW1, then Germany didn't have any particular plans or capabilities to fortify any parts of Europe east of Germany. It's part of why the Soviets were able to sweep through so quickly when the German invasion was repelled.

>> No.50481253

Literally everything shit in the world right now can be blamed on china lol.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.50481259
File: 83 KB, 736x736, mandatory good ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is the entire civilized world crashing at the same time?
Interconnected political systems and global central banking. This is how centralization+coercion takes effect. Without central banking and monetary policies the economy could balance itself out.

>> No.50481296
File: 253 KB, 2048x1061, type69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should combine Banks with Tanks. A mobile Bank, what is a Tank. Would solve every problem of both. How great idea is that?

>> No.50481329
File: 21 KB, 552x504, 72628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wall street silver

>> No.50482021

The Great Reset

>> No.50482061

Stability causes leverage, leverage causes fragility, fragility causes destruction, destruction causes stability

>> No.50482073

>destruction causes stability
You're in for a surprise

>> No.50482084

Well if everything is bombed to the ground and killed, there's nothing left moving

>> No.50482270

Yup, /pmg/ and /setf/ were just the greatest marketing scheme ever pulled off by COMEX itself, probably.

>> No.50482517

I warned of this 2 years ago
save your money
stack crypto/metals
hoard food/meds/ammo
learn to live minimally

>> No.50482690

The people you call "rich" are barely above middle class.

>> No.50482710

>/pmg/ and /setf/ were just the greatest marketing scheme ever pulled off
Just ask yourself if the kind of person who is organised enough to run a daily biz genera would actually bother to do it?

>> No.50482920

dumb esl can’t into passive forms

>> No.50482955

Good takes but miss the fact it’s all pre planned for long decades. No, the people in charge aren’t just stupid. It’s the psychopaths (devil) convincing people they don’t exist

>> No.50482997

unironically go to /pol/ and lurk for a year or two. Don’t listen to this jew/npc >>50474915 trying to sell you bullshit. They know exactly what they’re doing and they don’t do it for fucking climate but because of their racial sense of superiority.

>> No.50483001

Wtf no evidence? Spies, captured enemy soldiers, scout planes, there’s a million ways to see a massive army massing on your border lmao.

So many things which are common sense and you don’t question, suddenly require a massive burden of proof just because it’s the nazis. (Unless it’s the holocaust, no evidence required for that)

>> No.50483023

From what? According to whose timeline?
The level of midwittery here is staggering with so many believing in kike crap

>> No.50483191

and what you call "rich" are usually soulless entities, like the biggest exchanges or entire central banks.

there's rarely a conspiracy retard; there's no need for it; people are cunts and don't care about you.

occam's razor.

>> No.50483234

I'm not gonna spoonfeed you. You can look up climate agendas and see for yourself.

>> No.50483288
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>its the gooks goy, i-i swear

Hello Rabbi

>> No.50483290

>yea goyim there is no conspiracy of one race dominating every significant market of Europeans societies sometimes by 50%+ ratio, who also have a history of racial superiority and disdain for others they consider less than animals. Don’t think goyim, just say the magic phrase “occam’s razor” and go on with your life. I’m sure things will get better on their own one day
Occam’s razor doesn’t mean being a braindead npc who can’t into reasoning and assuming an arbitrary “simple” options is always the correct one

>> No.50483313
File: 12 KB, 221x228, 31D345D2-9D83-469C-8190-CEA9E3512F31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t know shit about anything but Jews said the climate is collapsing so just believe that, ignore countless false modes and predictions by the same people and any pattern of using environmentalism to further power and economic gains by the people who promote it

>> No.50483345

Nazi brainlet, it's not the jews that want to ruin your life.
It's everyone.

You have the delusion your little conspiracy theory is going to save you from your troubles; you have the delusion your problems have such a small solution; your brain is small and only sees the tree of the forest.

"Jews"? You stupid fuck. Jews are just one of the groups who want to fuck you up.

>> No.50483634

Check out what happened at the London stock exchange after Napoleon lost the war against Britain. False news>everyone panicsells>huge gains for insiders

>> No.50483739

Thats actually the case right now metaphorically speaking.

