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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50370877 No.50370877 [Reply] [Original]

I'm setting up a small business that grows GMO [genetically modified] mealworms and then grinds them up into flour to be used as a healthy protein additive to foods to lower costs for consumers. Why are people so averse to the idea of eating mealworms if they''ve been processed?

>> No.50370884

I seriously want to know what the problem is with people who rage at this, I just don't see an issue.

>> No.50370889
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tick tock kike

>> No.50370897

>I'm setting up a small business that grows GMO [genetically modified] mealworms

So you're a literal shill.

>> No.50370906

Yeah nice try Klaus

>> No.50370940

make burgers made of worms and you are fine
in fact will make it easily in the jewnited states

>> No.50370949

I'm not jewish you retarded nigger

>> No.50370971

i'm not shilling my company because it doesn't even fully exist yet but i'm "shilling" the idea of eating bugs, if you want to put it like that; i guess

>> No.50371004

seriously wtf is your problem with it? do you even have a single problem you can articulate?

>> No.50371008

I don't think even the woketards pushing this will eat the bugs.

>> No.50371027

that's not the idea, the plan is to add mealworm powder to foods you already eat as filler (generally you can get up to 40-50% of the food being mealworm before you begin to notice a minor taste difference)

>> No.50371049
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You realize that we use bugs in a lot of foods already, right? like with Mcdonald's McSundae's, the food colouring is made from bugs

>> No.50371060

The truth is, everybody has been eating the bugs for decades. There is a reason why law dictates the max amount of insect our food can contain.
Also, a red pill: insects are healthier than veggies and mammal meat: no pesticides, no antibiotics and no oestrogens

>> No.50371081

>insects are healthier than veggies and mammal meat: no pesticides, no antibiotics and no oestrogens

literally yes, there's a reason bodybuilders have been chowing down on bugs since the 80s

>> No.50371082

Imagine putting an entire whole cow into a blender and then saying "eat this or you're a bigot"

yeah this is why I'm not eating the bugs

>> No.50371107

Wtf? what are you talking about?

>> No.50371136

the bugs

>> No.50371154

Why won't you eat them? give a specific reason

>> No.50371162
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>Also, a red pill: insects are healthier than veggies and mammal meat: no pesticides, no antibiotics and no oestrogens

>> No.50371171

>the food colouring is made from bugs
cope faggot.

>> No.50371173

He's not wrong...

>> No.50371182

how is that a cope? it is made from bugs

>> No.50371228

See >>50371082
Unless you're paying someone to seperate the "meat" from the weird organs and literall shit that's inside them, I'm not that into it. At this point it would be more cost effective to get people to eat current livestock's offal, and until you get that adopted there's no way people will eat ze bugs.

>> No.50371231

Nice argument, faggot. Post hand, I want to laugh at you

>> No.50371248
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>Nice argument, faggot. Post hand, I want to laugh at you

>> No.50371261

Mediterranean here, I don't touch your degenerate american shit you call ''food''. Go die in a ditch, subhuman filth.

>> No.50371268
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It’s about symbolism. Eating insect is seen as gross since childhood in most western world (imagine yourself eating ants at 7)

Some cultures do it, just like some cultures have different values. If you want to change it in the wealth, you have to start with the youth : make it cool to eat bugs. Maybe don’t call it bugs ?
Something like «Ethical Animal Protein»?

My problem with eating bugs is that I feel it will be the food of common people while the rich will keep on eating «real meat». I feel lower than them and don’t like it. It would feel better if I saw celebrities eating the same meal as me.

>> No.50371270

the food is pastuerized anyways so it doesn't matter and they're not fed for so an so many hours before they get ground up

>> No.50371273
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Oh hi, healthy boy, I saved u time

>> No.50371282

Where is this animosity coming from? i'm intrigued why you think i'm some evil supervillain

>> No.50371284

>seriously wtf is your problem with it?

I don't want to eat bugs. I don't see why this is so hard for you to understand. The only people you'll get to buy your product are wimpy liberals who feel intimidated by non-existent social pressure to do whatever the elites tell them to do to save the planet or whatever.

>> No.50371294

We are too high for that. I'm not gonna sink to eating bugs. Fuck off.

>> No.50371297

Have no qualm with people eating bugs.

I prefer meat and will continue to do so, even if I have to deploy more capital.

There is something in me that revolts at any socialist utopian idea, it always ends in mass starvation and death camps, even when the idea being pushed is to improve the food supply.

>> No.50371300

I can assure you that if current trends continue by 2050 celebrities will almost only be eating similar meals to you in a wider sense, ie. you'll be eating a burger with 55% mealworms while they'll be eating one with 35% mealworms

>> No.50371310

jesus that hand is so fucking fat

>> No.50371319

why don't you want to eat them though? saying you don't want to eat them because you don't want to eat them is just circular reasoning and doesn't help either of us here

>> No.50371331

why do you think eating bugs is sinking though?? what is so wrong with eating bugs if they're correctly processed etc.??

>> No.50371343

this is a far more reasonable opinion until
>There is something in me that revolts at any socialist utopian idea
i'm not a utopian or a socialist, i'm literally making a business to make money

>> No.50371356

Do you eat shellfish?
Do you devein them?
You ate prawn shit

>> No.50371391

As a conscious being, I'm capable of circular reasoning, unlike a lowly computer. As such, my reason for not wanting to eat them is that I don't want to. Understand?

>> No.50371408

>as a consious being i'm capable of being retarded unlike computers
>therefore you should accept i'm retarded

i just think you're retarded

>> No.50371440


Im not opposed to your business idea, I think its great and if you can get the branding right you'll do splendid. I may even invest with you!

Bugs are cheap, and tards are happy to pay high prices for conspicuous virtue, intangible as it may be.

What I, and probably most here have a problem with is central planning decisionmaking pushing bugs on people through soft measures( brainwashing) and market measures( Netherlands' conscious decision to tax meat to hell and expropriate farms)

>> No.50371450

>um sorry sweetie but you can't just have preferences! that's illogical and debunked by snopes!
and you still don't understand why people want to hang you up and gut you

>> No.50371455

You sir, have lost a customer.

