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File: 1.28 MB, 1644x2735, 1658190423747662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50435067 No.50435067 [Reply] [Original]

This is how you know the recession is here.

>> No.50435455

God I hope the vidya industry crashes. Too many jewish microtransaction tricks, AAA games that are rehashed older games, and remaster/remakes

>> No.50435493
File: 258 KB, 1280x720, Giant-Dad-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most modern video games are trash, the last game I bought was elden ring and it fucking sucks. Darks souls 1 is still the best souls game.

>> No.50435503
File: 17 KB, 315x253, pirate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Video game

>> No.50435570

Been out of gaming for years. I got a free ps4 and then remembered how much I liked the star wars battlefront games. They were like battlefield but star wars. I played hundreds of hours of instant action on my ps2 as a kid. I did some looking to see if there was a p4 bottle front and there was so I bought it. I now understand the EA hate. I want them to burn. All they had to do was remake the game but in modern ps4 graphics. They made a call of dookie star wars instead with loot boxes. How could they fuck this up this badly?

>> No.50435598
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Video games haven't been fun since pic related.

>> No.50435613

>pirating at ATH
>New AAA games sucking at ATH
>Shit like GAMEPASS and similar cucking actual sales because digital purchasing games for full price is fucking retarded

>> No.50435630
File: 12 KB, 292x300, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's spice orange

>> No.50435634

maybe they should stop making GARBAGE.

>> No.50435642

dark souls 1 is so unbelievably good honestly. every single area of the game is memorable and atmospheric. genuinely rekindled my love for gaming at the time
you've got to wonder, how do you even top that. a lot of the appeal was this gem coming out of nowhere (most of us didn't play demon's souls)

>> No.50435646

what a kino system. so many good games. I miss being 12.

>> No.50435657

>stop maufacturing consoles for years
>wonder why sales are dropping
same goes for cars

>> No.50435659

Americans buy the most games out of any region. Console costs are still insane due to scalpers, including Sony and M$SFT joining in on the scalping, long story short. It's a bad way to gauge the economy. The biggest economic pillar to focus on is the gas tax hault and whether or not gas PRICES will fall.

>> No.50435667

how simple is it to enter this industry? i mean even a "failed" game probably still earns well over 100k

>> No.50435688

>can't find a PS5 for less than $200 markup.
>PS5 has no games anyway

>> No.50435813
File: 1.87 MB, 1280x720, dark-souls-sif.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game cube games are really good.
True, I was honestly always dispaptionted about every souls game after dark souls 1 because it was just so fucking good. I played ds2 and ds3 and both were not bad games but didn't really felt like the first part. Even pvp in ds1 was fucking great to bad that they have shut down the servers and fucked up the remastered edition. They really don't make games like the used to.

>> No.50435832

Based af

>> No.50435840

Video games fucking suck ass

>> No.50435852
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I liked 2 better sorry.
I made like 15 diff characters on 1 and never made it to the end, everything post lord vessel was a slog and I couldn't get myself to do it.
Everything past Artorias in the DLC was a slog too.

I got the challenge rings in 2, was a fun experience.

>> No.50435855

majority of the video games and movies being put out are DOGSHIT
people are still playing f2p games for the past decade

>> No.50436003

Good. They pump out the same trash over and over.

>> No.50436052

Those games are the battlefield games with less features and a star wars skin. Perfect for milking star wars retard consumers like the nigger cattle they are.

>> No.50436343

Massive gamer here. There just isn't any games worth playing anymore.

>> No.50436413

Every time I play video games I get insanely depressed. It just brings me back to a time with friends and good times playing till 2am saying the stupidest and funniest shit. Now I’m a boomer and all my friends are gone. Fuck careers what an absolute fucking scam.

>> No.50436463

its for kids to have something to be nostalgic about... we are too old...

>> No.50436503
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Get to the fucking point. I aint reading your faggy live journal nigga.

