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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.50425342

I tire of this market

>> No.50425361


>> No.50425365

spy $392 come on

>> No.50425369
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Which one of you retarded zoomers is this

>> No.50425371
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>being under 30 in /smg/

>> No.50425377

>just a mild recession bro

>> No.50425378

i would be surprised if there’s anybody under the age of 25 tbqhwyfamalam

>> No.50425385

$RBLX about to get squeezed you heard it here first

>> No.50425389
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>age of 25 posting in /smg/ right now
>tfw you turn 32 on Wednesday
You're here forever.

>> No.50425398
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Do 25 year olds have enough money to invest?

>> No.50425405
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I dedicate this thread to Ra and OIL.

>> No.50425429
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>> No.50425436
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Have you stood outside yet, cleared your mind, and showed your appreciation and gratitude to the Sun today?

Feel embraced by its warm and loving rays

>> No.50425438

go on...

>> No.50425454
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Is that anon who bought SOXL puts at $13 still alive?

>> No.50425466


mega bearish for oil, this is like his 3rd purge in two week. old zelenskiiiiiiiiiii is losing it stalin style. paranoia like that will bring the war to an end shortly.


>> No.50425465

remained above breakout area and seriously high accumulation volume patterns in spite of strange market conditions

>> No.50425468
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it's raining

>> No.50425472
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SPY calls are pennies

>> No.50425474
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The 25 year old I'm dating has $12000 in credit card debt, student loans and rents.

>> No.50425475

want to know my trade today? risked 35k in UVXY to make $500. youre not gonna make it if you dont go all in every trade.

>> No.50425482

also nancy and her giant milkers are LONG

>> No.50425490

>investing daddys allowance monies.
bet they use robinhood too.

>> No.50425491

Except when it's some redditard who plays with $20 at a time solely so he can post screencaps of his rare wins

>> No.50425495
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30+ boomer here. Hey 25- zoomers pay your rent. I enjoy gambling with your free rent money

>> No.50425505

Hitler lost his mind and didn't give up until the tanks were on top of his bunker. And Putin ain't exactly got the resources to blitz into Kiyievv this week.

>> No.50425519
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>$12000 in credit card debt, student loans
In sum? That's not awful. Still
>Negative net worth

>> No.50425521

your gloating will not even be remembered by yourself

>> No.50425522
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>> No.50425525

Well what sun god have you sacrificed to lately? Why are you investing in the stock market before you've invested in the weather?

>> No.50425524

which one should i yolo $100 at

>> No.50425532

>$12000 in credit card debt
Whats the fucking interest?

>> No.50425533
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I am genuinely baffled by people born decades after the internet was invented thinking that they were the first people to discover the internet.

>> No.50425540
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>he didn't watch
>he didn't learn

>> No.50425551

On 4chan if you aren't making six figures by 24 you're ngmi. In real life I don't think I ever met anyone under 30 with a six figure income though.

>> No.50425577

>shit barely movin ya'll
It's okay in another 3 days we're going to be moving fast, but in the wrong direction.

>> No.50425588


Just do it. It is pride. It stings for a while but you get over it. You can get over anything. Don't worry about your career. If you want to go back to it you'll be able to, just say you took 5 months to study for a GMAT or LSAT or whatever. Better than roping.

>> No.50425589

Just turned 25 and make well over 6fig, although I have been dumb with spending I do save about 20% in my 401K though which shows I will have $3.2M by 45. I recently buckled down on my finances, cut out dumb video game spending and 500 a month on weed and I am buying a Tesla, $TSLA, and putting 20% more per paycheck in my investment accounts.

>> No.50425604
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Nah 12K on the ccs didn't ask about the student loans. Not my problem
Def 20%+. I told her she should roll them to a new company for 0% APY offer and she said she would look into it (she wont)

>> No.50425608
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>dumb video game spending and 500 a month on weed
What vidya and weed were you buying?

>> No.50425609
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made ~150k on crypto at by 24 and now i'm finna move most of my portfolio into boomer stocks
teach my your ways senpaitachi rn i just look at indexes and copy pelosi

>> No.50425612
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WW3 is coming, none of us are gonna make it.

>> No.50425621

I like the rain.

>> No.50425625

Start stacking INTC in your Roth IRA. I’m not sure how much more plainly I can say that.

>> No.50425626

Looks like we are going to crab down to red -0.1% by close.


>> No.50425631

i am happy for you you are balling out
only date college girls ok

>> No.50425657
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>Nah 12K on the ccs didn't ask about the student loans. Not my problem
Oh. Yeah, that's fucked lmao. APR has to be half her age at least.

>> No.50425665

Realistically what's probably happening is some of the staff around him is telling him to cut a deal with the Russians or something.

>> No.50425669

it was better when everything was an anonymous image board. zoom zooms upload their DNA and fingerprints to the cloud while the previous generation created alternate identities to browse.

