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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 117 KB, 960x960, keyed-lamborghini-huracan-avio-looks-depressing-in-bruges-122641_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50459876 No.50459876 [Reply] [Original]

>Chainlink moons
>seething poorfag ruins your property

>> No.50459888

cars will be ruined for no reason always
you live in a hostile environment

>> No.50459889

>buy lambo
>dont insure it
lol k

>> No.50459907

I never did anything like this when I was poor. Never was offended or jealous of richfags and their nice cars either. How much of a loser do you have to be to covet someone else's property so much you destroy it?

>> No.50459919

you ensure it
something happens
insurances go up
something happens
insurance goes up

>> No.50459920

i mean honestly I can understand the anger

many people are living paycheck to paycheck

many lost their jobs due to covid lockdowns

many cant even afford a home anymore

and this guy just casually parks his lambo, which has the price of 3 median homes, in the street

he could have gotten a normal car and use that money for the good like helping others or even donating it to charity even, but no he is selfish and must show the world he is richer and better than you

obviously im against vandalism, but I kinda low cap understand it and would probably wanna do the same if I was living paycheck to paycheck and barely could afford a small car

>> No.50459936


>> No.50459937


niggers behavior.

some nigger keyed my car a while back

>> No.50459939

holy fucking plebbit spacing. Are you o.k, anon?

>> No.50459949

to be honest most people didnt even earn this money themselves, they just got lucky with landing a good job early on or having rich parents

>> No.50459958

if you can’t afford insurance you can’t afford a lambo you drooling neanderthal

>> No.50459968 [DELETED] 

No one who thinks like keys a high end car, people who key keys are just jealous seething manbabies who want the car themselves.

Im an actual charitable guy, and not materialistic at all, and would not key anyones property. But I know for sure someone who is materialistic and jealous would key a car they cant have, its just a man(baby) destroying something because he cant have it, not because he thinks its some outrageous display of wealth while others are suffering

>> No.50459976

Wrong! Petty shit like this is White crime. Niggers break windows to steal contents inside or steal catalytic converters

>> No.50459977

nah scum will key even slightly nice cars

>> No.50459982 [DELETED] 
File: 203 KB, 733x569, 1657371474732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one who thinks like that keys a high end car, people who key keys are just jealous seething manbabies who want the car themselves and are angry because THEY cant have the car

Im an actual charitable guy, and not materialistic at all, and would not key anyones property. But I know for sure someone who is materialistic and jealous would key a car they cant have, its just a man(baby) destroying something because he cant have it, not because he thinks its some outrageous display of wealth while others are suffering

>> No.50459987

>not having a security system on your lambo
I'm not saying he deserved it, but we're not in a high trust society anymore, if you have a lambo you can afford to protect it.

>> No.50459988

If the lambo driver cut the keyer off or something, it's justified. Otherwise, it's nigger behavior.

>> No.50459989

samefagging this hard kek

>> No.50459995
File: 30 KB, 656x679, 952309902359035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one who thinks like that keys a high end car, people who key cars are just jealous seething manbabies who want the car themselves and are angry because THEY cant have the car

Im an actual charitable guy, and not materialistic at all, and would not key anyones property. But I know for sure someone who is materialistic and jealous would key a car they cant have, its just a man(baby) destroying something because he cant have it, not because he thinks its some outrageous display of wealth while others are suffering

>> No.50459999


wtf r u doing

>> No.50460005
File: 55 KB, 491x585, 1657888840634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>50459968 (Dead)
>>50459982 (Dead)

>> No.50460006

I kept making errors, im feeding my baby with milk bottle and typing on 4chan

>> No.50460009

that is not the point
also keyed lambo looks great it has character now
the point is you are surrounded by demoniacs

>> No.50460020

i'm rich and i key cars for fun
get fucked carfags

>> No.50460056

You stupid bitch. Poor is always relative. Even my cheapest 2006 black jetta got keyed by spics in LA as did my 2009 ford. Would bet $100 they were women too. This is what happens with multiculturalism.

