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50413746 No.50413746 [Reply] [Original]

comp sci coder chad here, lost my job last month due to tech bubble bursting. I just started working part time in a Dairy Queens while i look for a new job. Wagies are making fun of me for being too slow on the cash register and not memorizing their 100 different ice cream flavours. Literal 70 IQ dumb npc slave cattle are mocking me and putting me below their level. How did it come to this? Klaus was right these people are useless eaters and does not contribute to anything. I can't believe i used to have empathy for these people.

>> No.50413760

larp post.

>> No.50413759

god i wish this was real

>> No.50413824

oh good you are learning.

Going in to work in a big city was my eye opener that noone gives a fuck about you, and 95% of people wouldnt help you if you were down and out.

people mock and walk past the homeless like they dont exist, just remember anon, if you get to that stage, noone is going to help you, treat life how you will with this information going forward.

>> No.50413849

Well it's funny how you all ended up in the same boat, try find a life raft and jump ship asap

>> No.50413868
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>> No.50413924

coding is a meme field, cousin has a two bachelors and has been studying for 5 years and cant find a job

>> No.50413975

Meme degree with inflated salaries. DQ apes provide more value to society than you and whatever parasitic product your startup was developing

>> No.50413998

Quit your job at DQ and do LC instead.

>> No.50414034

top ten worst larps I've ever read here. finish whatever shitty community college degree you started.

>> No.50414336

Imagine being such a failure like you

>> No.50414373

you are below their level you fucking tech parasite

>> No.50414378

While I'm self-taught with 1 year of experience working on personal projects and got a $200k job.

>> No.50414421

True, but there are good people in the world, Christians are usually good people, they help the poor.

Part of this problem is that you are using a city as a yardstick for all of human empathy, In rural areas, or in other (less dysfunctional) countries with more trust, more people would help you.

>> No.50414454


nice projection code monkey why dont you code yourself a life

>> No.50414574

Pick one, code monkey

>> No.50414585

> rural areas with more trust
Less niggers

>> No.50414613

Nobody who is above pajeet boot camp level(which is 99.99% of indiams) are losing yheir job. In fact, the tech industry needs more and more of them.