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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 400x300, Adolf-Hitler-1933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50377542 No.50377542 [Reply] [Original]

You've been warned. 10% of your portfolio should be gold, 10% should be silver. And make gains with the remaining 80% until the musical chairs stop for the USD.

Also Silver Ends the Fed

>> No.50377563

>>>/pol/ is that way chud

>> No.50377584

>Jewish inflationary metal ends the fed
Cringe and nogainspilled

>> No.50377621

>if you’re not betting against the bis you’re a retard
What part of no refuge don’t you understand?

>> No.50377683

Based. Internet imaginary coiners will seeth

>> No.50377717

There is a parable in the book of Mormon called the great and spacious building in which resides worthless modern decadent people who mock those outside the building who are on the true and humble path of enlightenment.

This world is full of morons. They will mock you for buying gold which is only down about 5-7% on the year while they hold crypto which are down 60%.

Crabs in a bucket. Decadent normies. Modernized. Effeminate. And brain dead. Regurgitating things they've heard as knowledge or fact. Disregard them entirely. They will never make it and will probably be starving in the streets relatively soon. I will remember everything they said and did when that time comes.

>> No.50377762
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>> No.50377850

Yes I'm sure you'll be a very wealthy troon with your half ounce of gold. You may even be able to afford the surgery!

>> No.50377958
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Silver is the money of your ancestors, papers that you covet are issued by jews who run the federal reserve. They can't print more physical silver anons. They can only suppress it with the paper market until there's no more physical silver left.


>> No.50377975
File: 183 KB, 675x1500, 14142 - 4chan donald_trump glasses irl its_okay_to_be_white kekistan maga nazi open_mouth pol_(4chan) soyjak stubble swastika variant classic_soyjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You've been warned. 10% of your portfolio should be gold, 10% should be silver. And make gains with the remaining 80% until the musical chairs stop for the USD.
>Also Silver Ends the Fed

>> No.50378046

Word of advice nigger, buy crypto while it's low. The jew is currently loading his bags while he shakes out the weak. Dont miss your chance to accumulate

>> No.50378061

Okay that fat kid wearing a suit in the bottom picture looks badass

>> No.50378085

how did he turn germany's shit economy into a powerhouse?

>> No.50378146
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Oh I am anon, 80% of my portfolio is in ICP, LINK, ETH and BTC right now. In about a year I'll cash out and go all into physical silver. I'm 90% sure we're at the bottom now and throughout the next month or so, then wait civil war/societal collapse out, then make more gains from converting silver into whatever it buys me afterwards. Probably the beginning of the new crypto paradigm.

>> No.50378181
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He was supported by peak globohomo, something that 95% of poltards don't want to admit, he had the funding and logistical support from globohomo of the time. Hence he was times person of the year etc, the west was raving about him, just to butter him up into destroying the German people and the Russian people as well.

>> No.50378210

You'll be fine then, op. ICP has the most potential of any project atm

>> No.50378260

Yes I know, I've heard it a million times. But guess what? As long as kikes control the issue of money there will not be a gold or silver standard.

>> No.50378291

there will never be one ever again period
it's more likely that we go to an ammunition standard than a silver standard

>> No.50378330

No, that's retarded. The only way a gold/silver standard would be approved is for kikes to own all sources of the minerals.

>> No.50378393
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But what can they do to stop people from buying out all of the silver? Other than control moralle by lowering price, they're powerless to stop the physical silver from leaving their vaults. Look at comex numbers since the squeeze began, they go down, and down, and down, only about 60m oz left from the initial 135m. Once it hits the low 10-20m range and industry starts to panic (especially the vehicle industry) and load up as well before a perceived boom, silver will get reevalued overnight.

But then an even more interesting thing happens. The boomers, who all grew up with silver money, will be like "I told you so! All this printing is going to collapse the dollar!" And start to cash in their boomer millions into physical silver and gold as well, and since volume will be so low (since most of those buying are hodling through societal collapse), there won't be enough to satisfy demand, further making it skyrocket, and this of course causes the collapse of the stonk marker and the US bond market and ultimately the dollar.

All of this is a part of the SETF plan.

The idea is to get silver, not crypto, to be the solution to the inflating dollar. Because with every transaction being public ledger, human society will become slaves who will never again have freedom. SETF is our last and only hope to resist total control by the Jewish bankers.

Agreed, its 50% of my total portfolio, im considering selling my LINK for it desu

>> No.50378529

They can keep the ball rolling as long as they'd like. They will just exhaust most people out. There probably isn't anyone with enough physical silver to make them concerned like the hunt brothers.