>> No.50460110

flaunting your wealth in the faces for anyone having a hard time is a big middlefinger

so you can expect a big middlefinger back

>> No.50460117


LA is where my car got keyed too

fuck that shithole

>> No.50460141

Yes because driving the cheapest shittiest Jetta was a middle finger. Wrong. It’s multiculturalism and plebbit Marxist faggots. Honestly kys

>> No.50460144

That's okay, that was just today's lambo.

>> No.50460160

This is why we can't have nice things.
So many children who never became adults and can't tolerate the truth or take risks.

The reason they are living paycheck to paycheck is because they have no impulse control, and expect others to pay for their problems.
Never feed parasites should be a motto.
Giving money to someone who does not deserve it will just throw it away and they will keep asking for more like a drug addict.

>> No.50460161

>that car
>that street
both deserve each other

>> No.50460163

Shit bait

>> No.50460191

>they have no impuls control
>yet I buy a lambo and park it in an area where people cant even eat
>act surprised when people get pissed

>> No.50460219
File: 18 KB, 317x284, 1346949485896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I was younger I was into fucking stuff up and it was a great source of fun to me:

>see some guy living nearby bought a new mercedes S class
>while doing my nightwalk encounter his car and key it
>write the words SEX and NIGGER on it and nazi symbols too
>months go by
>he downgrades to a shitty car but keeps his "custom" plates
>key it too but this time just a huge line all across it
>took off his license plates and switched them out with a BMW parking nearby that I also keyed and kicked off a sidemirror
>see the guy later with a bicycle going around
>follow him and when he leaves it unattended fuck it up so he cant install his seat ever again lol

>> No.50460225

Ostentatious displays of wealth are retarded, as is living in a third world country like the US if you have the funds to live elsewhere.

>> No.50460232


>> No.50460274

You’re a bitch but you’re right in the sense that it’s retarded to buy an expensive vehicle and park it in the street. Every time I park my shitbox or shitbike there’s always a new ding on it because people are worse than animals.

>> No.50460283

not my problem. I only look out for family and cool autist friends.

>> No.50460295

hurr just dont own property ever.

Kys dirty bitch faggot.

>> No.50460349

Niggers will destroy a resturant and attack workers because they get charged .75cebts for a packet of extra sauce.

>> No.50460377

>Be me
>Buy a lambo with 1% of my networth just to flex on the poorfags
>Install a dash cam on it
>Park it in a poor area
>Poors key my car
>Make a police report for poors destroying my property
>Show them the footage
>Sue the poors
>They of course cannot afford a lawyer, much less to pay for the damages done to my car
>They go to jail and i get to flex on poors

>> No.50460422

modern electric cars have multiple always on cameras
however this will not always work - masks !

>> No.50460430

>reddit spacing
>typical reddit opinion

>> No.50460445

You can expect to spend a lot of your life in prison.

>> No.50460469
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>> No.50460472

you are counting on a state to do the work for you
the state is very fragile thing
it will disappear over night and you will have to deal with those around you

>> No.50460485

Where is Hispanic? Are they grouping them with Whites?

>> No.50460507

I unironically do this all the time.
Rich people are subhuman so it's justified

>> No.50460541
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>> No.50460750

You forgot the faggot non confronting use of "I mean.. " at the start of his shit opinion

>> No.50460834
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>> No.50460857

Weird how the bottom right is labelled as Hispanic yet looks the whitest one there.

>> No.50460868

I would honestly kill anyone I knew had 9 figures on the basis that they're undoubtedly a parasite and therefore unworthy of living.

>> No.50460870
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>> No.50460873

Speaking of LINK, does anyone know what's happened with Polish Whore? I haven't seen her post in forever.

>> No.50460877

I have known more than 10 niggers that have keyes cars over petty shit. One was keying a managers car at mcdonalds for being asked to take the garbage out. Keying cars are 100% nigger behavior and I have seen it happen countless times

>> No.50460881


its only possible to be so rich you can afford a lambo if you literally went over dead bodies on your way of getting there

you basicly have to be a sociopath and spare no cost, even if you would harm people in your way

>> No.50460883

And then their next of kin who did even less to earn it would inherit it, while you spend the rest of your life in jail. Nice move.

