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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50438801 No.50438801 [Reply] [Original]

My Dad is many times more intelligent than my mom but my mom makes more money.
I asked her how she feels so justified in being entitled to wealth despite being functionally worthless.
She didn't really respond, but this is something that I see with a lot of women that they can justify to themselves taking money while blatantly being inferior.
If you are a woman or know how to explain the logic of this entitlement it would be greatly appreciated to have it explained.

>> No.50438809

>/biz/ - Business & Finance
nice blogpost chud

>> No.50438826

What does functionally worthless mean to you and more importantly why would you call your mom that? Really rude anon

>> No.50438838

"how do people justify being entitled to wealth while being worthless"
sorry forgot this wasn't /lit/ and the people here have dyslexia

>> No.50438894

My mom is doing work that she hates and was contracted to write some form and has been doing nothing for the past couple months while her boss is revising it.
My dad has been interviewed by Wolfram for his proposal to use cellular automata for a novel method of 3D modeling.
One is at least trying to build a legacy and the other is blatantly working just because it makes the most money the easiest.

>> No.50438900

being a fag doesn't constitute business or finance unless it directly results in profit. May I suggest you quit typing online and buy some kneepads, you can suck my cock for exactly 0.1 LINK and tell your broke dad and whore mom about it later on

>> No.50438976

they don't and can't, ultimately supply/demand and society justifies it.

>> No.50438979

tell your dad to farm GMT like a boss
and slap your mom ass for me, OP.

>> No.50439028

do you really want to be paid exactly what you are worth, anon? think about it for a second

>> No.50439034

Based mom.

>> No.50439066

Im entitled to money market gives me, simple as. Idc about "functionality" of my labour.

>> No.50439081

being provided for feels natural to woman
they shouldn't be in the workplace at all desu

>> No.50439108
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You are putting status and money on the same level. You see, Vishnu talked about this, money is worth nothing so you shouldn't equalize it with status. I can go further about telling you status the way your precieve isn't actually status in the eye of the holy spirits, but you wouldn't understand. You and me, we're not the same.

>> No.50439112

Clearly u have a lack of understanding of how the labour market works when it comes to demand. Learn how to play it anon. Working on things u like and bettering the world can all be done with enjoyment once you've snatched up boatloads of money

>> No.50439206

>I asked her how she feels so justified in being entitled to wealth despite being functionally worthless.
>She didn't really respond
Probably because she was contemplating your existence.

>> No.50439412

so no matter what I have to embrace "the knee pads".
I wrote a 123k word book in a month on existentialist philosophy and I write about 3-5 essays a week (15k words) for the sake of refining my prose.
It seems as though what everyone is saying is I need to write some erotic fiction about a hot vampire being tamed by a teenage witch using magic crystals. Fuck.

>> No.50439557

The trouble with intelligence is that it's very rarely discussed by people with an abundance of it.

>> No.50439805

Since OP is faggout here is some Anti commie/Jewish literature that should be mandatory reading.

sealed train by michael pearson
disinformation ion mihai pacepa
Roy Brewer

>> No.50439920

Mom provides your family money and means, shut the fuck up holy shit

>> No.50439924


>> No.50439988

OP is fucking cringe

>> No.50440011
File: 2.39 MB, 1334x750, 52E710BB-F2FB-44C9-8C39-3D80CA5E834A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds really retarded. Your mom is the winner. She’s obviously not too stupid to out earn your father.

>> No.50440039

This what a fucking retard

>> No.50440060

you'll realize one day that being a cringe little basedboi who relays information from 4chan to your mother is not just cringe, it is nearly pathological behavior and you should be grateful that your parents tolerate you at all if you're this much of a petulant nerd

>> No.50440085

Basically your mom is producing useful service to basedciety at large while your dad has not accomplished much in life in spite of his intellect.

He seems like a prime candidate for Mensa: "brain proud but accomplishment thin"

Also you are a waste of oxygen that will accomplish less in life than freaking god-awful Stephanie Meyer, yes

>> No.50440096

it's a pure "ends justify the means" relationship.
I suppose the fault in my logic was then assuming that work is always an expression of one's greatest abilities.
Being able to express one's greatest abilities is the end and will never be the means. Fair enough.