>> No.50371457

even if it were true, you're spiritually jewish anyway
you're probably an anglo too which is an even more wicked creature than the jew

>> No.50371512

Yeah the same arguments apply to offal, people would only eat bugs out of necessity, and there's a few more stages that haven't been exhausted before that.

>> No.50371539

it's not even about high prices, it's that the profit margins are insane coupled with the fact that i [and others] can undercut people selling real bee, chicken etc.

why would a business owner take a 13% profit margin when he can take a 35% instead?

i understand objections to state interventions etc. but i have no control over any of that stuff so i dont feel responsible

>> No.50371538

>you will eat ze bug
means that, you will be FORCED to eat ze bug, as in, you won't be able to afford anything else and won't have a choice
I'm fine with eating ze bug, as long as it's due to my choice

>> No.50371551

you can have preferences but those preferences have reasons behind them you're a wild animal who only does things out of base instinct

>> No.50371576

eat my ass

>> No.50371591

i am anglo but idk how that makes me jewish

>> No.50371623

offal still requires cows, pigs etc. to be raised which costs too much to be sustainable so why not, instead of a 100% beef burger have a 45% mealworm, 15% plant protein and 40% beef burger instead?

>> No.50371643

it will be your choice however land is becoming more scarce and meat is becoming more and more unsustainable for a global population as large as ours so while it'll be a choice it'll be a choice in the sense that you choose not to eat Wagu A5 prime cuts every day instead of poorer quality meat

>> No.50371683

>26 posts by this id shilling eating ze bugs

>> No.50371693

american moment

>> No.50371711

give a reason you dont want to eat them

>> No.50371732

>27 pbid
>Trolling outside /b/

>> No.50371748
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Look i See your point and you are right.
But the meme is about not Having the choice anymore:you "will" eat the bugz not you can eat the Bugs. I playing Bugs will be only thing to eat in the future. So Yeah i will eat the bugz, but ill also eat a fat steak

>> No.50371758

not trolling but ok

>> No.50371770

based and nuancepilled

>> No.50371778
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>> No.50371785

First Bugs then ass what comes next

>> No.50371805

If it's cost/sustainability then plants always come out on top. No one is going to choose to dilute their beef burger with insects if they could have one 100% beef burger once a week and plant based the rest of the time, for the same reason people don't dilute their cola with apple juice.

>> No.50371883

Bugs need way less space, water and resources than plants. Vegtarians are killing the planet.

>> No.50371906

Plants are great but it's hard to make them taste like meat and have that kind of feel so you gotta add some mealworm to it in order to bump up the protein, calorie etc. stats and also provide a satisfying mouthfeel

>> No.50371933

especially onions beans, onions beans are enviromentally unfriendly as fuck

>> No.50371951
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>> No.50371964

bugs are for gooks, the white man should only eat beef and fresh produce

>> No.50371969
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>> No.50371974

Why the fuck would I eat bugs you freak? Just feed them to the cows and pigs and I will continue to eat proper meat and foodstuff.

>> No.50371996
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>> No.50372019

see >>50371883
You have to eat the bugs so that the planet can survive.

>> No.50372030

>The ignorance is stunning
Please include pork and chicken

>> No.50372038

Space, yes, but plants literally make the resources that the bugs need to grow in the first place.
They are getting pretty close already, there was even a plant based burger that bled convincingly.

>> No.50372064

the amount of bugs needed for just one cow would just make it not solve any issue at all also the problem of the cows and their pollution, land use etc. won't be solved either

think about it like this, either you eat like a vegan 5 days a week so you can afford some slices of prime real meat on the weekend or you eat meat but with 60% mealworm and plants added in, i'd personally prefer the latter

>> No.50372074

i'm personally placing my money on mealworms rather than grown meat or plant based meat

>> No.50372077
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>Space, yes, but plants literally make the resources that the bugs need to grow in the first place.
Valid argument. However - if you feed the bugs with deceased people you can grow them without plants.

>> No.50372085

I sometimes haves grown meat when I wake up in the morning

>> No.50372098
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>> No.50372105

so you think you have an equivalent product to beef and chicken and you think you can charge an equivalent amount of dollars for mealworms?

You're too fucking retarded. Please kill yourself larping shill.

>> No.50372114

Why not skip the middle man and just make people eat the dead?

>> No.50372119

i'd see no issue with this if you grind up and pasterurize the bodies beforehand to kill any bacteria/viruses

>> No.50372134

no what i'm saying is you can stretch beef, pork etc. with mealworms to increase profits massively

>> No.50372148
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That is unironically the next step.

>> No.50372156

Or I can ignore your insane bullshit and tell you to fuck off, I am not eating the bugs. Luckily there are some sane people left in the food industry and are making lab-grown meat, I would would eat that before I touch your freak food.

>> No.50372172

>I am not eating the bugs.
Well, as long as you can afford it - that would be a valid option.

>> No.50372173

You have to eat ze bugs. We all eat ze bugs.

>> No.50372192

because I'm a low IQ rightist sheep that fell for russian dezinformatsiya

>> No.50372198

It is only a question of price.
Meat will be too expensive soon.

>> No.50372214

you'd eat lab grown meat? usually your crowd is anti gmo and so on, curious

>> No.50372235

well it depends, if you make a burger 50% mealworms, 10% plant product and 40% beef suddenly you can make a lot of burgers very cheaply while maintaining the same taste

>> No.50372262

>People eat shit all day and dont revolt.

>> No.50372271
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If only you all had seen the truth of the alien invasion. The truth of the insects. Then you would understand everything. You would understand the elites unity in these strange things.

>> No.50372292

I have seen it. The logic is flawless.

>> No.50372313
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>> No.50372328

That shit in the pic is awesome desu,less occupied land, closer to nature. Like you become one with the tree and whenever your kids look at the tree they think of you.

