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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50435751 No.50435751 [Reply] [Original]

>People who willingly go into careers where you work 50-60 hrs a week


>> No.50435767

I live in china

>> No.50435785

poverty + hourly pay + race to the bottom + no collective bargining + hustle culture

>> No.50435798

>hustle culture

Isn't hustle Culture having two jobs?

>> No.50435811

small weiner
daddy problems

>> No.50435817

can be. I see it more as "burn the candle at both ends while you can"

>> No.50435875

worked ~60 hours last week as a construction inspector.

Good overtime, work alone, don't have many problems at work as long as you do a good job and finish reports on time. I love it. The overtime is great in summer but in the winter, not enough hours because of poor weather

>> No.50436083

I hate my wife and kids. I'd rather stay at work all week. Once my kids are grown I can take all the money I stashed away and disappear

>> No.50436178

based. whyd you do it in the first place?

>> No.50436271

I unironically love fucking bragging about how much hours I work compared to these sheep. Every time I hear one of these nerds talk about muh 40 hours, sick days, vacations, I get irrationally angry. Like how the fuck are you such a lazy piece of shit that you need a vacation from sitting down all day and putting numbers into a fucking excel.

t. Welder that makes more than you. Working an honest 15 is a fucking mans job no pussies allowed. My job is my vacation.

>> No.50436390


Damn man, was only posting my experience. I hope I didn't come across that way. Let me know if you have any advice for me.

>> No.50436461

Eh I’m just larping to be honest.

>> No.50436475

goy slave christcuck grindset

>> No.50436492

Much love to all of you.

>> No.50436580

Yess yess good goy. You keep putting in those hours! Time off is for pussies. No need to live a life outside of work. Very good goys make Mr. Noseberg very happy.

>> No.50436594

based slave worker, keep working hard you cuck! you're a big strong man, working all those hours, trump 2024!!

>> No.50436633

imagine unironically bragging about working for the man, shiggy diggy doo bro. youre making 1/10th the actual value of your labor, if that, maximum.

>> No.50436644

Jews need money and moloch needs new calf

>> No.50436675

Grindmaxxing as much as I can in my 20's to stash away and let investments compound.

>> No.50436772

Now this is actually based.

>> No.50436775

I love working. I'm a software engineer.

I don't have a social life, friends, or a gf. If I'm not working I have nothing to do. work is the only thing that brings me some joy and satisfaction

>> No.50436816

don't know how to /biz/

>> No.50436841

Because I steal food, office supplies, break room supplies after everyone leaves.

>> No.50436880

My previous job didn't pay super well and it was a cushy gig in an office so I was happy to work 50-60 hours a week. New job pays more so may noy need to do that, but when OT is available i'll probably try to get it. Wanna have more cushion in case the economic conditions get super rough.

>> No.50436892


>Structural Engineer
>Put wrong welds on a drawing because im working from home rushing the job to play video games
>You do it the right way anyways
>I get paid more

Funny world.

>> No.50436937

I am poor and couldn’t get anything else

>> No.50436953
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>t. Welder that makes more than you
kek, no you don't, and I work from home.

>> No.50436966

Thats the amount of time it actually takes to do something important you lazy piece of shit

>> No.50437138

Pozzed wagies trying to defend people being overworked

>> No.50437199

I got out in three years and now I’m a NEET writing a book.

>> No.50437215
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VERY based poster here

>> No.50437246

Overtime is the only way to make any savings, otherwise it just goes to continuing my meaningless existence

>> No.50437256

I partake in hustle culture because I want out of it. All of it.

>> No.50437261

I’ve made more than the value of my labor that I’ve provided to my employer
>t. Untenured sales rep that started 6 months ago

>> No.50437616

I like my work and want to rise in the ranks
not that much else

>> No.50437690

Wow what are you doing here? Stay away from stocks and crypto anon its basically gambling.

t. 0 hours worked per week for a longgggg time

>> No.50437709

Ive unfortunately seen this in many things. Lowest man in the totem pole has to fix the mistakes. No time to waste complainimg or doing it wrong because you'll likely bear responsibility.