>> No.50483772

Probably not.

>> No.50483870

Based north korea best korea.

>> No.50483948
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>bank bail in
Reason why I got BTC.
Reminder that all banks in the EU can do the same thing (over 100k(for now)) . Money on the bank is not your money. It's the banks.

>> No.50483958

It’s almost like it’s orchestrated or something…

>> No.50483999

Bullish for baba

>> No.50484054

Wait pol is based?

>> No.50484194
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>China is collapsing too you guiz!!!
Kek Amerisharts are so delusional, remember when they said the Three Gorges Dam was collapsing? Like they had fifty generals a day about it on /pol/ with everybody trying to meme magick it into collapsing and the CIA had literal cloud seeding machines trying to flood the area even harder and the Chinese government and engineers just evacuated the citizens and drained the water, it was funny to see all the amerigolems just memeory hole it after that.

>> No.50484281

theres many things other countries that say shit about amerisharts that arent true too tho...have fun with your closed minded perspective retard

>> No.50484302

I don't give a fuck if the climate is collapsing or not. I care what the people who think the climate is collapsing are going to do to try and stop it.

>> No.50484539
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Just central banks doing what they know best.

>> No.50484634

It's Jenga all the way down

>> No.50484692

There was a time in America when leftists were against globalization.
The clever Jew switched anti-globalist into meaning racist, homophobic, xenophobe.

>> No.50484729

It's a planned collapse while (((they))) hide underground. Eventually they will emerge, take control and rewrite history.

>> No.50484987
File: 1.24 MB, 751x748, LoMao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's almost as if this is all according to plan
is just the final western "trust the plan #Q" cope that at least our elite are malevolently competent
Even the rich who believe this are deluding themselves with petty plans that are falling apart as we speak due to Russia flipping the table over; it's actually utterly over and this is the final cope before we see real chaos for the first time in.... hmmm - 30 years war? End of Antiquity? We really are at a point where our collapse will be so bad we have to go back centuries to find a good comparison.

Spoiler: ((They)) will get betrayed by their servants who will proceed to attempt to do what they did and either fail or do it in a slightly less shitty way

>> No.50485058
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i'm shilling monero to everyone who asks me about cryptocurrencies

>> No.50485239

Most based post I've seen on /biz/ in months

>> No.50485972


>> No.50486247

>shithole countries
That map disproves your own point you god damn retard

>> No.50487870

Value lost does not mean value gained somewhere else. If I have a Pokémon card worth ten dollars, but suddenly fewer people want it because, say, it doesn't seem as cool, and it drops to eight dollars, the two dollars did not go anywhere. My asset lost value. Every country loses money because the economy isn't a zero sum game. As tech progresses, people can see a general improvement in quality of living without a proportional decrease to their friend, but at the same time, everyone can decline without anyone benefitting.
This is basic post-industrial economics, see Adam Smith. /biz/ operate in an outdated Venetian trader mindset of economics for some reason. The point is that there is a grand "pie" of wealth, and growing it can result in general prosperity, but currently it is shrinking and resulting in general hardship. No one gains. We do not have an extraction-focused king who is overtaxing his peasants, this isn't the 14th Century.
Anyone who says otherwise is retarded and will lose more money than they have to. This also explains why the dollar is increasing in strength: on this bitch of a world, there isn't an "across the street," we're all on the same world. Thus, the US, while not in a great position, is in a better position than Europe or China, so capital is moving to the safest bet. It's like choosing between losing part of your ring finger, and losing the whole hand. China's lack of regulation is going to give them a 1929-style rape, while Europe traded future prosperity for comfort. The US has already weathered economic crises and hasn't sacrificed future generations for a present welfare state TO THE SAME DEGREE AS EUROPE. "To the same degree" is the key point: we do not need to be great to be better than our rivals. We just need to be the cleanest pair of underwear in the dirty clothes hamper.

>> No.50487917

Holy shit. all my prayers to china anons. hope you escape soon and join the matic land of freedom

>> No.50487918

/tgdg/ was cozy as fuck but the reality is usa and chinas economys are hopelessly intertwined, one cannot collapse without bringing the other down with it and its ridiculously naive to pretend otherwise