>> No.50372349

based leo of biz ref

>> No.50372356

what I did not write desu it was "Tbh" wtf is wrong

>> No.50372396

why would you revolt against eating a nutritious food source?

>> No.50372408

Bugs are gross but they taste alright. Tried silkmoth pupa before.

>> No.50372456

The only thing holding it back right now is boomer indoctrination, religious beliefs and so on.
Millenials and Zoomers are way better indoctrinated and easier to manage. As boomers die off the "moral" hazards will go away. Plan is going along fine as long as people still believe the screens on their smartphones.

>> No.50372479

based, would you mind if someone gave you a beef burger that was 40% mealworms?

>> No.50372496

that doesnt explain why there'd be a revolt in the first place, though?

>> No.50372521

I told you you are correct.
There will be no revolt as long their stomachs are filled whith whatever shit you provide them as long as its "tasty".

>> No.50372528

If they're processed and it's a choice, then maybe I might consider the cheaper "processed mealworm powder" alternative... However, since (((they))) DEMAND that I MUST eat the bugs, I will burn every Jew in existence before I eat them.

>> No.50372572

well yea, if someone gave me a burger that was made with cow shit and they processed the absolute fuck out of it until it had the same nutritional content, tasted and felt exactly the same as beef i'd eat it since at that point there'd be no good reason not to

>> No.50372591

this is what i said to someone else earlier, i think it applies here as well
>"it will be your choice however land is becoming more scarce and meat is becoming more and more unsustainable for a global population as large as ours so while it'll be a choice it'll be a choice in the sense that you choose not to eat Wagu A5 prime cuts every day instead of poorer quality meat"

>> No.50372710

Know your cutomer base. As long as there is cheap meat on the market - bugs are hard to sell. However with meat and plant prices rising it WILL be profitable. And you WILL be very happy. Marketing and psyop plans are on full rotation now. Climate Change narrative will do its part. You cannot loose with this.

>> No.50372718

But it is. Carmine is exactly that. Processed food is literally cancer anyway, stay away from that shit as much as possible. If you can afford raw food and cook yourself, do it.

>> No.50372775

there's going to be cheap meat on the market because that meat has been stretched with plant protein and mealworms

>> No.50372782

Yeah, whatever you call it buddy :)

>> No.50372822


>> No.50372829

As long as it is safe to consume. And it should be cheaper than beef and pork.

>> No.50372881

Whats the real problem of eating bugs? Arent tbey more nutritious? Why the rage against it?

>> No.50372882

it's moreso about keeping the price down in the long term, while it'll be slightly cheaper when they roll out the price of beef will skyrocket so that a 100% beef burger will be like 20-30 dollars while a 40% mealworm, 20% plant product and 40% meat burger will be about the same price as a 100% meat burger today which, in comparison to a 20-30 dollar burger, is pretty good

>> No.50372902

there isn't one, people just like to rage about it because they feel they're in some way striking against a percieved elite

>> No.50372931

I'm only afraid of the possible scenario of banning eating meat or raising cattle for meat, the slippy slope thing. I want to buy and consume whatever the fuck I like, as long as its not cannibalism

>> No.50373033

it wont be banned, just put outside your price range due to population growth

>> No.50373045

>you're a wild animal who only does things out of base instinct

We have instincts for a reason.


>> No.50373069
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Why not eat the lead?

>> No.50373092

>spiritually jewish

>> No.50373101

No problem trying out bugs. I had a few crickets in asia which taste kinda good.
Wouldn’t replace my diet with it though

>> No.50373103

Because I’ll fucking kill you, pussy ass nigger.

>> No.50373123

Who will produce your food then?

>> No.50373129
File: 1.18 MB, 2492x1397, based_trans_black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spiritually jewish
>anglo too which is an even more wicked creature than the jew
gah damn that's based.

>> No.50373132

Myself and many others don't care. If it were cheaper than meat, I'd eat it instead sometimes. Mealworms taste shitty though, lowest tier insect. Chapulines and crrickets are better.

>> No.50373148

Anyone except you.

>> No.50373151

lead isnt healthy you nigger

i don't expect you to replace your diet with them, just to merely supplement the things you already eat with them

you won't do shit, pussy

>> No.50373165

>you won't do shit, pussy
Post addy, you won’t though cuz you’re a little bitch.

>> No.50373170

mealworms can be made devoid of any taste which makes it easier to add them into things like burgers for example without harming the taste or texture of the meat, i'm very glad to see you're open minded though

>> No.50373175

Is frying the only way to make them even remotely palatable?

>> No.50373188

My consultants assured me i have a food monopoly.

>> No.50373190
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Lead is very healthy, it's part of a well balanced diet for every functional democracy

>> No.50373198

I dont think people have a problem with eating ze bugs in itself my problem is more of being forced to eat them, either by artificially making meat more expansive or by government funded shilling of bugs. In my culture its really normal to eat cartepilars as a delicacy

>> No.50373216

I think they'll find that I am the one with the food monopoly. (I will steal your identity after I steal the breath from your lungs)

>> No.50373238

Well played sir. However you'll find my security consultants wouldn't want to comply with your offer.

>> No.50373240

Right now i'm in new york for some business shit so here's the address of the hotel i'm in right now, at the front desk ask the black guy for "Wesley"
50 Central Park S, New York, NY 10019

>> No.50373244

>mealworms can be made devoid of any taste which makes it easier to add them into things like burgers for example without harming the taste or texture of the meat
They taste like low dirty peanuts. Also ants are sour and refreshing, wasps are actually tangy and lemony.

>> No.50373253

Cool, see you in 4 hours.

>> No.50373259

frying? we grind them up and turn them into powder so it can be used as filler for products, mealworms don't really have any taste to them other than the fact they kind of taste like corn but thats about it

>> No.50373268

Then they can eat their own lead, because they won't be eating my bugs

>> No.50373281

>artificially making meat more expensive
the thing that's doing that is population growth, there's simply going to be too many people on the planet for them all to consistently eat meat in an enviromentally sustainable way

>> No.50373299

sure you will, if you actually show up i'll buy you a can of coke

>> No.50373308
File: 50 KB, 640x400, B58EB63C-88E7-43C2-9769-9BB54B77784B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bugs aren’t kosher goyim

>> No.50373322

they taste more like corn to me desu

>> No.50373332

Maybe yours were fed differently and purged properly then.

