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50456521 No.50456521 [Reply] [Original]

I work in a call center. I texted my boss this morning saying I'm leaving the job in a week. A cute coworker texted me that I shouldn't leave because she will cry.
Bros, what does it mean?

>> No.50456543

Canned response from an unfeeling slag.

>> No.50456558

>she will cry
how's that your problem again?

>> No.50456573

Tell her now that you’re not coworkers you can finally take her out on a date. If she says no then who cares? Never seeing the slit again anyway.

>> No.50456619

Yea but when I came to work she was actually crying lmao
It's also an unfeeling slag thing?

>> No.50456648

She's going to cry because you won't be there to do her work for her and she'll have to actually do something

>> No.50456660

best move

>> No.50456739

Ur entertaining
That's all.
Leave the job. Unironically job rel posts r good on /biz/ so nannies fuck themselves.
Women use men for time. Men use women for sex. Sounds like a shitty trade and she just wants 2 use up ur theta

>> No.50456943

Work your way into asking her out. Either you are completly friendzoned and she likes having you tag behind, she is being nice, or she likes you. Something you need to learn is that it is not worth fearing the consequences of any of the above being true when you wanted the other and living in the shadow of uncertainty and letting it lie so you don't get embarrassed for being wrong. You will be wrong sometimes and it doesn't fucking matter at all and honestly who gives a fuck? Why give it so much conrol over you? So some girl you used to work with who you will never see will know you were into her. It is totally normal. Why would you feel shame for it? Just be your normal self. Don't be a over-confident PUA type faggot and don't be weird and let your anxiety change how you would act. On the otherhand, if you don't like her, don't ask her out literally just because it is a woman you think might be interested. That shit is pathetic as fuck. Maybe you like her as a friend though and you want to offer to hang out in a non-date way. If so, choose the circumstances clearly to indicate you are not asking a date. Whatever you do, do what you feel is right 100% and unashamedly. The small pride and lingering uncertainty you live in the shadow of is more crushing than rejection could ever be. Rejection can be freeing because it helps you realize how silly you were being so afraid of it in the first place. The first time I learned this I literally felt a body high.

>> No.50456971


>> No.50456985
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 1635698650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know your boss asked her to do it right?
this is why women are needed in the workplace

and the hot one that are so hot that you FEAR her is the boss secretary that serves not only for sex but also scares (You) away from his office

>> No.50457011


Your boss asked her to send you this while she was sucking on his meat stick.

>> No.50457023

If she likes you, you will know.
Ask her what she means by that. If she plays games she dosnt like you and she is only fucking with you and thinks youre a loser.

>> No.50457029


>> No.50457035

means nothing more than what it says. this is normal shit people say to a leaving coworker. u are schizophrenic/autistic if u think it means anything more than "sorry to hear ur leaving"

>> No.50457057

WTF. Imagine reading all of that..
OP, she is just trying to keep the door open to you. Maybe you're getting a better position and she wants gibs.

>> No.50457088

They only say this if they have too, girls might trying to get dick or she is fucking with him, nothing more.

Youre a fucking autist.

>> No.50457121

I'd be more worried about why your coworker instantly knew you were leaving and texted you only hours after telling your boss. It's possible your boss knows you like her or everyone considers her cute so he asked her to send the text to get you to not quit. I'd still quit anyways and do this >>50456573
BUT if you don't and they ask you to stay, at the VERY least demand a pay raise to stay or you're retarded

>> No.50457133

Not if he is a self-conscious self-cuck (the type to make such a thread). I am telling him not to be.

>> No.50457162

Please go back to plebbit with your "Imagine x.." passive aggressive retardation. Seems like I reminded you of yourself and instead of owning it and being brave you want to cower and live through trite reactions which require no real personhood on part of yourself. This way portends almost guaranteed despair.

>> No.50457778

She likes you, anon, you dummy. Ask her out on a date. Do it politely, and if she says no, just say you understand and walk away.

>> No.50457807

She wants the d

>> No.50459091


>> No.50461106

I would cry too if i have to pick up the slack of my coworker who quits

>> No.50461146

Not my problem.

>> No.50461639

> I work in a call center
my condoleances. you should leave before losing your sanity and health. No raise or grrrl is worth it.



and this too

>> No.50461720

>now that you’re not coworkers you can finally take her out on a date
Wait. Do you incels actually believe the "don't shit where you eat" bullshit for something like a call center job lol

>> No.50462045

Just tell her that if she'll miss you that much she's always welcome to hang out with you outside of work.

>> No.50462086

It means she wants to fuck you but youre too socially inept but likewise immoral, so you still will try to be a fornicatior but then also still blow it because youre awkward and a retard. Premarital sex is a Jewish subversion psyop to corrupt the youth

Am i describing you or me, i forgot??

>> No.50463292

Ask her out and quit the job

>> No.50463332

take her with you faggot have her give you a family.

>> No.50463344

didnt read the thread since it'll just be retards telling you to go for it and ask her out. are you fucking stupid? you text your boss im quitting and magically this girl hits you later going oh no please dont leave boo hoo hoo. anon really? you cant make the connection she's trying to trick you into staying cuz the boss asked her to do that. catch a clue clown

>> No.50463428

This. It secures the vag while also not making you seem like a coomer.