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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50419941 No.50419941 [Reply] [Original]

>bought only BTC because pic related told me that bitcoin dominance would go up
> ethererum is already up nearly 50% while btc is only up 22%
>doesn't even mention his bitcoin dominance thesis being wrong like he admitted his lengthening cycles thesis was wrong.

this fucking nigger.

>> No.50419958

he manages to out-jew even other crypto youtubers, impressive really.

>> No.50419967
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If you're not counter trading him idk what to tell you

>> No.50419968


>> No.50419977

Thanks for jumping BACK into the memeverse.

>> No.50420070

He is only popular with the Vincents

>> No.50420237

I can’t think of anyone more wrong than him except James. You ever notice George stopped fucking with them? Say what you want about George but he’s the only one who actually understands crypto.

>> No.50420239

B-but he said the macro was bad so I was expecting a long and painful bear market :(

>> No.50420329

The Jewish faggot has goys paying $5K a year for his stupid product, stupid fuck with his lengtehning cycle u wrong u fu*cking jew

>> No.50420339


He says nothing of any value in his videos. If you’re actually paying attention he basically says the number could go up or down and suggest correlation = inflation. He spouts utter nonsense while drawing arbitrary lines on a graph to trick people into paying him, he’s nothing more than an autistic version of tiktok investment bros

>> No.50420368

Why not just think for yourself instead of being exit liquidity for some faggot?

>> No.50420373


*correlation = causation

>> No.50420441

Lol they all suck

>> No.50420477

His main problem is 2 fold:
>He thinks the past = future to and sticks to that line to an almost religious degree.
>He processes all information in a vacuum and cannot see how x variable can effect y variable which can effect z outcome.
The guy has been wrong so often anyone listening to him at this point get what they fucking deserve.

>> No.50420515

sounds like most of /biz/ desu senpai

>> No.50420934


He has recently started scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to compare pre-world war two stock markets to today so he can make inferences related to Bitcoin/crypto. There is no substance behind anything he says. He is a joke and he doesn’t know what he is talking about.

>> No.50421001

At this point I only watch him to see if he ever makes another theory and if it fails again. So far he has been very careful not to predict anything again ever since le lengthening cycles and le Bitcoin dominance theories turned into dust.

>> No.50421151

BTC.D peaked at 57% excluding stablecoins which's higher than 2018 bottom.

And that doesn't account for the fact there are x30 more alts on the market and that there are actual use cases this time, Alts never been as undervalued relative to BTC as they been during May capitulation

>> No.50421961

because im retarded

>> No.50423930

He sounds smart and has degrees, so normies eat up anything he says

>> No.50423951

>lengthening cycle theory
>chainlink summer of dreams
>sell your alts and stack cash

>> No.50423978 [DELETED] 

Ben is very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long term trading. I'm not saying he's trading correctly but: if you're trading on baby time frames of a few minutes and you want some fast bucks your interpretation is stupid.

The swings of prices of a few days are for most intends and purposes practically noise; nobody fucking knows why they even happen; maybe for some small shitcoins but not for the biggest cap (those would destroy even an exchange if they are misjudged).

>> No.50424033

Can any premium bros enlighten me on what he's doing? Is he fomoing back in yet or what, we clearly saw the bottom already

>> No.50424135

Stables have a higher degree of use-case compared to 2018 with the rise of defi. They aren't just a cash out mechanism anymore. As a result they should be seemed as a viable piece of information to include in btc.d.

>> No.50424451

I guess he just deleted the covid crash from his memory, that was a far worse macro economic outlook than now, and it dumped way harder, yet the bullrun kicked in a week later

>> No.50424522

fuck BTC.
ETH will flip that shit soon
ETH whales are fucking relentless. open Etherscan and you’ll see that some ETH giants like BitDAO are buying more than 380 ETH daily and already more than 220,000 ETH in their treasury
tell me that ETH wont flip BTC you fucking cucks

>> No.50424596
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That is not a concern of mine, OP. I earned my BTC and ETH by monetizing my social influence on Raiinmaker. I'm just looking forward to the next bull run.

>> No.50424685
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In either case, it will benefit oldfags who stacked both via Raiinmaker by creating content and sharing it through their existing social channels.

>> No.50424741
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I remember Ben joined the chainlink unofficial TG group, people started making fun of him some dude even called him "retard", this basedcuck went completely mad kek. He left soon after

He's kinda smart because he takes money from even lower IQ retarded normies

>> No.50424776
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Create to Earn projects would be the most trendy on Web3, Pajeet. I f*cking like how they democratize the creator community and allow them to recoup the value of their social capital.