>> No.50378537

it is retarded i was alluding to some sort of post apocalypse scenario not a real economy
because we will never return to a commodity standard it's a ludicrous notion
even if there was the desire to, which there isn't and the policy makers will never want to, there is still the problem of all the wheels already spinning
the systems we have would require a total reset which just can't happen

>> No.50378568

Gold and silver are centralized though

>> No.50378619
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>natsoc tranny

>> No.50379097
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Nigger read the thread, if anything I made an argument against Hitler. Your attention span makes sense though, considering that pic. Low IQ scum

>> No.50379101

>But what can they do to stop people from buying out all of the silver
The known extractible silver reserves, eg the amount in surveyed areas, run into the hundreds of thousands of tons. There is a lot more in the ground on top of that. Silver recycling is also getting more sophisticated (no more ripping up the silver foil in old solar panels and selling it in the glass, it will be extracted soon). There is a fuckload of silver anon. The Hunt Brothers short squeeze has to be one of the most distortionate financial events of the 20th century, it's created literal generations of bagholders who don't know how the comex works or how silver production is unprofitable. Metals producers need exit liquidity for a waste metal that is produced as a byproduct of zinc, lead, and copper extraction.

Silver is useful. But silver is not money. It has always been a horrible, inflationary monetary standard, causing ridiculous misery in Asia and elsewhere

>> No.50379403
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You're right, there is a lot of silver underground, and mining will always get more. But do you know how many TONS of earth need to be moved currently to mine 1 oz of silver? Over 700. How much energy that takes, compared to the cost of energy (diesel), leads me to believe $20/oz is basically free.

>> No.50379460

sorry hunny, but crypto is stuck with humanity forever now. Your shiny rocks have lost their luster.

>> No.50379718

>he had the funding and logistical support from globohomo of the time.
lol wut?

>just to butter him up into destroying the German people and the Russian people as well
You're actually retarded if you believe this. The Nazis were a legitimate revolt against the Jew's subversion of Germany. Read hitler's writings and then tell me that he was insincere. The jews already had control of Russia too. They certainly didnt need hitler for the holodomor or any of their other atrocities against white russians.

Go back to nu-/pol/, retard faggot

>> No.50379957

>He was supported by peak globohomo, something that 95% of poltards don't want to admit
OK. I suppose you also believe that Arabs control hollywood.

>> No.50379968

>immediately dumps 20%

Kys faggot

>> No.50380015

Hail Hitler!

>> No.50380040

I read that most silver is mined as a by-product of base metals

>> No.50380174
File: 100 KB, 744x438, 443A156C-5D12-44B8-A08D-11D3B6C72B7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's real

>> No.50380188

Why are you using Hitler to shill shiny rocks?

>> No.50380250

>pmtards STILL think printing is the problem
low iq mouthbreathers

>> No.50380382

>Posts plans from Peak-Weimar era.
Yeah, not so sure about that.

>> No.50380457
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I hold
>physical gold

Silver is for retards. Read about the Hunt Brothers.

>> No.50380471

First off, Kys phonefag. Secondly, this plan predates Hitler's control over Germany.

>> No.50380479

jews won't let gold an silver pump so why should i buy it

>> No.50380601

That is a pathetic holding chief

>> No.50380662

It is, it's only $3k worth of gold, I wanted to buy more, but they wanted ID. Just started buying few weeks ago.
You can buy gold anonymously under a certain limit.

>> No.50380686

>he thinks $200 million pouring into german industry had no effect on germany's post-weimar rise
>he thinks the money stopped there
you really don't know anything do you?
Nazi germany was a big party for international finance. everyone knew hitler was rearming. no one cared that he wanted to take poland. no one cared what the nazis did as long as they could profit off it. capitalism baby. the money was pouring in. only when hitler turned the lights off in the late 30s did all these financiers go from seeing germany as an asset to being a liability. they then shorted it with a tidal wave of blood, and bought the bottom for cheap

>> No.50380741

Bought silver
Lost 20%

>> No.50380762

>uhhh TROON
you can always tell a glownigger because their insults don't make sense. they don't understand chan culture, they just know that "troon" is an insult.
for future reference, troons holding PMs is NOT a stereotype here. try "boomer", "/pol/tard", or just the good old "low IQ retard". have a good work day, I hope you make lots of $0.25 per post.

>> No.50380840
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>> No.50380891
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that shit is going to $100

>> No.50380965

the monarchy was better

>> No.50381668
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I have 60 oz of gold aka a top 1% global gold owner. Suck my dick and get wrecked faggot. Theres people out there better than you and smarter than you and we don't play with crypto.

>> No.50381694

You've exactly proved my point. Everything I said still applies. You're a dumb faggot which is why you buy crypto.

>> No.50381734


It takes ten years to get a silver mine going faggot and the current proven reserves are miniscule for future demand. Stop saying things you know nothing about. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.50382161

>inflationary metal
your gaslighting doesn't work here, jew

>> No.50382196
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On anon, your gullibility is laughable. Ask yourself "why was this guy Times person of the year"?

And then go read the Times article, and then realize it was peak American money/business that made the "German war machine " and then realize that the Holocaust never happened, it was just a pretense to get the jews free gibs and to create the state of Israel.

Then realize that only white people suffered (mass genocide of Russians and Germans), both becoming atheist states by and large.

And you think that wasn't all planned by the jews who were pulling Hitlers strings? You are a true retard anon. Truly under the Jewish spell.

