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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50377567 No.50377567 [Reply] [Original]

I'm giving up on dating bros. At this point the sexual marketplace has become hyper competitive and frankly I just don't have the mental energy to expend on figuring out how to land a high quality girl. This isn't some MTGOW shit. I've dated really hot chicks in the past, but lately it seems that you have to be a super hero to have a decent chance and even if you get that chance and score a great chick, the threat of poaching is always there.

I am going to continue working on myself and doing things for fun of it while I'm still here, but I am taking a moment here to throw up the white flag. If an opportunity comes along, I'll take it, but I'm going to try to not let my old pursuit of women dominate my thoughts anymore.

Anyways, just wanted to share some economic thoughts with my bros on /biz/.

>> No.50377581


>> No.50377601

It's when you focus on things besides women that women start paying attention to you. Weird, I know. Lift, acquire currency, dress well. You'll make it.

>> No.50377618

>Weird, I know. Lift, acquire currency, dress well. You'll make it.

Yeah this is basically it, plus my hobbies. I'm so tired of stressing about it. I need to learn to accept the current state of things. I've been fighting against it for so long.

>> No.50377620

It's like when you do your job

>> No.50377636

>sexual marketplace
there is no such thing
this is a jewish perversion of the aryan courting ritual
perhaps you need to detox yourself from jewish propaganda

>> No.50377643

Good anon you shouldnt be focused on females in 202X+. not worth the hassle or headache and alot of chicks think open relationships are acceptable and talking to and hanging with other males is acceptable. fuck that noise. focus on your financials and hobbies and passions and you'll be alot further ahead in life in a few years.
>inb4 simp incels rush in to shit post me for daring to not worship pass itself around pussy

>> No.50378222

we're going to make it

>> No.50378378
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holes OWE me sex

>> No.50378403

God damn she looks good. Is this the ideal /biz/ girlfriend body?

>> No.50378405

nice trips anon and yes we're going to make it. keep your eye on the price and enjoy your hobbies/passions why you invest and things will be better down the road. females are a negative net worth overall and introducing one into your life will cause you to lose focus and end up dealing with her constant girl drama and childish bullshit cuz she needs to be entertained and other shit

>> No.50378410
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>short-haired tomboy gf

>> No.50378417

>good anon you shouldn’t be focused on females in 1973
>>good anon you shouldn’t be focused on females in 1987
>>>good anon you shouldn’t be focused on females in 1999
>>>>good anon you shouldn’t be focused on females in 2007

The famous battle cry of the ugly beta male.

>> No.50378421

Somebody chilled a book about that lifestyle. 'The Menu' or sth. Is it worth it? Listening to a podcast with the author and he sounds rather retarded desu

>> No.50378455

ahh a simp incel appears to defend wahmen and curry favor with the opposite sex. do you honestly think simping so hard will get you laid or a gf incel? jesus fuck you're pathetic. ALWAYS some simp incel that comes into a thread talking about females to proclaim if you're not chasing pussy you're a *think he proclaims here* and than you sit there thinking you're nothing nobody never was nothing going nowhere in life ass's opinion matters? stfu and sit down simp incel girls wont hold your hands cuz you desperately defend them cuz you cant get laid

>> No.50378468

That was hard to read. Legitimately made me sad for you.

>> No.50378480

I just fucked an escort. It was nice but too expensive.
So is there a world map with the price of pussy in different countries? I'd like to play sex arbitrage

>> No.50378501

This anon gets it

>> No.50378511


>> No.50378516

Or ask your mother to find you a girl, at least it works like that here in Uzbekistan. Pretty comfy, all you need to do is show that you can sustain a family.

>> No.50378520

Stop posting this fat manly pig

>> No.50378525
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When your tomboy gf wears the strap

>> No.50378573

irrelevant to the topic

>> No.50378632

Non-Jewed world must be nice.

