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File: 225 KB, 500x282, CRAIG WRIGHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5046503 No.5046503 [Reply] [Original]

i don't care if you believe me

>> No.5046573
File: 504 KB, 1080x1080, Really makes you think the thoughts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Could prove he's Satoshi easily in a number of ways
>Doesn't do any of it

>> No.5046597

He already did

>> No.5046662


And what was his proof?

>> No.5046719

as soon as he proved it he'd be disappeared by any number of government black ops types, or organized crime for extortion or any number of other possibilities

he failed to prove it on purpose, to maximize public sentiment that he isn't satoshi.

>> No.5046789

now you just being a retard and making up scenarios, with no proof, as to why he can't prove he is who he claimed to be.

>> No.5046792

lmao craig is not satoshi


>> No.5046809

SSH keys, first btc transaction etc
Go check his interview on YouTube

>> No.5046824

19 year old lolcat guy says so

>> No.5046912

>Attacking the person and not the argument

So Craig isn't Satoshi, got it

>> No.5046982

Crypto is better without a figurehead. It's volatile enough as is.

>> No.5047021

It is either CSW, Hal Finney or Nick Szabo. Hal Finney is dead and got ALS.

CSW looks and speaks like an alpha Chad. Nick Szabo looks and speaks like an autist.
I'm gonna go with the Chad.

>> No.5047044
File: 157 KB, 500x366, 1512915739523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm gonna go with the Chad.

>> No.5047081
File: 2.38 MB, 2918x2901, 1510531599562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5047124

He has more wealth in Bitcoin than president trump has to spend on toys

>> No.5047169

CSW looks healthy enough to be a billionaire.

>> No.5047211

This guy is not even Satoshi. Craig Wright is a BCH shill now, and if he really wanted, he could move Satoshi coins to an exchange and sell for BCH.

He has not done so. He is a phony faggot with a lot of cash. Fuck him, fuck his face, and fuck you.

>> No.5047212

and what does that have to do with claiming to be satoshi?

>> No.5047239

He has said he has already sold some bitcoin, did not specify how much

>> No.5047243

it was A.I.

>> No.5047295
File: 41 KB, 640x628, 0936D52D-2C4E-469E-8E7A-35EEDF2AFEE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that makes him Satoshi? How fucking gullible are you Pajeet?

>> No.5047311

He has over 40 phds under him you fucking faggot. You seriously think he's not waiting for the most opportune time to make the swap?

>> No.5047333

Yeah and the "real satoshi" just let him lie about him?
Craig is Satoshi, I don't care about what vitalik says, stop getting brainwashed by him, think for yourself.

>> No.5047341

>You seriously think he's not waiting for the most opportune time to make the swap?

That time already happened

>> No.5047371

>think for yourself.
>Only proof he is Satoshi is other people saying they saw something that they think confirms he's Satoshi

>> No.5047378

Yeah this is a pretty good point honestly. Either Satoshi was Hal Finney and his private keys died with him (or were passed down to his kids).

OR Satoshi is the biggest pussy alive to not make some anonymous post with his keys saying CSW is NOT Satoshi

OR CSW is Satoshi.

Take your pick.

>> No.5047412

are you clinically retarded? because your argument is so logically unsound i'm really fucking surprised you can even type.

>>Yeah and the "real satoshi" just let him lie about him?

so the only way for us to disprove he is the real satoshi is if the 'real' satoshi comes out and says it? well fuck me, i'm satoshi and the only way to disprove my claim is if the real satoshi comes forward.

>> No.5047466

this video is what finally convinced me that Craig is Satoshi.

I know you autists are not known for being able to read people, and all you have to go on here is his voice. but give it a listen. Craig was involved with the Satoshi team, probably the quantitative and economics expert, Hal Finney being the cryptographer and someone being the main dev


>> No.5047475

So what the fuck is it, has he proven himself to be Satoshi, or is he going to at a later “opportune” date?

If Satoshi would prefer anonymity, then having a small group of cocksuckers drawing attention to Craig Wright works in his favor.

>> No.5047498

Pump and dumb alt coin chat: https://discord.gg/NPnyQ5Y

>> No.5047556

show bobs and vegena

>> No.5047568

Minister you Satoshi!

