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50402716 No.50402716 [Reply] [Original]

annual budget for a family of 3 in taiwan.

>bills (elec, gas, water, phone)
>kids nappies and necessities
>health insurance
>dads cigarettes
>household items (TP, soap etc.)
>sundry items, swimming, days out etc.

>> No.50402724

Is that good or bad?

>> No.50402726
File: 9 KB, 250x206, 1564272366594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats one bitcoin

>> No.50402733
File: 52 KB, 554x217, A4FDC371-7DDE-4FD9-B3C4-D6BC377C1F6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

annual salary income for the same family

>> No.50402799

Lol that's less than my rent
And that's more than my wage, kms

>> No.50402848
File: 28 KB, 336x168, 2B88B94A-AEBC-41EB-A83E-088EC6449024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the difference between income and outgoings is 1 bitcoin
its 2 people working

the question would be, how to invest the remaining

>> No.50402968

I don't understand, I thought all you westoids were making $150k doing Microsoft Word? Thats the impression I've been getting from reading the posts on this website. also, where do you live? some kind of mansion in Bel Air?

>> No.50403022

For a family of 3 that's pretty good. That's ~$1500/month which is a little under what my monthly budget averages out to be as a one individual in the U.S.

>> No.50403043

Pretty bad becuz that costs a lot more than Thailand, Vietnam or the Philippines

>> No.50403102

none of those places have national health coverage, a decent hospital will charge you expat rates.

a decent place to live will cost the same in rent, you may save a little on food but not by much. cigarettes will cost a little less, but you will live in a high crime low trust society. where will your kid go swimming? are the local parks safe or filled with beggars and street children like in manila? to find a reasonable life in those countries you will need to pay expat rates and live in gated communities and be members of private facilities. also wages will be lower.

>> No.50403144

Oh my god.. Kindly fuck off with the SEAsia nonsense. No decent white man wants to live among monkeys in some humid jungle. Kys

>> No.50403151

>the question would be, how to invest the remaining
Guns. Or some other plan in case of mainland bug invasion.

>> No.50403165

i'll give you an example. my friend lived in vietnam, he had a growth on his back that needed surgery. the nearest clean hospital that wasn't overcrowded and revolting to have the surgery was in....thailand. imagine having to fly to another country for a minor surgery.

in taiwan you can go to any local clinic, and get your minor surgery done by a pro in a clean and comfortable environment. and it costs you next to nothing (actually nothing if you have health insurance and maybe $20 if you dont)

the parks in taiwan are well maintained, safe, and homeless beggars are non existant no one will rip you off with tourist prices. theres 2 public sports facilities within walking distance with swimming pools, and a bunch of privately run saunas and gyms and pools that are cheap as hell. the police have nothing to do except endlessly patrol from sign in book to sign in book and occasionally attend a car accident or deal with a crazy person.

>> No.50403199

that explains why thousands of them flee to Asia every year and millions more silently sit and seethe that they don't have the guts to.