>> No.50440141

Women don't care how anything works they just want stuff. That's why you shouldn't feel bad for them and why lying to them to get laid is justified. They believe most stupid things you say anyway.

>> No.50440149


>> No.50440151

This whole thread is bait, but I'm biting anyway.
Your mother is doing soul sucking administrative work she hates in order to allow you and your father to be self-indulgent in how you spend your time. The distribution of resources is based on supply and demand, not aesthetics or intellect, and you've been so successfully sheltered from this reality that you're a spoiled little shit.
Apologize to your mother you ungrateful faggot. Holy shit.

>> No.50440167
File: 1.91 MB, 498x348, 55E09E60-8507-4423-8A2A-5B2F473E0A02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like your mom is working a soul crushing job to provide for the family while dad follows his dream. Anon, people make sacrifices when they have a family, something you’ll never know.

>> No.50440178

>how she feels so justified in being entitled to wealth despite being functionally worthless.
But she isn't functionally worthless, someone is paying her for what she does. Therefore her skills are worth something.
Not sure what's so hard to understand here.

>> No.50440186

Your mom is getting the old in out in out treatment from her boss. Your dad is most likely a cuck.

>> No.50440187

>One is at least trying to build a legacy and the other is...
Also, if you had half the IQ you think you do then you'd know why this is a retarded statement.

>> No.50440188

this. imagine having a son like the OP, fucking hell you must regret it

>> No.50440219

wow epic you got him there

>> No.50440343

Yeah but I am worth the security that her wealth provides.
Seeking that same wealth is just a poor distribution of labor and there wouldn't be anything worth working for.

>> No.50441295

My mom gets paid more than my dad for sitting around and doing maybe 1-2 hours of actual work the entire shift
We openly joke about how little she does and how stupid the company is for overpaying her, why would I blame her for that?

>> No.50441385

blame capitalism for valuing jewish busywork and shekel trading more than novel academic pursuits.

t. wanted to be a scientist but ended up as an accountant

>> No.50441528

It doesn't have to be about vampires but cater to teenage girls as they're the ones most influenced by emotions. The whole chain goes something like this:
>teenage girl neurons activate
>spread giddy excitement to all friends
>teenage boys try to bang so they take interest in stupid shit
>the youth memes something into culture with their passion (incessant nagging)
>clicks and money start rolling in
>midlife crisis women try to keep up to feel young
>more money rolls in as they chase something they will never get back with their wages
Once you've made it this far you can write about whatever topic floats your goat as you won't have to worry about day to day expenses ever again

>> No.50441564

sorry could hear you over the sound of how much dick youre choking on itp.
0/2 not even.

>> No.50441567

My mom is infinitely more functional than me, she is a middle school math teacher, imho one of the most important jobs in the current world. Yet I make double her pay just by being a wageslave for a random IT company

>> No.50441616

>I asked her how she feels so justified in being entitled to wealth despite being functionally worthless

This is the point where you imply that useless dollar bills printed by a corrupt government are somehow a magic entity with inherent value. You even imply that the work your very own mother does is inherently less worth than these useless scam bills. You value an artificial man-made instrument to transfer wealth higher than your mother.

Society is a scam and she's just taking part in it no need to get pissy at her for that

>> No.50441617

kek. many such cases. majority of teachers are shit but good ones can be lifechanging. my high school calculus/physics teacher and a few of my college math and physics professors changed the way i view the world.

>> No.50441621

>I brought you into this world, I can take you out
Says the stereotypical 400 lb black mother. Wonder which long nose fellas sold everyone this idea. Real answer is I didn't ask to be here. Mommy chose to procreate. So many human beings are in existence simply because mommy deserves to be happy. What an elaborate and shitty larp

>> No.50441622

>My mom is doing work that she hates and was contracted to write some form and has been doing nothing for the past couple months while her boss is revising it.
Based momchad. I look forward to using her form and will appreciate the planning and consideration her team is taking.

