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50451682 No.50451682 [Reply] [Original]

Any one here understand how to increase online sales? I sell 3d printers and computer spareparts.
In context it is a family business and i ve been 30 year old virgins who has trouble doing anything but playing games and drawing anime. I seriously need a real perk up in being intelligent, organize, all those stuff. But in general it s about making our online business successful and also make me a more independent businessman...

>> No.50451798

Advertise on 4chan so i dont have to watch porn and shitcoin ads everday.

>> No.50451846

this, please OP

>> No.50451877
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>Advertise on 4chan so i dont have to watch porn and shitcoin ads everday.
>Not so fast we only want to talk about 10b+ shitcoins and twitter and r*ddit screenshots.

>> No.50451913
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You need to have a presence on all or most popular e-commerce platforms. If you have your on website already, start printing out a shit load of business cards with a promo code to use on your website only. When you make a sale on eBay or something like that toss one of those cards in there. Based on your niche, if you’ve got good inventory and a steady source you’ll eventually find regular customers.

>> No.50452031


>Start a loyalty program
Your market is niche hobbyists who are interested in the products and savvy, word of mouth and reputation are very important. If everyone at the local IT business knows you, then that will serve as a stable foundation of product reach. Be generous and fair, and try to throw in low-cost quality of life goodies when you can (such as cable ties). You can also gamify it and have a proper points/rewards program, but I think that is unnecessary. Keep track of who your customers are.

>Online product presence
Try to get your products in as many places as they can go. This can include presence on Amazon/eBay/Newegg etc. The idea isn't just to increase likelihood of purchase due to the surface area of storefront increase, but also to build awareness - someone who buys from eBay will now also know the other stores you sell at.
You can also try to divert customers to a single storefront you have more control over (such as your own site where they can create an account, save payment info, look at past orders, and be included in newsletters and promotional). In any case, you should try to collect what information you can to understand who is buying and where they are coming from.

>Outreach/Brand Building
You can try to get preferred vendor status, however this isn't really feasible for a small business aiming for end users. Local IT or hobbyist businesses would be a place to start though. It is not uncommon for a group of overlapping (even competing) business interests to host local events to get their industry and names out there. You can try contacting influencers (bloggers, youtubers etc) to get them free stuff in exchange for advertisement. You can also pay a company to build your presence online - this can range from a simple SEO project to sentiment building, astroturfing, community outreach etc. There are many companies that do this, but it is generally expensive. There are cheap ones, but these can be shit and scammy.

>> No.50452148

I ve those taken care of but our sales recently has bewn dwindling.

How do i do reward programs?
>all these expesnive solutions
Seems rather advanced... what do i do to reach there? We re at the "serve your customer" part to "becoming preferred". With all the accounts setup in various sites and defined i dont know what else to improve our sales organically.

>> No.50452296

>Basic Management
At the end of the day, the most important thing is to deliver quality products consistently at a lower than market but profitable price without undue delays or unmet expectations.
Things such as having alternatives for your supplies (as the supply chain deteriorates, having product on-hand is increasingly important), finding cheaper suppliers, doing QC for products (this is very important when you are hunting for bargains yourself - such as buying parts off of BABA to resell), identifying waste-work in your processes, reducing time spent on tasks, ensuring that all tasks are completed, following up in a timely fashion on things that need your input - all of this is necessary to build business.
You should always be active with regards to this, and placing things on a timetable can help, ie weekly daily of complaints or returns/refunds, weekly review of outflow/delivery, biannual review of suppliers.
For something like 3d printers and computer parts, staying up to date is also important.

Having a clear plan is important. Even if you're unsure what the best path is, write out and clarify your intent, and change it if necessary.
"I want to sell top-of-the-line product with high margins and low volume, professionals and hardcore hobbyists are my targets, I package in-house due to the low volume, and hire temp staff if necessary to assist with that as needed until I decide to change my strategy. I will be professional and prompt, but also show my audience that I am an expert and enthusiast through reviews/blogs/newsletters/extras. I will look for opportunities to show my products to students and professionals, and will work with other vendors to help sponsor a expose at the local community college under."
"I want to sell many cheap but profitable units, preppers and schizos are my targets. I will use the gun debate, and my twitter will post videos about 3d printed guns. I will include punisher skull stickers on every order..."

>> No.50452461

For an effective rewards program you need to collect information on your customers and orders, analyze that information, and communicate to them in a way that increases their chances of buying. If you already have many accounts set up, list them as well as what information you can gain from them and what the avenues of communication are, then focus on integrating that.
It may be the case that your product is all silo'd off on different platforms, and you have no way of collecting data or sending communications on those platforms. In which case, you may consider diverting traffic to your own website, such as including with the product a coupon linking to your website.
You may also consider how those platforms operate to increase traffic without building loyalty, such as getting higher rated reviews, incentivizing reviews (post a review and get 10% off your next order), and manipulating search tags.

Ideally, you would have customer accounts, analyze their order history, send them personalized newsletters advertising what you think they will buy with the appearance of discounts, referral rewards, and general newsletters which will remind them you exist.
If you have customer accounts with order history, a simple rewards system is in-house cashback, essentially spend $100 and receive $1 off your next order or similar.

If you are still very small, the best loyalty system is being responsive and flexible, such as custom orders, waitlists, and throwing in extras.
If you are at the stage where you have >$25k/mo in revenue, it may be a good idea to set aside $10k and get a consult with one of those aforementioned ecommerce marketing companies. A lot of this depends on your infrastructure and resources, but a good company can always drive business.

>> No.50452477

Come up with an animu girl mascot and have it go viral.

>> No.50452669

This took awhile to read but thanks but in general
We have like real targets like schools and hobbyist lined up, and our prices are competitive but from here on it s kinda blur how to market our biz well.
>E commerce marketting company
This is the first time im hearing this... where can i find outmore? Whats the example?
Lol thatd be fun if im that good at making animu mascot lol
You shoupd tip me on "virality" though

>> No.50452685

>You shoupd tip me on "virality" though
Design something /c/ or /a/ would jump on as waifu.
Figure out how to appeal to them and they'll spread her as memes.

>> No.50452788

>appeal to them
This needs more explanations... any mathemathics i can do to assure appeal?

>> No.50453225

make a youtube video about printing warhammer infantry in PLA with 0.15 nozzles and give the viewers a small discount on those nozzles.