>> No.50373336

This is some tranny logic

>I don't want to be fucked in the ass by a dude on HRT
>-Okay but WHY don't you want to be fucked in the ass by a dude on HRT

>> No.50373353

honestly bugs seems less gross than meat when processed

>> No.50373358

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_8LTUmHWP0 required watching for all /biz/tards

>> No.50373359

These guys look pretty old to me. See >>50372456

>> No.50373368

bugs also seems less gross than you when processed

>> No.50373400

>t. Goyim that lives in a packed city and thinks everywhere else in the world is like that
Travel more youll see that the world id empty af could easely handle 10 billion more people before it gets trully packed

>> No.50373403


>> No.50373446

youre like a sissy girl being "ew bugs"

>> No.50373456

I'm ready to eat the bugs and live in a pod. I just want to be happy. I surrender.

>> No.50373464

youre like a filthy Jew being "eat bugs"

>> No.50373476

Being happy is an order, not a gift desu.

>> No.50373482
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Ah shyte...

>> No.50373487

it looks gross but most importantly it's because it's being promoted as a forced substitute to traditional western forms of animal protein...all the while those who promote eating insects will continue to eat traditional western animal protein.

it's unfortunate you're in this business and aren't aware of this already.

>> No.50373538

>no pesticides or antibiotics
until they become a farmed product...or they'll just add something else to increase production and we'll find out it shrunk our balls in 20 years.

>> No.50373574

>i just think you're retarded
and i think bugs are retarded. i hope your business fails you fucking kike

>> No.50373598

Can this be turned into a trolley problem?
is it more ethical to kill one cow, more similar to a human and has a more fulfilling experience or one million mindless crickets?

>> No.50373601

i understand your life view is mostly comprised of brain rotted /pol/ threads fearmongering the WEF agenda, but protein is protein and you're still being a little bitch about a simple food source that makes sense.

>> No.50373617

>... Because I find it disgusting.
Inability to reason and self insoect is not cool

>> No.50373618

>it's to fight inflation i swear!
>those cost savings will be passed onto the consumer and not just put traditional independent individuals out of business for more soulless high tech jobs
more kike logic.

>> No.50373637

>nigger population growth in africa and poos in india will price me out of meat locally made and processed
your leap of logic is astounding

>> No.50373680

>protein is protein
>you're not allowed to have preferences if there's a logical alternative that benefits all!
this is your brain on malthusianism

>> No.50373694
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It's not the food that concerns me, it's the simple protein source that is trying to shill it.

>> No.50373695

>muh tradition

>> No.50373706

>muh strawman

>> No.50373708

a million insects because they lack a mind

>> No.50373730

>those cost savings will be passed onto the consumer
literally yes, when shit is cheaper than my competitors i make money

>> No.50373738

Mediterranean food is master race, most other stuff is just trash

>> No.50373751

>nigger population growth in africa and poos in india will price me out of meat locally made and processed
yes, when people are willing to pay more for food overseas then it gets shipped over to them, ie. irish potato famine

>> No.50373764

so that's the point. it doesn't fight inflation if you keep the whole spread. you fucked your own reason.
can't wait for research to kike your business when they find out it's not BLACK womyn profiting from the new venture. i bet mealworms and crickets will have a soul in 50 years.

>> No.50373767

Because the people who promote it don't care about my wellbeing.

>> No.50373780
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>muh eating bugs is bad

>> No.50373783

Bugs, as a replacement for meat, is a solution to a symptom of the problems caused by the people who are now graciously offering to sell us bugs as a cheaper alternative to the thing they made expensive.

A cheaper, healthier, meat industry is possible, but overregulation and general government fuckery have made it too expensive to have any sort of high quality, efficient livestock industry in the country that isn't strictly owned by one of the four meat megacorps.... and now that same system, which strangles the meat industry is conveniently allowing in the largest bug-meat production plants we've ever had and letting them to be built in record time.

Greed and corruption and a reckless disregard for human decency do not stop happening just because something contains more nutrients.

>> No.50373787

economics dictates people must be willing AND able to pay more. retard. enjoy your business failure.

>> No.50373819

>a cheaper healtheir meat industry is possible
how? literally how? the amount of land required for cattle grazing is already reaching a breaking point and your solution is to add more cattle?

>> No.50373843

>what is innovation?
>breaking point
is it?

>> No.50373848

Less cows more chicken

>> No.50373854

>thinks literally everyone in india and africa is poor
you're fucking retarded, there's a growing middle class of hundreds of millions of africans and asians with even more wasteful appetites for consooming and that includes meat

>> No.50373867

Only if you intend for meat to be shipped all over the world and feed the entire planet. Also, you drastically underestimate how much farmable, graze-able land exists on this planet, let alone in North America.

>> No.50373873

so you have no policy proposals, no plans, no data or facts but just greentexts and generic platitudes like "we need more innovation" without specifying how to get more innovation, innovation in regards to what and so on? absolute niggerbrained retard cattle

>> No.50373896

where's your business? address and address of al your farms, please.

>> No.50373910

There is no reason to eat bug because other foods are still widely avaible. This come from someone who eat grasshopper and sago worm for fun.

>> No.50373922

meat *is* shipped around the world and super easily too since any african with internet can just order next day delivery of some groceries and pay using credit

the amount of farmable land in north america is vast however we're literally using almost all of it to grow things to feed cattle or to raise the cattle themselves hence why land prices are skyrocketing and why bill gates is buying up land

>> No.50373925

Back to plebbit with you. Just remember that they'll ban you for saying nigger, you nigger.