>> No.50436510

Elden Rings endgame sucks cock, enough to spoil any desire to ever touch it again.

>> No.50436516

haven't bought a game since 2004

>> No.50436521
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I'm in this post and I don't like it.

>> No.50436524

Media coping and damage controlling for Sony flopping the PS5 launch

>> No.50436591

DLC killed gaming. Sometime in the beginning of the DLC-era companies decided to focus on making money AFTER the games were released rather than making all of your money from a strong release.They saw they made a shit load of money from releasing map packs and other bonus content, and then jewwy companies like EA saw that and thought "Let's take this a step further"

>> No.50436653

>i mean even a "failed" game probably still earns well over 100k
Depends on the game. Now we are flooded with indie games with only 1 or 2 devs on a project they love who get purchased by steam for almost nothing before release in case it become the next hyped shit by hipsters or the next minecraft (unlikely).
Most games on the platform costed way less than 100k to develop, and with the reach Steam have in term of customers, it's literally impossible to not make money.

Now the AAA globohomo trash? They are costing a shit tonne to develop, but it's mostly because they hire a gazillion useless HR trannies and diversity counsellors to get dem sweet Blackrock ESG bux. Those are the ones bleeding money usually. Which is a good thing obviously.

To put it into perspective, the vydia market is now worth twice the MC of movies + music industries. It's insane how fast it grew the past 20 years.

>> No.50436701

Gaming is simultaneously a huge industry and also a cheap hobby
The entry cost is kinda high comparatively to other entertainment industries but the time/cost is phenomenal. A good game you can put 3000 hours into for anywhere between $10 and $60, not including the pc/console cost, which is what I consider the entry cost.

$0 if you are pc and can emulate/pirate.

I'd like to imagine that normalfags are waking up to the fact that you don't need to buy every single AAA title that comes out, but I know that's just blind optimism.
These articles are probably written from the perspective of EA and their annual sports/CoD rehashes as their sales slowly fail to maintain their momentum.

>> No.50436776

>pvp in ds1 was fucking great
Those laggy backstabs were complete bullshit, but damn was flipping around the forest was fun
Its a shame they never managed to recapture the atmosphere of the first game, but it might just be a one time thing, once you "get" how to play a souls game it kinda becomes easy

>> No.50437504 [DELETED] 

Noticed many aren't worthwhile like the ones in the past. Also noticed a trend for a certain type of "game" that doesn't even feel like a game. Have also noticed that a few of the worthwhile one's go nearly unnoticed while some that don't look worthwhile go and make 8 figures.

t. Game dev, doubt I'll succeed, was a dream but I can't do it forever.

>> No.50437538

>3000 hours
You're joking right? I can already tell what kinda games you play to even yield that kinda time. Plus certain games dont have much replay value but can be very fun.

>> No.50437614

>Now we are flooded with indie games with only 1 or 2 devs on a project they love who get purchased by steam for almost nothing before release in case it become the next hyped shit by hipsters or the next minecraft (unlikely).
Most dont sell well anon. You're likely skewed by the big indie hits.

t. Solo game dev

>> No.50437645

As much as I wanted Doom Eternal the cost, the true cost being base game plus all the non cosmetic dlc, is ridiculous! Plus I don't like having to make an account on some other website. Wish Steam clamped down on this. They want it so bad sell it on their own website then! Theyd quickly yield and not do this, eg Bethesda, seeing how many consumers are resistant to using anything but steam.

>> No.50437672

Rip Ladarius

Why they gotta do my brotha like dat

>> No.50437684

Msm knows shit about anything, as if parents will not buy they goblinos video games to educate them, video games are “recession proof” whatever the media says, they’re trash and you don’t deserve to make it if you follow their advice

>> No.50437711
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, pictures you can hear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern Warfare 2 broke record sales during 09 and was a great past time for youth to cope with the recession. Maybe this recession will finally shake the troons and women out of the gaming industry and make games cozy again.

