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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50430805 No.50430805 [Reply] [Original]

now what

>> No.50430851

get a emo sugar baby

>> No.50430855

Become a philanthropist and let charities rinse you out of everything you are worth.

>> No.50430863

how much is making it for you

>> No.50430867

since you're asking people to tell you what to do, go get a job

>> No.50430901
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I'm at $2.7m, mostly cash/stablecoin
I don't even know what to do with the money beside throw it back into the casino when the FED pivots

>> No.50431016

I hear one story after another of guys in their late 40s - early 50s "making it" and drinking themselves to death within a year or so.

Me... I'll be assfucking every female under 21 on my boat from the day I make it onwards

>> No.50431017
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buy a house, at least a mortgage with a healthy down payment, biggest mistake i made when i thought i "made it". i never thought things would get worse, then a pandemic happened, now im struggling to get by

>> No.50431034


>> No.50431052

i would actually really enjoy this
how do

>> No.50431090

Just larping but if you aren't give me 2.5k and I'll believe you.
Also I'll suck your Dickie

>> No.50431095

How did the pandemic un-make you?

>> No.50431109

Still just another larping frog

>> No.50431119

i don't know you tell me, you have made it

>> No.50431143

now you zoom out

>> No.50431145

Go somewhere for a year and see nature before they build a fence around it. Live frugal as fuck and practice Stoicism.

Money doesn't give you the perspective that actually living does.

>> No.50431150

If you are good at investing then double down with higher goals, if not then learn to do it while living as modestly as possible. Low 7 figs isn’t nearly enough to make it in 2022 in most developed countries.
Personally, I’ll make it at around $10m and I’m flying low. The truth is that the only people who seriously believe they made it are those with a net worth of mid-8 figures or more.

>> No.50431175


Come to Portugal, get residence and citizenship by spending 500k (Vistos gold, google it).

Buy 10 properties with rentability around 5%.

Do nothing but fuck bitches and live life for the rest of your life.

>> No.50431218
File: 60 KB, 429x410, BE0D0B46-4B79-432F-B342-E8158AA2563D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how old are you do you plan on just living on that til you die? Maybe put some in to creating something you’ve always wanted to or buying property.

>> No.50431411

>Me... I'll be assfucking every female under 21 on my boat from the day I make it onwards
Jeffrey Edward Epstein thought that too.

>> No.50432089

>under 21
Y-you mean 18-21, r-right?

>> No.50432107

Take whatever hobbies you have to the absolute highest level