>> No.5047605

more good shit from minister satoshi -



>> No.5047624

>SSH keys, first btc transaction etc
What do you mean by that?

How does anyone know what ssh keys nakamoto used/had?
And what do you mean by first transaction?

>> No.5047642

nakamoto is nakamoto, it's so fucking obvious. watch the interview with the AP.

>> No.5047697

dude is defensive as fuck.

sounds like a retard through half the interview, he's definitely not as smart as you think he is

>> No.5047875

Speaking as an individual trained in law, no LARPing, that proved to me that that’s nigger ain’t Satoshi. He was very defensive which is a full fucking tell that he’s lying. He doesn’t do one basic transaction that could completely put the thing out of reach, instead devises some Rube Goldberg bullshit to dupe the socially awkward Gavin Andresen, and now his credibility is rekt af.

>> No.5047928

Whats wrong with this guy? Does he have Autism?

>> No.5048022

>Does Vitalik have autism?


>> No.5048133

I think you underestimate how hot headed Australians are.

>> No.5048538

NSA is satoshi

Minister you NSA!

>> No.5048570

Reminder that nChain (CSW is chief scientist there) has no obvious product, no open source presence, and is hoarding software patents. They are also pushing bitcoin cash.

Software patents...
Open source p2p currency libertarian dream...

seems legit

>> No.5048617

>and is hoarding software patents

This fucking bothers me so much. Some anon was shilling BCH in a thread and claiming this as a positive because they'll give all the patents to BCH for free and lock out everyone else. Fuckers

>> No.5048683

Don't worry about it

>> No.5048718
File: 61 KB, 825x510, 1512951950128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, blockstream also has patents.


Actually legit

You can just tell by looking at the fucking crypto autists working on bitcoin. They are the real deal. Mad chads like ver or csw are just angry they don't understand crypto.

>> No.5048872

He is socially dysfunctional in many many ways, probably gay, probably not autistic. Just a weirdo. He reminds me of most geeks I played WoW with back in the day. the real 'hardcore' players who would stay up all night chatting about stats on armour and spells. They all act like that IRL from my experience at meetups. It is weird but not autistic. If anything it is a personality disorder caused by too much time at a computer growing up, interacting only via typing and voice chats. You could tell he has no concept of socialising and took the conversation literally. Like a challenge to discover a way to prove it really is him or not. When that was not really what the conversation was about. He's in his own little world, one mostly made up of facts and problems to solve. Plus he is young, he still has a lot of growing up to do and still seems to be in that awkward teenager phase.
t. HF Autistic / EX WoW player :P

>> No.5048888


N akamoto
SA toshi

>> No.5048890


Good on them. I still think BTC will one day die out due to a number of factors, so it's nice the technology used and implemented can be adapted for other things freely

>> No.5049233
File: 78 KB, 621x764, 1512764843978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to judge his triggeredness in the context of what the other guy is claiming, which is downright ridiculous. He's claiming to be able to figure out private keys from a single public key. It makes even more sense that he'd get triggered by someone saying this about bitcoin if he's Satoshi.
How fucked don't you think he'd be if he decisively proved he is Satoshi? Intelligence agencies from all over the world would want the private key so they could crash BTC at any time. His family would be a target for kidnapping, tax authorites would want him to pay estate tax on the satoshi coins.

It was always a lose-lose for Craig and he picked the lesser loss.

That is, assuming he Satoshi or a part of the team that was called Satoshi. We can't know if he is or not because either way it doesn't make sense for him to decisively prove it as thing currently are.

>> No.5049842

I am not so sure about the context of the video. It's kinda hard to tell. It seems to me like the dude is saying, if you know the random number generator that made the private key, then you can generate the private key from the public key. Which seems logical to me. But there is limited context in the video, it's hard to say for sure.

Why would craig even say that he's satoshi in the first place? Everything about him is shit.


>> No.5049856
File: 129 KB, 450x450, nsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Quads dont lie

National Security Agency Office of Information Security Research and Technology

Cryptology Division

18 June 1996


>> No.5050034

yes anonymous electronic cash is nothing new. there were many forms of centralized digital currencies before bitcoin. they all got rekt and shut down by governments.

there were attempts to solve this like hash cash and bit gold but bitcoin was the first to put all the required pieces into place. bitcoin (as the whitepaper intended) is censorship-proof. lightning network is not, and it is not bitcoin.

