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50374465 No.50374465 [Reply] [Original]

>web 3
>cross chain

>> No.50375327

Defi if at all.

The rest are memes

>> No.50375350

DeFi will be stronger after the dead of CeFi

>> No.50375517


>> No.50376777

Personally, I think investment DAOs or anything looking to combine offchain and onchain worlds.

I think reputation systems that can bring elements of a person's identity on-chain are particularly underrated but most aren't on the market just yet.

Idk if these will be any good but https://www.violet.co/

are a few operating in this space

>> No.50379431


>> No.50379717
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>> No.50379831

Someone explain all these things to me loke you would a child.

>> No.50379910


>> No.50379914

Sphere on polygon

>> No.50379956

This is literally RLC

>> No.50380182 [DELETED] 

DeFi is already way easier to use than any CeFi garbage. With layer 2 networks decreasing gas and CeFi requiring KYC its over for them. Plus all the bad press from celcius.

web3 is a profound misunderstanding of what the internet needs, going nowhere.

nfts are dead

metaverse is a complete meme, P2E gaming might come back though

cross chain sucks, when ETH 2.0 comes out people will drop most other networks

nobody cares about privacy

TLDR: DeFi and gaming for the next bullrun

>> No.50380968

Came to say this

>> No.50382562

undoubtedly it is and i can see that it will host new and already existing web 2 users

>> No.50382671

onboarding to the new web would be made seamless using the Ore Network as the protocol that will connect initial social media account to the web 3 crypto identity

>> No.50383641

whatever crypto projects supported by the hbar foundation, since its not only covering a specific sector of the market, its covering
>cross chain

>> No.50385612

The metaverse would take over the space in the coming months anon. There's considerable innovation there and sports brands like Nike and Adidas are getting involved.

>> No.50385637

I don't know anon. web3 is still quite early

>> No.50386207
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What about CeDeFi? There are platforms that do not depend on crypto volatility. One of them is Freeway.

>> No.50386220

Ones that connect web2 to web3 and are backed by market makers like Jump Trading aka: XCAD

>> No.50386242

So, does that mean that if my GMT aren't backed by hbar I'm essentially fucked despite being a pretty popular web 3 dapp? Fuck me.

>> No.50386279

hbar corporation is a funding company, right? that's doesn't something or being die or alive lmao

>> No.50386324

step'n is a game that looks into the metaverse, and web3 is something attached to the metaverse, so, the principal idea of this is that they are backed by hbar, they are already backed

>> No.50386334

hbar is a crypto, you stupid animal

>> No.50386343
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I mean it's doing pretty well right now so I think maybe gmt could benefit from having support from it somehow? Could be cool imo

>> No.50386351

I see. Alright then.

>> No.50386356

I think that it will not be fucked anyways, it's something that will not change anything and everything will be as it always was

>> No.50386371
File: 335 KB, 1350x618, TIMESAND___TSLA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see Tesla stock really took off when I moved to that apartment in Dunwoody where they started stealing my semen on an industrial scale to sell it through Tesla. I moved there after Helene kicked me out of the condo I was renting from her when I could no longer pay rent after she got me fired from my job at Georgia Tech by telling sick and malicious lies about me. This issue of my semen being Tesla's real cash cow is why Tesla had like 3 or 4 general counsels quit in one year: they found out what Tesla's real business model is and got out of there, ASAP. All of those billions Elon is reaping off his stock come from selling my stolen semen. That's also why Tesla encountered "surprise Model 3 production delays" due to "certain parts being made by hand" when I became homeless in 2017: they could no longer suck the scum out of the drain in my sink and it fucked up their business model. Also, the reason Tesla started charging more for "black paint" after I started to grow my hair out is because they were selling GM-ed black haired babies grown from my stolen semen for a premium.

>Behind Tesla's Production Delays: Parts of Model 3 Were Being Made by Hand

>Tesla has lost its top lawyer for the third time in the past year

>Tesla's black paint just got $1,000 more expensive

>> No.50386907

The one you didn't invest in

>> No.50387023

I’d say MATIC because it has all of those categories and then some
>one of the most liquid DeFi markets (literally made AAVE mainstream)
>leaders of the Web3 movement with more than 6,000 monthly active Web3 team builders
>one of the most secure chains. the team can not stop any transaction
>major companies like Facebook, Disney and many more are flocking to build a Metaverse presence for themselves on Polygon
>one of the most EVM compatible chain on the market
>has been focusing a lot of privacy through Zero-knowledge proofs. Polygon ID and Poygon Nightfall and the gold standard of ZK privacy

>> No.50387059

Regenerative finance

>> No.50387090

Next to celsius nad voyager

>> No.50387294

which dao projects are you investing in? CULT? BitDAO? Curve?

>> No.50387363

it is a new innovation and it is bound to see new entrants coupled with the fat that it comes with amazing features

>> No.50387384


>> No.50387411

these are simply different areas a project could come from but in all honesty Ore Network cuts across all of these except for privacy

>> No.50387620

I think celsius is too dependent on crypto volatility and the mismanagement of the platform also creates a bigger impact.

>> No.50387900

really? with web 3 being the next big thing and security being another important factor in the space judging from recent platform hacks, spams and exploits

>> No.50388061
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It has to be the metaverse chad. Seeing good potential in the Sports Metaverse with investments from YouTube and Sony.

