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File: 212 KB, 1230x973, ethereumpedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50409775 No.50409775 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck is Vitalik Butter, creator of Ethereum not in jail? Who the fuck is gonna buy this shit?

>> No.50409783
File: 78 KB, 1006x773, ethereumpedoss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone buying Ethereum supports this guy

>> No.50409794
File: 92 KB, 730x718, ethereumvita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this guy looks totally normal. Quick give him your money!

>> No.50409814
File: 128 KB, 1200x800, D2369C73-D16F-4516-9037-D13AE36D11D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like the type of guy who enjoys looking at naked children

>> No.50409815

CP is based. All the rich guys are doing it.

>> No.50409833
File: 93 KB, 1001x419, tip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you really believe that (and you must be trolling) then go outside hold a sign with this opinion

Im sure people will respect you for it.... NOT

>> No.50410046
File: 471 KB, 633x356, waynes-world-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you get lots of sex....NOT

>> No.50410066

Too bad im outside of the FBI's jurisdiction and do not possess cp, cuck.

>> No.50410088

vitalik should be in jail

>> No.50410091

>to stupid to understand an exemple given in the context of argumentation

>> No.50410109

fuck off poorfag not buying your shitcoin bags instead

>> No.50410126
File: 3.13 MB, 1163x2048, Vitafrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr laser eyes are seething, lol :D

>> No.50410125
File: 497 KB, 750x1342, 1647276527443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck even uses ETH anymore? only druggies and pedos

>> No.50410141
File: 175 KB, 446x625, 1645341767544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done! Just boughted 100k before it flips btc this year.

>> No.50410159

It’s been years since that tweet and I still don’t fucking understand what the fuck he was trying to say.

He’s too much of an autist and unironically can’t zoom out.

>> No.50410525

key phrase is "simple possession"
you don't need to be a fucking pedo to see he has a point

he's saying that if you didn't make it or buy it then you're not really harming anyone. I think he's wrong ONLY because I think he discounts the fact that downloading, despite not paying to do so, contributes to notoriety of the uploader, which incentivizes more production.

But this kind of critical thinking is far above the capacity of your small retarded brains, so you just call him a pedo.

>> No.50410574

T. Pedo

>> No.50410615

oh for fuck sake
like living in a real idiocracy film

>> No.50410632

>you don't need to be a fucking pedo to see he has a point

If you believe this tell your boss tomorrow and collegues or your family at thanksgiving that you think this

>> No.50410648

If the statists argument is "I'll chimp out and throw you in a cage" it sounds like you lost the culture war already.

>> No.50410654

vitalik is such a little faggot, i hope he dies

>> No.50410666

ok groomer

>> No.50410670


>> No.50410686


I wrote my thesis on this topic. It was the 2nd chapter. Other chapters were on the Anarchist cook book and kkk subscriptions

>> No.50410707

Hey 4chan,
its me, Vitalik, Vitalik Buterin. I am an turbo autist and thus have no social calibration.

Ask me anything!

>> No.50410744

Vitalik and many of his company have always been pedos. They like to flaunt it to one another through imagery such as unicorns, kittens, etc. It's why he has such affection for Uniswap.

>> No.50410758
File: 159 KB, 997x733, A9303096-EA89-47B5-8002-8BC2F2DF8C82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50410874

So when did you first start enjoying cp?

>> No.50410885

CP is one of the things our society is completely hysterical about and where rational discussion is impossible

Racial differences are another topic

Just accept that normies are hysterical, emotion-driven creatures with little capacity for independent critical thought, no reason to get mad at them, no reason to get mad at a duck being a duck
In the end it's probably good that cp is banned too because with the uptake in porn addiction many people might consume it and end up doing dumb shit they wouldn't otherwise have done, like the people fucking trannies

>> No.50410963


After I fucked your mom, and got her pregnant, I began fantasizing about fucking her during 3rd trimester. Just the thought of my cock punching the unborn fetus in the head causing it to have lifelong brain damage aroused me. In fact I did it a few times, and a few months later, you were born.

>> No.50410987

That makes a lot of sense.....but you've never actually seen a naked adult have you because you are a pedofile

>> No.50411078

>rational discussion is impossible
even worse it's used to push narratives. whenever someones uses either cheese pizza or muh raycism arguments out of context they are bad actors and should be put down.

>> No.50411079

Shut the fuck up you was fontanelly raped.

>> No.50411092


Demand creates incentive for supply, which increases incidence of abuse and exploitation

>> No.50411133

>mention child porn in any context without pre- and post-facing it with "it's literally worse than hitler" multiple times
>"omg pedo"
The average American (USA only) is too stupid to hold any form of argument.

>> No.50411161

they gotta catch him first

>> No.50411311


its often used to justify more surveillance and censorship. Those screaming "pedo!" are easiest to convince that that end-to-end encryption should have backdoors for law enforcement

doug stanhope did a bit on this

>> No.50411329

No I don't think I will you pedo verification not required

>> No.50411357

Doug stanhope would not approve of you pedo types but nice try

>> No.50411402

next he will want a child bride.

>> No.50411434


>> No.50411475

Ok pedo

>> No.50411595
File: 3.83 MB, 480x264, 1632214446410.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes we all think she's hot but no one is allowed to think that!

>> No.50411625

>too socially retarded to realise using CP as an example of a victimless crime implies bad things about him

>> No.50411807

Such a retarded argument.
>I'm only possessing it. That's all
>This 5kg of cocaine. I'm not doing anything with it. Just possessing.
>I have cp. Just one though. I'm just possessing. Didn't even pay for it or whatever. I just have it.
>Huh? This cp archive of 6 terabytes in size? Yeah I'm just possessing it. That's all. Harmless
>Also I have these test tubes of small pox. I won't even use em or whatever. I'll just have them...just because...I'll simply possess them.

Fucking retard.

>> No.50411977

case in point lmao. fuck off, agent johnson.

>> No.50412202

Why are you a pedo?

>> No.50412454
File: 637 KB, 943x1024, picoflagardeandfrens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average afri..american dont deserves eth, so we good!