>> No.50425676

>Def 20%+
Christ...yeah I figured it was high, parents always warned me about the credit card jews.

>> No.50425684

I smoked about 20-40 times a day (medical and girlfriend as well) and played a bunch of gacha kmmos/mobiles wasting like 1-2k a month. Recently read Relentless from MJs former personal trainer and it really shocked my view of things, fantastic book for a mindset rewire and isn't like those faggot self help full of nothingness books. He highlights the mentality of the greatest in the world in sports/business/etc.

My gf is gorgeous 8-9/10 depending on day short blonde and ambitious, also tradwife as fuck just literally cleaned the whole apartment yesterday didn't even have to ask also she cooks really well. might marry her my brother told me to go into the jewry shop with 15K in cash so I could easily bargain for a 20k+ ring (they will take 80% of value in cash right away as opposed to a card/etc)

>> No.50425686

It's bearish. And he's not Hitler. He's a civilian comedian who's got the paranoia bug, which is very hard to remove once it's drilled it's way into a head.

>> No.50425689
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Whatever you do, don't just go all in at one time.

>> No.50425699
File: 456 KB, 240x184, LETMETELLYASOMETHINDUDE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at lunch just now
>talking to work friend
>say some shit
>black guy comes up to me
>no i said hes BIGGER, you were far maybe you didnt hear me right
>he doesnt apologize because trying to be hard, but leaves me alone and walks away
>I did say Nigger.

>> No.50425712

Credit cards are fine if you aren't retarded or if you are disciplined.. same as options really.. but most people are retarded. I run all my bills/spending through CCs for rewards and have never paid interest

>> No.50425713


>> No.50425724


>> No.50425746
File: 61 KB, 960x540, toohot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of your guys are alright. Do not go outside today. Do not open the front door. Do not open any windows.

And most of all, it you're german do not put your luft warmepumpe into cooling mode.

>> No.50425752
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>tfw averaged at $51 for SOXS

>> No.50425755

>I got my spending under control
>15K for a diamond with 2k resale value
>getting married


>> No.50425763

Nah, before this he sacked the minister for dealings with germany and other diplomats. As if they could ever convince the germans to do any more than they already are and just destroy their own economy to help some distant ex soviet satellite no one cared about until a year ago.

It's a corrupt country and he's a civilian outsider. He's making a lot of enemies doing this for sure. It's highly bearish for oil and you need to keep an eye on it as an oil baron. If you see more of it sell.

>> No.50425767

Recently came into 10 grand. Where do I put it to flip tomorrow for a quick profit, even if one a few percentage points? I'll just use the whole sum to day trade.

>> No.50425774

>I run all my bills/spending through CCs for rewards and have never paid interest
Same, but you always pay it off.

>> No.50425775


>> No.50425782

Credit cards are fine if you have a HARD limit or use them by paying in full every single time. With current dog shit 28% interest rates on them, if you have over 5% of your yearly income (before tax) in credit card debt (i.e. 5k on 100k income) you are beyond braindead retarded and need to zero that shit asap. The way these goys keep you down broke poor and depressed starts with credit cards, most people I know make 30-40k a year and have 7-10k in credit card debt living as absolute SLAVES no idea they even are.

>> No.50425787
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SOXS unironically. +5% tomorrow.

>> No.50425798

Hold and wait for dip

>> No.50425799

my girl deserves it dont give a fuck

>> No.50425808
File: 92 KB, 720x960, 417430_3279537866588_1590921131_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not taking advantage of credit card debt
>not understanding the time value of money
>not gonna make it

>> No.50425812

hold be patient read a lot and wait for the actual reversal to invest in growth/high dividend stocks. there is no getting rich quick it would always be gambling because you are clueless

>> No.50425818
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>> No.50425824

if you were her first, at least 10k
if shes white and will give you white babies, at least 10k more.
money well spent

>> No.50425829

basically what you want to be doing right now is inversing the market. traditionally stocks go up over the long term, but right now in the short term there's opportunity to make money to the down side. so i would suggest putting it all into SPY puts that expire wednesday.

>> No.50425838


>Mid 20s
>High income
>wasting his best years "saving" for when he is an old fart
>decided to spend the best years of his life with a thot that will eventually cheat on him


>> No.50425847

>being a debt slave instead of actually building actual wealth that compounds
truly NGMI

I was her first she was my third, shes pretty vanilla but honestly im okay with it i can go to gif for my mental issues

polcel take a deep breath not everyone is like your mother

>> No.50425854

>Just turned 25 and make well over 6fig
Let me guess, you're a software engineer or some kind of WFH tech Chad?

>> No.50425872

tech lead for fortune 500 haven't stepped foot into an office in 3 years would never ever go back. moving from shit hole big city to comfy florida by the bay soon

>> No.50425874
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how realistic is it to get into finance at the age of 29? i have a B. Eng. in Engineering Management and a M. Sc. in Econometrics. Would becoming a CFA help?