>> No.50373944

we're not fully ready yet but once we actually complete everything then i'll let you know : )

>> No.50373982

wanting specifcs is reddit tier? you're the most braindead gorilla monkey i've ever seen

>> No.50374003

those foods aren't going to be widely available for long and we're already seeing them become more scarce, remember the food shortages when biden took office? that's going to get worse unless we do something hence why we need to use mealworms to stretch the meat supply

>> No.50374196

I'll eat premium insects like bees and butterflies but I'm not eating your poorfag mealworm shite

>> No.50374221

>current industries cant improve
>eat my bugs or show proofs. reeeee!
your arguments are weak. the sky is blue. or is it not until i show you mountains of data?
and they will produce meat in their markets where they traditionally have not.

>> No.50374245

Land is not becoming more scarce.
Meat is not becoming more unsustainable.
Countries that already could not feed themselves are being used to create changes in countries that can.
Is Eid sustainable?

>> No.50374246

>85 posts by this id
absolute schizo tier bullshit

>> No.50374271

I fucking love processed food!!!

>> No.50374295

What's stopping me from eating offal, mushrooms, or random edible plants? Even if what you said is right, it wont happen anytime soon.
No one can stop me from going outside and find my own food in the wild, if someone need a grocery stores to survive then they fail as human being.

>> No.50374327

Fuck the corporate goodie good talk. You should embrace the irony like Onions did it. Just call your brand Ze Bugs and make it a fun thing, maybe a bit disreputable. 'I caught him eating Ze Bugs.' That shit works great on tiktok.

>> No.50374335

I have absolutely no problem with you making a fortune selling bug powder to the peons who will consume it but (great business idea, I'll look into it myself) I personally, as a patrician and man of higher caste, will continue eating grass fed red meat.

>> No.50374348

>bugmeat can't improve
>eat my cow or show proofs. reeee!
your arguments are weak. bugs are good eatin'. or is it not until i show you mountains of data?

>> No.50374349
File: 869 KB, 498x374, confused-freshprince.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't devein

>> No.50374374

To add further. Why not just sell the bugs to the african and asian middle class? i suspect it would have better market penetration - cheaper and culturally more accepted. this way, we don't "reach the breaking point".
but you won't because you're a fucking kike who wants to A. destroy western civilization and its tradition. B. maximize profits (no problem here, just admit it - you're on biz. or C. both.

>> No.50374400

you can eat whatever you want. my contention is a concerted effort to make other forms of meat unaffordable while still being consumed by the very people making it unaffordable.

>> No.50374411

offal comes from the animals which are unsustainable 'cos of land usage etc. so the same problems, mushrooms are require too many specific conditions in order to be cheap enough to mass produce and too many people are allergic to them and random edible plants are just that, random so if you want to go out there eating every bright coloured plant go do it and tell me how you feel and while it may be sustainable for you, presuming you live in the countryside, it's not sustainable for billions of people to rush into forests and picking them bare

>> No.50374426

Chinese have been buying up meat producers in the USA for years, and most of it will be sent over there

>> No.50374470

Population growth is an overextended narrative. World population will in fact grow till 2050 to sth like 10B and then start declining over the second part of the century. Though the narrative will still be useful to your business. Still think the right thing to do is making it fun and weird instead of that be a good citizen branding or just leveraging up and going for wholesale.

>> No.50374520

that's a fair point but alot of it had to do with their own local production of pork being decimated by swine flu.

>> No.50374563

*like Onions did

>> No.50374577

Instead of thinking about how to make your product more marketable and acceptable. Here you are, making retarded assumption about the world ending unless human eat bugs.
Whatever dude, good luck.

>> No.50374592

here's a policy narrative using WEF info. eat less beef and more chicken and pork and the arguments for bugs collapses.
the comparisons are always beef to bugs but never beef to a less environmentally intense animal.

>> No.50374627

Maybe not, but you serve them, whether you understand it or not.

>> No.50374638

>To add further. Why not just sell the bugs to the african and asian middle class?
because they want actual meat and unlike some westerner working a 9-5 job at amazon plus overtime that uses food banks they can actually pay a high premium for it so the meat producers are just going to send it to them instead

>i suspect it would have better market penetration - cheaper and culturally more accepted.
they don't want it, they want real meat and lots of it since they now have all this newfound wealth

>this way, we don't "reach the breaking point".
now we'd still reach the breaing point if meat production keeps going up and current trends continue unabated, regardless of who is eating the meat it's the unsustainaility of it's production that is the problem

but you won't because you're a fucking kike
no this is just basic market economics, even meat manufacturers are dumping their funds into other food industries because they can see the numbers and thus the writing on the wall, blaming the numbers on jews doesn't change the numbers themselves

>A. destroy western civilization and its tradition.
why would i want to destroy the place where i live?

>B. maximize profits (no problem here, just admit it - you're on biz.
i do want to maximize profits though, this is just a fact

>or C. both.
how would i spend my profits in a destroyed civilisation?

>> No.50374647

true, china took a liking to pork simply out of practicality
america is spoiled by plentiful beef, other cultures see it as luxurious

>> No.50374697

the population is growing and consooming more meat, unless you start rationing reproduction through some dystopic system people are simply going to have to have less of it and more of this instead

>> No.50374709

I'll keep watching you and may invest.

>> No.50374718

world ending? no it'll just become very hellish akin to some sort of mega brazil but worse

>> No.50374741

bingo! they're buying it up because they need to feed the consumption of their growing middle class, you've hit the nail on the head!

