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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50388596 No.50388596 [Reply] [Original]

Is the collapse of platforms like Celsius enough to scare normies away for good or will they forget about it until the next halving, supporting another run with dumb blow off money and exit liquidity? Just read the comments under coffezillas video for example, the npcs are smug as fuck because now it’s clear all of crypto is a big ponzi and they are so smart not to fall for it. I can’t tell if this is a bubble of midwits acting smart of if that’s the general normie state of thought on crypto..

>> No.50388638

celsius isn't crypto
not only it wasn't crypto, they were not even using fireblocks or any of the professional tools for handling defi and other blockchain apps
they literally sent all money to that 0xb1 retard and told him to fucking do whatever
that's it, that's the entire fucking company

talking about it as if it's some big 'crypto thing' is the dumbest most idiotic thing of all time
that's like saying the failure of one coin is somehow bad for the industry, they didn't even have a project, literally ran away with the money lmao

>> No.50388744

Obviously it’s not what I am saying anon, it’s about the general public. When I check mainstream news outlets in my country they have headlines like:
Another crypto insolvency: crypto bank Celsius closes down for good etc. obviously it strictly a crypto thing for anyone not completely embedded in the space

>> No.50388811

Coinbase falls next

>> No.50388828

Why do I even still visit this fucking board

>> No.50388933

Normalfags aren't in crypto since summer of last. Cefi has rekt all the cryptotwittertards who thought they were genius giving all their funds to some slimy israeli for 10% APY in a bear market.

>> No.50389585

>npc check

>> No.50389913

Why do you want to scare normies away?
They're responsible for the majority of economic activity.
Among these normies are people that are legitimately smart and need to get exposed.
If you want to wait completely transparent on-ramps or blockchains to run the backend of the system, you're gonna wait a fucking long time to see any proper increase in value.

>> No.50389929

Also the tops comments are from normies bashing cryptobros not following their own mantra of "not your keys, not your coins".

>> No.50390020

What makes you think I want to scare normies away? You didn’t read what I wrote down did you?

>> No.50390072

Most normies I know still think cryptocurrency = BTC, half of them have heard of ETH but can't explain it. None of them know anything at all about DeFi and can't understand PoW versus PoS.

In typical normie style they still haven't taken the time to learn anything about the space and have simply just dismiss it for one normie reason or another.

>> No.50390113

It might scare normal faggots away throughout this year and the next - just when CBDCs are being worked out for deployment at the ECB, the Fed, and so on.

"crypto" will be just fine given that it's mostly Ethereum and the like that are going to be seen as the "good crypto" to maybe invest back into and to steer clear of the PoWs like BTC, VTC, WOW, XMR, et al due to green environmentalism bullshit (which will survive regardless of how the UA-RU war is proving ineffectual in places like Germany and most of continental Europe).

But, because there are millions of stupid Millennial dipshits that will insist on the bullshit ideology and utopianism cultivated since the last decade, crypto's potential impact will be subverted and we'll probably see some preference for schemes like ESG and Ethereum; which, again, are due to some left-wing, environmental post-modernist hippie utopian pipe dream.

>> No.50390125
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Because we won't get our chepies without normalfags selling their coins first. Also they will have to rebuy again making the pump bigger.

>> No.50390138

Normies will be back when the whales start pumping hard, always has been the case. Thing retards here don't understand is that greed is built into human DNA and crypto is a globally accessible lottery. We're into some pain due to shitty macro for a few years but after that good cryptos will melt faces again.