>> No.50425887

>credit card debt good

What exactly can you buy with money that warrants voluntarily becoming an indentured servant/slave anon? I've never got much use out anything I've bought from a store or amazon other than a computer or a phone after like 2 weeks. Why do you do this?

>> No.50425888

anon florida is horrible don't move here.

>> No.50425890
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>write some deep ITM put option (dunno why really)
>check 1 month later, see the stock price has decreased a bit and the deep ITM put option lost 1 euro in value
he he, it was all planned

>> No.50425901
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wait until you hear there's been a significant crash to go all in or just get some a little at a time whenever there's a dip.

What certs and skills are most valuable right now?

>> No.50425902
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My engineer pajeet friend of a friend said he got into an MBA program for free without applying for any scholarships or anything.
Can't tell if he's bullshitting or not.

>> No.50425908

if the rail road employees go on strike you can kiss your red hot booming economy goodbye

>> No.50425921
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>> No.50425925

Just be jewish.

>> No.50425931
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>> No.50425939
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>wanting to work for (them)
>wanting to pay for (education)


>> No.50425942

it cant be worse than shitcago brother, literal gangbang shootings every single week and I live in the 'nice rich white' area. Car theft up 60% from last year and there is no sign of it getting better ever. Recently visited tampa and fell in love with the areas, everyone was based and hated trannies not to mention I get a 5% base raise

I have 0 certs, everything I know is self taught I had a dogshit GPA from a boring worthless university where I drank and fucked around with fratbros. I would say learn java/spring/javascript 33.3% each using youtube/udemy or some shit, pick which one you like the most front end or back end and then build 4-5 little projects make a github lie on your resume a tiny bit not too much and then start applying. many people I know work for bigtech making 170K+ now and don't even have a degree you just do the god damn work and focus every single day on expanding your skills and network, I would say maybe some AWS certs would be nice tho but it's more about your projects/experience

>> No.50425968

What part do you live in? its pretty nice in many areas

>> No.50425971
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>chicago to tampa
okay I take it back. do it

>> No.50425980

>vix up
>market up
well not for long at least

>> No.50425981

What about python or R

>> No.50426004

those are mainly for data-heavy jobs but are very valuable. you'll be limited tho from "general software engineer" which is like 75% java 25% javascript or vice versa if you're "front end" to mainly data anal or data engineer roles with python/R. Great skill to have tho I don't even have those

>> No.50426007

Huh. I guess I'll just have to apply. Worst they can say is no, right.

I'm huwhite, fair skin, brown hair and blue eyes.

why not. it looks like an exciting lifestyle

>> No.50426008
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>> No.50426012
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>worse than shitcago
Do not vote for Florida to become Chicago

Do not vote Texas into becoming California. There's a reason you want to flee from where you are into these places

>> No.50426015

it's mostly bad and too full. highly recommend moving away or not moving here. go to a nice state like CA or NY

>> No.50426017

Crab will be replaced with bear, if you have been watching - SPY trying to break 390 all day, now holding on to 389 for dear life.

It's bearish - and possibly a big move during the last few hours.

>> No.50426018

vix is a forward looking instrument, while the market is just current prices. so when VIX rises, you can anticipate the market to react and go down soon./\_/\

>> No.50426020
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>> No.50426030

Ok thanks. Think I'll work on python once I'm finished with my aws cert.

>> No.50426032

I've been conservative since birth, you have nothing to fear from me anon. I am only voting for full on fascists honestly.

>> No.50426034

Is it time to get back into GME for another meme squeeze?

>> No.50426039

I'm jelly.
Idiot that I am, I decided to study Electrical Engineering instead. I make okay money (though not even close to 170k) but have to come to work almost every day because there is a lot of actual testing in a lab involved.

I have been thinking about expanding my programming skills recently desu, and to try applying to some software company where I can just work from wherever and probably make more on top of that. I already use Python regularly, so I have a decent base to build from.

>> No.50426042
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>no more gay sex gains
SIGAsters.... I'm feeling dizzy...

>> No.50426053

I’m a Floridian looking to open a business in Chicago. Holy shit the city really does tax everything from everything to parking and even walking in the park. I have to apply to have a sign hang on a window. Ward 42 is pretty prime for new cannabis retail

>> No.50426055

shit is gonna dump during sour hour and then fucking gap up tomorrow like nobody's business
fuck this fake and gay market

>> No.50426060

It's never been about helping Ukraine, it's always been about hurting Russia

>> No.50426063
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>> No.50426077

Oh i see what you are doing.
ok dude.

>> No.50426080

only MBA can help you now boomer

>> No.50426082
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should I just sell
I don't think it's ever coming back

>> No.50426088

>ctrl + F SIGA
Strange how it suddenly gets real quit as the rug disappears.

>> No.50426089

>trying to tell the locusts how to vote
The Texas and the Florida are going to be blue in another 2 years People are fed up with the status quo and it will reflect poorly on DeSantis and Hot Wheels because of their inability to govern.

