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50433108 No.50433108 [Reply] [Original]

Will we ever see another bullrun like 2021?

>> No.50433127 [DELETED] 
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>> No.50433215

2021 bull wasn’t even that good, my guess is we are currently in a bear trap from that same bull run.

>> No.50433228

Yes, but for ETH only

>> No.50433312

Both men are rich beyond belief, have fame, status and power, access to women, families, multiple children etc.
Clearly your body really isn't that big of a deal at their level and gymcels are coping hard worrying about what powerful men look like.
Either could live to 90 or dread dead tommorrow, so "muh health" is a red herring. Beyond vanity, it doesn't serve much purpose to do much beyond some moderate cardio.

>> No.50433339

>dread dead
*drop dead

next proper bullrun will make 2021 look like Musk's body compared to Bezos

>> No.50433386

Kek what? I had a bot autobuy 0.1 bnb of anything trending and it printed non stop. We will never see a run like 21 again I think. Celebs shilling shit coins on TikTok, musk shilling doge to the jeets. Feds giving mutts free money

>> No.50433410

2017 was way better

>> No.50433494

They both look like shit kek. Does Bezos only work his arms?

>> No.50433501
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Two weeks

>> No.50433573

People said the same thing in 2018, total mcap growth percentage wise was much less in 2021 though. This is a bear trap.

>> No.50433603

Elon musk looks like me

>> No.50433782

I remember /biz/ mocking Bezos compared to Elon because he's bald, as if it matters... lol guys have no clue what makes a man attractive!!

>> No.50433820

>the boomer roider chad
>the day drinking virgin

>> No.50433864
File: 6 KB, 200x200, LUNC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Buy LUNC. When it moons it's going to mint new millionaires, start a new bull market for the top-10 coins and revitalize the entire crypto scene.

>> No.50433984
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Who would win in a fight?

>> No.50434114

It depends.
By the looks of it, if Musk stays in the sun for another 5 minutes he will develop melanoma - so my bet is on Bezos.

>> No.50434206

The world is fucked compared to then, crypto is a luxury. I don't see any new money coming back for a long long time. Very bearish on life in general.

We are going to see countries become more and more right leaning as the few in power use the brainlets as exit liquidity with fear of "them" taking your money or giving you a coof and fuck off to their own space stations

>> No.50434531

Brainlet. Your odds of just "dropping dead" decrease drastically if you are in good health, part of which is having a healthy body composition.

>> No.50434591

>Clearly your body really isn't that big of a deal at their level
Retard, health is everything. They'd give their fortune to be young again.

>> No.50434617
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5,8' vs 6,2'
cope and seethe gymcels

ps. musk I know you are reading this thanks to your scanning ai pump my dog with a bat coin my bastard

>> No.50434665


Overnight millionaires? Maybe not. It's all about the long game now.

>> No.50434727

Not finishing that gif.
My nightmares are bad enough already.

>> No.50434919
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Hell yeah, Lovelace is collaborating with every single bullish NFT project out there, this will be a bright year for them and here you are, wasting your time buying things like LUNC

>> No.50434973

is it possible to make it if you have chest hair?

>> No.50435145

One lives to be the best other to give his best.

>> No.50435183

>we are currently in a bear trap from that same bull run
based and longtermpilled

>> No.50435308

what is their reasoning behind this and why does everyone around them support it?

>> No.50435337

problem is there's like 100000 of us holding bags, when it does have that massive surge only a few thousand will actually make a more than a $1m

>> No.50435392
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Fooled by gooks and Jannies, picrel

Probably not, regulations will be here before the next bull run. Mandatory KYC on custodial wallets and a ban on shitcoin (re: "unregistered security") trading will ruin it.

>> No.50435658

God I hope so. Last year was a miracle. I lived like a king.

