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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5043061 No.5043061 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5043113

its comparebly low right now, would be smart to buy in now

>> No.5043179

not for sale though
normie confusion name
addition of other coins
bear market
>shill away if your shilling though

>> No.5043307

The real flippening will happen when all those normalfags will see another bitcoin valued at 1.5k$ and both Chinks and Gooks start to pump the shit out of it.
BTC might die for real.

>> No.5044091

as soon as the normies get fleeced BTC is done

>> No.5044127

they always jump on this in a millisecond and say for withdrawal only, fuck that no evidence either way and why would they opt for that unless threatened like blockstream is good at doing

the price of Bitcoin Cash is destined to surpass that of Bitcoin.

>> No.5044152

at peak delusion, it will AT MOST reach parity. It will never surpass btc unless it gets a fiat pair

>> No.5044208

multiple exchanges coming that pair with BCH only

>> No.5044277

OP must have some heavy bags. BCH will not be available to buy or sell, only withdraw. What Coinbase users do with their BCH is speculative atm.

>> No.5044297

>fuck that no evidence either way

Coinbase said only withdrawals for now and have said absolutely nothing else since. To say 'we don't know either way' is fucking stupid. It's withdrawals only until they say otherwise

>> No.5044359
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It will be available for trade on coinbase, when is the question. Craig Wright (Satoshi) tweeted a comment today about it.

>> No.5044383
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>Craig Wright (Satoshi)

>> No.5044561
File: 232 KB, 650x794, bcoreshill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets see now who do you have on your team to fix the broken code in your coin...let me guess this guy gonna save you from going down the drain...hahaha

>> No.5044894


surely /biz/ as a group can figure it out

>> No.5044919
File: 110 KB, 719x1280, 2017-12-13 20.42.41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting closer

>> No.5044965
File: 10 KB, 205x246, oldwojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been a hard few weeks for BCH tards, they need some hope to cling to. I visited r/btc for a laugh recently but it was actually a bit depressing. Not even funny like LINK bagholder threads.

>> No.5044977
File: 90 KB, 719x1280, 2017-12-13 20.43.06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5045061

no, they specifically said they would make the decision later. They were not even attempting to make a decision at the time. Deciding not to decide is completely different than deciding not to do.

>> No.5045120

Of course Coinbase is only offering to give away Bitcoin Cash to Bitcoin fork holders. Coinbase knows the real value of Bitcoin Cash so why would they offer to sell theirs at its current low price which will probably also go a little lower as Bitcoin holders sell their Bitcoin Cash back to Coinbase. Coinbase will wait until Bitcoin Cash's price is much higher again before they create the buy option.