>> No.50460896

I have enough to own several Lambos. I don't want one. This is a business and finance board, anon.

>> No.50460903

If only there were some sort of definitive, ultimate solution to this kind of problem

>> No.50460906

she's originally a hoholina and used her freshly earned refugee status to settle in switzerland


she was opening threads for a few days but some frustrated jannie kept deleting them for no reason then she gave up

>> No.50460915

>he doesn’t wrap his car in a clear bra
>buying a lambo instead of something better

>> No.50461058

>she's originally a hoholina
Srsly? Holy wowzers.
Good for her, I hope she's doing well there.

Thanks much for the update!

>> No.50461122

Are you retarded? When I was 19 I invested my pocket change into crypto and have enough for two lambos now. I didn't kill anyone how about you take some responsibility.

>> No.50461133

sure you did kiddo with trustfund parents who probably went over bodies to get where they are instead

you are the reason this world is unfair

>> No.50461154
File: 344 KB, 1119x908, 16774334252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a massive poorfag and my parents are from shithole countries that work a shitty job, mum recently lost her job even. What I did was simply invest instead of save and work instead of party like a loser like you.

>> No.50461183

>I just got lucky betting on the winning numbers haha anyone can do it!

yeah you just proved my point

and im not gonna read your plebbit screenshot you fucking retard

>> No.50461189

Can't even be bothered to read a few lines of text. This is why you're poor.

>> No.50461191

go back

>> No.50461208

>Euro-/biz/ full of seething poorfags

Don’t forget to keep your AC off to conserve energy. Your leadership appreciates you giving up a few years of your youth to save granny only for her to cook to death due to a war induced energy shortage.

>> No.50461215

I wouldn’t drive lambo anon. You either buy the car made in your country so if it fucks up it’s cheap to repair and you’ll always have parts, or you get a cheap reliable Hyundai or Toyota. If you want to flex get a Porsche, the are pound for pound the best vehicle you can buy for your money.

>> No.50461223

For some people they are so stupid that they can’t make any good decision in their life and they are constantly seething. Richfags have it coming a lot of the time.

>> No.50461225


>> No.50461297

its a pretty based screenshot where a dude grinded from a poorfag to rich and made faggy redditors seethe. its worth the read

>> No.50461389

There's demonics in Bruges? Do you mean jews?

>> No.50461405

LOL enjoying your earned money is flaunting now?

>> No.50461418

Nah its nigger mentality,

Ive lost nearly wverything due to covid faggotry, still would never key someones car. Thats just low IQ retardation manifesting itself in reality. People who do such petty shit deserve nothing but poverty and contempt.

It is an ugly ass color for a Lambo though... diarrhea green

>> No.50461424

i mean considering you can only afford a lambo by going over literal bodies yeah it kinda is

>> No.50461427

>chainlink moons
If by "moons" you mean early June numbers. Call me back when its over $9.

>> No.50461446
File: 1.27 MB, 1125x1128, F4541E07-5D1F-4154-84FC-CE36BA4B5E81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You WILL live in the hostile environment

>> No.50461460

don't buy cars you can't afford to lose

>> No.50461508

futile sophistry
We all know what happened in the picture and it's not some fucking poorfag crusade against the rich like those douchebag climate terrorists who go around deflating tires.
It was a drunk fuck who couldn't get laid and had to make his own way home.
But even if it was the former, what kind of bullshit activism is that? It achieves nothing but wastes money which ultimately always fucks over the poorfag more than the richfag.
Also, go back.

>> No.50461513

>imagine having insurance going up when it's not your fault
Can't relate.

>> No.50461559

>Wow that sucks
>At least it's an opportunity to learn how to fill in scratches on my car
>Maybe I won't park my car in this part of town anymore
God gives us challenges, like living with niggers, and we have to push through them and grow into who he wants us to be.

>> No.50461566

nice assumptions but no

usually when I destroy stuff its only from people who deserve it for example richfag lambo owners

i wouldnt key soemones shitbox when they are clearly working their ass off trying to get their ends meet

only parasitic richfags or people taunting others by flaunting their weilth

>> No.50461595

>work hard, invest money
>make huge sacrifices to be able to invest as much as possible
>end up with huge stack of money
>spend 1% on lambo
>illiterate low life that can't even read keys your car

>> No.50461596

Always hide your wealth. Never draw attention to yourself. We’re entering a financial collapse and you want to blend in. Otherwise your car will be keyed, or worse, you’ll be followed home and captured and everything you own will be stolen or destroyed at gunpoint.