>> No.50382294

that's worse for them
if it's just 2 brothers they can shut them down
can't shut down millions of buyers

you have zero knowledge of mining
also silver recycling is a joke

>> No.50382314

>buys shitty overpriced combibars
>says silver is for retards
checks out

>> No.50382343

looks far better than any of your crypto graphs, dummy

>> No.50382356

Imagine taking financial advice from a retarded /pol/ faggot who is consistently losing money on every meme investment he throws his mcwagie savings into. KEK
Fuck off back to your echo chamber faggot

>> No.50382357

>dude hitler was actually jewish
more gaslighting
it's all you kikes have

>> No.50382399

>muh hitler was a jew cuz he lost lol
You can attack our heros all you want, kike. Your tactics are retarded though

>> No.50382459

>On anon, your gullibility is laughable. Ask yourself "why was this guy Times person of the year"?
the times wasn't controlled up and down by kikes back then, retard

>> No.50382895

>And you think that wasn't all planned by the jews who were pulling Hitlers strings? You are a true retard anon. Truly under the Jewish spell.

>> No.50382930

Unless you have that gold in person, before you know what's up with the musical chairs it will all be gone.

>> No.50382961

buying physical gold and not paper goes without saying

>> No.50383464
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>the times wasn't controlled up and down by kikes back then, retard

It was honest non jewed reporting back then!

>> No.50385151
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Not sure about that anon. There are staking platforms doing exceptionally well and with so much potential, privacy protocols are not left out as users are increasing due to the rate of hacks in the crypto ecosystem.

>> No.50385244

anon is seething. I take it you've not had a good history with crypto

>> No.50385259
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Americans don't even understand.

>> No.50385293
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Crypto has changed a lot of lives anon. The next wave to come might be from the metaverse, especially with how big brands and sports athletes invest in the sector.

>> No.50385345

jews be facing the heat

>> No.50385402

And rěddit is back that way, faggot

>> No.50385425
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>buy gold goys

>> No.50385428 [DELETED] 

>/biz/ makes me paranoid
>stock my bedside table with an emergency fund
>have girl over which very rarely happens
>she opens the drawer
>bottle of whiskey, a baretta 92fs pistol, 2 kilos silver bullion, 16 grams of gold, a dropper bottle of Rohypnol
>she never speaks to me again

>> No.50385505
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Sup bros

keep stacking. Let the plebs shun the white mans metal

>> No.50385645

Usually zinc or copper mines. When they have issues with inputs like diesel, tires parts...yeah it adds up quick to fewer ounces/tons being produced.

>> No.50385663

FreedomCoin at home changes everything, just like Bitcoin.
But yes, never stray away from Gold and Silver, more you own more strange dreams you will get.

>> No.50385890
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They also made better looking coins.

>> No.50386087

I've heard about the dollar milkshake theory here before, but how does it end? so the usd keeps up weaker currencies, but eventually those countries will be defaulting on debts. there are also countries that are more independent of usd, like russia, middle eastern countries and east asian countries, so how do they play into the long term usd increase?

I'm guessing eventually there will be some major conflict over the issue, but any further insight into how the dollar milkshake ends is appreciated

>> No.50386131
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>> No.50386326
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>is against Hitler and promotes disinfo about him and Natsoc
>says "poltards"
>shills silver
You're one of those JlDF fags who goes around calling silver "God's money" and posts Jesus bars, while posting shit like picrel on /pol/.

>> No.50386366
File: 1.80 MB, 720x1444, 1652979861119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coins like these the JlDF doesn't want you to see. Lots of old European coins during or shortly after christianization have jewish letters on them and praise Yahweh.

>> No.50387134

Hello. The funding you are referring to is the Rothschilds bank fundings, correct? That was actually a made up smear campaign by the Marxist-Lenists newspaper Vorwarts. Hitler took them to court and won for slander, because their claims were unsubstantiated and without any proof. Hope this clears things up for you


>> No.50388666

bumping a surprisingly good thread.

>> No.50388672

Fuck your trash rocks

>> No.50388812

Icp is struggling frankly chad. I'd pick the Sports Metaverse instead for its potential after considering it's supported by the likes of YouTube and Sony.

>> No.50389351


>> No.50389394

I have a decent stash if BTC and ETH too. Also a member of Railgun DAO and taking part in governance for the progress of the privacy protocol.

>> No.50389819

Can one of you fags explain the bull case for silver in a non-schizo way?

>> No.50390971

Those are good picks anon but you should consider NFTs too. Binance recently announced a partnership with Ronaldo for NFTs and this could bring more users into the space.

>> No.50392502

And lit

>> No.50392520

I guess you might face a little bit of loss but investing in long-term assets makes profit secured.

>> No.50392564

I have my fair share of gold anon. Looking to try my luck in the metaverse with virtual lands. Noticed the space had potential when I saw football clubs like Manchester City and stars like Ronaldinho getting involved.

>> No.50393479

This is cold