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File: 283 KB, 1170x1390, 9A47660D-79D5-47FE-AA42-5DCFB5BF53C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50418347 No.50418347 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit from this?

>> No.50418367

Typical niggers, lol

>> No.50418369

At 1500 decibels with heavy breathing in between. It is fucking insane how loud burgers are.

>> No.50419081

Honestly I dont buy it. Mutts are incredibly isolationist and the ones that do come to us would come either way. The cheap Euro is not the reason. Thanks for the kiked up info reuters

>> No.50419895

Is there anything I can buy online from Europe that I can sell later at a markup?

>> No.50419903

White sperm

>> No.50419911


With all the niggers we have in Paris, burgers won't feel out of place.

>> No.50419928

I'm sorry but europe is basically a faggot magnet, you're getting our worst guys

>> No.50419936

> Mutts are incredibly isolationist
??? americans are the second largest source of tourists, next to only the chinese

>> No.50419952

odd, prices (of everything) here have increased way more than the USD vs EUR.

>> No.50419953

but you are all vaccinated cucks, your sperm is worthless

>> No.50420300

No people pay alot of money for white jazz seethe more tho brownie

>> No.50420473

can you or other americans do a breakdown for which kind of americans goes to which tourist destinations?

>> No.50420524
File: 65 KB, 1024x935, Screenshot-2019-07-28-at-16.17.44-1024x935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source: Global Destination Cities Index

>> No.50420572

looks like, degenerates Cancun, liberal poorfags Toronto, wealthier europe.

>> No.50420674

and yet still more valuable than any other subhuman race

>> No.50420819

Said the poor, whitoid, goyim who aren't even in the top 1% in their own jurisdiction.

>> No.50420842

Sounds like a jew

>> No.50420914

Burgers are flooding Paris with chinese like every summer.
I would say the destination has lost some prestige among other europeans (because of the sheer number of blacks and arabs) but the americans simply don't give a fuck. I think it's because you're accustomed to (((diversity))).

As a rule poorfags stay in the US and do some meme travels like going to Texas while the rich ones come to France and Italy.

I personally like american tourists (as long as they're not niggers), they live big tips, are amazed by a quiche lorraine and are overall polite. The only issue is that they dress like clowns and are fat which is kinda of an eyesore.
Russians and chinese however are the worst.

t. frog

>> No.50421166

The American middle class really are the niggers of the world. What, you're gonna spend $4000 on a Hermes bag that they mark up 2000% because it's slightly cheaper now?

>> No.50421358

>I would say the destination has lost some prestige
How could it possibly lose something it never had? The only people who believe that shit in the first place sit in an echo chamber suffocating on their own farts thinking they're important. They're as intolerable as the shitty politicians in New York who delude themselves into thinking they're a household name nationwide.
Also buy my bags nigger, they're getting heavy.

>> No.50421529

>korea and japan
fucking tsunderes

>> No.50421579

I will give you one serious answer: buy LVMH stocks. Note that if we really enter a recession the splurge on luxury goods is unlikely to last though.

>> No.50421591

t. retard
There is more culture and history in a single parisian museum than all the west coast combined

>> No.50421656

Deja vu ive been in this place before. .

>> No.50421663


yes pretty much, I picked up the latest iphone last year on launch day in manhattan, thinking it was going to be a few people in the store i found myself doing an 1-1/2 hour line just to get into the store where i did another line.

normies will nonchalantly spend 2k on a phone with no neurons being activated.

>> No.50421677

the real shit is in milan anyways
only loser wannabees buy shit like hermes, louis vuitton and dior and other stuff like that
the real made it people buy custom tailored shit if you are medium made it you go to vietnam and have all your shit made to your specification and not give a fuck about normies opinions
or if you really made it you get the milanese haute couture, protip these types of apparel arent giant commercial boards that you pay for

>> No.50421696

where would u go in Vietnam to do this ?

>> No.50421708

i hate modern day paris but if paris never had prestige, name one place that has it?

>> No.50421717
File: 41 KB, 660x550, Germany-1923-Hyperinflation@660x550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to buy prostitutes. Weimar had woman you can buy for a sandwich.

>> No.50421726

Cope more nigger mutt

>> No.50421734

>Deja vu ive been in this place before. .
and the search is a mystery

>> No.50421808

hoi an, its just south of da nang, then just walk around and go into the various shops there are best to ask for multiple quotes first cause they do have a tendency to grossly over ask foreigners when they first come in
as for specific stores etc, no fucking idea like everywhere i assume the coof did a number on it and reshaped the whole landscape
as an added bonus while you wait for your clothes to be produced you get to vacation in a pretty nice ocean town

>> No.50422637

>Weimar had woman you can buy for a sandwich
And that was before the inflation started. Weimar was a fucking paradise but the Nazis ruined Germany with their retarded conservative bullshit that removed sex from German society.