>> No.50437750

every time I get time to play a video game i'm literally just logging into Modern Warfare 2. That game perfected the entire online multiplayer atmosphere as well as having a story that's pretty bad in literary skill like every modern game including Red Dead Redemption 2, but it has those epic soi moments where something crazy happens on all the formulaic plot beats

>> No.50437781

That is the fate of all manlets

>> No.50437787
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Try king Arthur: Knight's Tale

>> No.50437807
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it hurts, brose...

>> No.50437859
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>> No.50437861

Please dont post this image anymore the pain is too intense

>> No.50437896
File: 2.15 MB, 1745x982, Infinityblade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who remembers Infinity Blade 1 and 2. I remember playing it as a kid and thinking that mobile gaming had a bright future, oh how I was wrong.

>> No.50438050

I can't name a single "classic" that came out within the last 5+ years. Think of a game like Skyrim, I don't care if you think it was complete shit, people are still taking about it 10+ years later. When's the last time a game like that came out?

>> No.50438169

fortnite maybe?

>> No.50438199
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>> No.50438218

It's not that hard, if they could keep this gameplay and just release a new game with better graphics and new maps every two years, people will buy it.

Instead they fill the games with unskippable cut scenes, it is a nonsense, everything dies.
Last of us was a brilliant game, the second one is an incoherrent mess.

Who said we want enormous worlds and unlimited side quests, just give us a game that works.

>> No.50438252

What a fucking dark timeline.

>> No.50438272

Stardew valley was 6 years ago.

>> No.50438289

Depends on the genre, Total War Warhammer 2 (or more likely 3 once the trilogy is combined as it had a really shaky start) has potential to still be popular in the community in 10 years time. Same may be true for Aoe4 if it receives the same love as 2.

>> No.50438299 [DELETED] 
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Breath of the wild was pretty good, no where near this baby though

>> No.50438340
File: 455 KB, 1500x902, 4c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. doesn't mod his games
I have saved so much money modding medieval and rome total wars. I also started modding MOWAS2 and Dawn of War Soulstorm. Probably saved $500 off of them alone.

>> No.50438377
File: 15 KB, 437x420, url(89).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't relate, but i want to go back as well.

I think the industry died in quality when they stopped focusing on singleplayer.

>> No.50438444
File: 2.64 MB, 729x407, ji.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad time to try my hand at indie game dev for a living

>> No.50438461

On the contrary, indie games are better to play than AAA games now and I can play your buttplug simulator without stepping foot in some dumb store

Also checked

>> No.50438551

You can't indie dev "for a living".
The only way to make it indie is solo or in a very small team (less than 4). As long as you can produce one major success you can get your ~$1000000 and pivot to real estate.

>> No.50438802

remakes are not so bad, although they are a very easy form of marketing.
not to mention the amount of escapism loving nerds they have, they are on the same level as the weebs or vr chat fanatics, but after all I think I'd rather have that than see more fags betting all their salary on shitcoins like qom

>> No.50438902

maybe the souls series? you definitely see people still doing replays with every possible gameplay style

>> No.50438953

I really enjoyed rdr2

>> No.50438973
File: 452 KB, 1078x1151, Screenshot_20220715-195931_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyberpunk 2077

>> No.50439152

I will now recommend biz some gems.

Ender Lilies

King Arthur Knight's Tale

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Nioh 2

You are right that there has been no classics in the past 5 years but that is because in my opinion that all the good games are not so mainstream.

>> No.50439459

you will know the recession is here when mobile shit games start shutting down one after another

>> No.50439759

People hate on cyberpunk too much an absolute classic in recent times up there with the Elden ring can’t decide which is better.

>> No.50439767

Oh no. Whatever will I do if they don't release a sequel to the award winning lgbt indie title, goyslopper 2

>> No.50439786

you must be joking, cyberpunk was garbage even when you ignore the bugs.