>> No.50426093

my prediction was s&p3500 before capitulation, have to erase the entire fake and gay 2020 pump

>> No.50426094
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>> No.50426104

Don't be jelly anon, you're doing better than 80% of the united asleep states citizens. You can do absolutely anything you put time and effort into and I rec. giving programming a try. It's not hard, just a different type of thinking and problem solving. I won't lie WFH is the most comfy shit in the world, packing a bowl right now just finished 2 hours of meetings going to listen to a podcast and write some code and make lunch in like an hour im thinking pb n j with some flaming hots. If you're serious about programming I highly suggest front-end it's way more fun and easier IMO, start with freecodecamp and then once you know basic javascript/html/css buy a react/nextjs/javascript course or two on udemy and finish it the WHOLE WAY THROUGH. after 1-2 months you'll legit be able to write actual programs/sites and with that knowledge you can legit land a 100k+ entry level job. React is king for front end if you know that and build a few apps with it on your github you can get hired easily.

>> No.50426116

>not looking at absolute values

>> No.50426119

Been waiting since the June low to double or go to 350. Gonna have to wait till Fed and AAPL earnings

>> No.50426128

You think so? I'm gonna look into that .

>> No.50426127

still basically in cash right now
i bought some nvda because of chips although i didn't really look too much into it i just copied pelosi
i'm foaming at the mouth to enter because i hate being in cash
i learned from crypto that you can't time the bottom and it isn't worth trying to
the snp is down 20 points but everyone seems scared af rn
i keep wanting to dca in like $2k a week but idk i feel like there needs to be some sort of catharsis or smth

>> No.50426154

shill me a yolo option

>> No.50426158

cripple boi is fucked unless he starts shooting spics by september. DeSantis should be okay after forcing the teachers union to die on the "grooming 3rd graders hill". even talking so some lefties at work they were not on board with that shit.

>> No.50426160

Why is the posting volume so low today? Is this the calm before the storm?

>> No.50426170
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Why is SIGA going down

>> No.50426183
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We had 300k people jump ship last year, off to ruin other states. Plan accordingly.

>> No.50426189
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>> No.50426201

Alls I'm saying is it's a bad sign to see a wartime leader purging the government of a habitually nepotistic government. Either he's losing his mind or russia really has completed infiltrated his government at every level, either way, bearish for a long war and expensive oil.

>> No.50426203

anyone else think stocks sussin?

>> No.50426207

More sellers than buyers.

>> No.50426221

probably some diversity hire
pb and j, red hots, weed, 2 hours of meetings
we really need a market correction and recession so companies can start weeding out the chaff like this

>> No.50426231

wow SIGA bros what's happening? the guy who spent a month spamming pictures of cocks said it was the most bullish chart he's ever seem at 15!!!

>> No.50426232

I bought in this morning at the top

>> No.50426239

No, it won’t. The whole Rio Grande river valley flipped red in 2020. Mexicans prefer whites over trannies and niggers.

>> No.50426247

another theta burn day

>> No.50426262

yes but every CAfag things the market will pump 8% a year indefinitely because "sunny caly"
and the few whites that still own there think they can use the high hispanic population as cheap labor and rentoids in the future
they have been getting increasingly nervous over the past 3 months though

>> No.50426268
File: 563 KB, 1536x2048, 3CA895A3-64DE-4299-9EBF-9DD17CF583CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re only due a tiny bounce

>> No.50426270

You're a retard I am white as sin and lead a team of engineers. Just because I can do 1 week of work in an 8 hour work day doesn't mean I am chaffing. My reviews are spotless and I have delivered two full projects under budget and actually ahead of schedule. Eat shit. You are partially right about many office jobs though, but not mine.

>> No.50426303

just another week to go fren

>> No.50426306

TSLA 700 put on the weekly, earnings are Wednesday, I have an order in on 10 of these waiting to get filled

>> No.50426325

>GamestopNFT just launched
well my friends what do we have here huh? another decade of cringe market practices only that this time it's related to crypto and pumping out some genre defining games like Time Raiders just to feed the enthusiasts while sweet talking them to earn as they play

>> No.50426326

is that when we get the melt up?

>> No.50426332

I am waiting for after earning tank to scoop. It may dip below 700 and if it does that's big entry point for me.

>> No.50426335
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So, I thought there was just one Tesla or One amazon or whatever, but when I search info, I get pic related.
How do I learn to understand what I'm looking at?

>> No.50426343
File: 193 KB, 796x1280, 2C73D17B-11ED-49EF-8332-095D14473ECD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Higher lows. This is traders taking profits. Many such cases. This is why you do long dated calls or simply buy shares.

