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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50393850 No.50393850 [Reply] [Original]

What is this project all about, what's with all the hype? Should i get in? Is this the future of crypto and blockchain technology?

Literally all you have to do is go to the showcase and see all the projects being built on it.


Don't believe anything anyone says. See it for yourself.

free to play 3d games running at web speed on the blockchain, fully decentralized versions of reddit, youtube, instagram, tiktok, facebook. These are but a few examples.

Now ask yourself the question.... what other project in crypto is doing this? None. Not only are other projects not doing this... not only are they not capable of producing this quality of dapps.... There is not even one single other project in all of crypto that can even DREAM of creating dapps such as these.

Fully decentralized, free to use dapps, running at web speed.

>> No.50393858
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But This is just the tip of the iceberg. I know you like going deep... so going a little deeper here..... The internet computer is going to replace Legacy IT. As in the ENTIRE IT TECH STACK. Making workload, time, and cost a fraction of what it is currently for devs. No longer will devs have to waste time (months/years) creating secure systems for their applications. ICP is secure right out of the box.

The devs are the lifeblood of any digital product. And the devs are coming in waves. The cost/time/workload advantages of the internet computer are far to seductive not too. Why would a dev waste years and hundreds of thousands of dollars when they could just get to work building the product of their dreams immediately on the internet computer today?

This is all just tip of the iceberg stuff, but if you were wondering what the hype is, there is a little taste, my frogger. The internet computer cannot be stopped, It is the crypto endgame. You have now been informed, this information has been uploaded directly to your brainstem, what you do with this information is in your hands now. Consider yourself fed. This information cannot be unlearned.

>> No.50393884 [DELETED] 

Centralized shitcoin and scam
ngmi (look at the chart lol)

Better buy Avalanche.

>> No.50393916

why are you trying to help these morons?
i'm still buying....

>> No.50393981
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>A shitty mobile game
>Another shitty mobile game
>A explorer
WOW I have never seen something like this before iced piss to da moon XD

>> No.50394018

Stfu none of these fucks deserve to make it. Let them keep buying avax, rlc, Matic, and what ever other shit coins they think are good investments. The salt from these faggots next run is going to be delicious

>> No.50394062

Those aren’t even close to the best projects. If you dig a little you’d find them. But the point is any coin you hold can’t even host those shitty little projects on chain.

>> No.50394074 [DELETED] 
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MATIC has the Disney effect tho...

>> No.50394132

Nigga it's a shitcoin launched by powerful people.

>watch bloomberg all day every day because CFA student
>recognize all the regulars (my man mohammed el-erian!) and when someone paid for a segment that's supposed to not be an ad.
>watch Yellen say they're gonna do more stimmy AFTER the GME spike
>lmfao clownworld
>make 20k on safemoon because lol it's so stupid it's great
>shitcoin market going fucking bananas
>analysts on bloomberg tv all like wtf we're supposed to be the money people
>OVERNIGHT bloomberg suddenly goes from never having heard of ICP to shilling it in-between every segment
>price is already $300, lmfao no room for a 10,000x like CUMMIES or BONFIRE did at the time
>saying all the shit OP is saying, stuff non-crypto people think is impressive, acting like it's a serious contender as an ETH successor
>wasn't even on the /biz/ map among ONE, DOT, AVAX, etc. then the same day it starts on bloomberg we start getting 2-5 threads a day
>no one here wants it because the boomer idiots behind it set the price to 300s like it's a tech stock
>no concept that all the money was in degen defi tokens with low mcaps

ICP is just another crypto scam, it's just that this one was started by a well-connected firm of boomers FOMOing while jeets and teens were all scamming each onther on BSC and uniswap. Screenshot this and post it in all ICP threads.

>> No.50394140
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Even the memes are superior on the internet computer protocol.

ip= internet protocol
icp = internet computer protocol
- posted from my internet computer

>> No.50394149

I don't believe anyone here has bought a single ICP. It's just another meme - like /fit/ talks about sunning your balls. Nobody COULD have bought ICP as nothing about it makes sense: it's like saying people bought a bit of 'sunlight' or 'last Thursday'

>> No.50394174

>SBF and futures market manipulation days before open
>infinitely scalable
>offers decentralized cloud platform alternative
>integrating btc smart contracts
>spinner cash replaces monero (once other chains integrate, you’ll be able to do anonymous transactions with any coin)
>http request are replacing chainlink (no more sergey dumps)
>has its own search engine
Everything stated above is 100% on chain.
Yeah it’s such a shit coin

>> No.50394214

I forgot the best part, here's how you know it's run by boomers and gen x'ers. They called it 'Internet Computer' loool. Like all the halfway decent crypto and scams have cool or creative names like fantom or avalanche or polkadot. And clearly some idiot was like "well we want to market it to 4chan crypto kids, but ALSO we want to appeal to half-deaf retirees watching bloomberg and considering phone-order annuities and gold. It's gotta be a name that won't confuse them.

What's it even trading at rn?