>> No.50461611

>get lucky and be born in the 1% of society
>meanwhile the other 99% their pay isn't even increased to match inflation
>cant even afford a new car anymore (even a normal car, not a lambo)
>cant even afford a house anymore
>cant even afford rent anymore
>n-no i earned this myself !!!

>> No.50461619
File: 979 KB, 1119x908, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>get lucky and be born in the 1% of society

>> No.50461622
File: 39 KB, 674x501, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50461626

Wait so because I started mining btc in 2010 I deserve to have my shit fucked with? What bodies did I step over?

>> No.50461648

>just guess the lucky numbers at the start of the lottery bro

oh wow, much fairness you really earned this yourself !!!

nevermind the rest of the world who cant even do things like owning a house or buying a new car which were normal 50 years ago

>> No.50461659

Answer his question, what bodies did he step over?

>> No.50461670

It's honestly just Germans, and they deserve everything they get.

>> No.50461674
File: 233 KB, 563x542, 1645398639925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks kinda kino now

>> No.50461677

if I have to explain to you how unfair the world is and how people driving lambo's are horrible people then you wouldn't understand anyway

>> No.50461681

Answer the fucking question you illiterate loser.

>> No.50461692


Explain why going over bodies is morally wrong. You enrich yourself at the expense of literal slave laborers in east asia and africa, which is only a practical difference here, not a moral one.

>> No.50461694

i dont have to if I dont want to

just like how I can key your middle finger to the hard working and often poor middle and lower class while you were lucky to be born in the right family or guessing the right lottery numbers in time

maybe now you understand how fairness works

>> No.50461701

>i dont have to if I dont want to
You can't. You will never be more than a resentful loser. Parasite.

>> No.50461710

>says the guy that literally doesnt see the problem with owning lambo's when there are people that cant even eat

>> No.50461711

If I found someone keying my car I might just be willing to defend my property with whatever force is required to neutralize the threat, no cap fr

>> No.50461718

>t. beemer owner

>> No.50461727

Why would somebody being lucky and guessing the lottery numbers justify such animosity towards them to the point you think vandalising their property is 'fair'? You honestly sound like such a bitter, negative loser.

>> No.50461728

>neutralize the threat

>harming a sovereign body over some metal and rubber instead of when in immidiate life danger

enjoy going to jail

>> No.50461733

>what bodies did he step over?
>if I have to explain to you
>i dont have to if I dont want to
I don't resent you, I just think you're sad.

>> No.50461748
File: 3.36 MB, 166x263, 1578792168415.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean I GUESS I can understand this anger

>Covid is a thing sweety

>obviously im against vandalism, BUT I kinda low cap

>Its almost as if it wasn't the minoritys fault it was the rich guy, he was ASKING for it

>Maybe just MAYBE its only possible to be so rich by running over LITERAL bodies

>No YOURE the redditor

>Edit: Thanks for the upvotes and the LGBTQ poor nigger lover badge!!!

>> No.50461755

Can’t tell if b8. But yep. Life ain’t fair Anons and if some piece of shit keys your car that’s life. Deal with it chud.

>> No.50461757
File: 41 KB, 1280x720, freggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be extremely lucky born in the 1% of humanity so you have more money than others


>Be extremely lucky by guessing the right lottery numbers early on (getting into bitcoin early)

>be flaunting your wealth by driving puke green lambo's

>"Haha look how rich I am"
>Oh I could also buy a normal car and help you get your first house? Yes I know regular folks aren't able to buy homes anymore
>still hunger in world, could even donate the money to charity even
>but no decide to be selfish prick and buy lambo while contributing nothing to my fellow humans in a society
>wwaaaaaaaa why did my car get keyed?

you people are legit idiots if you fail to see the logic in all of this

i guess being in the 1% doesnt automaticly make you the 1% in iq but it just is all luck in the end

>> No.50461770

>reddit spacing
I hate slavs so much.