>> No.50435748

cucks, slaves, niggers and low-iq retards

>> No.50435782
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>Make dumbshit post about paid shills while complaining about jannies
>Jannies ban you for breaking a rule, i.e. complaining about the jannies
>Literally no proof of paid LUNC shills ever surfaces (screencaps of 2UNA fags trying to FUD does surface plenty of times, however)
>Get anally devasted and spam your retard screencap anytime someone mentions LUNC

The amount of asshurt will be beyond legendary when LUNC moons.

>> No.50435913

Kings were often quite fat.

Peasants and slaves had muscular builds that femcels strive for.

A little something to think about...

>> No.50435933

we was kings and shit

>> No.50436019

whats wrong with musks torso

>> No.50436088

seeing how matic has been going parabolic for the past 2 weeks im confident that we'll be seeing another 2021 bullrun, but this time polygon will be climbing and becoming top 5

>> No.50436104
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Hopefully not. That bullrun was horseshit. We need a better one.

>> No.50436119

I think 2017 was a lot better than 2021

>> No.50436128

He's in the process of becoming a god

>> No.50436196

Its not even the full version

>> No.50436295

Some dog with bat shithead is going to talk about cope? Kill yourself you fucking loser nobody is ever buying your shit

>> No.50436360

5'4 vs 6'2. One bloat slap and benzos would be on the floor no matter how much roids he copes with

>> No.50436377

Kek this

>> No.50436924

Aesthetics never die faggot

>> No.50436949

You’re correct anon

>> No.50437452

they both have weird man boobs and don't squat or deadlift

>> No.50437580

saliva has antiseptic qualities

>> No.50437624

Elon is not fat, he's just bloated. How do I not get bloated when I'm older?

>> No.50437657

they do die faster.
body breaks.

>> No.50437661

Kek amazing. Fatfuck seethe never fails to make me laugh

>> No.50437678

Stay in shape and it won't unless you're unlucky. There are fit guys past 50 but they have to work for it.

>> No.50438688
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We may probably see another bull run, but no one knows when, my plan is to buy enough eth, and some sylo and Díá, stake them, and wait a couple of years.

>> No.50438806

>what finasteride does to a mf

>> No.50438816

jeff looks way better than elon although elon can get toned very easily

>> No.50438817
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>> No.50438835

I will buy ETH when it drops to $700, ORE at $0.006

>> No.50438889

polygon is still building, amidst the dip, they are onboarding lots of partnerships, recent with Ore protocol to provide cross-chain wallet creation

>> No.50439023

faggot, we will, but you have to be prepared for it, that's why I'm looking at security based project because they seem to be the next thing in the incoming bull run

>> No.50439049


>> No.50439078
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Fuck bros, can't wait to be the first swole multi billionaire

>> No.50439618

musk is 6'2'' and bezos 5'7''

>> No.50439634
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bezos hasn't been taking estrogen for the past 30 years tho

>> No.50439789

That's fucking disgusting.

>> No.50439963
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Ask yourself, how does the market work? Does the market work as a retarded child, that pumps ONCE (one unit of time) and never pumps again just because or does the market constantly experience bullruns in it's lifespan as coins grow and develop? I ask because people sincerely don't think that a bullrun is possible again, and im left wondering why. The blockchain as a whole is still growing, even after all these years, there's still people from companies starting projects on the blockchain (take ultimate champions, 75% of the roster is ex ubisoft employees that got sick of their bosses acting like retards and started their own game dev company) and nurturing it. So, let me ask you again, why would you think that a bullrun isn't possible?

>> No.50440020

Small adrenochrome dose, they get the big one in passover.

>> No.50440538

faggot, the top 10 coins will be crypto working on security, considering the rate of hacks and theft in defi

>> No.50440690

Musk has more weight and stronger chin, but Bezos would destroy him in terms of cardio. Hard to say, but I would pay to see it more than I would like to admit.

>> No.50441140
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Jews thought it's over.... These two think otherwise... Smart nigga terminated twitter deal for big DOGE come back... Gonna keep staking my stables through Spool protocol until he gives me a sign of DOGE era, I will pull out and jump in too ... It's a win ...