>My dad has been interviewed by Wolfram for his proposal to use cellular automata for a novel method of 3D modeling.
Gay, retarded, probably worthless academic fluff that zero people on earth will use or benefit by

Also way to disingenuously frame their jobs faggot. If my son said this about her mom, I’d call him a retard and make him go get a job with the beaners pouring concrete if he LOVES benefitting this faggot society so much.

>my mom engineers ultra-high-interaction documents for maximum feedback and usecase potential, increasing the viability of the data, and enriching the product viability revision loop
>my dad tinkers with some app that steals your cellphone data to make cartoons

>> No.50441628

note the critiques being levelled.
none of them are constructive. so their value is intrinsic to its nature. nothing more needs be said.

i love that poor fags are the first to give advice to a kid who clearly has it on easy mode.

youre right. but also, the world will bend over backwards to tell you youre wrong.

does she work her hands to the bone as a man would in her position? probs not. does she need to in the world? no, there is no expectation.

youre holding your mom "too" accountable for the actions of "women in general"

shes your mom dickhead. act accordingly.
go into the next room right fucking now and say.
>Mom. I sometimes express myself poorly. But I love you. Always and unconditionally. Never forget that no matter how i act or what i say. In my heart, i have one and only mother. And I love that you are it.

give her a hug. go back to the basement.
give your dad a fistbump and tell him hes a good man.

then get in your room and sort your fucking life out mate.

>> No.50441669

>wrote a 123k word book in a month on existentialist philosophy and I write about 3-5 essays a week (15k words) for the sake of refining my prose.

Post it for the love of god, I need a good laugh. I have a masters in philosophy and have authored academic papers on Kierkegaard and Hegel, I want to see what some Instagram theorycel autist spins up in his lead-poisoned brain when he’s alone in his room for 99% of his waking life. I love when uneducated schizos send in papers (I’m on a journal’s review cohort so I see them sometimes Lmao).

>> No.50441677

>supposition that free market valuation is reflective of mankind's valuation

ever notice how hard science breakthroughs of yesteryear were largely funded by public money or wealthy benefactors? would society be better off in e.g. maxwell's equations went undiscovered because muh free markits didn't value them at the time?

>> No.50441698

so the only difference between you two is that you took a loan from the government and didnt accumulate any money or working experience.

at least he's only at $0 writing stupid stupid shit. youre actually in the hole for the same thing. how much do you owe?

>> No.50441776

probably your dad sits on his ass all day reading or wanking it and your mom is overburdened with work and that's why he seems more intelligent.

>> No.50441779

I worked my way through college, sometime as a homeless laborer eating out of a dumpster and sleeping in libraries. Zero loans taken.

I currently make $230k/year as a consultant and product manager. The review cohort is a hobby to keep my time occupied, I literally do not care about the $5-10k/yr I make for reading/reviewing papers from autistic people obsessed with Marx/memes/gender/whatever retarded thing. So try again ya fafafafafaaaaaaaggot.

>> No.50441810

lol youre not showing any grasp on how shit of a person you are. like fundamentally. to the core. theres something wrong with you. i dont need to know you to tell you that every who meets you can tell.
>homeless labourer.
so youre a terrible philosopher and a shitty product manager. who has no social circle to occupy him, nor enough financial liquid overhead to enjoy life.
keep going.

>> No.50441828

I don't get it, why would you write about boring stuff no one will ever read when you could write about fun stuff that might even have an audience? Philosophy virgins puzzle me like no one else.

>> No.50441834
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Do you want to be poor? Why you hating on your mom for getting a good job where she doesn't have to even work. Sounds based

>> No.50441837

>you're an idiot for taking out (what i'm supposing) are loans to finance your monetarily worthless passion
>you're an asshole for shitting on people who follow their monetarily worthless passion
are you a legitimate schizo or just a retarded contrarian faggot? please shut the fuck up, god fucking damn.

>> No.50441865

6.68% of American households bring in over 200k a year. That's households, not individuals, so we can assume the individuals who make >200k, much less 230k, are even fewer.