>> No.50437721

i should be at work in 1 minute but i still dont have clothes on.

>> No.50438003

I worked 14 hours today and made about $800 before taxes. I will work around 9-10 hours the next 4 days and make about $2k after taxes for the week. I would say it's worth it for a single dude

>> No.50438072

>well you knew it was wrong, whyd you docit like that. are you not a professional, we've been training you for 2 years now. Fucking smarten up.

>> No.50438483
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What the fuck do you mean by this. Like, have you never worked as a barista or in a call center? That's the shittiest low entry job you could have and every single one of my friends have, in some points of their lives, worked there. You just do it, love it, hate it, you end up wasting 50 hours a week just to make ends meet. Now if you want to go past it, to really really make it, im just gonna mention QOM and go away, you do with that what you must

>> No.50438549

welding is for fags

>> No.50438575
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literally if I'm not working, I'm just browsing this shithole. it's hell. work is a necessary diversion

>> No.50438585
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>Bragging about working long hours


>> No.50438597
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Because they pay me over 200k a year.

>> No.50438661
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What is in QOM that I can't find elsewhere?

>> No.50438712

any of you press operators, or machinists? Worth it? How do I get into it? School the only route?

>> No.50438720

Work is fun

>> No.50439033

they probably like money. I don't understand working that much either, but for some people it makes sense. My best friend is a truck driver who hauls fuel. He works 50-60 hour weeks, but he takes home about 115k per year. Not bad

Meanwhile I work 40 hours per week and take home 40k per year

>> No.50439155


>> No.50439905
File: 1.44 MB, 300x289, IOKL[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u fcking midwit low iq... short all fcking big companys in stock market that has any contracts or business there... long term 2 to 4 years. You already know what they do when some shithole middle east start saying they have nuclear weapons.

>> No.50439932

>software engineer
Say no more, people know you're a loser already.

>> No.50439964
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So I can earn good money to buy more QANX.

I don't want to be a neet like you, living in his grandma basement.

>> No.50440025
File: 83 KB, 583x767, Iran_Oil_and_Gas_Fields[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do know shit coin called QOM but when I see news about iran and checked map of oil production what I found it... any low iq general could see it in few weeks....

>> No.50440051

>t. Welder that makes more than you

Ha. Whatever you say wagie.

t. Made 23k last month selling Toyota’s to idiots like you.

>> No.50440355

1) Vanity. They get off on the status, the prestige, the money, the power such high-powered jobs usually entail (or entail once you get through the valley of shit and become a partner).
2) Not knowing any better. Seriously, a bunch of people think this is the way it "has to be" if they want to work in that field or make use of their education. Who is going to correct them? The company/firm? They'll happily exploit that mindset.

In the end everyone has different priorities. I have a law degree, but I'm staying as far away from that morally corrupt hamster wheel as possible. I could be laden with cash at my age, but I'd be a physical and psychological wreck. I'm very happy with my lifestyle where I work around 5-10 hours a week and earn just enough to get by. I'm certainly a lot happier that way. People call me a "failure" and "wasting my education". They have no idea how insane they are. What do I need tons of cash for if all I do is work and die early? But hey, if that is *your* idea of a good life, who am I to stop you?

>> No.50440977


Spot on.

I would actually expand the scope of OP's original question. These days with the availability of remote working, it's easy to get a 40-hour per week job and maybe end up working 2-3 hours per day. So why do people still choose to voluntarily go into the office more than required or work jobs where they have less freedom?

There is a corollary in the mindset of people who choose to do this or choose to work 50-60 hours per week - the vanity/ not knowing any better points mentioned above. When you really dig down into the psychology of it, most of these people have accepted this as 'the way it is' and don't feel trapped by it. They don't really dream of getting out of it or to eventually stop working for others and have most of their time to self-actualise. They have accepted that they will work 9-5 every week until retirement with a set amount of time each year they can take for a vacation.