>> No.50426346
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now this is some powerful crabbing

>> No.50426365 [DELETED] 

I'm not chasing it, I've had an order in since this morning hasn't filled yet, post earnings might be the better play here

>> No.50426369

>Just because I can do 1 week of work in an 8 hour work day doesn't mean I am chaffing

Holy fuck, can you imagine if you just worked 7 days and got paid for the value you provide? You would make 7 figures you lazy, miserable shit

I used to feel sorry for wagies like you, until I realized that their goal is always to do the least they can, and get away with it


>> No.50426379

shit it's still $1100 for one of those

>> No.50426386

bottom are option tickers, middle is some cringe crypto shit, and NE is canada deposit receipt or some bullshit like that maybe a leaf can answer more, basically buy the top one the US equity.

>> No.50426390

>and the few whites that still own there think they can use the high hispanic population as cheap labor and rentoids in the future
Well if they still are they are utterly delusional, daddy state stepped in and totally fucked the landlords for two years. Next theyre going to 'redistribute wealth' by unfair taxation to drive people out.

>> No.50426393

I just bought a 100 hood this helps bro

>> No.50426397
File: 10 KB, 300x211, 300px-Girls_Gossiping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's holding SIGA
>he said he was gunna be rich
>"maybe he's just, like ya know... actually gay"

>> No.50426410

I have an order in for 10 of them at $800, if we get a pump at some point today in the 750s it'll drop there

>> No.50426429

thanks for the answer, but the question was how do I learn to know what these things are so I don't have to be spoonfeed everytime I search some ticker.
example, I don't know what an equity is

>> No.50426435
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>> No.50426450

>nobody cared who i was until i put on the mask

>> No.50426457
File: 1.06 MB, 992x539, 2022-07-18_19-50-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bull. I instapick spirit breaker every time. I bashed this ursa out of the game yesterday. My team is always green. I own SOXL calls on margin. We're always up. No brakes. Green every day. Bears beware.

>> No.50426467


>> No.50426479

everyone knows 7 figs are reserved for the real retards.

>> No.50426498

>UVXY green

uh, bros............

>> No.50426520

They're finally selling it

>> No.50426525

>I don't know what an equity is
bussin, but ngmi zoomie. PS, the answer to your question is to get an accounting/finance degree or some serious self study on all things finance and accounting

>> No.50426528

I have officially placed 5k on Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (ticket: RKLB)

>> No.50426532

BASED but also cancerous, fuck SB spammers.

>> No.50426541
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>> No.50426555

getting my drowning pool wojaks ready for 2:45.

>> No.50426558

That's why you never instapick. We just broke today's lows and the bear gang is going to make your ass bleed.

After a solid 15 hours of crabbing (including futures), this looks pretty bad for the mumus

>> No.50426566

go watch hours of youtube videos until you understand and don't deposit a cent until you do

>> No.50426570
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>> No.50426577
File: 258 KB, 1287x1800, FX52Pt4aQAA-tfV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought some mega millions tickets for the first time in years

I cant wait to be rich!!!!

>> No.50426580
File: 3.80 MB, 1689x966, lonedruid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50426590

are you newfags forgetting that the ranposter was 20

>> No.50426599

>serious study
now tell me you also do Technical analysis so I can keep laughin

I accept suggestions, is hard to find good stuff among all the shit on jewtube
>don't deposit a cent until you do
Not fucking around with money until I know right and well what I'm doing

>> No.50426612
File: 211 KB, 600x517, 1655872670973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened the the green from earlier Dadio

>> No.50426615
File: 47 KB, 753x1062, FX7CPaCacAACZth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah, im thinkin, we're back.

>> No.50426619

Uvxy watcha doing lil buddy where you goin eh?

>> No.50426623
File: 2.80 MB, 2000x2800, 1648785863134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most obvious bull trap I've ever seen

>> No.50426626

if you need suggestions and can't find what you need or figure out how to find what you need for yourself you will never make it anon

>> No.50426631
File: 824 KB, 838x589, fdfdfdfdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man honkytonk man was so based

>> No.50426640

Can I come to your retirement party bro?

>> No.50426641

just read the boomer 101 link in the OP

>> No.50426646

if by bull trap you mean sucker's rally, I concur.

>> No.50426682

Fuck you siga bull. I should have listened to the anon that said its going straight to 12 this morning because it seems thats the case too. Already down 15k on this fag shit

>> No.50426695
File: 488 KB, 940x1312, FXxhNt-aUAAko2k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I actually win I will throw all of /smg/ a big party in las vegas. you're all invited

>> No.50426697

Someone bought my OTM covered calls today... at the top.. after two days of fake and gay pumping for no reason. Hhahahahahhahahahahhahaha. My only regret is I didn't buy more UVXY and SIGA puts

>> No.50426700

It's actually a long con setting up for a bear trap.

