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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50381977 No.50381977 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here born rich?
What businesses to they tend to have?

>> No.50382001

Why is there a ball in that guys mouth

>> No.50382012

Yes my mom was the onlyfans sir

>> No.50382028

why is everyone simping for her. i mean of course I would fuck her. but what is going on here?

>> No.50382049

normal italian afternoon tv

>> No.50382065
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>> No.50382081

For wrapping around other guys cocks

>> No.50382083

it's a tongue piercing

>> No.50382107

I love whores

>> No.50382134

nothing wrong with appreciating peak white woman on live tv, but i guess burgers are used to watching sheboons shaking ass

>> No.50382184

built for BJC

>> No.50382238

the only thing going on here is that you are gay

>> No.50382284

i dont like sheboons. but unfortunately this model is the epitome of boring white woman.

>> No.50382779

Wanna wrestle?

>> No.50382967

>6/10 wouldn't bang
Men would literally have fought wars over her in the past

>> No.50383131


>> No.50383146

based Italia

>> No.50383155

you're out of your mind. this is an absolute goddess, at least as far as appearance goes

>> No.50383169

The vast majority of woman are pig fat now. Seeing one like that in the flesh is shocking.

>> No.50383381

I was and some of my friends were. I can list a few (keep in mind most of these are outdated now)
Insurance company, shipping, sugar refining, major banks, lawyer, pharmacist. those are the ones I know of but all of this happened before 1900

>> No.50383476

Both of my grandfathers were selling stuff peopöe after the war wanted to buy. Electrical gadgets and alcohol.

>> No.50383542


>x/10 rhetoric
look. of course you have sex with her. she is very pretty. but i would take a 4/10 over someone i personally dont find attractive. her beauty is all she has, there's nothing special about it. she's just a middle of the road pretty white women with model features. blacks like ugly sheboons. i don't like that shit either. it's just how we perceive things.

>> No.50383795

Chicken legs, 6/10

>> No.50383966

its literally a man, his name is Luca

>> No.50383988

this explains why they are all simping for him.

>> No.50384113 [DELETED] 

Please OP, what is her name?

>> No.50384133

This bitch looks coked out of her mind

>> No.50384330

fuck simps
fuck sluts
this whore should have her flesh covered and brought back to the kitchen where she belongs

>> No.50384423 [DELETED] 
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Found her

>> No.50384494 [DELETED] 
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>> No.50384520

cringe. Wouldnt be your kitchen, thats for sure

>> No.50384541

>t. never received a blowjob from a pierced tongue

>> No.50384565

I know exactly what you look like

>> No.50384567

who gets to have sex with these women
she must have a bunch of giga chads she hits up right

>> No.50384579


My childhood friend was boring rich. He got so much pussy at 14 its unreal. Crashed a few Porsches.

He went to medschool and his dad bought him a psychiatric hospital that he owns now.

I am still grateful to his mom for letting me play with him while my mother was passed out drunk and I was living in poverty.

>> No.50384583

I know this is a tranny by the fact that everyone reacting is a faggot. Must be a tranny modeling show

>> No.50384608


Actually, while I think about this, I know a few more that I can talk about, since no one is posting shit. Another one also went to medical school, dropped out, got into parkour, became a stuntman, worked for Universal in Florida, started racing bikes, is now a shitty motorcycle racer living off of apartment complexes in shitty tiny towns that his family owns.

>> No.50384664 [DELETED] 
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I agree 100%. I’ve never been into the rail thin + sharp masculine (think “model type”) facial features. Just not my cup of tea. But I do know many men who actually prefer that. Different tastes I guess. I like a little more thickness, tho not fat.

>> No.50384820

>Not fat.

Anon stop jerking it to vickies catalogs.

>> No.50384860

What’s a Vickie’s catalogue? Is that some old boomer shit like playboy?

>> No.50384908

what's her name cause it ain't luca

>> No.50384977

Got more?

>> No.50385015

Too skinny. Somebody give that skeleton a cheeseburger.