For me and many others here, the idea of accepting this lifestyle feels suffocating. That is, to reduce your life to weekends and 3 or 4 weeks' holiday per year is scary. But they don't see it that way. For example, my job pays me 50k and is very comfy WFH - I also run a business which I am focused on growing. Normies think that I'm wasting potential cause I could easily double my salary if I tried to progress in my career - but that would come at the cost of my time and life.

This is a good thing for people like us who think differently though. We have more opportunity with less competition.

>> No.50441197

50-60 hours is normal you lazy fucks. Japan and other first world countries work 80-90 hours a week no problem, that might be western countries are such shitholes.

>> No.50441242

low IQ and/or subservient wagecattle demeanor. i worked in a big 4 accounting firm for like 9 months. left as soon as i found a better job that didn't make me work 50-60 hours a week with a 5-10 hour weekly commute for $57k/year.

>> No.50441246

Fuck off with your slave mentality you piece of shit.

>> No.50441253

I'd imagine most have no friends or hobbies

>> No.50441268

you've likely never worked a day in your life you fat sweaty neet autist. in a developed first world nation, 50-60 hours a week is the bare fucking minimum. thats why countries like Japan and China are doing so well while the lazy and entitled West reverts back to third world tier.

>> No.50441305

creativity and productivity decline rapidly after the first 4-6 hours. if your job regularly involves 10-12 hour days, you're likely a retard doing highly repetitive retard tier work i.e. your labor is meaningless and will soon be automated or outsourced. better luck in the next life, niggerbrain.

>> No.50441307

holy cope, YIKES.

>> No.50441349

>Thinks Japan is doing well
This has to be bait. Either that or you're a degenerate weeb. Japan is doing horribly you daft cunt.

Their work culture is the sole reason why people are killing themselves and not having sex.

And even after all those working hours they make fuck all because their currency is completely fucked.

>> No.50441363

Most "jobs" people go to shouldn't pay them at all. They should be more like unpaid internships. Their goal should be for you to hone your skills so that you can get a job that actually pays a wage or prepares you to start your own business. For example, if you clean toilets at the movie theater, that should not be a paying job and you should be required to provide your own "tools of the trade" such as spray and wipes. Maybe if you work really hard and starve enough, you can start your own toilet cleaning company.

>> No.50441392

I don't put in these hours but I'm surrounded by people who do. As far as I can tell there is something they are getting from their jobs I just don't. Don't understand it really.

I mean it's just a job. If you didn't want to spend time with your family why did you have one.

>> No.50441399

I work about 60 hours a week and I am paid for 40. I can't remember the last time I ate lunch. I have never taken a PTO or sick day. I usually work most of the weekend at home. God, I love wageslaving.

>> No.50441413

>japan is doing le bad even though they have the third largest economy on earth, quick import 10 million niggers and legalise buttsex!!!1

fuck off. japan is the cleanest, most organised, crime free place on earth with the best cuisine and their media dominates. not even a weeb, but japan makes the west look like a shithole bar some rural areas in europe

>> No.50441424

>creativity and productivity decline rapidly after the first 4-6 hours.
for retards

>> No.50441432

I have plenty of friends who are content with mediocracy and don’t aspire for anything more in life. It’s tonight sometimes being their friends, I would like to have a more meaningful conversation other than old memories or what’s a good beer

>> No.50441440

You have to understand that a majority of the population are irredeemable drones. I'm talking 85-90%. Consider every job you've ever had. Surely you've heard coworkers discuss their weekend plans or what they do in their spare time. They watch Netflix. They go out to a bar. That's about it. Do they read literature? Do they practice some form of art? Learn a new language? They simply do not understand that they have only ONE life and that to spend it waging, eating hamburgers, and watching jew trash is a horrifying and unforgivable betrayal of the self. Every second spent in some shithole office shuffling Excel spreadsheets should feel like bamboo shoots under their fingernails, but they simply don't get it.

>> No.50441446


>> No.50441464

It’s the best risk adjusted way to get rich

t. work at investment bank

>> No.50441505

Japan is better than your country will ever be

>> No.50441535

I don't know. I've stayed part time at my deli job because I can't stand being there for more than 6 hours, but some of the fuckers there still try to egg me on into going full-time or working closing (lol). It'd be good for my pockets, but I'd rather hope my crypto bags pump enough to get me by.

