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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50431621 No.50431621 [Reply] [Original]

What do you retards do for money? Like actually do when you're not shilling buttcoins. What are your day jobs? Do you make a lot?

>> No.50431711

I'm a gardener

>> No.50431724


Do you make a lot?

>> No.50431790

i work retail part time. and sell drugs

>> No.50431817

I'm a sanitation management consultant at an educational facility.

>> No.50431826


it's comments like these that leave me dumbfounded that I actually made over 100 grand from taking /biz/ advice on dogecoin in 2014.

>> No.50431893
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I've unironically lived off trading ltc & xrp for almost three years now.
Each coin behaves unique so I decided to just focus on them and how they react. I had an expensive highrise apartment for a year with god tier views which was nice for a month or two but once the novelty wore off I realised there was no real difference between that and my room back home except $700 a week. So I'm back home... trading... on /biz/.. playing dying light 2.. kinda meh.

I gotta admit though a thot gave me deepthroat looking over the night time city once (55th floor). That was a good memory.

>> No.50431929

dying light 2 is a bit meh isnt it

why ltc and xrp tho

>> No.50431934


Can you teach me?

>> No.50431980

shop foreman at a ford dealership
i will make just over 90k this year
i think im underpaid

>> No.50432153

Yeah I work 3 full time jobs as a remote IT admin

Rarely have conflicts with meetings, usually it's just tickets and help requests so as I work through the other jobs tickets they assume I am just working on theirs.

One of the jobs is at a small business with tech people so it is very little work mostlyjust helping HR roasties fix their camera, it's also the highest paying kek I'd work there if I had to pick one, I'd drop any of the 3 if I had to come into the office though fuck that

I have a CS degree and some certs, the job I had before covid used to be in the office so I did get 2 years of IT experience before we went online.

In total I cleared $349,000 last year, $93k ironically the least for the one I started with, $113k at the one corporate one and $142k at the tech business

It's comfy af, I work out, shit, cook meals and browse 4chan during "work hours" though between the 3 jobs they do keep me busy for 30 hours a week or so, I can definitely keep this up

>> No.50432254

lol I've fallen in love with it. Its huge, every time I think its over a new area with new characters opens up. So much to do so much detail. Can fly over to any random building and see a whole level decked out with things to do and loot + fags to headstomp.
I think people were expecting DL "2" when this is more of a gigantic expansion. Should have marketed it differently. But I love it lol.

I originally lost everything on xrp in 2018. For unrelated reasons the girl I was engaged too went full woman on me and I just poured everything into trading.
I had to unplug from day to day life social life and quit my job but that was easy at that point.

I have just over 120k in total but if I was working these past few years I'd only really be able to save like 15k a year so I'm still winning, comfy. No normies around.

Heres the most autistic advice that for some reason no one has even given here. Open up a chart for a coin you like and stare at it for 14 hours a day 7 days a week. Dream of the charts see them when you close your eyes let them in your fucking head. People on the street will talk to you and you'll be charting the conversation + their lives in MACD crossovers and trendlines. Let it in and it will show you secrets like you can never believe. Patterns within patterns form. Then tell no one.

I've fucking gained this bear market ahaha. But this isn't how I thought my life would turn out.

>> No.50432271

oh yea and ltc because I wanted to see if my theory would hold up on another coin. It does but it takes it out of you. Just stare at them anon. Leave everything else behind. Make it a religion in a way

>> No.50432372
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Oh, I do nothing.

I have a ~$150k salary WFH job (software engineer), so I do nothing.

Okay, technically I SSH into a machine and reboot Apache once in a while. And maybe attend a few webex meetings per week (camera off of course, because I'm officially "not comfortable" with it on lol)

I'm also an admin on our Slack, so sometimes for fun I peruse some of the private group channels to see what people are up to. The middle manager and "office administrator" types are shitting their extra wide wing tampons because they're being laid off left and right.

>> No.50432493

I do the same at 1 job for 110k. God im so lazy. Spent an hour or so because pdf files auto download to desktop. Chrome is managed by AD or fucking something i dont know. Its a nonissue. They have me moving monitors from site to to site now. Have MIS degree 10yrs exp. Sec+ cert. Keep telling myself ill get more wfh jobs but I dont. I will never work for an MSP and i recommend u dont either. They are sweat shops.