>> No.50426707
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>> No.50426740
File: 376 KB, 2186x4096, FWAPjcNaQAE1o7z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are my best friends after all

>> No.50426755
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Emerging markets

>> No.50426762
File: 185 KB, 412x996, 57573BD8-3226-4C7E-8760-A0FD03FC305F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im shorting here. EZ

>> No.50426769

oh yeah today was that day

>> No.50426770

Can you do it in Reno instead
Vegas is overrated

>> No.50426772

>mumu and bobo going 'no u' all day
why the fuck do i even come to this gayass general

>> No.50426782

alright spin, i'ma buy 2 mega millions tickets today when I get out of work, and if I win, i'm throwing 2 parties in vegas for /smg/, but I won't be in attendance at said party for my own safety.

>> No.50426785

35 here, being on 4chan since I was 18. This shithole is my shithole, though is being almost a decade since I went to /a/.

>> No.50426792
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>> No.50426793
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>> No.50426813
File: 2.01 MB, 2574x4000, FX4CwWGaAAE2cNo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baggie you are a smart man

no I love vegas

>> No.50426815
File: 88 KB, 900x900, 1654722421329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A few weeks ago, the US bank JP Morgan offered an apocalyptic warning that barely made a ripple outside the financial press. It said that if Russia completely halted oil exports, the shock to the world economy could be so large it would instantly quadruple the price of oil to nearly $400 a barrel.
If only America wasn't so dependent on oil produced by countries halfway across the globe.

>> No.50426819

dont forget
you're here forever

>> No.50426835

>knows absolutely nothing about econ yet shits on it
tell me your major so that i can add you to my list of stereotypes

>> No.50426838
File: 1013 KB, 828x1093, 1657677083947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when's tsla going to 0?

>> No.50426842

who the fuck asked faggot?

>> No.50426845

Saudis said they will pump more because based Joe bullied them no worries bro

>> No.50426849

It’s been doing this same pattern for weeks.

>> No.50426854

Crab was 389-390. We are now in bear

We will close red

>> No.50426859

does GMEQ exist yet or do i have to keep shorting the stock

>> No.50426876

>another memeline faggot
I laugh

>> No.50426880
File: 683 KB, 1400x3046, FW6hGqraUAMRK_Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last week
>Biden meets with Saudis
>assume there will be some deals made for military equipment and also increased oil production
>load up on LMT and DRIP

>he accomplishes nothing
>LMT down bad
>DRIP getting crushed

I hate Joseph Robinette Biden

>> No.50426888

This week and the next is earnings week right? Shouldn't the markets be more volatile or pricing in the bad news by now? Or is this bad news is good news thing happening right now?

>> No.50426889

Oh pls let it go to 0. All the retards that are "holding" Tesla to $10000000 per stock because of "muh robotaxi/teslabot/whateverMuskshit" crowd needs a rude awekening.

>> No.50426897

>gap up
>gap up

>> No.50426896

when he realizes the jigs up. TSLA has always been a scam to raise money for SpaceX. he's gonna go to mars to escape the bag holders. NASA/ULA sure as hell can't get there so he can claim it for himself.

>> No.50426900

Everything is priced in bro

>> No.50426905

someone sounds jelly

>> No.50426913

market moves sideways till AAPL, AMZN, MSFT, GOOGL, TSLA earnings guidance

>> No.50426914

>no mention of meme lines
>meme line faggot
kill yourself retard

>> No.50426919
File: 64 KB, 1300x1300, stand-up-chuck-let-em-see-ya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50426930

>gap up
>gap down
fuck your options.

>> No.50426936

Don't worry things will start moving when the big guy gets his 10%

>> No.50426941

>he hasnt longed mularkey

come on, man

>> No.50426942

Who comes first? Tesla reports Q2 in 2 days, right?

>> No.50426950

>L*m poster posts L*m at the exact top of the day again
Too easy

>> No.50426954
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>> No.50426955
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>> No.50426986

actually the Saudis threw him under the bus, said he never brought up that journalist mbs killed, and then arrested the journalists civil right lawyer a day later in the UAE.

>> No.50426992

Netflix reports tomorrow? Maybe I am going to throw some money on a call because it has been shit on so hard the last 3 months I doubt it can be crapped even more on, since I think Netflix already got a PE contraction AND an earnings contraction.

>> No.50427001

wait what the fuck

>> No.50427008
File: 1.04 MB, 1950x3000, FX05IZNaMAACppv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally LITERALLY your last chance to ever buy NFLX under $200

>> No.50427013

>Def 20%+. I told her she should roll them to a new company for 0% APY offer and she said she would look into it (she wont)

I would unironically break up with her. The number one reason for relationship problems is money. If she won’t listen to your sensible advice of rolling it into a 0% card and paying it down, she’ll never listen to you when it comes to finances, and you might as well cut your losses now

>> No.50427021

checked and gay sexed

>> No.50427044


>> No.50427047

Cah mon SNAP!