>> No.50441155

Fuck off..... where are those security tech when GameFi's and stablecoins yield aggregators are rescuing people in this bear ? ...

>> No.50441165
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Have you looked at other areas anon? Security is good but we need something to protect. Payment solution seem to be seeing the light. Still watching from the sidelines.

>> No.50441190

Staking is based. Saves your ass from bear market. Cake and Xpress yields it is for me. No time to waste.

>> No.50441739

Lmao. Jeets everywhere. I'm sure he's secretly slurping.

>> No.50441749

yes, but not for crypto

>> No.50441761

Yields are indeed doing the lords work. Fundamentals and passive income cannot be overemphasized.

>> No.50441783

Chad move. Time calls for it. Good rewards and the payment gateway of cryptoxpress works for now, till it stops. Still don't trust it.

>> No.50441859

As long as you are bagging UTK, you got nothing to worry about jeet

>> No.50441924

musk has like 12 children with different women, how many kids does bozo have?

>> No.50441955

Elon has 10+ kids and a ton of chicks
Jeff got cucked by a literal goblina
Gymcels btfo

>> No.50441996

Fat is desirable only in poor countries where food is scarce. In abundance, a fit body is a sign of restraint and thus desirable. In rich countries, healthy food is more expensive than what poor people eat, and thus a sign of wealth

>> No.50442018

Cope dyel

>> No.50442383

The junkie who sleeps on my street has 14 kids to 8 different women. It means fuck all. Blowing your beans in a taco is one of the easiest things an animal can do

>> No.50442444

Jeff very clearly works out or roids look at his traps.
Being ripped only looks hot if you are under 27 otherwise you look like a drug addict

>> No.50442520

Is this an Elrond based token?

>> No.50442886

why I think security will thrive is because of the increase in the rate of hacks and theft, and projects bringing solutions to this will be among the top come next season

>> No.50442982

Many 4channers seem not to understand this. They're so consumed by their desire to have sex that they think the only way to live and be a non-failure is if you've had sex. There is no spiritual lightness in many.

>> No.50442988

And yet many modern men can't even touch a woman xd

>> No.50443035

In any case, the next bullrun will happen (clown world hypothesis after all) but it's really anyone's guess "when". Great Reset isn't slated to happen until 2030 so I think there's room for 2 more bullruns before the big three-OH. Possibly 2024-2025 maybe. It will "start" in 2023 if things go well at the end of this year but the mass big gains won't be until 2024.

>> No.50443263

I believe in the theory that we'll still see at least 3 boom-bust cycles until volatility dies down and these cycles cease to exist

>> No.50443405

elon the seal daddy.

>> No.50443449

I’d rather do Elon. He has a better personality. Bezos is masquerading as an alpha and it reeks of insecurity

>> No.50443458

its always the absolute failure that populate. hopefully one of his kids doesnt follow in his footsteps

>> No.50443494

bezos bangs 10/10 latina milf pussy. the fuck are you on VIRGIN?

>> No.50443785

>2021 bull wasn’t even that good, my guess is we are currently in a bear trap from that same bull run.
You may be right, but I made a chunk of profit in the same year, and was able to withdraw over 2x my initials before the bear started.
even in the midst of the bear, sylo has been up in the last few weeks, because of the coinbase listen that's coming up soon.

>> No.50443876

I don't know anon. With the coming of regulations, people would just switch to using privacy solutions to go about their business as usual.

>> No.50443930

Musk is way bigger than bezos. Bezos is 4-5 inches shorter and will be at least 40 pound ligher even in top condition. Also older. A dude like him considering age and size difference can win only in some grappling if he is more skilled.

>> No.50444168

>bullrun like 2021?
Why would I ever want another garbage bullrun like 2021?

Real bullrun was 2015-2017, just compare TOTAL marketcap gain between these two bullruns

>> No.50444255
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Nothing comes close to beating EGLD and ESDT tokens jeet

>> No.50445925

even after hiding it. im amazed this stupid thread is still up

>> No.50446148 [DELETED] 
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Bezos isn't the one with the hair plugs and fear of the sun aging his skin. That being said he's still an evil kike, just not insecure

>> No.50446344

Nah my boi Jeff looks based af. Elon could easily mog him if he worked out and ate clean tho.

