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50437710 No.50437710 [Reply] [Original]

just a reminder that Hedera currently has the fastest growing ecosystem on the market

god bless HBAR foundation for all the funding and recruitment.

>> No.50437728

im so glad i didnt fall for this shitcoin

>> No.50437761

God I wish I dumped my bags at 55 cents

>> No.50437768

>goes from literally 0 ecosystem to 1 single thing
>That's an infinite percent increase!
Faggy hbaggies never learn

>> No.50437778
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>> No.50437790

>Haha I posted a reaction image, that makes up for the financial sodomy my asshole will never recover from le seethe! Le cope! Le fud!

>> No.50437794

>has some of the largest companies like Google, IBM and Ubisoft working with their foundation

your cope isnt hard enough anon

>> No.50437809

nigger im still up
>haha i posted a FUD comment cause i bought the top

>> No.50437872

hello FTM tranny
i could smell the puss seeping from your reassigned genitalia even through the screen

just cause you're down 99% doesnt mean its okay to shit on better projects tranny

FTM is a literal CCP chinese copy of Hedera

>> No.50437885

Name one (1) new project in the ecosystem

>> No.50437946

>integration of DAI
>SauserSwap DEX launch
>Zeus Market
>Avery Dennison enterprise use cases
>HeliSwap DEX launch

thats only the shit at the top of my head. there prolly a lot more

>> No.50437971

You're the first person to actually respond to this in the dozens of threads I asked, thanks

>> No.50437999


>> No.50438061

>god bless HBAR foundation for all the funding and recruitment.
i tried reaching out but hey wouldnt respond (We3 developer)

>> No.50438070

try twitter or tg
theyre very active there

>> No.50438075

thats what ill probably do

>> No.50438079
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>> No.50438134
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zoom out

>> No.50438195


>> No.50438338

they've been giving out a ton of grants recently so you might just have a shot

>> No.50438376
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>>Haha I posted a reaction image, that makes up for the financial sodomy my asshole will never recover from le seethe! Le cope! Le fud!

>> No.50438436

the recent progress has been severely underrated

>> No.50438577

when is staking being released?

>> No.50438755

approximately one fortnight

>> No.50439013

Oh look another club hbar discord tranny thread.

>> No.50439148

I shill for FREE

>> No.50440546

On the 21st, so Thursday.
It's dependent on account 800 being funded, though, and fuck knows what will happen there. We're guessing the Foundation will fund but don't know yet.

>> No.50440579

Hbars 5 billion ecosystem fund is now only worth 600million lel. Hbaggies are also paying for it. 300% inflation last year as well.

>> No.50440630

They haven't hired a hindu translator yet, try again in english.

>> No.50440650
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>> No.50440652

Nobody who holds Hedera and actually understands the fundamentals is worried all that much about short-term price action insofar as it presents buying opportunities. It's always been a long hold. Microsoft traded for (comparatively) pennies on the dollar for years and years and years. But one stock at IPO would be worth over $50k today. The point isn't that this is directly analogous to hbar in terms of price action, but of the idea that significant technology takes time for the market to catch up. Who knows if Hedera will actually succeed. Who knows if the future of crypto really is in enterprise utility. If it is, however, there are really encouraging signs that Hedera is poised to benefit from that new application of the technology disproportionately. Holding Hedera isn't gambling in short-term price action like it is with other, less fundamental projects. It's making a read on the future of crypto with respect to industry.

I think there's still another "leg up" for the crypto space, but I don't think it'll be born of existing use cases. BTC was the evolution, ETH was a (flawed) progenitor and proof-of-concept of the idea that crypto can be more than a currency and SoV. The next leg up will be use cases. It'll be industry adoption, rather than just financial organizations adding crypto to their portfolios.

>> No.50440655
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Someone is making money from HBAR and it isn't holders. Literal rugpull tokenomics.

>> No.50440685


>> No.50440781

Hbar's technology is lagging compared to Near, sol, elrond etc who can all match it for TPS and mog it when it comes to smart contract capabilities, smart contract speed, developers, ecosystem, virtual machines and future development being done on the respective platforms. Currently hbars only selling feature is their native token service which is something that can be done out of most wallets these days by any twat with a smartphone. Even fucking ADA supports this. All other gen 3 blockchains do this while not being constrained to 20 permissioned validators and being open sourced allowing for a greater amount of devs to work on the core protocol thus allowing for quicker development and bug fixes and not being reliant on a small, permissioned team.