>> No.50427062

Reminder to blame Jim Cramer

>> No.50427066
File: 98 KB, 805x774, 1657934214460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who knew sacrificing your economy for a worthless piece of shit country like ukraine would be a bad idea

>> No.50427069


I am long:

all reporting this week

(I was long LMT also but i closed it this morning )

>> No.50427070

>most politcally damaging thing he could have said


>saudi puppet tosses his american civil rights lawyer in jail for good measure a day later

translation: Fuck you joe

>> No.50427071
File: 186 KB, 1270x1280, 31BF9C16-06B6-422F-9157-F13A944E911C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How ya feelin mumu

>> No.50427072

>when you forget you're senile

>> No.50427074
File: 161 KB, 392x331, Basado.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name's Sonya N

>> No.50427078
File: 98 KB, 1148x568, Hogan_tweet.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesnt know hes being worked
When a marks a mark he gets worked into a worked shoot brother

>> No.50427086
File: 109 KB, 320x320, 1543440662161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I have a debit card outside my country and use it to spend money outside my country, can the taxjew know I'm dodging stock sale tax (sold with a foreign broker)?

>> No.50427089

ffs this is not how it was reported where I read it

>> No.50427116

how can i use 100k to make 20k relatively safely by the end of the year

>> No.50427120

This is it. I'm becoming a stock market trader, no longer doing crypto. I've had it. I'm switching over to you guys.

I just lost 450k
Girl friend lost 400k
Mom lost 140k
Sister lost 117k
Cousin lost 100k

Alex Mashinksy and Celsius' reckless antics have destroyed my family’s financial security. I feel responsible for all their losses because I introduced them to that scam site and trusted them. I have to recover and help my family with safer assets.

You can buy puts with stocks right? So even in the market downturn like rn you can make money? I'm fucking hyped /smg/ lets get this bread. I have a few ideas for stocks, looking at the top most shorted stocks.

>> No.50427123

lol lmao
We can't even see the bottom yet

>> No.50427125

You gotta put it into context. XOP got crushed so much it was practically flat on the year.
The GUSHer rebound was bound to happen sooner or later. OpEx tends to lead into reversals.

>> No.50427126


>> No.50427147
File: 2.00 MB, 1240x1076, 1658164821417640.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold everything months ago and im sitting on cash until trump runs again

Once he announces his run, the market will jump
Then a year later when he wins it will shoot up faster than Hunter Biden

>> No.50427149

welcome, we dont talk about stocks here, just talk about dicks and dress like women

>> No.50427154

Damn maybe the SPX 3000 guys were right.

>> No.50427158
File: 230 KB, 704x1200, FX0VtA7UsAI7MNL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck, im sure youll be able to make back the 1.2 million in losses and be everyone's hero

>> No.50427165

>indulding in msm "heres all you need to know about x"
>not using multiple news aggregators to cross compare and filter out bullshit/propaganda

you're playing yourself

>> No.50427172
File: 857 KB, 1104x610, 0_FkV69fpOJBJa5wVR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oil stocks keep going up

>> No.50427173
File: 7 KB, 243x250, buzinesspepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro you need to slow the fuck down a bit

>> No.50427175
File: 46 KB, 828x831, 1658017050861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can nvda just stop crabbing
It's fucking with my Vega virginity

>> No.50427177
File: 352 KB, 993x1169, FX9VMcRXkAAFdEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning how to do some DD here. Looking at the top stocks that are most shorted names (short interest), any intesting names pop up?

DD on stocks is easier than people make it seem.

>> No.50427182
File: 556 KB, 2731x4096, FXRCsjNakAAO5Tf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know
it was just a quick gamble hoping on some headlines over the weekend

>> No.50427184
File: 106 KB, 1200x618, 1655309701296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought fake internet money
>bought "coins" you cant even hold
>trusted a literal whore with his money

>> No.50427192

I read Saudis were going to up their pumping to 13 million barrels a day fucking jews lied to me again no surprise it seemed weird oil was mooning today on this news desu

>> No.50427199
File: 167 KB, 720x642, 1478006339005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, what the fuck? Why the fuck is the Dow almost red?

>> No.50427201

Do any of these names look like they can pump or squeeze soon?

>> No.50427210
File: 47 KB, 147x464, Holdings June 2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done nothing all day. My boss is out today so i'm in charge. Rolled more into SWPPX and thats been it.

>> No.50427212

please tell me you have the scene

>> No.50427217

>Learning how to do some DD
>DD is easy
you're annoying already. filtered

>> No.50427225
File: 1.83 MB, 908x1330, Screen Shot 2022-07-15 at 2.21.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most shorted stocks
>All companies that will remain in business for at least a decade
Just look at shit that is most likely going bankrupt like Carvana or Paysafe.

>> No.50427232

I'd say META and NFLX just because they have been raped the most

>> No.50427240

somebody spam the guy shoving the lum figure into his anus

>> No.50427250

pls don't encourage the exploitation of women

>> No.50427251

Well tell me what I said is wrong? Maybe I am being a bit too hasty. But DD is fun.
So you guys think buying Out-The-Money calls on some of these names like NFLX and META is a good play? I think a high strike would be good for any short cover squeezes.