>> No.50439830

>bideo gaem bad
>except fricking dark souls
Literal 4chan npc

>> No.50439867
File: 53 KB, 479x680, 415354343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough with the antisemitism.
Fleecing the braindead goylem cattle is Holy and Good.

Do you think either God the Father of Jesus Christ, or Lucifer the Satan god of this world, actually like, let alone love, the braindead goylem cattle ?
Jews are literally doing the work of both God and the god of this world by exploiting, fleecing, killing, genociding the braindead goylem cattle.

Not that there's anything right with being jewish, of course.
Death to them all, but bear no hatred, only contempt for them, for the braindead goylem cattle deserve all your hatred.

>> No.50439875
File: 1.96 MB, 2481x1754, firekeeper background2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love dark souls 1, but I prefer dark souls 3 because of Fire Keeper, and the Gotthard Twinswords.

>> No.50439881

>opinion becomes too common
>must be contrarian or an npc
The real 4chan NPC was you all along you dumb fucking cunt.

>> No.50439887
File: 164 KB, 435x268, 1559935553027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons are going all-in in LUNC.

>> No.50439896

Is this a real game. Gimmie a progress link or something

>> No.50439922

>Who remembers Infinity Blade 1 and 2. I remember playing it as a kid
Fuck off zoomer, that was only 10 years ago, you're still a kid...

>> No.50439926

Oh little zoom zoom won't be getting his PS5 that can play games with graphics that were prevalent in 2005 and are full of microtransactions? Well too fucking bad.

>> No.50439998

I'm 20 now, but don't lie they were good games.

>> No.50440002

My brother is trying to make a studio. He's been in the business for 15 years and is hoping the game hes making now with just one other person is successful enough to make a real team. It's not easy to get into unless you don't mind being a mindless code monkey. If you want enjoyment out of your work you have to start your own company, and unless you're doing everything yourself, it's expensive to do when you have to pay everyone. Making games is not a part time thing it's your job so if you only make 100k with a 2 or 3 man team in a year it would just ammount to a normal wagie salary. You're not going to make a game by yourself in a year

>> No.50440027

I'm not saying the sea is or isn't rising, but it's like the person who made that image is unaware of the fact that the ocean is subject to tidal force.

>> No.50440034

Didn't onlyfans whores report ths first ddop off in subscribers during the pandemic? I trust the onlyfans index way more than videogame sales.

>> No.50440045

Market expanded 26% when everyone was WFH/Schools shut etc.
Now contracting 1.2% OMG it's over.
C'mon /biz/ you can do better.
Also slide thread.

(Also just discovered OG Ghost Recon. shit is fire)

>> No.50440049

>i'm 20 now
Sorry. Still a kid sonny...

>> No.50440055
File: 631 KB, 1918x897, comON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mwuHn mwuHn uhh mwUUhn comON
>mwuHn mwuHn uhh mwUUhn comON
>mwuHn mwuHn uhh mwUUhn comON
>mwuHn mwuHn uhh mwUUhn comON

>> No.50440059

just bought some DLCs for Destiny 2 yesterday, price drops were pretty nice

>> No.50440064
File: 916 KB, 1194x672, noble 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why tf even play Destiny 2? After Halo, all the games Bungie puts out are soulless now.

>> No.50440074
File: 68 KB, 690x388, pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the wrong reasons

>> No.50440089

Destiny 2 is indeed soulless, I guess i'm just old and don't have the energy to invest time to learn a new game. I just hop in, kill a bunch of aliens, numbers go up, hop out. Story was a convoluted mess and i skip all the cutscenes in the campaigns

>> No.50440107

if you like old FPS games, go try out this one. I really enjoy it.

>> No.50440136

no its because
>dont make enough consoles so few people have one
>start charging $70 for games
>forget to justify it by making them good
seriously video games these days suck ass.

>> No.50440152

i'm currently thinking of getting this and its sequel, they seem fun.

>> No.50440225

looks good, but play Doom Eternal first if you haven't already.

