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5044202 No.5044202 [Reply] [Original]

They need to be gone

>> No.5044229

OP's just pissed he's going to miss another moon mission and stay poor.

Member kids. Always buy high and sell low.

>> No.5044309

can someone explain this to me. is it because trying to buy low and sell high never works. so by doing the opposite somehow stupidlogic wins?

>> No.5044343


Yes. the best traders on /biz/ all buy high and sell low. it works every time.

>> No.5044370
File: 78 KB, 596x398, FancyLivingHereWeCome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crypto in 2018

>> No.5044392

You're gonna make it kid

>> No.5044408

impossible, actual adoption by gen pop was always needed to justify BTC's speculative price

>> No.5044426


>> No.5044432

but then where are you going to get your profits from?

>> No.5044508

goddamnit i can't tell if you're serious or not.

>> No.5044578

You are going to be a star. It is written

>> No.5044825

buying high and selling low doesn't make sense though. i'll lose everytime.

maybe when it moons that's when prices fluctuate so much that buying high and selling low = profit?

>> No.5044874
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>this guy

>> No.5044903

you buy alts when the btc is high = less value per satoshi.
you sell alts when the btc is low = more value per satoshi.
you dipshit.

>> No.5044983
File: 33 KB, 598x422, BeSB55YCEAAPidC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, wait, wait, not so fast...

>> No.5045021


They only know profits.

They need to discover the funniest part yet.

>> No.5045060
File: 81 KB, 740x522, 23488848848841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oookay, I think I got this!

>> No.5045099

sweet meme

>> No.5045101

All things being equal, that is true but in practice it is the opposite. Btc dips, market shrinks, people sell alts into btc. Alts dip 2X relative to btc (fiat value). This is the one of the two best time to buy alts. The other is when btc gains wildly, people sell alts into btc (again).

>> No.5045182

it really depends on the magnitude of the dip. For daytrading you don't need that large waves you can ride, and if it knocks you off, a dip/wave of larger magnitude just might bring you back in, if you just sit it out... then again, time is money...

>> No.5045187

It's still true though. You want to buy alts when BTC *dominance* is highest, and buy BTC when BTC dominance is lowest.

Assuming there's no funky junk going on and the usual rules apply (like if BTC isn't actually dying / being flippened).

>> No.5045190

holy fuck that makes sense. thanks anon.

what alts? i thought if bitcoin went up litecoin and ether went up too. newbie here.

also when do i buy bitcoin. is that for hodling.

>> No.5045194
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What, a, thread

>> No.5045303

>what alts?
DOGE, PEPE, POT, ya know, the usual. Confido also has a lot going for it currently.

>when do i buy bitcoin
The guy above already told you

>> No.5045355

>tfw people i live with at uni are all asking me about bitcoin
>they only know bitcoin
>"anon can you help me set up my coinbase?" (set up three)
>even girfriends sorority girls are asking me about crypto
>crypto drops one day, "see bro, this will never get big"

used to be exciting to talk about it, now i want to kill everyone who asks me to explain what a bitcoin is. FUCK

>> No.5045359

ah i see. thank you anon. everything makes sense now.

>> No.5045403

>finally selling what they've got as BTC crashes to the ground

>> No.5045542
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I also think what really's going on is a classic SHOCK AND AWE. First you lure in all the plebs, then you hit em hard, and hope for the "problem" to be solved (for the time being...). Maybe they're already happy with buying themselves just a bit more time?

>> No.5045570

probably also the reason why the assholes from bitfinex/tethers still walk around free, instead of getting buttfucked in some shithole cell somewhere in mexico

>> No.5045620

and then there's no reason to ever sell bitcoin in this process right.

>> No.5046111

I hope someone is screenshotting this guy for the eventual normie collapse collage

>> No.5046396
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so buy alts when bitcoins high

sell alts when bitcoins low

buy bitcoins when bitcoins low

when do i sell bitcoins?

>> No.5046527

how do you buy alts without using BTC? You are implicitly selling BTC when purchasing alts.

Listen carefully here bucco: Buy ChainLink and Request Network with 50% of your portfolio (assuming it's sub 5k). Fuck around between BTC, BCH,ETH, LTC, XMR and whatever else you wanna do.

And if it's above 5k, don't invest more until learning a bit more.

>> No.5046589

You don't, you hold bitcoin until 2020 when its worth a milllion

>> No.5046664
File: 352 KB, 1280x800, 1510495668484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay. i got it. thank you cryptoguruanon.

>> No.5046713
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>tfw Normies will soon learn the meaning of Pink Wojak.

>> No.5046730

You can't go wrong with those holds. I also recommend checking /r/LINKtrader and /r/RequestNetwork to start staying on top of news. Do this at least once a day so you don't get burnt if the developers abandon the project, though the chances of this are low.

It would be worth your time to go through coinmarketcap starting from number #1 and researching every product until #25 at minimum.

>> No.5047146
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The last few days of LTC were but a taste

>> No.5047298

cool. super appreciative of all the tips. to you or anyone reading when i exchange bitcoin for lets say iota. do i ever lose money besides exchange rates? i use binance and sometimes when i exchange something (lets say bitcoin for req) my portfolio went down like 10 or 20 bux because of it was curious why.