>> No.50385204

I'm not rich, but I may inherit a fortune someday from my grandpa. He got rich off of nursing homes. There are various types of medical facilities that can bill Medicare and Medicaid, a lot of rich people own these. It's hard to get into most of these, takes a lot of startup money and specialized knowledge about how these systems work.

I audit a very particular part of Medicaid most people don't know anything about. These people fill out forms with all kinds of errors that if we don't catch, they will get a lot more money than they are supposed to, and they do routinely. I save the state millions of dollars each year, but there is all kinds of stuff we don't know about or don't know to look for that many of them are getting all kinds of money from the government that they should not.

The easiest way to illustrate the problem would be this, they see a patient and bill Medicare/Medicaid. They are entitled to a certain amount of money for that visit, but they may also be re-imbursed from other sources including other government programs. So for 1 service they might be able to bill a few government programs, get more money than they are supposed to, and if it's not caught in the audit they get to keep it. Also the amount they get for each service is dependent on how they fill out the form, and so they often fill it out with a bunch of incorrect information that will result in them getting paid more.

Now I know what you are thinking, but don't you get in trouble for lying to the government? Well, it turns out that it's really hard to prove that what they are doing is intentional, and so we mostly don't bother. My state didn't even have a program to look for Medicaid Fraud till a few years ago when an investigative journalist did an expose on my state's Medicaid program.

If people had any idea what a shitshow it was, how much money just goes up in smoke every year due to very basic issues with the data we have an how we audit, people would be having epic breakdowns.

>> No.50385218


Yea, sure. Used to play chess with a girl who was 3 years older than me. She was humble as fuck, always shook my hand like we were professional players, and always took notes on our games.

She went on to become a chess master (not grandmaster), open a clothing line/model, and last I talked to her she was getting a phd in something related to genetics "to help kids with preventable birth defects". She also wasn't bullshitting - she is smart enough to actually contribute. She wasn't that interested in my wagie life and we fell out of touch.

I think I connected with all of them because I was "bright and athletic", but then they went on to live their lives and I went on to wagecuck 12 hrs a day. Holy shit, this made me depressed. Haven't had feels in a while.

Oh, and it turned out that her mother's father is a huge stakeholder in a major oil company in Azerbaijan. She and her family live in the West though.

>> No.50385326

Not many believe it or not the prettier a girl gets the less she sleeps around. She knows her holes have value and if she’s uses them her value deceases

>> No.50385532 [DELETED] 
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True to an extent. Models/influencers of her caliber usually just hook up with athletes, entertainers, or other high value influencers. It's all about status and networking that high up.

Dubai Port-O-Potty is a likely option too. Why not get a free first class vacation with all expenses paid, tens of thousands in designer bags and clothing, some of the finest cuisine in the world, and networking with literal multi millionaires and billionaires? A lot of men go to Dubai for the same experience. There's a reason your favorite thot takes holidays to Dubai and the UAE at least once a year.

>t. Anon who's worked in social media the past decade

>> No.50385574

Victoria's Secret.

>> No.50385670

I'm a landlord, essentially. commercial properties. sometimes i get an itch to start some great business but I'm mostly too lazy and worthless. only good thing about me is I do give pretty well to charities and have some causes I support.

>> No.50385692
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>> No.50385719

Now thats a bunda

>> No.50386094
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>> No.50386302

Commercial real estate in good locations.

>> No.50386629

"It's a clean machine"

>> No.50386737


>> No.50386800

I have a friend who's older sister is dating a multimillionaire (think 50m plus) and his dad owns multiple high end apartment complexes in my city, and this guy (is in his late 20s) inherited a collection of them and I guess is the landlord.

This faggot is taking advantage of his sister's mental state and she no longer talks to her parents anymore (she has some kind of mental issues, he paid for her to see some psychologist who convinced her that her trauma is from strict religious upbringing). He convinced her to stop going to church and thinks her dad is le woman hating misogynist for being a pastor and from what I gather from my friend, is a total bluepilled bitch.

How major wealth finds its way to people like this, I don't know man but it's bullshit.

>> No.50386819

overacted scripted tv show

>> No.50386867
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3dpd rejected
waifur embraced

>> No.50387174
File: 92 KB, 314x299, Screenshot 2022-07-15 203438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tf is this

>> No.50387188

>white men look like THAT!!?