>> No.50374819

the problem is the amount of resources dedicated to meat production as a whole, whether you kill a lot of cows and replace them with chicken to get a higher yeild you're still feeding into the problem unless you can somehow get a chicken to grow with like 1/1,000,000th the feed akin to some sort of super mealworm

>> No.50374867
File: 90 KB, 600x600, giga glutton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

america in terms of global food chains is essentially a giga glutton that just consooms an unsustainable amount of food and then cries "how could this have happened to me?" when they've literally eaten the world to near death and now have to eat bugs

>> No.50374925

don't reply to me you schizophrenic moron

>> No.50374930

You know absolutely nothing about plants and animals. Go back. Plants and mushrooms are far from random. Your plan of bug burgers is going to fail because I see from skimming this thread you posses very little knowledge of how any of the world works outside the small bubble you live in. I literally walked outside and ate fresh blackberries off the vine with my wife when she was done gathering my free eggs the hens popped out for me today. Eat your bugs goyim, you're going to have to because none of you learned how to do anything important in the real world

>> No.50374941


>> No.50374976
File: 78 KB, 1000x1000, literally me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your business will fail
>you're retarded
>you're going to *have* to eat the bugs because you're so retarded

so you're saying everyone will have to eat my bugs? based

>> No.50375164

Why don’t they serve bugs at Davos??

>> No.50375269

Because bugs are for poors. Deal with it or get out of your basement and make dollarinos.

>> No.50375303

Yea I don't get it. Bugs have lots of protein and are good for you. Smh, just boomers complaining about nothing like usual. I heard burger king is working on a cricket burger. You know with beef prices being so high, I bet a bug burger would be pretty cheap and tasty.

>> No.50375371

they do and if they didnt i'd presume it's because they can actually afford real meat unlike the literal billions who soon won't be able to

>> No.50375413

basically yes and if burger king made a cricket burger i'd try it desu

>> No.50375501

People used to think eating sea bugs was gross! Lobster was considered slave food, can you imagine that?! Shrimp was fed to zoo animals and fed to insane asylum patients. Now, you have to be rich to enjoy shrimp like that. Well you clowns will be begging for cheap fried crickets soon enough.

>> No.50375514

How you wanna market it?
Do the I'm teaching you what's good for you approach.
The S o y l e n t self-deprecating, technocratic approach.
Or just commoditize it and sell to brands wholesale?

>> No.50375787

The best approach to market bugs would be to hire all the top TikTok stars and have them eating bugs. Food companies should ease the public into it by making fried goods and candies shaped to look like bugs. Another angle would make a hybrid product. Let's say a half and half burger, half meat half bug. You can promote that it's higher in protein and lesser in fat while still having the same great flavor.

I'd call it the fiddy burger, or vitamin burger or super burger. Consumies love clever product names. Also can attach it to a holiday tradition. Coca-Cola synonymous with the red Santa Claus why can't bugs be synonymous with Easter or Thanksgiving? Maybe have Santa eating in half and half burger promoting health.

>> No.50375889

I don't plan on marketing directly to consoomers, just marketing to big companies so they can swap out 60% of burger meat with my mealworm filler, add some artificial beef flavouring and continue to sell burgers at the same price while achieving a sudden 60% more profitability, do you really think people are gonna care when they see "processed natural protein additive" on the back of the packet of their food?

>> No.50375909

why would i eat bugs if i don’t have to? i’ll stick with the trifecta of goodness - beef, chicken, and pork. enjoy your insect diet!

>> No.50375923

i'd prefer to call it something innocuous and vague like "textured natural protein additive" or something more vague so people don't care when they see it in the mountain of other ingredients

>> No.50375939

you will have to soon, meat is soon going to be out of your price range due to the population explosion

>> No.50375983

So instead of fixing the problem we get nonstop workarounds that don't work. I feed my chickens mealworms and I just eat the chicken no problem.

>> No.50375994

That's a good approach. Idk if he has the amount of money needed for it.

Probably better to let the narrative develop, mass produce and sell wholesale. Let VC pumped startups and office stassies come up with all that shit.

>> No.50376033

fried with bbq protein stack

>> No.50376038

are you saying we *should* regulate reproduction?

>> No.50376065

you can get a tiktoker with 10 million subs to say anything you wanted if you gave them like 2-3k

>> No.50376075

> they do
Post proof

>> No.50376095

the chicken is less efficient than if you just cut out the chicken middleman and just ate mealworms, on a mass scale encompassing billions of people cutting out that middleman is the better option

>> No.50376123

>the west wants bugs but not the cultures that currently eat bugs.
>i will tell the market what it wants
>implying there's some unredeamable, breaking point in agriculture but can't articulate what that is
>he doesn't know the ascetic priest from neitzsche

>> No.50376127

I've met people who've met people who've been to davos, I don't have audio clippings of what they told me though

>> No.50376149

>as the population increases, there's simply no way to produce more traditional meat
i bet you thought the world would run out of oil in the 1970s

>> No.50376172

>the west wants bugs but not the cultures that currently eat bugs.
it doesn't matter what the west wants, it matters what's sustainable so i can continue to sell shit to them, dead men don't buy products hence why it's in my interest to keep them from dying in the most efficient way possible

>> No.50376196

No? wtf? if someone said that they were probably only counting deposits that they had access to then if what were then current trends continued

>> No.50376252

we're not at marginal production, resources, or peak innovation. why not just get rid of all motor vehicles and have us all ride bicycles because the world is running out of oil? oh wait, electric cars can become a thing. it's ok if you don't have an imagination. you're assuming whatever the trend is now - there will be more of it in the future. typical midwit thought.

the fact that there's such a pushback to the bugs on here and you constantly have to defend it means you probably don't know your target market or maybe top down methods of marketing don't work.
show me a youtuber who lives off grid or whatever who grows their own mealworms for human consumption and aschews traditional meat. i'll wait.

when given a choice, people in the west don't want to eat bugs. simple as.

>> No.50376270

>Bugs have lots of protein and are good for you

Bugs from the wilderness, not the bugs genetically enginereed, feed with basedbeans, remains of other bugs and grinded without even removing their toxic poo or parasites from its body.

>> No.50376279

>it doesn't matter what the consumer wants. what matters is what others have decided.