>> No.50440287

I'm a former sponsored player for a very popular competitive game, and then later became a semi successful youtuber for a different genre then what I played competitively. I've worked with several AAA studios for marketing videos, design advice, and different assorted things. AAA gaming is so fucking fucked you guys have no idea. Getting anything done in a AAA studio is a fucking nightmare. Every single thing has to be sent to 8 different departments, start a 30 person email chain, and 20 different people have to clear it. It's so fucking convoluted and inefficient I'm honestly surprised any game gets released at all. Marketing people are literally all evil snakes and the fucking web of people and bullshit that any decision has to go through basically guarantees that nothing groundbreaking can ever get done. It's so fucking bloated I don't even think it should exist. Every single company is about two failures away from bankruptcy

>> No.50440289

Dead Cells maybe? PUBG might qualify (some memorable stuff with chicken dinner and the pan, also trailblazing a whole genre). The problem with the recent tide of multiplayer-only titles is they have no staying power. You can't boot it up 10 years down the road and recapture your experience. Fortnite and Fall Guys were/are massive mainstream phenomena, they're just not really memorable, they have no iconic moments. Built too much on the collective experience in the moment and kept alive by constant patches so you never really get a stable state you might develop nostalgia for.

Skyrim... I've never even played it. What makes it such a classic? All I know are the stupid memes about arrows to the knee and shouting at dragons. I like Morrowind and Oblivion. Skyrim just seems like the logical next step, not really a revolution that constitutes an instant "classic".
Is it really just the meme factor that makes a classic? Is Dark Souls a classic because of praise the sun and onion bro? Elden Ring seems like a good game and people seem to play it for forever, but it's not really "iconic" I guess. Nothing stands out.

I'm not sure this is a bad thing though. Games should be good and enjoyable, not meme-laden. If people enjoy the experience and are happy with their purchases and time spent, it doesn't have to be a "classic".

>> No.50440298

i played all the Dooms except 3, didn't like the horror elements. Eternal is amazing

>> No.50440470

I hate to be part of the contrarian 4chan incel choir, but it's true. Videogames absolutely suck nowadays. One thing I am personally disgusted by are the overly obvious reddit twitch streamer games, that you 100% know are not good and that only have some reddit appealing quality to them, but theyre absolutely hyped on steam and "Overwhelmingly" positively reviewed but you JUST KNOW that if you actually paid for these games you'd feel like someone sucks your life out of your soul after 2 hours at best. Videogames are dead and Indie games are not better than AAA games, theyre just cheaper, but theyre just as big of a waste of time and money.

>> No.50440485

Stardew fucking valley? That game is just a reddit indie version of fucking harvest moon.

>> No.50440534

My first thought as well, but judging from the fact that the first photo isnt shot during the evening but somewhere around noon (judging by the angle of the sunlight that hits the statue) and that the second is shot during the afternoon or early evening, the tide wouldnt play a big role, in fact the water would be higher in the second photo due to it being closer to high tide.
The thing is that sea levels can rise unequally due to various factors.

>> No.50440573

I work for a medium-sized game studio and we are still hiring and constantly getting new projects to work on. Needless to say - the games we are working on seem to be getting shittier and shittier. It boggles my mind how that broken garbage (talking about "AAA" stuff here) our developers are trying to fix can have any sales. The only thing good about new games is graphics - they look pretty. But they are soulless, broken shit only a retard would pay for. It seems like everyone with a hole in his ass has a game studio now with tens of millions of dollars in budget. This doesn't seem sustainable at all. Despite all that - the industry still seems to grow.

>> No.50440580

>video games


>> No.50440744

pay a relative big streamer to play your game. gonna cost you 5-10k for a few hours, but there isnt better marketing out there.

>> No.50440756


>> No.50440774

nobody uses microtransactions on offline, not happening chud. fortnite changed gaming forever

>> No.50440816
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>> No.50440838

All new games are shit and/or broken. This should not come as a surprise.