>> No.5050202
File: 1.83 MB, 1891x1027, minister-you-satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've got the first fucking nine keys
>I've got the fucking genesis bloody block
>I've got the fucking code
>I've got the fucking papers
>I don't really give a shit whether people like it

what a Chad, this man is going to make me so rich

>> No.5050248

Thank you

Decentralized, censorship-proof but why not fully anonymous

>> No.5050279


If he proves it he'll have the Australian Tax Office rimming his arsehole for eternity, obviously he's not going to come out publicly.

Do you people ever fucking think for yourselves?

>> No.5050306

>why not fully anonymous

nchain is bringing anonymous mixing and privacy feature to bitcoin cash. and the part that has me most excited, distributed p2p on-chain poker (csw tweeted about it yesterday)

>> No.5050396

>I am not so sure about the context of the video. It's kinda hard to tell. It seems to me like the dude is saying, if you know the random number generator that made the private key, then you can generate the private key from the public key. Which seems logical to me. But there is limited context in the video, it's hard to say for sure.
He claims in the video that him and his students have already found hundreds of private keys knowing 1 public key. The context is not that "limited".

>Why would craig even say that he's satoshi in the first place? Everything about him is shit.
News media first fingered him for being Satoshi after the australian government raided his house with a warrant that included "satoshi nakamoto" as one of the persons or aliases of interest. He shilled being satoshi to a company in order to get funds and personnel to do research. This unit is now called "nChain".

People assume Satoshi Nakamato is necessarily some super good two-shoes and based on that idea, they assume it couldn't be someone with the personality of Craig Wright, but that's not necessarily the case.

>> No.5050420

*needing only 1 public key to find a specific private key, that is.

>> No.5050491

Which he only showed to 1 guy on his own laptop lel

>> No.5050573

He once said he is not Satoshi


>> No.5050718

lol literally did not say that faggot

>> No.5050934

> He: Coindesk is anti me
> Coindesk replies back saying: m8, Satoshi (you) is actually on the list
> He: uhhh, oh , uhhmm

>> No.5050975

at least he's on our side with BCH, since the evil team at core kicked him out to try and take over with the counterfeit coin

>> No.5051096

Satoshi decided he'd let CSW claim that to further reduce the chances of anyone ever figuring out its not him. Its like when you want to make yourself unfindable online, its a lot easier to set up a fake profile leading to bullshit information of yourself on the first results at which point people will stop thinking they have your info than to trace down every database selling your info.

>> No.5051151

All this just makes him an attention whore for trying to come forward as Satoshi at all, which is completely contradictory of who Satoshi was at BTC developer.
Guess what, if he's actually Satoshi he could cover those tax expenses effortlessly and no government gives a shit about the keys because they have had plenty of opportunities to accumulate massive amount of coins cheaply for that purpose if it's their goal.

>> No.5051170

>How fucked don't you think he'd be if he decisively proved he is Satoshi? Intelligence agencies from all over the world would want the private key so they could crash BTC at any time. His family would be a target for kidnapping, tax authorites would want him to pay estate tax on the satoshi coins.
This is beyond retarded.
>comes out and says he's Satoshi
>well the reason he doesn't prove he's telling the truth is because intelligence agencies would come after him
Yet that didn't stop him from publicly claiming to be Satoshi to start with, if he was actually worried about those intel agencies he never would have made the claim to begin with.

>> No.5051385


Satoshi true vision

>> No.5051417

>>I've got the first fucking nine keys
Has he proven that/signed anything?

>> No.5051467

no, he didn't do it after he said he would. gave no reason. he hasn't provided any proof, that only satoshi can provide, that he is satoshi.

>> No.5051482

unironically true. the early bitcoin clients had poker client code built in but disabled

bitcoin was birthed after the US shut down internet gambling and poker. the industry needed a currency that governments could not seize. early adopters like Calvin Ayre were taking bitcoin deposits and cashouts for his casinos and poker properties years ago.

the billionaire Calvin is is now a big BCH supporter as well :)

>> No.5051489

hal finney's coins will never move