>> No.50378795

>this isn't some mgtow shit
Cope. This is mgtow. You just don't want to admit it because it has a negative connotation thanks to journos

>> No.50378911
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My guess is that OP is out of shape and socially awkward. He really needs to look inward to understand why women aren't attracted to him. My recommendation is a strict regiment of diet, exercise, and nofap, supplemented by a healthy set of hobbies and regular bedtimes. I guarantee he would be drowning in pussy within 6 months if he has the discipline and self esteem. But instead he is going to cope and seethe because he unconsciously hates himself.

>> No.50379134

This is like Planet Fitness: we're not here to judge you.
Whatever you and your kinky tomboy gf do in the privacy of your bedroom is your own business.

>> No.50379405

>op goes im done with girls
>anon goes its clearly a problem with OP and not modern females at all
>once again the male is blamed for everything
you might be right anon or it could be a case of females are stuck up cunts that only demand the best and you have to be a 8/10 to have a chance.... you'd know this if you paid attention to the dating scene for the last few years and didnt just hide in your basement playing world of warqueer and other shitter games

>> No.50379465


Dude cheer up. This 'sexual marketplace' shit is just frustrated losers talking to each other. Women want the same things as you: a good partner, a friend, someone funny, a bit of sex. It's not rocket science. Just put yourself in a position where you are hanging out with good groups of friends and you're basically guaranteed to get a gf

>> No.50379592

>I could cash out now, but I'd rather hodl for a while longer and wait for a bigger poomp so I get get the most profit
>I could settle down and have a stable, mundane relationship with you, but I'd rather wait for some billionaire gigachad to decide he wants to dedicate his life to me and give me all his money
Same mentality, different sex. Women think they are a potential goldmine and they just need to find the perfect man to cash in on them so they can "make it" but they delude themselves from the reality that there are an endless supply of women better than them in every way who can and likely will get to that perfect man first. Much in the same way that smalltime, hopefully /biz/ards think that they are guaranteed massive gainz for the coin they've chosen or the investment strategy they made up, while not realizing that there are more powerful jews waiting behind every candle to fuck up their plans and walk away with more money than the small-timer could have ever truly made.

>> No.50379612

Great, more for me. Go wank off to anime

>> No.50379656

absolute state of demoralization shills

>> No.50379964

Going to Thailand for 3+ to remote work again and getting it all out of my system while there. Here in Denmark the dating market is absolute shit

>> No.50380069

Women literally hate being with pussies. The 10 point scale does not quite apply the same to men because we are literally judged on so much more. That scale also is losing its relevance for women somewhat as well. But none of that matters if you simply focus on being the best man you can possibly be. You will have your pick of a bunch of women who will all fall in love with you... As long as you maintain that "alpha" veneer. Don't hate women for following their biological programming

>> No.50380194

what is in your opinion the thing that is making you less competitive?
looks? money? personality?

>> No.50380196

I dont hate females for being female. I dont hate female at all. I just came to the conclusion they are a negative net investment to my life and thus I cut out the costs. If I hated them I wouldnt be so calculating about it. I'd be alot more emotional and hurt.

>> No.50380305

"being the best man you can be" is something that can only be achieved while single.

>> No.50380372

Ironic this comment comes from a weeb/furry (I can't tell since I"m not a degenerate. I think the difference between me and you anon is that I don't settle for out of shape and low quality girls (match with these types of girls all the time). My guess is you are either a virgin or you married young with a hog. I can guarantee you I'm richer, more fit, and likely better looking than you. The market has gotten competitive and somehow your head is in the sand. And no, I don't hate myself. I practice self love everyday.

>> No.50380412

Yikes. Take it easy man.

>> No.50380607

>If an opportunity comes along, I'll take it, but I'm going to try to not let my old pursuit of women dominate my thoughts anymore.
this is the key anon

>> No.50380665

The entire point of 'self improvement' is sex though. Literally everyone is telling you this: improve yourself in the way women want so you can get pussy.

There is zero attempt to analyze whether or not women are worthwhile or if there is anything wrong with them. Male NPCs literally cannot blame women. They will always blame men.