>> No.50440938

Pathfinder: kingmaker and WOTR are really good

>> No.50440969

Both get mogged by Bloodborne desu

>> No.50441036
File: 210 KB, 500x576, 1657835227849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooooooooooo not ledarius!

>> No.50441044

Nigga, just go outside
>No glitches
>Clear overarching objectives with massive flexibility otherwise
>Highest definition available
>Can customize character's body and clothing
>Gain XP
>Can play as hero or villain and that affects the game for future players

>> No.50441048

chinese hackers have ruined all online games. I just want coop & story

>> No.50441079
File: 92 KB, 980x735, socom-2-06.big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real og's know. This was peak gaming. All downhill from here.

>> No.50441084

There's been hardly any AAA titles released since the memeflu started. Eerything was postponed or delayed, some even cancelled, also they were rehashing hard before that too.

Most games are propaganda anyway, the average NPC has no idea though, even those who call themselves "redpilled". Anything with outer space, aliens, galaxies, and all that globohomo garbage is propaganda.

>> No.50441111

Cuphead is the first game I've bought in years and the Delicious Last Course is the only DLC I've ever purchased.
I appreciate anybody that's trying to do real nigga animation in the West.

>> No.50441120

>bleeding money
They have infinite money and don't mind. That's how propaganda always worked, but the average NPC believes it has to be profitable for globohomo, or that they lose money and it hurts them somehow. It doesn't.

Follow the money only works for goyim and kikes, the real overlords are not driven by money. But the average NPC will have you believe otherwise.

>> No.50441156

3d graphics and online gaming became the industry emphasis around the same time. It sucked the labor out of making games fun. The industry never fully recovered.
>Well, let’s see what Larian does with BG3.

>> No.50441335

damn that image mad retarded

>> No.50441359
File: 479 KB, 522x588, 1656069673102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? You can buy videogames?!

>> No.50441383

Literally elden ring is probably one of the worst, most overrated games I've ever seen or played in my life.
The fucking PC keyboard bindings are absolutely retarded. Worst port ever. And the game just sucks

>> No.50441486

>Falling Sales

This is fake news, the ps5 never had any sales in the first place

>> No.50441508

188 billion? Huh, globally I thought games would've been at least double that number.

>> No.50441577

>The fucking PC keyboard bindings are absolutely retarded. Worst port ever.
You know you can change those... right?

>> No.50441636

They forgot to add
>Here is why this might be a good thing

>> No.50441692

The game is dogshit, keys are not a problem, everything else is.

The goods news is there are plenty of NPC cattle who like subpar trash. It's good to know if you want to sell some shit coming out of your ass, there will be goyim gobbling it up.

>> No.50441705

Can we stop slowly raising the bar to adulthood, please? It's making my leering at 18 year olds even less appropriate.

>> No.50441745

1.6mil a day for a shitty mobile game
Recession Here Guysz!

>> No.50442023

ill never buy a new video game from any major company ever again until good video games start being made

>> No.50442046

i also can no longer have fun with videogames unless they are online in some capacity
single player i just instantly feel stupid like why am i even alive

>> No.50442163

I hope this is a troll lmao. DS2 is the only shit game in the series, imagine having taste this bad.

>> No.50442249

PC and VR is where all the good shit is at anyway.

>> No.50442253

Had a 120 inch projection screen and a kill death ratio of over 3. Sniper camper was comfy as hell.

>> No.50442318

console gamers are suckers
imagine paying 60 euros for some shit ps5 game, while you can find old kinos being sold in the Steam summer sale for 1 euro

>> No.50442378

>tfw on christmas break for 2 weeks and all your bros play the same game for 12hours

i miss being 14. Can't game anymore, it all feels pointless and that I should be doing some selfimprovement shit like reading books and working out and procreating

>> No.50442401

>rolling around at the speed of sound

>> No.50442415

look up all the taxes, the cut steam takes etc.
You're better off going wagie and using your coding skills for a much higher per hour pay.
The only pros of developing vidya are the residual income and the chance of hitting it big. Other than that, too much effort for very little reward.