>> No.50441557

you're not qualified to make this judgement. we've already established this by your pattern of routinely working 10-12 hours a day.

>> No.50441561

You're making incorrect assumptions. I work full-time in finance but I'm comfy WFH. I focus on my online business to make money, not fighting for a marginal pay raise and sucking some partner's dick. Fuck off to Japan

>> No.50441639

Are you actually advocating that people should want to wok 50-60 hours per week? Or just making some general argument about productivity.

>> No.50441747

50/50 between being a troll post and being one of those 'muh hard work' wagies who cope with a debilitatingly low salary by working absurd amounts of overtime. i saw it all the time when i worked at a shithole factory for $17/hour. team leaders loved to brag that we """"could"""" make a whopping $50-60k a year, if we wanted to work 10-12 hours a day. it came at the cost of having no personal life, not seeing your kids grow up, missing birthdays/holidays/afterschool events, having constant relationship troubles with wife/gf due to never being home, etc.

>> No.50441827

There are other ways. I have a friend who isn't skilled but works 2 or 3 remote full-time jobs simultaneously e.g. telemarketing or data entry. He's pulling in the equivalent of about 50-60k. Gets busy but still always a 9-5 and WFH. You should switch up

>> No.50441856

i went back to school, now i wfh in corporate accounting making good money. unless you're a business owner putting in hard work up front with the goal of reducing your hours in the future, fuck consistently working >40 hours a week ever again.

>> No.50441876

At any moment in time you can work 60 hrs a week and stack up your money for 90-120 days and start a small business.

>> No.50441894

Some people see suffering as something cool
I dont get it

>> No.50441936
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Did you people not read the bait 15 hour work welder guy say he was larping two posts after you stupid ESL pieces of ADHD driven shits?

>> No.50441978

Working in a kitchen sounds like fucking hell and they love to brag about doing 65 hours a week what a joke fuck them

>> No.50442025
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Hello tourists, you can go back now.

>> No.50442052

same here

>> No.50442139

People don't realize how fucking easy it is to make it if you just do this. Live cheap, invest everything in your 20's. It's the most important decade of your life in terms of financial security. While your normie friends blow their savings on trips and other bullshit, you'll be retired in your early 30's while they still have to wage kek

>> No.50442515

Don't worry t.welder gets to brag about all the free work he does because he's a cuckwager.

I got a degree in welding technology and I make more money as a janitor working part time, changing my career to hvac because nobody pays welders very well and the work is fucking exhausting.

>> No.50442557

I love what I do. I have a 40 hour workweek but I volunteer for overtime every week.

>> No.50442586

based. welding is a meme. unless you live in an area with specialized heavy industry (high pressure vessels, nuclear reactors, naval works, gas pipelines, etc.) the pay is shit. saw it happen to my friends who did the lern2weld meme during the marcellus shale boom. a lot of them made six figures during the pipeline construction years. then the project was finished and they were laid off. a few followed pipeline work around the country. some got welding jobs in local fab shops or industrial maintenance contract shops for shit money ($15-20/hour.) many changed careers to trucking, industrial maintenance, etc.

>> No.50442715


>> No.50443012

Tax accounting is soul crushing. I only went into it because my parents told me to. I’m thinking of going back to school to find a job where I only have to work 40 hours a week. I’m just not good at much. I couldn’t do programming. I’ve thought about IT but that’s saturated. I really have no idea how to escape this. It’s total hell.

>> No.50443075
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Coulda been better.

>> No.50443088

if you have no interest in buying or starting your own firm, pivot into corporate accounting.

t. former big 4 audit wagie now a wfh senior accountant at a megacorp doing maybe 30 hours a week

>> No.50443132

>t. Made 23k last month selling Toyota’s to idiots like you.

Ha. Whatever you say wagie.

t. Made 112k last month selling coke to idiots like you.