You're a liar and a bullshitter. Nice try though liberal arts fag. kek

>> No.50441882

You are a worthless, spoiled, piece of shit.

>> No.50441885

>financial earning scales with iq

Nice bait preb.

>> No.50441889

Imagine having such a shitty midwit son

>> No.50441895

OH wattup son.
i was going to reply to your previous post. but it simply didnt pass muster.
disprovable at face value with first order logic.
regarding this post.

>schizo, retarded contrarian faggot, shut up.
um awesome. thanks for your cohesive input.

pretty clear, my problem is with him personally. im pointing out implied logical inconsistencies in his projection, similarly here.
you can see them, or you cant. thats a you problem. ill brb cashmeoussideirlfamongodnocapfrfryoubebussin

verification not required.

>> No.50441898

This has to be the most autistic OP i've read in a while and i visit this board, potentially the most delusional pajeet infested hell hole in this website. Incredible

>> No.50441922

>more than novel academic pursuits.
>t. wanted to be a scientist but ended up as an accountant

Most scientists don't accomplish much, so they don't get paid much, but they remain in the fields grinding for the pearls.

Accept that your greed exceeded your love of science and stop coping by blaming outside circumstances.

>> No.50441925
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>incoherent schizobabble

>> No.50441945

>blames capitalism
>is accountant
dont worry, science evidently wasn't your field anyways.
btw, i dont see why youd brag about being dyslexic or illiterate either. get a clue fren.

>> No.50442029

male chickens are culled at birth because all they do is fight eachother. female hens are peaceful and cooperate. female humans do as theyre told and are submissive to their boss. that alone is valuable to an employer. just because someones InTeLLigeNt doesnt mean theyre a good employee

>> No.50442129

>If my son said this about her mom
Kill yourself you troon raising groomer freak

>> No.50442171

Seethe sneed post physique and shove a glass rod up your ass and snap it in half. You got the loans thing wrong, the penniless academic thing wrong, and you just keep getting things wrong! My life objectively rules in every facet, with a loving family, friends, and professional life that you would kill your self if you felt for one moment the joy and love I have, knowing you have nothing close to it.

You’re a fuckin curry munching JEET HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

By your own logic, if we assumed normal distribution, there’s over 15,000 people on 4chan right now (231,392 current users) that belong to a >$200k household.

>> No.50442193

Fucking incel faggot

>> No.50442280

im not having a dig(lol) at the labourer nor the homeless with that comment.
only you personally. it would demonstrate your poor decision making in life, but even that anecdote was a lie. you do you anon. im saying i smell your (also youre) shit through my screen.

>> No.50443934

Based, pbuh.

>> No.50444330
File: 1.73 MB, 2400x3600, pawel-nolbert-wE_Dk2Kd3GQ-unsplash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people will tell you that you don't understand how markets work, but you grasp something fundamental that i suspect they miss
in particular, you seem to understand what actually makes money valuable
the world is just fucked up right now; fixing it is a lot easier said than done

your mom isn't wrong to capitalize on the fact that money flows freely from the irresponsible, but your dad is building value for a time when the irresponsible don't have money to blow
provided this is the only consideration, i'd apologize to your mom—but if there's more to the story, you be the judge

>> No.50445952

Do you actually talk to your mother that way, like an ungrateful faggot?

>> No.50445981

>t. God himself, decreeing the worth of all living beings

>> No.50446122
File: 351 KB, 838x804, 1643390132200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk anything about you but you do sound like an autist dumbfuck. The intellectual accomplishment of your dad doesn't directly translate to real world profit. Henceforth, he can be an actual genius, if his ideas can't be sold his worth is exactly zero >>50439412
>literally the cuck's approach to epistemology
Ah, I got it, you are mentally incapable of figuring out reality.

>> No.50447158

You sound like a terrible person, enjoy your loneliness

>> No.50447235

nigga I just don't believe you, simple as. There's no way you can prove it and there's also no way you can prove I don't make 500k a year, which I do. To me, you are poor, your opinion of little significance.

>> No.50447253

What's your job?