>> No.50388912


>> No.50388975

Coinbase is insolvent

>> No.50389293

You've got to be kidding me

Well, everyone is moving to decentralized exchanges after the repeated situation with CEXes and withdrawals. I take extra security measures on my assets by using privacy solutions for all my on-chain transactions.

>> No.50389492

>Well, everyone is moving to decentralized exchanges after the repeated situation with CEXes and withdrawals. I take extra security measures on my assets by using privacy solutions for all my on-chain transactions.

what do you think of wallet security with a one-touch sign on that reduces exposure of information online rather sign in with existing social media accounts

>> No.50389557
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>Yo!!! that's a long list bruv.
I think AxlToken will fit in well, shit has DeFi, Web3, Senna Now NFTs coming soon, upcoming metaverse gameplay and cross-chain bridge on Poly network. dammit that's a whole lot. Catch your sub fag.

>> No.50389563

Lol ya right, ain't nothing all a meme. Besides DeFi downturn last quarter was imminent yet we retards still trust in it. Fucking get some other preferences.

>> No.50389576

Projects like FLD be merging both CeDeFi, I wish dem speed.

>> No.50389589

Fucking give this man a glass of his fave beer, Web3 is the fucking future ain't no doubt about that that's why I banked more on AxlToken and TEAM, shit gonna go parabolic no cap.

>> No.50389624

SCRT and ZKP doing that well, but if Elrond network can fix the blockchain trilemma of security, speed and decentralization then fuck yeah RIDE and Zpay ain't exempted from this.

>> No.50389637

What's does it actually do?

>> No.50389652

One of your hodling?
RLC, LRC, some ticker are damn confusing

>> No.50389682
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Disney is partnering with Polygon, I think the metaverse is getting the right amount of traction, something holoride did already and has integrated it into its ecosystem.
A Shanghai billionaire willing to invest billions into the metaverse.

>The metaverse would take over the space in the coming months anon.

>> No.50389692

Fuck yeah.

>> No.50389711

do you mean web 3?

>> No.50389717

I know of FLUID building that in conjunction to liquidity aggregation.
Maybe Axl will join hands in terms of bringing DeFi over TradFi with its currency implementing in check.

>> No.50389721

lol, we would see lots of web 2 users moving to that new shit soon

>> No.50389729

Still so undervalued.

>> No.50389793
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They got no choice anon, why be in the dark when other brands are migrating and doing well. Even car brands like Audi, Porsche and Mercedes are bringing in Web3 gaming and in-car edutainment for its passengers via holoride.
The world ain't seen nothing yet, i bet on my left balls.

>> No.50389824

Man's giving his take, some projects cut across quite a few.

>> No.50389841

the migration would even be seamless as these users would be able to connect their existing social media accounts to the crypto identity in the new web

>> No.50389847

it is that simple you know

>> No.50389852

web 5

>> No.50389889

well well look at that.

>> No.50389898

Jack Dorsey is speaking into the future.
Let's bank on what's on ground.

>> No.50389910

I will love to see these things. I might just have to bank more on metaverse, defi and Web3. NFTs going extinct, yeah?

>> No.50389959
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Nah, although SOL NFTs are filled with craps. Only OkayBears standing out for me.
>But c'mon take a look at ETH NFTs and see some demn good NFTs.
Ayrton Senna NFTs on the way as AxlToken is building it. Hoping to mint a super rare NFT in here.

>> No.50389975

I'm sure we'd get to 3 before 5

it is just around the corner, there are couple of web 3 projects building and Ore network will seamlessly secure a safe landing for all migrating users

>> No.50390041

Nfts were the real tulip mania 2.0

>> No.50390873
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Spelt wrong but yes, metaverse is definitely blowing up real soon

>> No.50390891

There is no reason why DeFi can't be strong now

>> No.50390918

bitDAO has a treasury large enough to compete with exchanges. Shit is blowing up cuz.

>> No.50390990

Web3 is but I see metaverse becoming a bigger deal over the next couple of years probably because of the backings it's getting especially from sport and gaming brands.

>> No.50391188

Web5 will take some time. Not anytime soon

>> No.50391199

I have more confidence in metaverse based projects. Waiting to see how the land sale on sport metaverse turns out. Real top guys in the industry are pushing it

>> No.50391379

why would I tell you so you can pump it up, during the bear market I will accumulate at the bottom and as much as I can with every paycheck

>> No.50392075

Exactly anon. Not to mention that privacy protocols like Railgun are now set to integrate with defi which would help users avoid hacks and targeted scams.

>> No.50392184

Metaverse will if you ask me because it will take fandom to a new level and fans will be able to interact with their favourite athletes.

>> No.50392304
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>Of course, security is a concern. The quantum computer threat is on the rise, and while some may argue that it isn't real, the fact is that possible in a few years

>> No.50392489

The only thing that actually has value in crypto and hasn't properly pump yet, so privacy.

>> No.50392742

NIST already announced the 4 post-quantum resistant algorithm, and Suprisely QAN is already using one of them in its QAN XLINK "CRYSTAL Dilithium" before the annocement

>> No.50394237

You might want to pay attention to the Metaverse chad. Especially with the way celebrities and top athletes are getting involved. Just a few weeks back Binance announced their partnership with Ronaldo for NFTs and this might drive in major adoption from the world of sports.