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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5046980 No.5046980 [Reply] [Original]

Litecoin will hit $500 after the whales get done pooping. If you aren't in, get in now. I've got my dick ready for the moon.

>> No.5047078
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>7.2 ltc
>no student loan debt, 7 grand debt to parents pay off 250 a month, 5 grand credit card debt
>2.3k in crypto, 2.7k in bank
>nice car
>dream job, programming 65k salary, comfy

will I make it anon?

>> No.5047109

>not accumulating ltc to buy cocaine
you will never make it

>> No.5047228

I think you'll be ok anon. Just squeeze your tip nice and tight tonight.

>> No.5047589

Get over 10 ltc friendo.

>> No.5047617

You'll make it for sure anon. You bought a good coin. But your most valuable asset is that you like your job. That's worth more than most of the blockfolios I see getting posted

Also you make slightly more than me. Reee

>> No.5047647

im looking at this mainstream coverage on this shit and just cant comprehend how this shit has cooled off since that massive skyrocket. the charts show low volume and yet the reality is that the coinbase coins have massive FOMO to people we never thought would be exposed to this shit

something is not adding up

>> No.5047663

Why you guys think it’s undervalued right now?

>> No.5047665

I get in Litecoin when it goes back to $120 where it belongs.

>> No.5047685
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>not knowing this is the calm before the final moon mission to uranus

>> No.5047717

I like how they subtly made the ferengi be played by manlets so people would instinctively dislike them

>> No.5047748

Nothing is affordable now for normies on coinbase.

>> No.5047779

Bittrex is the alpha exchange

>> No.5047788

>mentioning whale poop
>next sentence mentions getting one's dick ready
I knew I came to the right place.

>> No.5047800

Litecoin did drop to $275 and recovered to $324 today. That's almost 18% gain in 8hrs.

>> No.5047896

All the ferengi actors were manlet jews

Im surprised they got away with the blatant semitic allusion that is the Ferengi

>> No.5047951

It's because literally everyone on /biz/ probably grossly and vastly overestimates the normie influence on the market.

In general, normies probably put in a few hundred, or they just watch, form opinions about it, and talk to each other at the water cooler.

There is absolutely no public metric for measuring how much normie money is going into this or that crypto, relative to the same ol' big money. Everyone is just making assumptions, based on nothing.

/biz/ talks fucking endlessly about muh normie surge, when it probably makes barely a dent in the market.

If I'm wrong, produce some numbers. None of this is happening transparently, except "number of coinbase accounts opened." Those accounts could be doing anything, and an enormous percentage of them are doing nothing.

>> No.5047953

Ferengi and Bajorans were both space Jews

>> No.5048142
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I encourage anyone to read the Ferengi Rules of Aquisition