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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50447265 No.50447265 [Reply] [Original]

Before I get started, I think it's fair to let you know that I'm currently (still) a Crypto.com employee

Around one month ago, the CEO of Crypto.com made a tweet, stating that they will reduce the workforce by around 5%, or 260 employees. https://twitter.com/kris/status/1535431489315213312

Since he made that tweet, they've laid off more than 1500 employees in the Bulgarian office alone. Last week, around 300 employees were let go.

The office in Bulgaria deals with mostly CS inquiries, so basically this means that in the coming months you should expect to receive a much, much worse customer support experience.

Things are looking very gloomy, with most of the remaining CS employees completely demotivated due to the recent changes, such as having to handle incoming chats in all languages using an automated translation tool, and having a 2-3x larger workload than normal

also AMA

>> No.50447616

Based. Its a shit platform with horrible spreads, shit tier rewards and centralized NFTs.

>> No.50447660

CEO is outsourcing to India or Philippines. Lol Bulgaria, do they even speak English there? XD

>> No.50448329

shup up ape
yea its shit, just wanna give people a heads up that it will keep failing

>> No.50449780

At one point I had $24k on there. Glad I got it all off!

Currently hodling my FDIC-Coin in E*Trade wallet, earning 1.4% staking rewards.

>> No.50449931

false flagging binance shill

>> No.50450889
File: 212 KB, 1783x2048, nobody on the planet will ever take their time to read this so nobody will know i wish i was this loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be blood.

>> No.50451099
File: 64 KB, 489x435, SmartSelect_20220712-220415_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

31 more days before i can unstake and never have to see crypto.com on my phone again.
Wish me luck!

>> No.50451193

>they've laid off more than 1500 employees in the Bulgarian office alone
What the fuck do you need 1500 people for to manage a website

>> No.50451233

Laid off the paid shills.

>> No.50451262

My Ruby red CRO stake ended today. I want my 2% cash back back!

>> No.50451294

I have only one credit card and it's a crypto.com card. How fucked am I given that I can't legally open a bank account?

>> No.50451323

you will never be Shima Rin.

>> No.50451329

And that's a good thing! Now go learn to hike.

>> No.50451357
File: 407 KB, 1200x675, why-are-autistic-people-drawn-to-anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well this is awkward

>> No.50451388

I moved my stablecoins out once their stake rewards went to shit. I will keep the card since it's already payed for itself several times (and I like it) but there's no reason for me to hold crypto there anymore.

>> No.50451394

most likely you are fine
crypto com is doing the right thing restructuring

>> No.50451502

Is there a better crypto platform with a card and better spreads to use in Europe?

>> No.50451580

Binance unless you want shitty netflix spotify or prime for free.
2% cashback as long you hold 1 BNB

>> No.50451639

Actually no.

>> No.50451689

thanks for the heads up, good thread. hope you do well in the months and years to come bulgurbro

>> No.50452127

>CS inquiries
so is this what they call shilling in the office
don't worry bulgarian bro you will soon have plenty of job opportunities as a trench digger on the frontline, i heard its real nice in winter too so have fun with that

>> No.50452175

Wow it’s almost like spending a bazillion dollars renaming staples center and marketing is financial suicide

>> No.50452207

>already restructuring before building up there user base
umm no, pajeet call center is a kiss of desth

>> No.50452505

Why does a website require such a large staff?

>> No.50453176

Because people 'trust' them with their money and want to chat about it. Also they're constantly fiddling the latest shams, so shit probably breaks a lot.

>> No.50453205


Not available to US customers REEEEEEEEEWW

>> No.50453290

>such as having to handle incoming chats in all languages using an automated translation tool