>> No.50432564

I work as a wagie in a hospital in IT support. Pays around 68k aud

>> No.50432864
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I'm literally living shorting a stupid memecoin called QOM month by month, and I know gambling is bad but it's working for me

>> No.50432890

do you pay taxes on your gains?

>> No.50432932

Yep. I'm not American though. The tax laws here are kinder.

>> No.50433012
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Medically retired military. Collect disability. Sell shit on eBay. Trade crypto. Run a trailer park as an owner and tenant. Mostly get up to lowlife shit. Pretty comfy.

>> No.50433073

so do you make your money from swing trading xrp and ltc?

>> No.50433149

>What are your day jobs? Do you make a lot?
Principal software developer, I make $160k base + $40k bonuses. And no I don't trade shitcoins, I just just shit post. I did lose $200k gambling on options though so that was cool.

>> No.50433169

Did anyone show their tits?

>> No.50433203

sometimes. More patterns. Xrp in particular has multiple patterns and numbers behind it that forms repeating patterns. Its insane. I'm somewhat convinced the devs or someone created it this way and gave the formula to their friends. If I had a bigger chunk of fiat, no taxes and a bit higher IQ I swear I could make millions easy.

>> No.50433376

im a newfag

so how exactly do you make money from knowing these patterns?

>> No.50433403

i am in waste management

>> No.50433430

electrical engineer that mostly does design and bounces between a few different factories for a manufacturing company. SWEs and IT guys.. I yield.. you seem to make more and work less, although I admittedly have some fun in what I do and I'd be bored as shit if I WFH all day fixing old banking software in Java or answering stupid IT tickets.

>> No.50433451

You buy and sell anon. Thats all we ever do lol.

>> No.50433499

Small business owner

>> No.50433601

I'm a Merchandiser. It sucks but I'm Union and I'm now at $26/hr

>> No.50433602


How much of a chunk would you need? I have a chunk.

>> No.50433610

do you need any math you learned in college, like the FT/LT, signals and systems with convolutions and shit, spectral analysis, DE, node analysis, filter design, FIR, IIR, solid state models, DC-DC converters, transmission lines, op amps, feedback, stability analysis, bode plots, zeros and poles, control theory, power systems, or you just need the ohm's law?

>> No.50433795
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no, literally just Ohm's Law. in controls class you may have spent a day or a few on the PID loop - and that is 95% of how all control is done in factories. 20% of my day is bullshitting with operators and maintenance guys, another 20% is asking for more money for projects, another 20% is just fuckin off, 20% for troubleshooting existing systems, and the last 20% for doing design on new systems. it's fun working on a project for a year or two and seeing it built and up and running.. if you like "physical" stuff check it out otherwise just literally take your EE degree and work at a bank and make double what I make which is $112k w/ 9 years experience

>> No.50433818

I'm a male prostitute

>> No.50433823

lol thanks anon but put it towards yourself. I always advice people to stay the fuck away from xrp though...

>> No.50433838


I make about 300k over the last 3 years, it was cool at first but I see a lot of dick and it's starting to get tiresome talking to weird old men

>> No.50433845

Do you do webex meetings naked?

>> No.50433906

How to into WFH software engineer job?
I started learning Python at the start of this year, fell in love with Programming and now I'm halfway through C Programming a Modern Approach. But I feel like I'm still extremely far off getting any work in the field.

>> No.50433907

I do a hard disgusting labor job that pays more than most white collar managers. And I spend it all on crypto , shiny rocks and stocks.

>> No.50433967

Not sure if this is a larp, but that is a known scam in the hood. Thirsty simps get catfished and paypigged

>> No.50434455
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Software Engineer (overpaid code janny) at FAANG

Picrel it’s me

> shieeeet nigga 175k TC first year out of college

>> No.50434563

literal janny

>> No.50434642
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Sperm donor $20 a pop.
Wife just told me she wants a new Tesla.
My dick will be rubbed raw for this!
I am beyond jaded, I need furry transgender NTR futanari to even begin to get a stiffy.
I should have learned to code!

>> No.50434840

Your misspelled FAGMAN.