But all this is academic anyway. These virgins need to go be direct with women and make the first move; women cannot even understand male self improvement, much less appreciate it. It's like trying to show off how I went from 1800 elo to 2200 elo in a chess game against my 8 year old: he doesn't fucking understand, he just wants to be loved at his level.

>> No.50380757

That's when I want them the least.

>> No.50380789

Great post and very insightful.

>> No.50380823
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>> No.50380847

Not a map, but will tell you everything you need to know. Once you find a destination you are interested in, Google "sex tourism forum xxxx destination" to find even more granular information and discussion. Have fun.

>> No.50380911

This is how you stay forever virgin.
Nobody's gonna approach you.

>> No.50380959

Best thing you can do is get fit & improve your social media

Also try going to a place where you're 'foreign' to others if that makes sense

I used to have a 6 pack & some muscle, ran 5 miles almost daily
I had women shoot their shot & randoms give me heavy eye contact & comments, even though I was broke as fuck

I lost all my muscle & became super scrawny now due to circumstances, not being able to afford the time in the gym & eating rich protein foods like I used to
I also deleted my social media

no female attention now lol

It's kinda sad, most average men can't get sex in the US because social media has changed the mindset of modern women

You can also drive a really nice car, own a house & have a fit body but if you don't have a social media page or have 1 but have shitty pictures - that's a major red flag, viewed as potential serial killer because thats what Netflix says lol

>> No.50381019

And this is why I will forever be an international sex tourist. I refuse to play that social media game and never ending hamster wheel. I will buy $50 hookers in South America and SE Asia or Eastern Europe. I will not give my money or, far more importantly, effort to Western roasties. Unless a western girl magically falls in my lap (extremely unlikely) I will never again invest a second of time or a penny of my money into them. Foreign hookers only.

>> No.50381083

I'm sorry anon. I'm not even particularly hot but I'm tall and broad-shouldered so I get interest once a year or so.

>> No.50381110

I am a special needs person who is shorter than average and cannot be trusted to take care of himself, I am a genetic and financial dead end, so you are doing better than me if that helps you.

>> No.50381123

purple is my dick

>> No.50381138

If you’re attracted to girls like this you’re low-key gay

>> No.50381147

Your dick is GONNA be purple after your tomboy gf gets through with it, you know what I'm sayin' brother.

>> No.50381232
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>short-haired tomboy gf
>wrestle every night, winner tops
>it's a legitimate 50/50 who wins because she's athletic and you're a skinny /biz/raeli
You have no idea what I would give for this.

>> No.50381231

thats a man

>> No.50381266

This is the dream, anon. This is the dream.

>> No.50381317
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>> No.50381324

Dating is extremely /biz/. You save a ton of money once you start cohabitation.

>> No.50381357

Why the fuck would I want a landwhale that's taken tons of dick?

>> No.50381473

Good post anon
Elaborate on womens scales more? I tell my buddies this all the time, they're like "waaaaaaahhhhhh Im 5'10! No girl likes short guys, its over!" And i tell them, girls hate pussies who bitch, be a man but its on deaf ears. How do you lead youe friends out of darkness? Im the chad of the group, which wasnt always that way, but they seem suck. Questioning if i should even try if they are dragging me down

>> No.50381546
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>Im 5'10! No girl likes short guys, its over!
Mfw 5'10 is already short and I'm still 5'5

>> No.50381565

Approach? Maybe if you're good looking and tall. But building a life means you'll have a social circle, financial means and will likely be looksmaxxed which means women will gravitate towards you more and drop more indicators of interest, once you learn to pick up on that it's literally like shooting fish in a barrel

>> No.50381568

Just keep preaching and practice what you preach. Your friends will learn to trust and follow what you do.