>> No.50443147
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because i like what i do

>> No.50443162

Go work for the IRS or some other government gig. Only way to make it in accounting. And they're desperate for people.

>> No.50443222

I’m in industry now. It’s far, far worse than public accounting. There are basically no jobs in tax out there. Everyone wants someone fresh out of public accounting and there’s no way I’m going back to public at this point.

>> No.50443271

sucks. maybe consider IRS like >>50443162 said. i actually got a job offer from them but turned it down. pay is kind of shit but it's comfy, especially when you get a few years experience and can promote out of small business/self employed tax and into large business & international tax or tax exempt & government.

the "you can do general accounting work with a tax background" meme is such a meme, thank god i dodged that bullet.

>> No.50443278

I tried getting a job at my state revenue department but they prioritize current employees and union members. I interviewed with them and they never replied. I checked LinkedIn afterwards and it got filled by someone who already worked there. There aren’t any IRS jobs in my area. The IRS hiring process also takes around six months. It seems like a new place to work though. It kills me to see people done for the day at 5:00 without a worry in the world. That’s all I want. I’m even open to temp jobs at this point. Anything to stop this.

>> No.50443280

>80-90 hours a week no problem
>highest teen suicide rate in the world
yes, once you cull everyone that can't be inured to that kind of soul-sucking drudgery, your society can function that way.

>> No.50443303

I definitely could do general accounting work since I have a BS in accounting and I’m a CPA. I just doubt anyone would hire me since I’m six years in and would have to start at a low staff position.

>> No.50443359

Also curious about the IRS offer you got. How long did the hiring process take? Did you have to make a multi-page resume? I’ve read that federal resumes have to be quite long.

>> No.50443401

if you have a CPA just apply to senior accountant jobs, fuck it. i'll even risk doxing myself. CVS health is hiring multiple wfh senior accountant jobs. $85k/year + 10% bonus. we're interviewing complete retards with a bachelors in accounting, no CPA, multiple typos on their resume, and 1-2 years of experience in AP or AR. go to the corporate website (not linkedin/indeed) and apply right now, you stand a good chance at getting an interview.

>> No.50443422

this man's entire self-worth is wrapped up in waging. not the first person i've met like that.

>> No.50443502

this was a year ago. i can't remember exactly but i want to say it was 3-4 months from initial application to job offer. i did a multi-page resume. basically just followed https://www.usajobs.gov/help/how-to/account/documents/resume/build/ and a few other online guides.

the interview is weird as hell. four managers on a group call. audio only, no video, and it's a phone call not zoom/teams/etc. they each as you 1-2 questions. as you answer they all take notes on your response. interview was literally 20 minutes long, with the last 5 minutes being my asking them questions about the job. you can google the questions as they recycle them year to year with little variation. the questions aren't technical in the slightest. purely behavioral and you want to emphasize that you're a good little wagecuck who follows protocol to the letter.

as part of the job application you will be asked to do a "skills assessment" which is BARELY technical. there's also a small technical writing exercise, where you basically type a mock memo/summary of a mock taxpayer interview. i did well enough to get an interview and an offer with 0 knowledge of tax.

>> No.50443601

Thanks very much. I’ll look into it.

>> No.50443895

> Every time I hear one of these nerds talk about muh 40 hours, sick days, vacations, I get irrationally angry.
Jesus Christ calm down wagie, nobody's taking rabbi's leash from your neck

>> No.50443969

>not working 40 hours for shlomo and 30 extra hours to work on yourself

>> No.50444333

What comfy wfh do you have? I just landed a low paying wfh customer support job but it sucks answering phones all day and I cant really travel which is what I want since all work has to be done from my home ip. Hoping to do this for a few months then apply for something better

>> No.50445311

I don't know either, especially considering you could be making 80% apy staking MAXX finance token or 13% APY staking NEAR in your wallet.

>> No.50445426

>bragging about being your company's bitch
Wow anon, you sure are better than us

>> No.50445545

Work in a comfy finance job. Why don't you just get a telemarketing job which is less demanding, look on Linkedin for remote jobs