>> No.50461780

honestly, I do understand your absolute emotional state over being unlucky. and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it :)

>> No.50461789

>Seething virgin faggots with 50k net worths.
Yup keep defending someone who would literally feed you to their dogs.

This is why our world is cracked and broken and we all deserve a bath of fire for decades.

>> No.50461791

except key your car and put you into a minor inconvenience for a few days :)

>> No.50461802

bad argument, I keep my lambo in a private garage. it's not for plebs to look at, anyway.

>> No.50461804

HAHA what a fucking retard commie
If the best part of you had not ran down your whore mothers' leg you could figure out a way to win and thrive in this kikesystem

>> No.50461805

After one day he will have his car fixed, and you will still be a loser.

>> No.50461806

These same faggots will make 10 threads about dating tomboys because secretly they want to fuck men.

>> No.50461812

Oh don't worry it will quickly elevate from keying to brake line sabotage.

>> No.50461816

A frog poster would at least get a full sized image instead of a twitch emote with borders. This is a faggot tourist crab in a bucket
And so is this nigger lover
The amount of unnecessary space being taken up from all this spacing should warrant a pack of Jaquans to rape and spread AIDS to their entire families

>> No.50461821

Some nigger spic just keyed my employees cat yesterday. Never underestimate the degeneracy and stupidity of a nigger

>> No.50461838

I don't know why my phone changes car to cat fuck niggers bro

>> No.50461848

How many times have you fantasized about sucking cum out of a penis or having that penis cumming inside your asshole?
And what age was it when your dad left or killed himself?

>> No.50461854

And what about the people who started from 0 and built their own business from scratch through sheer hard work and not through luck? Do you apply the same 'logic' when it comes to their expensive cars? What about their mansions or expensive clothes?

And you really are utterly childish if you think throwing money at charities does anything to combat world hunger. You sound like a 17 year old who just got introduced to Marx lmao.

>> No.50461867

>shitty streets filled with potholes
>city full of cobblestone streets
>narrow streets
>country full of niggers or A-rabs
why would you even own a supercar in Belgium, you are asking for your property to get destroyed/stolen/keyed, its like going in a Detroid negro-hood wearing a goldchain, Rolex and designer shoes.

>> No.50461881

a sovereign body inflicting damage to my property is the initialization of a business transaction with me, and responding with force is the payment for their services rendered.

>> No.50461908

This is why if I ever end up with fuck you money I will buy a nice car that doesn't stand out from the crowd (an SUV with all the bells and whistles) and live in a mansion in some rural state innawoods a few miles outside of an average sized town.

Fags who buy expensive sports cars in major cities are just begging for people to vandalize them.

>> No.50461953

the chad middle class car
>never keyed
>easy to find replacement parts


the virgin supercar
>wastes gasoline
>has to pay huge amounts and wait for replacement parts
>gets keyed
>can't go anywhere without being goggled or photographed
>waste of PS you can't use anyways

>> No.50461973

that's the whole point of this system, the whole incentive is to make it to make others seethe, without it there would be no drive for most of the narcissists out there.

besides that, probably bait and also don't expect any rational replies from neets who made it off crypto or inherited all their wealth of their daddies.

>> No.50461977

>he could have gotten a normal car and use that money for the good like helping others or even donating it to charity even, but no he is selfish and must show the world he is richer and better than you
I owe you nothing zoomer. Go fuck yourself

>> No.50462065

sup nerds I just bought my first Gundam kits and I will assemble them with no glue and there is nothing you can do to stop me. let me repeat myself

>> No.50462216

When I was a poorfag and spotted a supercar on the highway I’d always pull up alongside them with my 70 horsepower shitbox and gesture that I wanted to race. 90% of them were good sports and always let me win for a little bit before they flew past me

>> No.50462220

>leaving a luxury car unsupervised in the fucking ghetto
remember, never relax

>> No.50462508

>also keyed lambo looks great it has character now
holy cope lmao

>> No.50462690

I actually used to have a lot of sympathy for the poor before I realised people like you exist. now I realise poor people deserve no more sympathy than the rich

>> No.50462723

Ok faggot but which kit?