>> No.50442656

This is because videogames are for children. Anybody who still plays games is just trying to regain the wonder and excitement they had when playing games as a kid

>> No.50442799

It just feels like playing with toys now. Eventually you grow up.

Doesn't mean you can't occasionally drag out the old Legos for a spell. You can take a few turns in Unreal or play a few matches of AoE2. But ultimately, you know you have better things to do in this life. Consuming isn't enough anymore.

>> No.50442824

Well there are no good games, so of course I will just emulate at this point

>> No.50442938

kek you nailed the sounds

>> No.50443047

He’s right though Stardew Valley has its place as a game people will play for decades, much like Skyrim
Very few games compare
I’d say maybe CK3 as well but it needs a more developed mod community and there’s some thing that are downgrades from CK2

>> No.50443316

>gaming industry is collapsing because recession
>the crash has nothing to do with the gaming industry's two decades shitty games being released, pandering to political correctness and general scum baggery

>> No.50443521

Remakes are not bad. But i agree. Too many business out of touch people on top, need talented indies a chance to be the new AAA

>> No.50443937

Factorio has been pretty influential, practically spawned an entire genre.

Also the dev team is fairly based. Game has literally never been put on sale.

>> No.50443974

Yup. I remember 2008 same thing happened. You zoomies have been living high on the hog for almost a decade and only know if a post recession world where the powers that be prior up the economy Amy way imaginable. Get ready for pain.

>> No.50445664

Gaming quality is at an all time low. You have two sectors of games from a players point of view:
1. Triple AAA blockbuster games
As described in >>50440287 >>50440573 these games have become too big to fail, everything has to be curated and examined to squeeze as much money as possible because the costs to provide the 'high-quality' tier entertainment are simply too much. Everything is focused on this to the detriment of any potential creativity.
2. Indie games
Startup studios doomed to mediocrity because they can either take a gamble and try to make a creative independent game or play it safe to be able to survive to make another game for another day by iterating on whatever is popular.
>Its slay the spire but I added this mechanic
>Its stardew valley but 3d and this has changed
>Its another roguelike
>Its factorio but first person
>Here I made this game to remind you of the 90's/make you feel superior by playing a game that you were too young to 'get'
I honestly don't fault them either. They need to survive and lowest common denominator indie trash is the way to go see>>50440002

>> No.50445861

There's nothing to be done about it and you or I certainly can't/won't do anything to fix it. It's not like we pay for these games anyway we probably pirate it all because they're so trash in the first place.
The gaming community don't know what's good for them and they're not going to vote with their wallets fast enough for the games industry to pivot and develop games under a new set of benchmarks.
What probably needs to happen is a gigantic crash in the games industry so that all these studios are forced to work in a new paradigm where 'good' games aren't just determined by great graphics or piggybacking on viral games/games mechanics.
The indie industry would get fucked by it but honestly it needs to. I empathize with aspiring developers trying to make their way but I cannot stand having another game shoved in my face that is just an iteration of an iteration.

>> No.50446000
File: 38 KB, 600x346, 1657991153811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vidya threads are better on /biz/ than on /v/
>/biz/ threads are better on /v/ than on /biz/
We really hate ourselves, eh

>> No.50446022

Dude right? Dark Souls is SO epic! They don't make 'em like they used to. It's almost as good as Skyrim! But I mostly play League of Legends and Minecraft these days. Want to hit the barcade later?

>> No.50446035

We just hate having the same conversations over and over.

>> No.50446492

if you think fortnite is a classic game you might want to kill yourself asap

>> No.50446648
File: 83 KB, 763x893, 1648487563140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best souls game
>have to pull out my OG piece of shit ps4 that sounds like it's about to explode just to play it
>will never get a pc port because of greedy sonyniggers

>> No.50446653

rdr 2? that’s it tho

>> No.50447033

>muh gaymes
lmao get a grip