The 10 point scale is a time-honored standard for hotness but unlike many men, I have standards for personality and intelligence. Yes, I believe that a woman should work in some capacity. That could mean climbing the corporate ladder, or being the perfect Martha Stewart mom type. No room for couch potatoes in my life. Someone on /biz/ yesterday posted that they don't consider those items as their goal is to impregnate as many 10s as possible. This is not practical and he is talking out of his ass. My advice for most people is that they need to find their best mate and stick with them.

>> No.50381585

I have a buddy who is your exact height, and he's been married for a year now. Cute wife too, they're both stupid libtards, but you can still find success. Buddy isnt super attractive but he is super confident and pretty buff. He leans into his shortness and wears it like a badge of pride.

>> No.50381654

Congratulations on somehow managing to contribute less to the board than the shitcoiners

>> No.50381658

5'2" here, I was totally screwed until I realised I could just straight up lie on my profile. Fake screenshot of multi mil portfolio, pictures of me at an expensive airbnb larping as my house, pictures of me with an expensive rental car larping as mine. Business suit larp photo with some bullshit profession. Once you get them hooked you just spin some bullshit.

>We can't do my place tonight, gf is home (they love this one)
>Yeah I'll just grab an uber, want to have a few drinks so can't drive (don't have to expose your shitbox car)

That sort of shit, fuck them at a hotel or their place, just need some confidence to maintain the facade. No good for getting an actual gf, but where do you even find non skanks anyway.

>> No.50381685

Damn, how do you keep them interested when you toddle through the doorway?

>> No.50381698

You're fucking old prostitutes pretending to be normal girls at age 28-40

>> No.50381737

Weird prostitutes that don't take payment?

They do it themselves out of lust for my fake money and bullshit high flying lifestyle. You underestimate poor skanks. I never finish inside though which makes some of them seethe, I think a lot of them are trying to baby trap.

>> No.50381789

>be me
>be model as a child
>be semi-nerd
>date like 5 girls but none last because no social skills
>get older and lankier
>love to talk and socialise now but don't have social media because fuck zuckerberg
>now 20
>6'2 and being going to gym for half a year
>still at university but have $10k in the bank from casual work
>don't use dating apps because fuck that fake bullshit
>get absolutely nothing from women
>not even a single look
music and my work are my only solace
honestly depressing when my exes all have no trouble getting relationships even immediately after they break up despite being uglier than i am and wearing glasses and have asymmetric facial shape and shit

>> No.50382110

>now 20
fortunately, your life is just now getting started. keep grinding at the gym, keep grinding at uni, don't touch the liquid jew once you turn 21.

>> No.50382117

Yes. They're trying to settle down with a rich man.

>> No.50382170

Why not just buy a prostitute at that point? Cheaper and more honest. To be real, I'd rather just not have sex with modern options being what they are.

>> No.50382198

bro, there are asian guys getting gfs. and if an asian guy can get anything, then everybody can get something.

>> No.50382203

>I've dated really hot chicks in the past,
then why are you still single, nigger? fucking isn't dating, coombrains and fucking isn't love and romance, coombrains
kys zoomer/millennial shitstain, make the world a slightly brighter place

>> No.50382405
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>t. seething trannie

>> No.50382422

What the fuck is "dating"?
What is your goal?

>> No.50382522
File: 55 KB, 640x405, A8614A5A-37A6-452A-9E36-86B1616E4131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up you know-nothing retard

>> No.50382591
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Funny how women don't seem to care about being "the best they can be", instead demanding that men worship them as they are. Meanwhile, their requirements for men are insane.

>> No.50382626

look at yourself in the mirror if you had an iota of self awareness

>> No.50382628

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.50382702

bro the results are in you are homosexual and your whole family is going to hell gg no re

>> No.50382717

God I hate Summers here.

>> No.50382761

That's why you steer clear of them.

>> No.50382802
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We're all going to make it.

>> No.50382887

It's just "lift, work and have friends". No revelations.

>> No.50382931

all dating doesn't happen via approaches dude. when you focus on yourself and your hobbies you end up places with people who are into the same shit you are. doing the same shit. so you get to know each other through that and you hit it off.

>> No.50382935

>t. never been approached before