>> No.50446418

We need /fph/ (Fat People Hate) in 4chan.

>> No.50446449

doesnt matter. in the future we'll all have artificial organs and bodyparts that will never go bad

>> No.50446486

I love watching /biz/ fatties that have spent like 5 minutes browsing /fit/ make outlandish claims about health and wellness.
>you don’t actually need to be in good shape
>you only need moderate cardio bro weight lifting is for simps
>another dumbass claim validating their lack of movement on a daily basis
>and another
Pathetic really. Who gives a fuck if you have all the money in the world if you never leave your basement and are literally obese lol. Imagine having to pay to get laid. Nothing will ever beat the person you’re fucking being legitimately attracted to you on a physical level. So much copium

>> No.50446626
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Why's Bezos looking sharper than Musk? I'm so confused to have seen that. Anyway, I'm already in the bull run train station, I know it's coming no matter what and I've my full scrt and atom coins ready on the go.

>> No.50446672

How sure are you that the image isn't photoshopped?

>> No.50446699

Who cares wen there's an AnonsNFT v2 minting? That's the outlandish opportunity right now

>> No.50448436

Not on altcoins nor fake projects. Stablecoins yield protocols is the dip strategy... Embrace this and save your generation.

>> No.50448516

You're hiding under the hardship of impermanent loss desu....

Spool finance is toping yield protocols on ETH... into Aave, Curve, Compound too. So never hiding...

>> No.50449268
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alright kind of funny to be desu

>> No.50449593

no u fatcel

>> No.50449851

>insecure bald manlet
>lost half his fortune to a roastie

>confident fat fuck
>never lost

>> No.50449903
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The only outlandish opportunity I see now is on the sports metaverse where lucky land owners can find world cup tickets or an ETH gold mine on their virtual lands.

>> No.50450700

Space is fake, Jewish and gay, anon. Also, the new money is no longer retail.

>> No.50450726

this what this fag gets for ego lifting

>> No.50450752

Elon just needs to lose some weight

>> No.50450920
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Normies are about to regret sleeping on the metaverse.
Dubai is looking to provide 40k metaverse jobs in the coming years.
Another reason to be bullish on metaverse projects.
MANA SAND and AXL tops the list for me.

>> No.50451031

>guys have no clue what makes a man attractive!!

Money. Money is what makes men attractive.

>> No.50451344

Money and more money anon

>> No.50451381

Time to move to Dubai anon?
I'm also big on Sand, Gala and Agld are others I hold.
What's Axl doing in the space?

>> No.50451581

You can survive 40°C? kek

>> No.50451603

The metaverse is growing at a quick pace. GameFi adoption is growing quick as well. Fucking adding more NFTs from Illuvium, honeyland, civitas and Nyan heroes

>> No.50451607

They're building a metaverse based game, new and unique narrative different from the norm.

>> No.50451909

Isn't it almost the same in some parts of Europe now?

>> No.50451967
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This is based
Dubai about to become the number 1 destination for metaverse start ups.

Fact is most of these projects lack that term "uniqueness"

>> No.50452310

this is the only safe crypto that will guarantee at minimum a 10x from here. Buy now or else

>> No.50452419

You have a point though. But while bagging assets you have to consider security too, that's why I use privacy solutions on my assets to keep a shielded balance and keep hackers away.

>> No.50452799

explain security based project. like defi insurance or something?

>> No.50452828

No, it's not possible. There was so much cheap money and people's pockets were full of it. That will never happen again in history and some combination of inflation/stagflation/recession/bad housing market/ bad stock market, etc will haunt us for the next few years.

>> No.50453926
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Hacks and targeted scams are a pain to users in the crypto ecosystem chad. Good thing we have privacy solutions that can prevent this by keeping sensitive user data hidden.