>> No.50462782

Psychopath but I respect the grind Boss

>> No.50462895

and best of all
>makes its owner objectively superior to you

>> No.50462954

Doesn’t that mean you should key your boss’ car exclusively? You make a lot of assumptions which is probably why you’re such a poorfaggot.

>> No.50463054

That's the problem nowadays. Basedbois and other men see someone successful with either money or women and see them as competition rather than a dope new friends. They're literally actively repelling success.

>> No.50463147

Why the fuck would you park this shit on the street

>> No.50463193


Commies don't actually want to elevate people out of poverty. Instead, they attempt to promote equality by bringing everyone else down to their level. They will NEVER donate to charity. They will NEVER volunteer. They will NEVER do anything to help their fellow man. Meanwhile, even the most selfish billionaires donate to charities for tax incentives and good PR. Commies will die having never made a difference on anyone. There is no more pathetic existence imaginable.


>> No.50463224

how much have you donated so far? are you donating regularly? you probably think you're not rich enough to donate and most rich people think the same cause you can always have more. some starving indonesian nigger thinks the same about you, why aren't you helping him? you have 1000x as much money as he has

>> No.50463227

Because niggers.

>> No.50463466

Thumbnail looked like a menu from a Mexican restaurant.

>> No.50463938

lmao cycling around and living in a single room in some asshole vienamese person's house is "privilege". redditers need the rope.

>> No.50464129

lots of poor people are poor because of their bad habits and dispicable nature. the same is true of entire countries.

>> No.50464181

are you mixed race or something?

>> No.50464227

it is the owner's fault though. wealth flaunting in poorfag coping areas is how it works. all adverse changes in the insurance calculus will mean you have to pay up whitey. that's how it works.

>> No.50465105

Should have ran them off the road into a tree

>> No.50465177

>im so poor and mad
>ill key a fancy car to get back at capitalism
this is your brain on reddit.

>> No.50466134

If you live in a first world nation and you're still poor you have no one to blame but yourself especially since the internet exists now.

>> No.50466756

Kek Nash's A Bitch

>> No.50466971

If you are driving around on public roads you aren't rich.

>> No.50467018

Why can't people just leave people's property alone? We need to start putting cameras on cars like Tesla has to catch these assholes.

>> No.50467026

>shit-brown eyes

>> No.50467031

if you can't afford to fix it you probably shouldn't own it
not saying it's justified like >>50459920, fuck degenerates that do this
but it seems like they're living in a place where lambos aren't tolerated, which means they probably couldn't afford it if they couldn't move to a nicer area

>> No.50467055
File: 2.18 MB, 4032x3024, IMG-1342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing you can't touch me from down there poorfags kek
seething or not seething? can't see you from up here kek

>> No.50467879

Ostentatious displays of wealth are also nigger behaviour, so its niggardry all round.

>> No.50467985

>parking your lambourghini in a populated area
>not anticipating this
i wish we lived in a world where everyone was so wealthy that nobody would be jealous or angry enough to do that

>> No.50467993


>> No.50468012
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>> No.50468067

just live somewhere white

>> No.50468084

If you want to actually help people the last thing you should do is donate to a charity, unless the people you want to help are rich bored housewives and trust fund kids with make work jobs.

>> No.50468329

>gee what do all the people I prey off of to make my fortune hate my guts?
Stay in your gated communities you arrogant fucks. We don't want you in our neighorhoods

>> No.50468397

it's niggotry or niggertry, niggardry is the act of being niggardly which has nothing to do with ethnicity or associated cultural behavior patterns

>> No.50468485

Yeah I’m 38 but look like I’m a lot younger and poor low class wagies look at me in my nice new house and seethe internally so badly. I don’t even drive a nice car but I feel like they seethe when they see my car even. It’s a fucking Ford Focus. Some people are just awful. Most people actually.

>> No.50468502

Also, lambos are manlet cars, if not for it being a sunny day and the top down I couldn't have fit inside without hurting my neck
You need to be tiny to drive that shite

>> No.50468525

I'd absolutely obliterate a mofo I see keying my purple matic lambo. I will literally murder you kid.

