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50425034 No.50425034 [Reply] [Original]

>Got jumped 3 nights ago
>punk stomped on my lower back when I was on the ground
>can't walk at all without experiencing severe shocks of pain
>can barely stand
>no health insurance
>broke from crypto loses and can't afford to go to the ER
how do I make the pain go away? I need to at least be able to stand walk so I can get a job

>> No.50425067

You should go to the hospital and take
On medical debt. Unironically. This could affect you for the rest of your life

>> No.50425094

>>Got jumped 3 nights ago
>>punk stomped on my lower back when I was on the ground
What city was this in?

>> No.50425100

they wont treat you if you are uninsured unless its life threatening. I'm in the US

>> No.50425104

>he actually pays medical bills like a good golem

>> No.50425108
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Land of the free ima right.

>> No.50425111

We read your story, you don't
>t. herniated disc in my l5-s1
>t. degenerative bone disease
>t. herniated disc in my neck
I'm also broke, also you likely won't prove any of this because it's a begging larp you clearly posted from your phone.

Sadly you use fake stories to beg for money, my story is true and nobody would touch me with a 10 foot pool.

>> No.50425116

bro get out of niggerville first of all, that should've been your first move after making crypto money.

use a heating pad or a hot water bottle on your back, stop eating for a few days and it will get better.

>> No.50425129

You are full of shit. Illegal immigrants use ER doctors as general practitioners. You’re LARPing

>> No.50425165

>t. degenerative bone disease
You legit want to get better? Drink raw milk. Take a sip once every 30 seconds when it's room temp and you'll get better over time. There's a lot more you can do to get better so let me know if you're interested.

>> No.50425181

He's full of shit for sure, he just wants some gullible faggot to give him money.

OP let's see some receipts, least I can prove what happened to me was real.
I don't have health insurance either and I can walk into any ER in the country and be treated.

>> No.50425190

>it will get better.
how long? days? weeks? months?

>> No.50425207

>my bones hurt :(

>> No.50425240

A few days. Your muscles are likely tight as fuck from the attack and that's causing most of the pain. Relax the muscles as a first step to get you moving and deal with any underlying damage afterwards.

>> No.50425243

Uh did I complain about my pain?
direct that at OP you massive faggot otherwise it's safe to assume you're OP samefagging in this shitty begging larp of a thread.

>> No.50425265

where did I beg for money?

no they don't. they use them to get pills and things like gun shot wounds. they aren't getting surgery. you're thinking of prisons

>> No.50425282

this reads like a larp
but on the offchance you're just a young turboautist scared to have to talk to people and inventing excuses not to go to the hospital, you need to slap yourself, chin up, and go do it
money is worth nothing with a bad back
life isn't worth it with a bad back

>> No.50425287

>I'm broke
Had nothing to do with the story, you're using a phone to evade bans since you got off topic'd yesterday over your shitty story, it's changed in less than 24 hours anyway.

>> No.50425314

BS. ER cannot turn people away, they will mail you the bills until they turn it over to a collections agency. If you don't give your real phone number, the collections agency can't even harass you with phone calls