>> No.50427253

apple fags are getting HEEMED

>> No.50427260


here you should play with this link for a while

>> No.50427264

Did Tim Apple die?

>> No.50427266

If you lost that much money trading shitcoins you will no doubt lose a similar amount of penny stocks

You are not Warren fucking Buffett

>> No.50427270

Bro i'm not going to encourage you because you are on fucking tilt i'd say take some time off and paper trade for awhile

>> No.50427272

trading 0dte contracts on SPY/SPX is so fucking fun bros I just cane stop gambling.

>> No.50427275

How is it exploit if she consented ?

Females can't be compared to man

>> No.50427280

Holy shit! Thank you so much anon this is exactly the resource I was looking for.

>> No.50427289


>> No.50427293
File: 328 KB, 1468x2048, FXwMcc4aAAA3kBJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are actually lots of very useful links in the OP post

>> No.50427297

sure. 100% NFLX 7/22 @ $250.0 have fun.

>> No.50427302

Just do an all in on at the money SPY put options that expire Wednesday. You can thank me later.

>> No.50427311

I can use some scripts to make sure I see a channel forming and buy some out the money options for high leverage on these short squeezes. We get short squeezes a bit every month or so by a few %. Trick is the ride that. I'm getting some options for a few highly shorted names.

>> No.50427315
File: 458 KB, 673x967, 1657574077519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spy right now
Bulls were so cocky a few hours ago.

>> No.50427316

Always bet against Biden

>> No.50427320

How big does my portfolio need to be for a bitch like this?

>> No.50427328

AHHHHHH I didn't get my drowning pool wojaks ready yet. I was told 2:45

>> No.50427331

I see a channel forming on the SPY stock.

>> No.50427332






>> No.50427335


>> No.50427337

listen man you should not just jump right into options trading i've lost hundreds trying to time it do some research first

>> No.50427340

she's pretty much got the same body as my fiance, so your portfolio just needs to be as big as mine.

>> No.50427343
File: 286 KB, 400x575, 1621272938427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50427346

iirc she's an ex-model who just streams her tits on Twitch and works at some liquor store.
You can just win her over with a nice Minecraft map (if you're handsome)

>> No.50427348

Y’know, HH is a bit of a wordsmith..

That was quite eloquent in it’s own way and good punctuation to boot.

>> No.50427353

fuck you google

>> No.50427356

>cramer bell
it was inevitable

>> No.50427362

I will buy some SAVA calls (pharma stock that squeezes) on the V-shape channel.

>> No.50427365


>> No.50427368

well, im not that handsome so I'm gonna need a number bro

>> No.50427373
File: 80 KB, 1024x917, 165806575369296m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50427377

If you're a wrestler, either the cocaine or the Chris Benoit-style flying headbutts will be what turns you retarded.

>> No.50427382


>> No.50427384

.....................well, fuck

>> No.50427389

Nah. The sex is good and I don't sugar baby her. I spent like $100 on dinner and drinks to fuck for three days that's pretty good ROI. Literally not my problem

>> No.50427398
File: 1.82 MB, 492x600, 1657902785546.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we told you not to get involved in that

>> No.50427401

Shut up about squeezes please. take that shit to GME.

>> No.50427403


>> No.50427409

hehe were you the faggot who kept saying to buy google for some easy money after the split the past few days?

>> No.50427411

with one important difference

>> No.50427412

Kek I sold the top. Thanks for the cash, mouth breathers

>> No.50427416

hands up was bullish this morning, decent premarket
saw it going nowhere and sold early
small losses, part of the process

you DID sell... right?

>> No.50427419

Buy put options

>> No.50427427
File: 673 KB, 732x407, 5D25ADFB-D196-4564-82CD-91D7BD4631BE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful anon, stocks and crypto are a lot different while seemingly the same... The fucking Wall Street jews fuck you over with the biggest pump and dumps when your locked out in premarket and after hours. Your gains won’t be nearly as impressive and it sounds like you’re an options gambler and just remember you’re now playing against your broker and market makers, you might have better success day trading and it might suit your style more.

>> No.50427428

no, but I wrote a cash secured put today.

>> No.50427432

>only regret is I didn't buy more UVXY and SIGA puts
about those uvxy puts...

>> No.50427433

Lotterytards will never learn. It was priced in.

>> No.50427450


>> No.50427454
File: 403 KB, 894x564, Geiger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wallah! And just like that, I managed to close my shorts on the very top of the fake and gay pump once again!

>> No.50427467

What did they mean by this?

>> No.50427473


>> No.50427480

Very /smg/ worthy post

>> No.50427511

it's KEEV

>> No.50427571

Bear bros who capitulated into calls… not like this

>> No.50427966

I have been looking at 2 irrigation companies LMI and VNN what exactly should i look for to compare then in which one to invest