>> No.50468534
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>> No.50468543

you gotta be seething with rage most likely went through very traumatic things as a child, simply being poor isn't enough.

>> No.50469078

>I worked through a shitty situation and pulled myself up by the bootstraps so everyone else should too!
if your 40k in the market had fizzled out you would not be so smug. You saved up to gamble and you won the bet.

>> No.50469277

LOL. Dumbfucks like >>50461611 and >>50469078 will never understand, and they're NGMI.

>be me
>lose my job, my girlfriend, my house, and my career in the dot.com collapse and subsequent offshoring/H-1B ALL THE JOBS thing
>barely escape with my house downpayment
>have to leave the U.S. to find a job
>turns out the new employer is a hyper-Christian
>he fires me because he finds out I didn't go to church on Christmas Eve
>struggle through the next five years
>watch as everyone else enjoys huge bubble economy
>at least I'm able to survive off my stock market gains while living poor as a wagie
>bubble pops
>all of my savings gets wiped out
>end up sleeping on my mother's couch for a year
>she's a miserable bitch who nearly drives me to suicide
>get a job offer
>have to leave the country for it
>save every penny I can
>hey what's this weird ATM with a B logo on the side
>buy Bitcoin at a 10% rape fee markup
>six years later
>one year after that
>but I've still got enough to live on for the next ten years if I live poor again
>and it'll come back long before that time is up

>> No.50469458
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So let me get this straight, you were at rock bottom and decided to yolo some money away at a Bitcoin ATM. Because of market forces I would bet you and I don't understand, it makes you a shit ton of money for doing nothing other than making that decision. And you have the nerve to tell other people it's their fault they are poor? Go fuck yourself, that's not rags to riches thats going all in on roulette and winning.

>> No.50469603

this is larp

youre still on your mothers couch

>> No.50469626

You are a resentful piece of shit and exist only to make everyone around you as miserable as you are. I hate crabs so much.
Good job anon.
You type like a woman.

>> No.50469667

Why people do that?

>> No.50469694

>douche tells everyone he worked hard to make it big
>oh because my gambling paid off I'm proof you can get out of poverty
>gets called out
>you see the need to defend this
I'm not resentful, and the fact you think I am means you're seething and malding about people having opinions

>> No.50469816

itt: bunch of seething communists
There's nothing wrong with being rich, faggots. Go do a days work for once in your life you fucking useless, lazy faggots.

>> No.50470270

You guys talk like only black people key cars. White people do it all time too

>> No.50470309

Because they're peasants, the slave class. Not to be respected.

>> No.50470475
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>> No.50470511


>> No.50471374

so many people seething itt

>> No.50471434

i just want one because zoom car go fast

>> No.50471720

Lower the seat retard

>> No.50472288

Nice now it's a halo car.

>> No.50472452

>ITT: seething poors

>> No.50472474
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Lots of people determine their self worth by how they compare to others, so one can only imagine how some car like that makes them feel. They bounce around their whole lives like that, envious of one person or another, usually accompanied by other low, base emotional states. It's another joo trick I know, but yeah such people are that weak and insecure. They should opt for suicide, the only good clean way in their case.

>> No.50472531

Females key cars more than any male of any ethnicity. fact.

>> No.50472547

Yeah let's all act like this isn't the worst photoshop ever.

>> No.50472555
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>> No.50472700

>white people
white niggers you mean

>> No.50472846
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>low cap

>> No.50472974

>God gives us challenges, like living with niggers, and we have to push through them.


>> No.50473311

>literally going over bodies
you need to be 18 to post here

>> No.50474652

Dogfags should get stripped of their rights and be enslaved

>> No.50474692

Just get it fixed. my shit gets keyed all the time and it's no biggie. I actually made it so i can afford to buff out some scratches.

>> No.50474735

>How much of a loser do you have to be to covet someone else's property so much you destroy it?
you do realize most of the people on this board are like this right?

>> No.50474841


>> No.50477375
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>live in a low trust society
>still trust people to not act out emotionally/irrationally
in this instance both 'people' are niggers