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50389568 No.50389568 [Reply] [Original]

why are jews like this

>> No.50389572

Divide and conquer

>> No.50389574


clickbait garbage to distract people from the real enemies

>> No.50389578

Yes, it was out fault. We should have set fire to the Federal Reserve building with its chairman inside. And we didn't.

>> No.50389667

it's DESIGNED to trigger people in order to get shares and clicks and create a sense of outrage...how new are you? there are zero scruples in the news business. everyone is a scumbag.

>> No.50389674

i am sorry for causing inflation by wanting to buy produce that's not full of glyphosate and animals force-fed with onions and PUFAs

sorry to all non-milenials

>> No.50389699

Putin is a milennial now!

>> No.50389728


>> No.50389771

biden is a millenial

>> No.50389976

I thought it was PUTINFLATION ™

>> No.50390033
File: 535 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220716-050630_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you crop it or did they change the title.
>See, what everyone is not including in the conversation is what really causes inflation, which is too many people with too much money chasing too few goods- Smead

>> No.50390163

I could understand the size part but too much money? Where wtf? Various statistics point to th opposite, millenials ain't got shit

>> No.50390173

What little shit millennials do have is too much. We have to own nothing.

>> No.50390181
File: 724 KB, 1106x1012, 1657754601041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>print money out the ass
>throw money at wars and niggers
>why are millennials causing inflation

>> No.50390211

This, but it still manages to get under my skin. Being blamed for somebody elses mess just makes me fucking angry

>> No.50390223

Boomers always make excuses. They are the most entitled fucks on this planet

>> No.50390286 [DELETED] 

Its age old
Workers vs Owners
Men vs Woman
City vs Country
Country vs neighbor country
And now generations
And people fall for iit

>> No.50390293

Its age old
Workers vs Owners
Men vs Woman
City vs Country
Coountry vs neighbor country
And now generations
And people fall for ii

>> No.50390338

Replace any scapegoated class or group in any news headline about why the world sucks with "jews" and you have the truth. It's really that easy.

>> No.50390347

I mostly agree, but boomers always will be the most evil generation. They sold out their nations for money, drugs, and *puff* free love maaaaannnn. They didn't give a shit about their heritage and they don't give a shit about their progeny.
They deserve to go down in history as a warning. The day the last boomer shithead dies of heart disease or being smothered by their diversity hire caretaker can't come soon enough.

>> No.50390355

>Headline posting
Fuck off social media normie. We don't need your bait threads.

>> No.50390403

came here to post this

>> No.50390406

If you mean Bill Smead (English surname btw not Ashkinazi but nice try there), then it's just some asshole hedge fund capital firm exec that wants to basically say "muhllennials are not poor enough, they should be poorer so they don't cause for inflation demand for asset buying whether it's stonks, real estate, autos [not an asset], et al"

So basically some asshole is coining a term "wolverine inflation" to describe that because of the surge of money that muhs now have to invest and spend, along with this demographic having depressed buying pressure generation (that's to say that they were not interested in investing in any way before) are now suddenly together discovering investing (yay Robinhood!) and are willing to brute force themselves financially to buying things that they have been putting off before like real estate (which compounds to other spending related to home buying) and that drives up inflation in other parts in the American economy (and perhaps elsewhere). But this just smells like an attempt to guilt tripping muhs from buying shit and to settle for even less than before due to sheer size of population (92,000,000).

But to be fair, and just to throw a bone to Smead, Muhs are very demanding consumers that are like that dipshit late Gen X or early muhllennial hipster that drinks PBR "ironically" but when they get the paycheck they demand the single matl Yamazaki that'll leave them going back to drinking "ironically".