>> No.50422952

Niggers in Paris

>> No.50423140

>Russians and chinese however are the worst
I've experienced the Chinese but what do Russians do?
T. Mex

>> No.50423285

Sell small eiffel towers made in china

>> No.50423420

Ive been meaning to visit France as someone who is majority french, where should I visit? Just wanna see the honeland and experience the cool parts. Probably avoid paris or maybe one a day or two there

>> No.50423613

hey mutt, just one hint, nobody in europe gives a fuck about your 23 and me results and your 56% french DNA, so just shut up about it when youre here ok? Youre not french, just as I am not east-prussian, merely because my grandfather was born there

stop fraternizing, its embarassing.

>> No.50423674

No, shut the fuck up. First of all, I am french my family has been in new france since the 1600s and I can trace my family lineage back. I have never taken a 23 and me, those are scams and data collectors. My ancestors are from France so I am french. I probably am more than white than you fag.

I can do whatever the fuck I want you stupid piece of shit, shut the fuck up.

>> No.50423679

Said the poor, whitoid, goyim who aren't even in the top 1% in their own jurisdiction.
Cope soon-to-be mutt.

>> No.50423750
File: 1.15 MB, 1023x1022, 4D1476D0-E109-4C4E-8943-5338AA0CF39F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

american moment

>> No.50423781
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Are Cotes du Rhone and Provence based or flooded with sandniggers?

>> No.50423791

Dont care. Still whiter than you and would probably kick the shit out of you. Gonna go fuck a bunch of hot french girls. Won't happen if you weren't a faggot and told me some cool spots

>> No.50424081
File: 141 KB, 360x346, E382D3A7-6F2B-40FF-8D9D-98A62DB42E76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooooo we’ve got a manlet mutt with a small dick complex here.
Continue to cope seethe and dilate
You will never be French

>> No.50424414

as with most places the urban ghettos are, but go outside the city limits and it gets better
especially the tourist places you wanna visit are free from infestation its almost as if the third worlders are allergic to trees and nature and clean air
but yeah the caliphate of united marseillais emirates, best get an arabian translator

>> No.50424438

damn it was suppose to reply this guy >>50423781

>> No.50424568

niggers don't get passports.

>> No.50424629

Just visited Europe. In terms of my enjoyment of interacting with the people of different countries it was.

Swiss > Germany > Dutch > French

None of them were bad. Swiss was the nicest and their mannerisms felt the most similar to American. Germany was fine and nice, they get a bad rep for being blunt but I'm also blunt and it felt normal conversing. France was hit and miss. Their overall English skills were on par with 1st generation Mexicans in Murica but enough to get by. Only one was outright rude but the rest were fine. Was in a chocolate shop talking to the black cashier and the old ladies nearby were just casually calling him a nigger but he was casually calling people in eastern Germany dumb fucks so the openness of talking mad amounts of shit with strangers (this is all normal in America amongst friends) was new.

Amsterdam was cool except you felt like everyone was walking right into you so it felt like a game of chicken if shoulder checking was going to happen. Nice when chatting though.

I didn't notice any other tourists with American accents when out and about which was weird. Lots of english speakers but all with some European accent. I've heard Paris is kind of a dump so haven't had a burning desire to go. If I wanted to spend big bucks at boutiques I would think Switzerland would be better.

>> No.50424700

Just a quick reminder to any burger tourists. If you're in a foreign country and someone doesn't speak English, just talk louder and slower.

>> No.50424962

Paris was always shit, smells like piss

>> No.50425158

To buy an Hermes bag you have to buy a bunch of junk from them and eventually they will offer you to buy one but you don't get to choose.

>> No.50425330

lmao, struck a nerve there you little larping muttoid faggot? as I said before, youre not french, nobody gives a crap about your made up family tree and "New France" is just another mutt cope. Your ancestors gave up any actual heritage for gaudy terminology and now youre just another mutt, no different from the niggers and the other browns and pseudo """"whites"""" (hint: not a single European thinks of any amerimutt as white, we just see you as a bunch of manlet mutts in different shades of stink)

>> No.50425666

Im french you retard, cope harder. You do know where New france is..... Right? Go read a history book lmao surprise I know more about french history than you but no surprise Im more french than you :)
>keeps call me manlet
>Im taller than him
Why do europoors cope so much?
>Im not white
Im.whiter than you. I'm a tall white chad who would mog you easily

>> No.50425866

Youre a larping mutt without any heritage and your ancestry are a bunch of losers who left france because they were too weak.

>> No.50426106

Lmao, too weak? They left france to explore and conquer the new world in the 1600s, you're welcome. Your ancestors were just sitting on their asses like the pussies they are.
I am well connected with my hertiage. Only thing I say I'm not is language but thats a tough subject for me, even english, so something to work on.

>> No.50426692

imagine greasy burger fingers touching the precious leather of a louboutin bag

>> No.50426718

my gay shitskin designed bag is precious because it just le is, le ok ?

>> No.50426787

I don't believe it.
I don't think there's even sizes for Americans.
Besides that crap is made in China.