>> No.50387321

A filter. Since she got closer it tried to apply it to her face and looks wonky because she moved from it quickly

>> No.50387417

I want to go to law school, because I could help people and make money as well, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do it without massive student loans. Kind of a bind.

>> No.50387596

Yeah nah that's just the bullshit she tells people. He has money, she wants the money, she enjoys the landlady money life. It's not her being gaslit or any of that horseshit. She's rich so fuck all the poor people she knew. She's going on vacay baby lol church.

>> No.50387924

U srs?

>> No.50387945

That sounds painful

>> No.50387956

yall need to get out more

>> No.50387970
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We're from pinoyland, a third world country. But we belong to the top !%.
Dad is a major exporter of coco lumber and in the past decade has expanded to other business ventures, like a shrimp farm down in the south and a fleet of uv for public transport.
Pre covid I used to travel alot, both for bsuiness and for pleasure. Like I visit Seoul twice a year, japan thrice, Europe once a year, like that.

>> No.50387997

>If people had any idea what a shitshow it was, how much money just goes up in smoke every year due to very basic issues with the data we have an how we audit, people would be having epic breakdowns.
No they wouldn't. It's literally common knowledge that the elites that run this world are pedophiles. Nothing is done, in fact half of the people in the USA simp for them and would die for them. Epstein was a democrat

>> No.50388012

What a joke of a person you are

>> No.50388017

I should clarify, top 1% in our country, not the world. We're not that rich.

>> No.50388052

I have a best friend whose father in law is very successful, ultra religious and essentially became a millionaire in his mid 20s. This dude became a land developer and purchase a massive plot (think hundreds of acres) and basically made his own entire compound/subdivision of neighbors who he liked and cared for and gave them land to build homes on at rock bottom prices. Anyways, he has 3 daughters, one now lives on aforementioned land with some like blue black african husband who does absolutely nothing for a living. Imagine building an entire dynasty for your children and friends only to have it over run from the inside by a bunch of disgusting mulattos

>> No.50388131
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The amount of people wanting a do over in life just because they aren't wealthy enough is insane. If you are smart enough to know your life could be better then just make your life better, go, find that moonig coin (QOM) and profit off it. You don't need the be born a millionaire to become one, and i expect you to take this oportunity as it deserves

>> No.50388150

My family is worth about $25 million. AMA

>> No.50388203

Made from what industry?

>> No.50388238

My father was born into a poor farming family. He is exceptionally smart and got into the oil industry in the early 80s. He made significant contributions to the way coke is refined. On top of that, he had good wealth managers who helped him turn a high salary into generational wealth.

>> No.50388239

ty anon

>> No.50388257


wonder if i bought enough lunc to afford one of these

>> No.50388266

a she-devil

>> No.50388386

what kind of play?

>> No.50388432

goddamn that's a fine motherfucker
who is she

>> No.50388444


>> No.50388448

he lives on the second floor

>> No.50388477

wait till blockchain solves this. damn all this fraud in the world.

>> No.50388484


>> No.50388529

wow. bless her. actually doing something that is helpful. good rich people do exist :o

>> No.50388548

worthwhile charities?

>> No.50388567

this is sad. world is sad. imagine when you die and you take jack shit with you.

>> No.50388597

fuck you. imagine trying to fuck over people with your shitcoin.

>> No.50388630

>he had good wealth managers who helped him turn a high salary into generational wealth.
What kind of salary are we talking

>> No.50388743

Pls source ser

>> No.50388799


>> No.50388889
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I made like 50+ webms of her a while back ago but don't remember her name.

>> No.50388923

thanks anon, seeing her ride a bike killed any desire I had to fap

>> No.50389131

You're welcome, Anon. I have some good ones but that was the first one I dug up.

>> No.50389267

Well…post ‘em!

>> No.50389409

Fuck every fucking coomer, you niggers need to be gassed

>> No.50390402

Is coffee good for you though? What about for your bowels?

>> No.50390464

yes but unironically

>> No.50391777

well ?? do God's work anon