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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50444231 No.50444231 [Reply] [Original]

What's the suicide stack on this one?

>> No.50444268


>> No.50444352

8 million

>> No.50444861

kek shibaggies

>> No.50444901

10B minimum otherwise NGMI

>> No.50444930

Any amount. You'll want to kill yourself down the road regardless after putting money into this PND scam that has done what it set out to do.

>> No.50444941

The fact that this is still in the top 20 lets me know we haven’t hit the bottom yet.. why the fuck is this still around???

>> No.50444966

none, this is a dead, copy cat shitcoin. dog shit is a dead meme. Even if it comes back it will probably be some new shitcoins called doggy shit inu 2.0 that pumps. Or just buy doge and hope le edgy billionaire tweets about it.

>> No.50444993

>suicide stack of shit inu

>> No.50445089

The coin will never die, and /biz/tards will seethe like last time, as is tradition.

>> No.50446678

Try to get 1 billion

>> No.50446697

Dumb anon. SHIB has a power you just simply don't realize.

It will become the more used and know crypto in the world.

>> No.50446961
File: 360 KB, 600x600, Eagle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better be prepared you stupid mother fucker

>> No.50446980

>qomfags unironically think honest to god they can flip an entire project like shib just because
You are the biggest autist on this board

>> No.50446996
File: 436 KB, 491x567, 1641870742831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$SHIB crowd is fickle
Let the roadmap play out and you'll see.

>> No.50446997

Redpill me on this pls