LMFAO 10.32

>> No.50394226
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avax bagholders

>> No.50394227 [DELETED] 

ze obvious paid shilling

>> No.50394262

Internet computer protocol (icp)
Similar to internet protocol (ip)
You fucks will never ever say what the p stands for. But oh well I’m out. Keep fudding these retards

>> No.50394315

>free to play 3d games running at web speed on the blockchain,
such as? where do i go to play these games
>fully decentralized versions of reddit, youtube, instagram, tiktok, facebook
okay, where do i go to use these platforms?
> The internet computer is going to
like every single L1 has said
>wondering what the hype
>You have now been informed,
I read your entire post and at no time did you post a link to working product or spell out the technicalities of how any of this will happen.

>> No.50394409

I came back just for this retard
Or you can use kinic.io and search for what you want. Look up cubetopia if you want to play Minecraft

>> No.50394419

>>SBF and futures market manipulation days before open
Right so how did any of them even have access before the public? /bizz/ doesn't fuck with anything we can't get into an IDO for.

>infinitely scalable
Yeah asshole this is the same claim as every other smart chain out there. Where do you think you are? That's like selling a microwave and hyping the clock.

>integrating btc smart contracts
Oh your microwave comes with an adapter for icelandic wall outlets? Amazing, too bad no one in the market needs or wants one.

See here's how I know you're a suit, not a real crypto degen. No one is excited about minecraft anymore. Get on /v/, they've all been shitting on microsoft for getting ready to drop the java version. Minecraft is primed to be a shitty experience choked to death with MTX.

>spinner cash replaces monero (once other chains integrate, you’ll be able to do anonymous transactions with any coin)
>http request are replacing chainlink (no more sergey dumps)
I don't have enough characters left to shit on these.

>has its own search engine
You mean a chain explorer nigga? Even the idiot harmony one devs have had one of those for a year plus. Gimme the link, let's see if it's even as good as bscscan (which sucks).

>> No.50394437

> kinic.io
use ICP's version of google for an on chain search. last spoonfeeding.

>> No.50394475
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>> such as? where do i go to play these games

Here's the winner of the supernova hackathon, cubetopia. You'll need to be on your computer to play this. Remember.... this is all 100% hosted on the blockchain.

>> I read your entire post and at no time did you post a link to working product or spell out the technicalities of how any of this will happen.

Here's the 20 year roadmap if you want the play by play of how the internet computer will revolutionize this industry and become the crypto endgame. "Very few computer science students will graduate without first having created a smart contract on the Internet Computer."


>> No.50394483

The fuck you mean "dig a little." If there was anything actually half-way decent you'd better believe fuckers like you would be shouting from the rooftops about it. We would be sick to death hearing about how great so and so or x and y are on ICP, but where are these so called great projects then? If they were really so great, we'd already know about them right? You'd want everyone to pump your bags right?
Dig a little. What a fuckin joke.

>> No.50394524

Lmaooooooo I'm dead

oooooh it's a PrOtOcOl! All cryptos are protocols dipshit. It's a fundamental aspect of the asset class. I mean, I guess I'm glad to know you fuckers at least got that right, because god knows it wouldn't have been a surprise if the whole think was an exe running on an old xeon server.

>> No.50394568

ICP functions very much like a Kohler Tresham.
Some have compared it to the TOTO CWT system, but that's not exactly correct because it leaves out the "swirling" (called "cycles" in the ICP system).

Now, some say that literally burning your money is more efficient, but this really depends on local burn ordinances, so I'm left to consider it as the best system for going poor that exists.
By 2030 there will be no money left on the planet for anyone.

>> No.50394621

>steal every meme you can find and put the ICP logo on it half assedly
>superior memes

>> No.50394635
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> icpinus.com
fucking touch yourself and dont tell me your cock didnt at least get a bit chubby after understanding the potential of this project on ICP?

>> No.50394657

>Every time I add ICP to my non-dissolving neuron my age bonus decreases


>> No.50394838

You have to give a man some credit. After snorting the whitest line of moonsugar in the vincinity off the finest young HR harem roasties' asscracks dominic keeps it going at least until 6am every single night, he keeps calling his programmers multiple times in the middle of the night about his ideas to keep them from "slacking and jerking off." He also keeps talking about how he will "Fry that fat hooknosed goblin in a pan" all the time.

We CAN let him get away with this.

>> No.50395440


>I buy icp
>and I sun my balls everyday.

Are you even really living?

>> No.50395526

>Fully decentralized
It somehow manages to be less decentralized than the world wide web

>> No.50395602
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>> No.50395698


>> No.50395913

I've heard rumors Dominic weeps in his office every day because the hackathon submissions were so bad. Almost pity him.

>> No.50396095

>begging to be spoonfed
No, and also pathetic

>> No.50396739

Its nice to spoonfeed them sometimes, id like all of biz to be ICP brothers.. fuck reddit and wall street bets and their meme stonks this could be the one known forever as our coin.. joins us brothers

>> No.50396919


>> No.50398829

Yeah fuck all these guys, they can buy off us at $500