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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50434301 No.50434301 [Reply] [Original]

>Worse than expected CPI
>Stocks blood red today
>Incoming hikes and recession confirmation
>European economic collapse pretty much confirmed
>Bitcoin up 10%
>The only explanation retarded bulls can come up with is "IT'S PRICED IN"

Holy shit this is the most obvious dead cat bounce I have ever seen.

>> No.50434328


>> No.50434337

It's the merge. Retards think it's gonna change anything but it isn't ETH is still gonna be slow and it's still gonna be expensive.

>> No.50434366
File: 7 KB, 250x232, 1644426189112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok but arthur said it would make ETH like a really profitable bond or something and that would pump ETH to 10k
did arthur lie to me ?

>> No.50434373

>did arthur lie to me ?
Basically yes. The 10k ETH is a Twitter meme.

>> No.50434377

Give me one reason this rally is going to continue other than that all the negative incoming catalysts are priced in, Stocks clearly didn't think so today.

>> No.50434468

two words:
pi cycle

>> No.50434525

Its inflation PROOFED, what part of SCARCITY didnt go thru you retarded bear thic skull?

>> No.50434544
File: 261 KB, 375x523, F88EB619-1D6E-478C-9327-D10F788AC900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell em if you got em

>> No.50434616


The bear market is over niggers

>> No.50434631


When did you retards think inflation is bearish for bitcoin? Lmao, literally the entire point of bitcoin is because fuck inflation.

>> No.50434647

transactions on the network have been costing me close to nothing recently though

>> No.50434662

Hedge against inflation, bear-itch.

>> No.50434676

Deposit something on Tornado.cash and tell me it costs you nothing.

>> No.50434684


>> No.50434766

It was the most oversold it's ever been and you had 6 months of bobo euphoria and dumping. Being bearish on BTC now is simply greedy, you're the equivalent of the people calling for 100k last year.

>> No.50434800


wtf, it was costing me $0.50 to send between addresses at most. is this due to interacting with a smart contract? im gonna see if opensea is still high fees

>> No.50434835

how are you gonna pay for that expensive toilet paper, retard?

>> No.50434851

Exit pump

>> No.50434862

It's the swimming rat effect

Researchers found that when they threw a rat in the water it'd swim for 15 minutes before giving up and drowning, however, if they first rescued the rat and took it out of the water, then put it back in, it was able to stay afloat for 60 hours. Not 60min, 60 HOURS. Because it believed it would be rescued.

>rat = markets
>scientist = Fed
>water = QT

>> No.50435021

Welcome to ETH

>> No.50435065

Torturing animals to prove obvious psychological phenomena that everyone observes daily is psychotic

People will look back on experiments like that the way we look back on burning witches

>> No.50435091

they were literally witches, anon

>> No.50435118

Because no one is using it fuckstick.

>> No.50435154

I agree. Instead of drowning rats we should be drowning bulls, who clearly lack sentience.

>> No.50435371

yeah good one, if a network goes from 50 cents to 100 dollars per transaction its not particularly good is it?

just awful

>> No.50435481

>yeah good one, if a network goes from 50 cents to 100 dollars per transaction its not particularly good is it?

Unintelligible. The network is cheap now because it's totally dead, when defi pucks up again it will go back to being $20-50+ a swap.

>> No.50435650

>he doesn’t know
Nobody tell him

>> No.50435668

ETH is going higher than 10k

>> No.50435682

Actually I know all about it. Been spending the last few weeks working on a project for after the merge but you're just gimping here acting as if you knew shit about shit you poorfag nigger.
Yes it is but not this year.

>> No.50435693

Oh man you will be coping and seething in the next few months

>> No.50435710

Never underestimate clown world

>> No.50435717

You’re correct but don’t tell them

>> No.50435808
File: 376 KB, 1500x1125, 1649800063641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yea? Am I?

>> No.50435885

Yep, one word: Honk Honk.

>> No.50436778

Nice stack. What else you hold?

>> No.50436823

yup exactly, that's why bitcoin has been doing so well lately with 5-10% inflation... I sweat btc maxis are the single most stupid group of people in the crypto space

>> No.50436948


Like last year, retard? When it hit all time highs during 5%+ inflation?

The recent price drop is because of a speculative bubble pop. Its a short term thing. Only because retards can't think more than a month in advance or have a memory more than a month think inflation is bearish for crypto long term.