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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50466053 No.50466053 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50466720

I’m gonna coooooooooooom

>> No.50466788

Multiple 100k buys these last few days.

What do they know?

>> No.50466864

Whales are just retards who got lucky, don't look in to it too much. Who knows though, maybe they picked another winner.

>> No.50466998

$100 long term target

>> No.50467099


Ser it can't. I'm not that lucky.

>> No.50467427

I am financially excited
this time I will take some profit if we pump back to $2 kek
>t. held since $0.2 (GFARM2) and never sold any

>> No.50467779


$5 next month. It's gonna happen with the final release of SSS. We have been waiting a while for this moment. Will seb capture it, or let it slip?

>> No.50468014
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I've been hearing about SSS since last year, I don't even give a shit anymore

>> No.50469332

This desu it’s gonna be like 4%. If anything everyone will sell their GNS to get a better return in the Dai vault

>> No.50469571

Any word on if these guys are gonna be on polygon zkevm?

>> No.50469783

Seb was contacting the polygon reps in the tg chat after the announcement. It’s definitely his plan anyways

>> No.50470145

dont do you dirty like that
just sell your SSS rewards if anything but hey you do you

>> No.50470769

well $33 puts us at $1 billion so i dont think you are being unreasonable
im less hopeful than you but I think hitting $20 should be ezpz

>> No.50470801

then I will buy if it dips
but it wont it will pump simply due to the stats of how many people stake for SSS rewards

will polygons biggest product beon zkEVM?
of course...
they will want it on asap
i do hope seb gets this on arbitrum and avax that way he can start taking some of GMXs volume and spotlight from the mainstream CT types

>> No.50470828
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>AVAX and SOL and LTC and XMR all confirmed $9999 eom
>shitcoins will start pumping soon too
$LACEration masochists all three of us we WILL prevail...

>> No.50470873

and we are back down to 1.3 lmao we are headed to 1.18

>> No.50471166

oh nononnono it’s all over for us sell sell sell

>> No.50471401

The price went up when Avalanche collaborated with Infura. avax is now $23!

>> No.50471422
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oh no now I sold everything
just kidding kill yourself faggot

>> No.50471527

Same 12 retards in GNS marketing group replying on every GNS thread, it's over retards stop lying to yourselves.

>> No.50471590

GNS is shit and will be kicked out so soon, vault is filled so slowly, token is useless in the platform, pajeet chain, most loyal whale sold, 1 dev controlling the whole platform, DAI staking is not 0 risk anymore.

>> No.50471641

so, which marketing group are you from?

>> No.50471692

Did I shill anything you stupid nigger? I'm just saying that you are all stupid slaves for Seb and your dump threads became stupid and more obvious

>> No.50471853


Are you a haz been?

>> No.50471903

>pajeet chain
>even mentions Seb (not a pajeet)
you talk obvious shit and lies, that's why I'm asking which shill group are you from

>> No.50474278


SSS Gonna filay you open. You don't have a bag. Yet.

>> No.50474347

40% of closing fees is complete garbage, even the day 1 midget whale is losing hope.
Get out and buy back in lower..