>> No.50376388


>we're not at marginal production, resources, or peak innovation. why not just get rid of all motor vehicles and have us all ride bicycles because the world is running out of oil? oh wait, electric cars can become a thing. it's ok if you don't have an imagination. you're assuming whatever the trend is now - there will be more of it in the future. typical midwit thought.
the world [with the exception of the us] has either moved over or is moving over to pubilc transport with the most obvious examples being india and china, electric cars put a dent in the problem but aren't feasibly able to tackle it like china is. You call me a midwit but i'm thinking long term, just as the bourgeoisie of the past had to convince the peasants to eat potatoes in order to keep things sustainable and productive so too will we convince them to eat mealworms

>the fact that there's such a pushback to the bugs on here and you constantly have to defend it means you probably don't know your target market or maybe top down methods of marketing don't work.
Nah, these people are just holdovers from the older generations who aren't able to acclimate to the modern world as much and thus are hostile to it, they'll eat it when regular meat becomes too unsustainable and expensive for them to afford

>when given a choice, people in the west don't want to eat bugs. simple as.
it will be your choice however land is becoming more scarce and meat is becoming more and more unsustainable for a global population as large as ours so while it'll be a choice it'll be a choice in the sense that you choose not to eat Wagu A5 prime cuts every day instead of poorer quality meat

>> No.50376409

Bro his target market is the companies that sell you the meat you buy. He just needs to convince them it's cheaper for them. They already feed them animals hormones so they grow faster and people don't care. Consoomers are just interested in how it tastes.

>> No.50376415

I'm fine with it as long as it's clearly labelled on the package as insect derived gmo protein. Sounds like a pretty tough sell desu, anon.

>> No.50376416

Pretty much. Food is like fashion, I remember when wearing tight jeans meant you were a faggot. Now I see everyone wearing them. Consumies do whatever their masters tell them. Men now collect sneakers like women collected high heels and I also remember when most men would laugh at that behavior.

I think people would accept mystery foods labeled oddly, for example you go into a supermarket and you can buy ice cream or cheaper brands which are labeled frozen dairy dessert or frozen treat with the same packaging as regular ice cream. I believe a similar method can be used for bug burgers for great effect. Instead of calling it a burger maybe call it the cheddar stackhouse or the grilled cheddar stackhouse. That kinda sounds like a burger but not actually labeled as a burger.

>> No.50376417

no, it matters what's sustainable so i can sell shit to them, you tell me how i'm supposed to sell shit to consumers who are already dead, i'll wait

>> No.50376445

like Sapper Morton in Blade Runner 2049? nigga i'd advise you wait for 2049 and play some shoot&loot like TimeRaiders to earn crypto

>> No.50376462

This. Pork is the answer.

>> No.50376478

>Bro his target market is the companies that sell you the meat you buy. He just needs to convince them it's cheaper for them.
Yep, they'll do all the marketing for me and people will either not care or look at the ingredients on the back of the packaging and see that their food has triple the amount of protein so either way it's a win.

>> No.50376498

>Consoomers are just interested in how it tastes.
B I N G O! , you've not only hit the nail on the head but you've practically fucking nuked it!

>> No.50376509

Eating insects is seen as an ultra poorfag thing. You will never be able to push eating whole insects to the general public barring maybe a nuclear apocalypseor similar disaster.

If you're talking about grinding up bugs and adding them to food, that already happens to some extent but even in this situation it's not really widely known by the public and you'd have to keep it that way.

>> No.50376526

Just let me eat the basedbeans instead, do we have a deal?

>> No.50376532

if it was called something like "natural textured protein" would you care?

>> No.50376558

it doesn't matter if the public knows or not, it just has to be widespread enough for people to not feasibly want to go through the effort to change it, akin to how pink slime is used in mcdonald's burgers, everyone knows but nobody gives a shit

>> No.50376568

>you'll die unless you eat bugs
tell me how i know you're the real klaus?

>> No.50376583

He isn't.
Ask me how i know.

>> No.50376586

yep, if people buy "american cheese flavored textured food product" they'll buy what i'm selling

>> No.50376606

>your quality of life will decrease massively unless you move over to a more sustainable food source
yes, it's in my interest to help everyone move over so they stay alive and make enough money to spend on consumption

>> No.50376621

So true, I seen the McDonald's mcnuggets video with a guy looking at the meat under a microscope. It was loaded with mystery blue plastic. Looking at the comments of said video I noticed all the top comments saying how they dont care and begging him to stop trying to ruin McNuggets reputation. Once they eat the bugs, they will fight anyone who attempts to take it away, lol.

>> No.50376627
File: 55 KB, 680x478, 65CE3C8E-C6DE-4B4A-95F0-86D8F57931FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it’s fucking gross. Same reason why I don’t eat shellfish because they’re nasty fucking sea bugs. Land bugs are even worse because you’re literally eating bug shit, bug brains, bug piss, and bug cum because that shit is too small to separate.

Would you eat chicken or turkey burger if they just threw them into a grinder whole? Feather, intestines, beaks, eyes, and all??? You’re literally eating GREEN ground up chicken TURD in your meat. Hard chunks of chicken beak and bone, chicken COCK and chicken BUTTHOLE. That’s gross, eat it if you want you fucking animal but I would rather starve. I would rather resort to cannibalism that begin eat handfuls of nasty insectoids. I bet you would eat cockroaches too you nasty bitch.

>> No.50376628

Yes because my suspicions would instantly be raised that you were trying to feed me insects.

>> No.50376634

Do you wanna do the bug production/harvesting AND the burger recipes? Bet there's a lot of patent stuff to do.

>> No.50376644

objectively false given that there's endless marketing on humanely raised animals, organic farming, grass fed, local, fancy packaging, and literally what op is peddling - sustainable. all of which has nothing to do with taste.
the fact there's such an elaborate discussion here speaks to the contrary.
your business won't even fail because you're selling bugs - there is a market for that. it'll fail because you're completely retarded as a businessman.

>> No.50376664

how do you know?

>> No.50376677

Wait till you hear about men's make up. Stryx guy's gonna be a billionaire

>> No.50376684

How do I profit from the coming bug market? Anyone know some good bug stocks?