The experiment on closed sourced vs open sourced has already been done in enterprise hosting services and closed sourced lost. The vast majority of commercial IT infrastructure is ran using open source software; Linux. No big company in their right mind will use proprietary, closed sourced software at the mercy of a centralised body when building anything of note as it allows them to fuck with it to suit their needs. If they require proprietary software like windows etc it's ran as a virtual machine container unable to fuck with their core infrastructure. Even fucking microsoft don't use their own closed sourced product in house and use Linux to run all their infrastructure.

HBAR is dead on arrival. It's a newfag trap. Even if we ignore the dogshit tokenomics it moved too slow to capture any real market share. It's technology isn't anything ground breaking (wow a dag ran on 20-30 permissioned nodes, holy shit amazing, should be doing millions of tps in a permissioned environment). It isn't capturing enterprise use-case (ETH, SOL and NEAR are miles ahead in this regard), it isn't capturing new devs, it isn't even getting existing project or forks deploying on it.

>> No.50440839

Yeah, not sure why these inorganic shill threads get created at all. Is this the foundation refund program at work, giving bagholders their money back piecemeal when they do advertising?

>> No.50440857

They used to be paid to shit up this board. Either that has started again or whales are paying people to try and get liquidity at current prices to dump on bagholders. Whales who purchased at a fraction of a cent get around 100 million tokens every month and they have a history of market selling them on binance as soon as they get them. It was so bad at one point they were assured extra tokens to hold them for a year.

>> No.50440916

Oof, good to know, thanks for the history. I'm mostly here to see their flimsy arguments dismantled, but it's starting to feel bad, it's like pointing out holes in the imaginary story of a child.

>> No.50441020

Hbar is open source....

>> No.50441348

A lot of this is just wrong. As the both of us know, it takes much more effort and time to correct an incorrect statement than it does to be incorrect. The Hedera network's selling point over all non-DAG technologies is not TPS (although it does process, especially with sharding, more than enough capacity for any existing use case) but time to finality. This is an element that is exclusive to hashgraphs, and blockchain cannot match how quickly finality can be established. So many people misunderstand what the actual draw of Hedera is. It's going to be used for lightning-fast, distributed consensus. If you can't see the benefits of this over blockchain for specific, backend use cases, that's due to your own lack of vision and foresight. Sure, solana may be able to process nominally more transactions per second. But there exist future applications for which TPS will be important... but ultimately secondary to the time to FINALITY. For example, if you're passing around tokens related to air traffic control, you probably want that data to be verified and final as quickly as possible. There are finite amounts of relevant data at any one point, but a near-infinite preference for precision of that data, and some applications for which finality needs to be as close to instant as is possible.

It's telling to me that you probably aren't even aware of the network's superior time to finality. If you were, and if you could imagine some of the applications of that, you would probably have thought twice before bringing TPS into the mix as your main metric. TPS is often a buzzword and an arbitrary metric. So, in a roundabout way, yes: some networks boast higher TPS. Many, seeing the failure of ETH in that metric, have rushed to TPSmaxx, as if it's the only thing that matters. These projects are, in my opinion, myopic.

Also, nodes are only permissioned for now. This is actually a fundamental component of how Hedera works — the gradual move towards permissionless.

>> No.50441374
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You can still sell whatever shit you are holding and buy HBAR, it's not gonna pump any time soon, but in long run it is going to outcompete everything else.
Don't even need to apologize or anything, just let your actions speak for yourself.

>> No.50441377

>the gradual move towards permissionless
Character limit. Why gradual? Look at Fantom. 33% attacked, had to make the token printer go brrr. Absolute anathema to any serious enterprise looking for responsible governance. Gradual release ensures distribution of the tokens to the point where decentralization becomes complete. It's not that complicated, but the mindset of the average Crypto Fan (mostly interested in just cashing out into fiat ASAP) has a hard time looking all that far past the movement of the line.

>> No.50442043
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>> No.50444455

Glorious hbar

>> No.50445841

chainlink sucks

>> No.50445930

it does!