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50397883 No.50397883 [Reply] [Original]

A friend of mine works for a company that makes wireless devices for the government. He was just informed by one of his contacts that the NSA came up with a scheme to break ECDSA a couple weeks ago. Using consumer grade computer hardware they can solve for a public/private key pair in less than 72 hours. Apparently they are scrambling to re-encrypt massive amounts of information before this is leaked into the wild. Good luck, bros. I hope it isn't true

>> No.50398063

Is it specific to cryptography, or can it be applied to any other NP-hard problems?

>> No.50398102


>> No.50398192

I don't know. I'm trying to figure out if it is specific to ecdsa only or if they found a weakness in sha-256 or both. My friend is an RF engineer. He doesn't know a lot better about cryptography and didn't know what to ask when he had the chance

>> No.50398350

Damn dude. That's an interesting question I hadn't really thought about. There could be many forms of encryption in jeopardy if they found some new computing algorithm or something like that. Holy crap who the fuck knows. I wish I had more info

>> No.50398412

can you dumb this down bro? what are the implications?

>> No.50398626

>what are the implications
I'm not even sure myself. Bitcoin private/public key pair generation uses ECDSA. But then public key wallet addresses are a riped-md 160 hash of the sha-256 hash of the ecdsa public key. so it seems to me that even if ecdsa is compromised there's still the 2 hash functions as protection. Unless they're compromised too

>> No.50398659

The feds are gonna rugpull Bitcoin. Duh

>> No.50398690

if sha256 were ever cracked you have much more to worry about than the price of bitcoin, even if it means losing your entire net worth.
it would be so catastrophic entire civilizations would collapse into failed states over night.

>> No.50398737

also, clearly a larp thread. seen this shit a hundred times before

>> No.50398758

>wake up one day to find out that you can log on to any person's account on any website, or access any restricted content on websites because encryption is dead
>whole internet is like a series of stores with broken windows and looters doing whatever they want to the sites

The internet would unironically be over and we would return to postal mail and carrier pigeons.

>> No.50398857

Bitcoin uses ecdsa and sha-256 together but they are two different things. breaking one doesn't necessarily mean you broke the other. I'm hoping some high IQ crypto anon will chime in here as my knowledge is fairly limited

>> No.50399400

>Apparently they are scrambling to re-encrypt massive amounts of information before this is leaked into the wild
That's not what ECDSA is used for, LARPing faggot.

>> No.50399413

>fake leak to smoke out who the faggot in the company is
you just lost your job

>> No.50399440

Yeah bro my brother works at Area 51 and they have this device that like can literally rape you anywhere in the world in an instant and you wouldn’t even know that’s it’s raping you. He also told me about a car…that runs on water. WATER MAN!

>> No.50399724

>dumb it down
>uses specific abbreviations for no reason

just admit that you are a larping faggot trying too hard to sound smart

>> No.50401358

my god this board has gotten so low IQ it must be summer

>> No.50402002

kys nigger