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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5040048 No.5040048 [Reply] [Original]

solid consolidation all day, get in for next leg. imminent.

>> No.5040105

just bought 6 ltc

>> No.5040355

I bought two earlier today when it looked like volume was picking up around $300

>> No.5040377

bought 3 at 360
3 more at 330

im in it for the long haul
$500 ltc tomorrow

fucking crypto

>> No.5040413

better be right, just bought

>> No.5040444

bought 5 at 219

>> No.5040462

dubs let it be 500

>> No.5040484

7.2 at 265 reporting in.

where are your sell orders at?

>> No.5040532

Sold my IOTAs to buy the dip at $280. Currently have 8 so far.

>> No.5040542

were going to test ATH, break sends us towards 500.

>> No.5040565

10k unironically
it'll be years, but I'm willing to wait

>> No.5040608

LOL, deluded lities.

The pump is gone, and it's not coming back.

Not gonna dump, but now it's just going to settle to its new floor while ETH pumps.

After that, the crash begins.

>> No.5040633

Bought one at $330. Fuck it. I'm down to sit on this and just see what happens

>> No.5040649

nah dude, normies are here and they will buy it up until the price matches ethereum.

normiebasers dont understand a thing about market cap

>> No.5040654

>willing to wait


The reddit here is increasing.

>> No.5040697


>> No.5040754

nigga send me some

>> No.5040785

All HODLers, of any currently-existing crypto, will be crying out to God at this time next year.

It's going to be like LINK, but for everything.

Especially Litecoin.

>> No.5040806

yeah, we only have 6month-1 more year for a chance to make it. Herd is coming, and itll be over fast

>> No.5040812

Yeah right do you know when ETH 2.0 .. sharding and staking you are fuckign retarded if you don't see the potential in ETH you cockeyed no coiner

>> No.5040822
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>comparing Chainlink to LTC

>> No.5040831

no coiners are actually this retarded

>> No.5040871

I don't think LTC would get that high desu, especially if they are adding extra currency on coinbase. It also doesn't have a strong alt market.

>> No.5040892

Picked up 5.5 at $165. Planning to hodl but i might sell at 500. I need more eth. Then again I might not. Ltc is so comfy

>> No.5040905

Don't bother, literally the "never read a white paper" meme is real. These are people looking for rides.

>> No.5041014

i bought at 320, but im scared, this shits been steadily going down over the day, like it cant get pumped and no one wants to buy it, i might sell if it ever gets back to 320

>> No.5041073

coinhuggers are actually this deluded.

>> No.5041127

Never invest with your feelings, anon. If you believe in long term, just hold it.

>> No.5041186

it's important to remember that buying and selling is not an all-or-nothing deal. say you bought $200 at $320. LTC proceeds to crash and steadily goes down until it hits $160, at which point you sell. you're only down $100, and that's an absolute shit-tier scenario. don't be afraid to hold.

>> No.5041203

Got a question, do you move back and forth to eth and btc to make your money? Or is there a system of hedging you guys use?

>> No.5041253

personally i just buy high and sell low

>> No.5041294

i'm with this guy

>> No.5041298


$500 by new years day.

>> No.5041373

hmm good idea..that way you dont have to pay the IRS

>> No.5041385


Well how do you hedge?

>> No.5041458

i dont i just lose all my money and post pink wojaks on /biz/ and rage about losing all my money

>> No.5041654

why is it no one talking about how sloww it is

>> No.5041756

You're not going anywhere until bitcoin hits 25k

>> No.5042010
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>> No.5042287

bought 2.5 at $70, just sitting on it for a while, maybe a year or 2.

>> No.5042397

lol, you could work and have so much more go big or go home

>> No.5042706

the price in usd can be ignored. what matters is that it reached .02 btc for the first time in a while and if it went any higher it would be unfamiliar territory for ltc. if you look at longterm charts you will see that in order for ltc to keep mooning we will need a btc moon first

>> No.5042759

This is the only anon here not full of shit

>> No.5042894

When do you think the next btc moon is?