>> No.50376693

I literally told you i have seen it >>50372292

>> No.50376695

yep, mcnuggets contain the chemical used to make fucking yoga mats but they'll fucking kill you if you try and take their nuggies away

>> No.50376711

>Same reason why I don’t eat shellfish because they’re nasty fucking sea bugs.
i respect the consistency

>> No.50376723


yes,yes and no, i don't plan on making burgers but instead just selling the bug protein to people who do and yes there's so much fucking patenting shit to do it's insane

>> No.50376762

go for it op
the worst that could happen is you don't sell and get to keep all that protein for your gains
similarly i staked the NFTs i couldn't sell on Artlink for passive income

>> No.50376787

These are premium products for upper class virtue signalling millennial women and the simps that wanna fuck them. It's more niche so you can charge way more.

The normal consoomer that drives Ford and likes watching Mr Beast just cares about the taste. Watch an interview with the Four Sigmatic founder talking about how they tried to gain mass appeal. Consoomers don't care if mushrooms are healthy, more organic than coffee. They'll drink it if it's tastes good. Health signalling is a bonus.

>> No.50376792

if i tried to raise a 100 trillion cows on earth using sustainable practices there'd be a problem, the earth would still be dying because no matter how good i'm treating the animals there's a finite amount of arible land etc.
the people on 4chan are not representative of the wider public, the same people who eat mcdonalds "food" filled with microplastics,onions,xenoestrogens,seed oils, pink slime, chemicals used to make yoga mats etc. will eat this too

>> No.50376820 [DELETED] 

Try 55 Tiemann Place #50 if you really are in NY already.

>> No.50376831

>Why are people so averse to the idea of eating mealworms if they''ve been processed?
Because they're bugs retard

>> No.50376860
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x1684, food catastrophe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say wait between 2023-2025 because there's a huge famine coming and although it's not nessecarily going to kill many it's going to make food prices soar and people's diets shrink massively to cope with it.

>> No.50376886

is that near the big church?

>> No.50376946

No wonder why they want to keep the war in Ukraine going. The bread basket of Europe covered in war and can't produce enough wheat, perfect for the bug future. It's quite amusing how they just straight up admit to us what's going to happen.

>> No.50376947

Riverside is nearby yes. But i suggest you make an appointment with the consultants first. You are smart anon. Just do some homework and dont tell them you got that adress from here.

>> No.50376967

nah, i'm applying for subsidies from the FDA and USDA sustainable food programs which also guarantees all loans deemed "business appropriate" so if i fail i'll just probably sell this operation

>> No.50376990

when there's no butter, no wheat and only a little meat what else is there going to be?

>> No.50377013

i thought all around that area were just apartments and bars?

>> No.50377033

The /pol/, /biz/ botposting crossover is exhausting

>> No.50377047

It’s just polcels seething at everything that doesn’t fit their limited worldview. They are getting tired of vaccines and transgender people so they need a new boogeyman.

>> No.50377061

you know what wasn't predicted in 2021? the coming food catastrophe. this is all recent hype. in 2024 we'll be worried about something else. enjoy being a continuous pawn to the media.

>> No.50377072

I gave you the business adress. You will find out which LLC is based there and how to make an appointment.

>> No.50377088

i told you and you strawmanned my argument. you seriously don't want to know.

>> No.50377150
File: 39 KB, 897x287, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50377185

I'll have one of my friend's assistants check it out in a few hours

>> No.50377200

He wants to profit from a narrative which is a completely reasonable thing to do especially if you can get subsidized. Doesn't matter if it plays out or not. I'd advice you to do the same unless you want to start eating bugs in the near future.

>> No.50377211

makes sense, poltards are pretty annoying sometimes

i want explainations, not just "they're icky" but some actual reasoning as to why they're bad

>> No.50377268

this narrative is overblown but true in the main which is why i think it'll be profitable and you are right about subsidies, they'll subsidise anything nowadays, i know a guy who runs a small bank who got 30 million in subsidies, shut down the bank and just retired lmao

>> No.50377273

Those guys can help with certification and have some contacts. Deleted it because of seething polcels all around.

>> No.50377291


Becuase they are trying to normalize this over meat as a replacement becuase it’s easier to control and manage populations. That’s fucking why you stupid ass.

>> No.50377325

nice, thanks bro

>> No.50377343

it's easier to control and manage populations when they eat bugs (which anyone can grow) over cattle (which only farmers can grow)? you're retarded as dogshit

>> No.50377453

My chickens eat lots of bugs that humans can't eat or catch. Much more efficient to do things naturally.

Yes, holding on to ideas that perpetuate problems will bring nothing but doom. Societies have executed criminals for thousands of years. Stop paying for their children and letting them out to reproduce. If we can afford to pay people to have children we can afford pay them not to have children.

>> No.50377492

Lol. Was thinking of new ventures. Up the list is stuff for boomer women. They spend so much money on all the artsy, crafty things and are loyal costumers and totally under-marketed. Everybody wants to sell to fickle zoom zooms and millwhimsicals. You think I can get subsidized by saying I'm offering them community and belonging so they feel taken care of which relieves the understaffed elderly care sector?

>> No.50377623

doing things naturally isn't efficient at all in the slightest, hence why we have mass production

i agree with you on the depopulation idea but it aint gonna happen in the current climate

if you can make a company and have a coherent idea you can find a lawyer to sift through the papers and find out what federal loans,grants, assistance and subsidies you'll get because holy shit they're giving money away at this point especially if you're a small bank

>> No.50377655

Are people really this bored with their lives?? Over 100 posts in the same thread?? Jesus fucking Christ, it’s be one thing if it was funny…

>> No.50377761

yes please do, post everything about your business to Business and Finance, gretchkin.

>> No.50377938
File: 238 KB, 900x900, only darkness now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>111 post by this ID

>> No.50378011

mister bug bot sir, I for one think its an excellent idea. I would like to speak further with you about why I think it is a excellent idea. If we could speak in person I'm sure I could lend some insight into how others would be more open to the idea.
Perhaps an in person meeting is in order?

>> No.50378059

scroll up, i already said what hotel i'm in right now